HBnHr-SjnKSK'^.-i , - ?,* , -^Bv ?^^BS -~jB I^^Km^.'-.^KlII^^K- |^B ^BSSteS^BB . ???|BS .-. "*?'%' :~~ - -i ~ - v .^: '*' . - _ I y- v, *v ?* -'.* -sjg^c-y ? '~f^^^B^"v;^w " ?- ^WIHM . 91 ; .. ^jrrr *jBT- ^ M* / ^ .'--.L R^ '_. . Bfg? ..i.,. K-",B ' ???- 9 f V: t '~-.n , : ; .''": "?'.> ?? .';' ' .?? ?' '"? ??? '. ?.-??- r ^ ??' _y*** r-':"* ". ?*?';; ^" ^ ^v -'" v.ii).*: r^Vf-f r -'1 ?' ^ ^Jr >* ???%??? - .' ? ,n'y.' "???* * ? *. '15^. '~* Ej_* jS '"-'iBt"*/ jfe/' ^"^ir ~'T'^xz^]ti 7 s- - 1 oioiitm t i 9FTT rhTTNTT NORTH CA80UK4 FRxDaVY, MAY i^tl^ 19S0 NX7M&EB _ - - ? ?* ?^?? ? .,-< .?. af A.KJB ? ? ??>'- ~?- -ft J X VVU?* ' A V VOL. TWttTf^l ra?uw^ *"* V _ , _ -. ? - .-- ' ? ' II ? ???I'l " ' ' " . -j*W jl -v j XjkT . Md^PP I ?> _ _\* ?# vk " t rKvl^-1 v/1 [tf. in v Mi\rSft s* . j^jjuBft^ h^^|bhMp ?WMBf l H? 4L-X ?;?. '. jjiTSMajr a^fci" **- .? I | ^ ^ ^ a ? l^b^y * ib^ IP Scct& aviwnu NMW I Saioott 1.1 < tft JiiijLitiiMM V i| fViiiwBiiM fn niHIn u i' BoSMflHfttSKVB him aboet a rtriuthfrffffi ttfT adopt- j * ? 1 ? ~ ^ ~__ "^ . . + ""-" ? | "If thai got in Dwight Morrows | 'way, it not oar fault," he asserted! row, Ambassador to Mexico, who is a J ?!??? en prohibition bare not yet been j MeBridi said be did not^pemtJ ly knew former Senator FieHnghuy-l sen, who is opporJug Morrow for the! Domination. <4W> that be had! been surprised to receivereports that I, race. He said he did not knew Fort}1 The witness wid that final action j' ' by the orgs^ntint had been deferred 1 time to make statements as to their I < "I think every candidate, wet orl' f - dry, should have his day in court be^r ) fore he iscadflraed for or against" he 11 ? ? ? 1 fi I exptoned* f At the cenelusion of todayY hear-11 ing, the committee adjourned until! n**r$ Tuesday, when examination ofH f McBride wffl be resumed The ad&nrj \j msnt wuj directed by Chairman Car- j \ away NCton committee members | would be tied up with otter hearings j %$&TOs^w?fMS^d sBbftj. I 11 ^T^ianilihniMl*rnsli rgi.^TTai i iif s i j Mel-J ad in 1927 fatorable to the league's! the only wet on the committee j read from'mfnotos of an .executive j ' H thlt CeoUdge and MsBon "Bah Ltfnftv Mnbhvl rf As unmis-i' pWWJ Me W* Uiftlliy I I ? * _ _ * tiro MrfWh which said most of the du-f OXUieU4tHs iHitfrtva JIlliY UrvKIvvClaw. "Hp*j jEwSB^^^pfcy^. * J ? .' ?" . - - . . . Its* tn ism ilui mlmutU Af I m?9>~mmra w wrn iw wwes oij ^spkiiibii ' . :._ kfltvkftoap ' v?v?>- Tjfc2$0S - B ?JW^ 32- Ms^82i? j Mow ih tok TT. A _ " ?"?; 1 ] T M ? ^ - ? * ..; v.'^, mm > J his>p**a? IMBT # Hf |pB9 -tte Add *u fkeiMiihted," so If W*4 dewn sad mode for it," he co*-l. looped, eafcsingthe rivet* in one c?l the wheels to pufl oat. Otherwise the] ?^?Thad bad weather most of the] Imaft-running through storms overt I most of Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylva-j D^r". J I . He was asked if he intended to try 1 Mgais for the record | I cant say at this time," he re* r4 ______ I^The antomohfie is as deadly a* far. to oA 'em. ' ~ - _____ in commercial wSttoTin ^th^high 5 I The most interesting thing shoot the tpeed with which we ch ange car ?(ii^iiihiii^iiiifjfoiij in^vidwm wsy Tomorrow. /mh^I Birttft siifi ^ MTixr otiierl n?$n ksyc bssn $3k$n sw3y j f/ir: rt-^ mmmj I Jtn~J_rh ^I?.A{M jft*"JtMfi i? ?-_ I ?> V "' ? :. ? * :?v 1 t * 9UJK* UkMS> llf^^WW^W I . 1 I i n a ,__ . [ Mftj fnwnHflii - *hn? "'#iiiAesi^te^tff-;lriitifc'i I V ? ? , -. i'i^r'; -^T-I,''-,V ; i K/voTfi (? vHiaa^^ttflp*? v. ft% "4nnii^ni^r* -vJHMttfnAYl iAN|U\t| ' IMBvWMK . "-- ?*? >1 '-y 2&&y 31 ttS ,? W---v ? . V ' The ffffiitwHi^f W6IPB couuuutcd to I tixuk ? "ffiprtlj dut) C8JH^P 18. to 24? Ka^h tf th6S6 four dob iQ6inb6Ts Itiwe reunity ^it$i^ns6s* ' 18 ys&rs eld yij ? ^ ^ ; * . ' SffHiv nfT Yj)[yyiiiy *? - x,' * **- -v _r^.-r:> ^cr^BBrTri*'^* i {nbof ' JOvuj I it her evtttL*' ' aihingtoo^ fflpy<^ftyu^*jltPW>o.u y ir-fy&jtL~~*,?''3*'^^? c ;?*'*i'^*"fr? 3>.^ .-;-r~'\*-:.~ .',<*;/:**r. "*irfrv'j -.-'' ^ "y | c^yi ^6Ct>i(w^ w ft in ~ ii\jjHy'"' ^ | . '- s S/g ?{Lv Vi f I W y F w cy g |jt*i K | I VT 7?'''- " ' '?"** "p ' '* **" * 'v i.* - A V.? - IK ^if'.iVT* Y ' c'^'|5 haje a biased view in our estimate of J ta Wi. party who a? |^?it election J own ffl-ludfr ^having their President 1 campaign aiidnrt tNfatf^oirtd^ not I stand in W*& of the *ses*tioalV. - | _ ^, | | mm ? , ^ '? I but Xchan Gay's one hand stab saved "j (niA finy Mmi MIA AMaiwA. pnflPft Tftvofmy I [and bAttbur. f wj ' "* *7 '? J ?? __ - . . - T5ie decision was i^nilnd in trt :-.. - ?: HHnimttuted fimfl&hfora were paid |2 esiifctMi wiTlle pay on #S?tb? i jowpenantion was to be _ granted ^ ahoul/be granted* ^ ?&*>' ^wSpE^S*' Iat ordered to pay Moore's hospital^ loctora' and medical bi.'is and to for ; '' ?' ' ) ' ' ';' , 't>-- .y--vr>i.?.- ..J- > ?-,! Ill I. --y,. ?.;????. 'I Kfert Of Pl*y In AmUw pSMft Akme Runs Up To ? MoreHwHalf A Billion much the people of the United! : feSs spend on recreation, nobcdy I an figure with any vety gose up Bnoadi of accuracy. But the United States Department of ? ^Jommeroe has tc spend probably upwarTof half a dUion~-five hundred milHon-^ellart , jf^the tJftftod $tates tt&- ?% whole, I think thflt is, q ^ood inm?yf 1 ? v- ? mK'|:f-'~?A-'Viiy?;?-- ? *? f ?' Jd '2* JA"^ ?' ? I 1 ? ? * 'I i - '? . ? - " ' . ^ */z*'TT*' ' '". 7* ? ?I*-' ^,lF '~' 'f ;?'?* :J. ?r? yfous*jB i i i ? c mi "ii 11 "*? S^'51-* T-,'" .4- # A - ?? ? ? ? ? "i"? ? '* v'l L^*" ' r - ' j'j woixn ^arouna cars in bwwi vniwiM have to stert f keep gfrrfnr ua*" Cant. Famer said. Th* / ^ ^ ' slodedj?'%. f t&fe:>}Y. - 'J' 1 The majority of the South Caroli na caw seized in this State were ill the Chadbourn %pd WhiteviHe sections - '?-???? The dollar is the only thing wr cate think of that goes faster after it is W^-%^ ' - ^ci' ' :? : The sparing of the ateednyp rod ner 8t spoiled any ehito. ^ 1 : ? ' '* '?? " " .! ^ _. 1 11 j< ??:'? rJPpmen may learn to-smoke, hit they'll never quite squat*- the - qMipF^.; of the men In misslag the mipiihir 'Wr iv **; 1 ' V'.-' \ ~fX ' buM^^Sef.nw.theywUl.twl AN APPRECIATION / SSKs^i&SS&ESS^ 5* 5 ;^&2- ..? - r-5; f/jf ;|k AMMM At - fhft ftVUMITL ^ Judsgd Aim, H6 (<068 ^ot 80tt ^jpiOntiyt v^yjy ?^J" ;i ^ ' J - - ,-jLijrT '-7V ?$g *? WSJ i nA VVRAMMNEh^; K4a B 'llfttl(!T\t OYIn AQ^J? i' ' j S* 8p|f0S pn, 1. 5 Ryt