L .--?? ?,> . ] ~ '-. C ?? "'.i > '--"? ' ^ ; J "' x -?_ ? I ' _ -",;? * 1 " , VM ,??J uiui,. mr, ?&??? Ir.^.ii ,??- . . L?_j,,f J-??.??..? ????..? ??,? i^_-.? ; .. - ? ? * ~.r~ 1 ~~ YOL, TWETTY-ONS FABMVILLE, PITT COUNTY, NORTH-CAROfclNA, FRIDAY, JUNE 20th, 1930 NUMBER qxy pw~j y % Holes ud^Citsfl jibyJIachmas et Rrte 3% tineJaTSride, with 81 holes punch ed hi it That is the way you appear oa Un<*e Sam's records in Washington, pro tided the Census enumerator found yen and tuned in his report according to schedule. And, so far as the- Government at Washington is conferasd with you ease, that's all they know or want to know about you; Ykwr name does not appear oh the card. It is on the enumerator's sheet, of course, but those axe all baldd up and stored away in a vault where there isnt one chance in a million of you individual name be ing*' dug out far any imaginable pur pose. In the course of time these old Reports will go to the paper mill, and then the only identity -yon wffl have loft is the punched card, look ing j somewhat like a rectangular cut at Swiss cheese. Ja fast as the enumerators' re-1 trrne come to Washington they are I turn#*. over to several hundred young I women who sit all day in. frontlm dectmehily operated te* chines ?nd transfer-the ?hnmeuator'S inform^bM to tbese?tBanb. Avouch in a cemEn position- on the card means that you live i na certain state or territory. Another punch in dicates your county, a third you; town, a fourth your census enumer ation district. The holes are all the same size, the only difference for , each fact recorded being the positiom of the hole in the card. There a|v as many keys on the puncfaii 9L?A/ chine as there are possibl<"3i3eg&*rt ? facts about any individual aipd the ouerator merely preteee <^tbe~ Correct key and the martuafr' punches the hole in the righl^pluce. "? A punch in one poaftfeto means you live on a farm, in nether but you dont Whether you are male or;|a^: male is indicated by another rpoaeh in a differeat place. jJChkr or race, age, whether marrM^' siaglfe or'' widowed, your education ststus^ ue-' upation and all of the other bother some questions which you have to answer for the Census man, all axe reduced to holes in a card. When all of the required holes have been punched in a card, it is fed into anotbe highly ingenius machine, which at one operation adds the facts which the card contains to all the other facts of the saipa character/ This-second madrine-has hundreds of fttHe* metal reds or pMngers, o*e for ?very possible position of a .bole in a card - Nothing happuus when one of the plungers toadies the surface of the eari ata-pofafcafc ufckh time ; is no hole, but wherever there is a hole in the eard, one of the metal plungers goes right through it For example, if yod'axw a^tadnese, none of the plungers indteatiiv Mexican, Indian negro or Filipino Mood would, go through the eand, but thS one" con nected with the CfctaBse eonntmr would pan through the -hole which, indicates Chinese birth. In doing this it makes an dectrkal eonteet whkh registers anethearfigux* on the ems* ting other plungers which figds p-hole to go into. An thirty-one of them make their records simultaneously, and the punt bad cards pass Utrfu^h^ each the rata of 17S|00d a ddy. _ - * xT *. ? . a CAMP CHARLES MAIL ADDRESS I A YMBHPDKJ DATS ANNOUNCED ? ?? m I Ctnv Chtfiei, tiw B07 Scoot reten -j__ ?-v 'fc -C v"~T'? ??,v^_ f f ^ A- rtm I .' - ?? '*' QHFDDD i JjHKWIt ^JCCAUDC }Tl ??^ r ? Syr PfjRlfSiBA^ T fh i .gfcSS^BMt . A. B. Owe;y, Greenville attorney, who several day* ago announoad that feewould ask fcr a second primary to aekUo the race for to Senate between tot he had changed his mad and would not aafc for thensn-uff contest. In a formal statement to hkeeosti ed from a realization of to expense and inconvenieooe '^hieh the people of ojtanother primary. He expressed ap :be received in the primary Saturday weak, and saii he would always feel grateful for the support accorded ham. I Corey and Kount ratcirwd the highest vote in the three-cornered race for the Annate of the North Carolina Legislature in the primary a week, ago S. J. Everett was the third fanjjfefafa, by*to tarfeT^te*rf*tlL otor two contestants. Shartly after the primaru Corey announced that he would seek a second contest, but since tot time has Mfcanged his mind because of to ex-1 posse and inconvenience involved. ' W. J. Bundy, candidate for * to Bouse of Representatives, also had to ,right of demanding a second primary fedth J. W. Holmes of Fhrnmlle, but fee declined taMBart fhtiiqH anfemn ?ounced thdfef W) tjlieii flUunhy. is only one dfeeesdKandidate of to re cent election demanding a run-off fight. That is S. L Dudley, candidate for to Board of County Commission ers, who is opposing J. Paul Daven port, of Pactohis, present chairman of Tw o constables in Chieod and Biev&sDam townships have also slgnifie^feth^ intention of entering another cofifcal^le determine to fight fhp to office^tHf^heir particular dis VSlr ] LX.&.\ -r: U'" ? i 'i " ' m protect the entirepteafc by meara of a sprinkler 'system.* "YhtetenlT'teil^ be of tiie standard ellipoeiaibbottba type, elevated to ft heigft^uf 85 feet by means of ft three pabeP tower. j The three fcotvateri ritefrfdpevalf be rivited solid *> the t^Mimin^ ating all chances of^lSskr as an adtStioail I support *to^rtte structure. Nef front easing will be Decenary. J. L. Eye oi~ the Chicago Bridge and Iron works has takwnchftrge of the erection of the.tsnk~...The stedT for the struct*!* was fabricated bp the same company at the if a?tern plant in Greenville, Penn. ?a*i NOTICE OF SAlcE ' ^ Under and by virtue of jkxwer of sals contained in that caktttd* Mort gage executed by Daniel Dupiee arid wifej-Cora Dupree, to Joha Hfll Pay dor, under date of April ajd,1887,6f -record in Book Y-15 at psgw:288 of County Registry, " default [baring been made in the payment of the -indebtedness therein described, the" undersigned will sell for Cash to frindggheat tedder, before the Court House door in the Town of Green ville, N. (X, on ; : Monday, July! 21^1*50 ^ at 12 t>**kfl0?n ii liin is Me Northwest 12Sfc feet to^tiu r1' V' J i/?i |^Bi_/^'"Sos - - ,{3 StTwU.1 ^ "" * ? ?? r ~ > v IttMiogo Qi^injBt visitor eh*%^?? '^7'. Sill tfSSffi?> ^-*.;?? - ?" >"&???*^|2I ? :l .. f ? ? ,,, ?3 M Mll l&a I _ ?? ?? ? T ififty-thixd anniversary of th* a World War veteran and mem of the AmeTOg^^J, gave ft at ny and dtisen of Wilson," and a tiy" of Mr; Barrett's, presented Hag and told of the war records te past generations of thei May, a and Bynum families. He also of Mr. Barrett's part in the d War and exhibited the flag torn and tattered,?! under which raght Nancy Barrett, the lovely daughter of Mr. Barrett, unfnrl ie flag aa the Star Spangled er was snn& Mrs. T. C. Turnage jusly accepted the flag for the ter, ending hier speech *roh -a m 'The Flag." Mrs. C. T. Dixon The American Flag" by Mrs. 11 Fletcher Hobart Abases of Tag was given by Miaa Lyda U Mrs. E. & Beasley led the Salute and Ma, G. M. Holden ?What Our Pledge Means." In wledgement of' gratitude, the er gave a rising vole of thanks . Barrett for his thoughtful, ?MhgtiK;' J ^tm!"' ? Ifpio matters, "The yaimng Party/ and "Seeing' Nellie Home" were rendered by the Sextette with Mr*. S. W. Joyner at the pi*m. Mrs* W. B. Murphy, of Snow IjiEtt, gwe an interesting tain on the %efivitlifc of the P. A. R An editorial from the Kinston Free Press w|s read urging the Chapters in Eastern Carolina to take aetif ^pff 4e^Sk made by Mra^Tdfridfre jjn n UQW tanee speech #6r the State D. A. R., the marker erected by the Colonel Alexander McAllister Chapter of Snow Hill, to General Holliday and The Old Hall Road, that the State Highways be known by historical pastes instead of numbers. " Vwter the business session, during HfiMi two nanf^, MA Geo. Jeffer ^^^MMisa? A|lie JLoudse Fountain, hiw eommhted, and unandouslv ac the- folowing prtgranr was ft Hfhtihial Prtitffirw read by'.Miss oaMCfcl onial-Needlewart and- Weaving^ by Missi Mkftha Out, showed n*ch fibonght and pstparation. > QkHiHjji,* mhi given from Mm. Waiter Weeta*rf,r Regent of Thomas Hadley Chapter, D. A. R. iMr*. Ai F. Wflflama, President of thjeT Wotoans fa. ste^ woas, *m J. C. SUee of Waon, Mm Ophelia of Rock? Mount, grftat fern* of Ngltey fiarretti and Miss:MM?^ Hue of Atlanta, Ga. Thesextette -then sang "Sleepy Hollow Tune." A tetor scheme of red, white-andblae, symbolic of the day and the occasion was carried out in the ffdwers and in the fatten on the plates of delici ous refreshments served'b^'the hott eesiei/Miss Irma Carraway and Mrs. Hugh & Sheppard. They were aaai#t ? ed in'TOceivlng and serving by Mrs. C. EL Moore and Mrs. W. H. Whit more. The chapter adjourned fori the summer month*. ' Special guest# were: Mrs. Ophelia of Rocky Mount, 'Miss Mary Jerome of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. W. B. Murphy of Snow Hill, Miss Lou Daniel, lb*. A. F.TOffiams, Mrs. J! C. Hales, MM Wells, Mm J. Ed. Woodard, MSI W. W. Thompson,-Mrs. Morris, Mrs. A, Mk BauWrMrs. Ash Hfaea^ tki> Ma# ?Wedt*H5rte^?f Wilson, fti*l *' -5 to^M wnij . j-\ # Thnm ciarea i^proBcnmlii^b ? -ffi ^ Ruth McCorraick is- the Re- ] publican candidate for the senate last April carried the Thompson for ce* hack into r oarer in Cook County ^8s^p^i^ilic^^u affairs* *lwt s^j^^_^iiscl^^h3os I I Igoe further charged on the l'D? reassignment, u ur vwu yKuw officials followed pubfc indignation ter a week ogo. The city council is scheduled to start its furtigation of the police d3?hrfl?to?lfnorrow 09 ?M inrj? alrhady fcafl been Chief Justice Ttenis J. Normoyle, of criminal court, to get at the truth of the connection between prime und pol Also, Mayor V to scad to tee eity fcofc!?lat&fiiorirow the name of a; xnen^rocceed Com of t^j *11 ? ENTERTAINS BRIBGE CLUB ?. * -*V|? WMjlHMSeBMM ....! Miss Louise Smith delightfully en tertained the members of the Wed nesday Afternoon Bridge Club at her home on Wilson Street Tables for bridge were arranged in the living room, which was very attractively decorated with cut flowers. After several progressions the hostess serv ed a refreshing salad course. Special guests for the afternoon were Miss Allie Fountain, of Fountain, mid Miss Edith McGranaham. NOTICE OF SALE ? Under and by virtue of power of sale tfabained in that certain Mort gage executed by J. S. Battle and wife Carrie Battle, to John Hill Fay lor, under date of February^,-?28, of record in Book X-1& at page 870, of flie Pitt County Registry default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein described; the u*MfB?i'*imselZ for Cash to the highest .bidder, before the court hous^dooripJthb ToVrriof Greenville, N. C.|'?n? Monday, July 21st, 1980 at 12 oVkeF Noon tiie following descrmed real estate? I Beginning- at an iron stake in line I of I. S. Bennett, corner of lot No. 8 on George Street, thence in a South I easterly line of Lot 8, I. S. Bennett's, 110 feet to line of Wheless Drag Co., thence with line weateriy/direction to Moore Street, when^tended and parallel withfirst r Nfc 4rtt)th*Gi E;-||aewwiW**ifiooj ? 118 Nap Book One page > from G R Mdorfe>and ?&<*?< ? Battiera?J Carrie Battie, reeord 1 This the 17th day of June 1888. Jota HiU Paylor, Mprtagee, I ^ vfaW'W-??!&? '-?iit-:> ?< .-.J*? - fl I .'*43?""" " '?- ,f& -W& * f Ml # ? iK^^SFT^y thatLCannon appeared before the ! in the aoind of lay tonest man" j 5ffi?'?iSf"S| bishop^ statements as e falifthftdAT tbe ^ed recti ac?t In futi&tion, flnkham asserted that if tho Methodist Episopal church, 1 presented to the lobby committee,-*5t < is inconcehrable that he woukl hate arath, had known all of the facte . ts. inconceivable that he) would have beidn continued by if as one of its 4 spiritual 'leadefK** AThe- appearaaeaSof Cannon before ? the %bby committee followed testi rfbnjrby Tfi&ham that the churchman 1 had received $65,300 from Jameson 1 and that only $17,090 of the amount j had been reported to Congress. A final report by the lobby com- j mittee o^its examination of Cannon late today, but Chairman Carraway postponed it until tomorrow in order not to interfere with legislation, He gave notice that he would "have something to say" when the report j It '^11 consist merely of the tran- ( script of Cannon's examination which SKowi that he refused to answer 1 questions about his political activi- J ties. V ? ? t J NOTICE OF SALE 1 1 " ? < Under and by virtue of power of - sale contained in that certain Mort- '? gage executed by John Atkinson, to ? John |HflI Paylor, under date June , 8th, 1622, of record in Book U-18 at page 462 of the Pitt County Begistry; default having been made in the pay- ^ ment of the indebtedness therein de- , scribed, the undersigned will sell for Cash to the highest bidder, before the ' courthouse door in the Town of Green- ( ville, N. C., on? ' Monday, July 21st, 1939 at 12 a'deck Noon the following described real estate? 1 Lying and being in the Town of Farmville, beginning at an Iron stake on the Jennie Lang line, and running with Jenny Lang Hue 72 feet, thence j South 111 feet to iron stake on Mary Atkinson line;. thence West With Mary Atkinson line to Bennetts Street; thence North with Bennett Stfceet to the beginning being part of lot bought of R. L. Davis, and where Perry Atkinson lived at time of con veyance to John Atkinson, coatain ?8-8 of aa acre more or less. Be the same tract'deeded by Perry Atkinson and Smithie Atkinson, to which deed reference is hereby made for a more complete'description. This the 17th day of Jtpe 1930. John Hill Patfor, Mortagee, ? > rBank of FarmyJHe, Owner of Debt ??mm If people would only pray as hard W ? t he pray to win !? Tm map with money to born has ' libirf^lBly 21st, 1930 Ii*-i?yS3P* ?'?*** Noon . --f' ^thdHhllowing described real estate-' ^Adjoining the lands of Oscar Joy ner, J. EL Dupree and others and ly ing; and being on the Farmville-Snow Hill highway. Beginning with a stake 9 feet from Oscar Joyner's line and rtumfaur East naxaHel?with Oscar Joyner line to the road, thence North wardly with the rocd 44% feet to the point ?f starting, containing dne ihird of an acre more or less. Being : the identical tract of land conveyed TFebruaty 1st, 1900 by D. S. Morrill, I to Joe Tyson, which said deed is duly recorded in Registry of Pitt County in Book E-14 at page 582. Being the i | i'yiaillm.1 ' nnn?L n 1.4K.L',, ^14 1%?? - iL* I identical property innentea by toe it Mjjrtj. jAsL^WMW Jl. on Goisit ttn^iT'prohibition enforcement offi cer, was kilted and H. V. Andrews, another officer, wounded seriously early today in a gin fight with alleg ed. rum runners who escaped^. 3 Two othtr officers, |f. 1| Dale and P. E. Street, sustained, ..undertermin ed injuries when an automobile in which the four were riding when The officers, attached to district enforcement headquarters at Wilson gave chase to an automobile they suspected to be loaded with liquor at 3:30-o'clock this morning. Two men in the .antomoWte chased open ed! fire and a running gun-fight de veloped. Near the city park hero, the offi cers' c|tt drew alongside that of die raid runners and in a brief exchange; trf shots there FUnchum was wouh3 ?i iri the head and Andrews ' - shot through the arm and shoulder. : "?* ? . . - \ Flinchum was driving the, auto mobile a?d when he wm shot, it left the road and crashed into a tree, in iuring JDale and Street J A? the car wrecked, its occupants were thrown against the windshield ind badly lacerated. #? iAU four nlen were ? brought to -a! aospital here; Flinchmn died short!* iftirwards. Hospital attaches tefus ?d to disdeee the extenfiof the im iuries to Dale and Street ' An examination of the wrecked ear reveal# eight WUet holes in the radiator and investigating officers ex. pressed belief the rani ronners ? had fifst atfcehipted to halt the pursuing officers by shooting into it with the iepe a dry radiator would force them x> abandon the chase. The car being ehahed was headed towards Snow Hfll when: they left Soldsboro and officers there were sailed and aekad W keeg watch for The two men in the subjected car nade their escape following the ihooting. Andrew told his story of the occur rence while propped up in bed iii the idepitaL "We had a^tip that a rum car was mming up Number 10 last night and ire four got together in Goldsboro, it nnst have been around three o'clock when a car like the one we had been told to watch ^mwcame along. Lwtuck my head; oat of oaf*ar so that they ?uld see the inhignft on my capamd Plinchum fifew for~tfcem to stop;" We wanted the&to know ; that-we were officers. Instead of stopping, they checked out and we. followed. "The two miles into Goldsboro, I guess, were made at. the rate of 70 lUiles an hour, of course we had to slow down when westerned in toward the part ? "We were pretty dose when the man in the right hand seat of the ear in front turned and began shoot ing through the rea& window cf hd car. There was a rain of glass-and I ducked so-as to make as little a tar get as possible. "As far as I know, none of us "agehts" had pfctled hsi gun d*em I hadn't taken mine out at my Iwlste^" FInehum, who was a native of Danbury, is survived **-M? widtov and two children: Herhad been con nect# wrtb tbe Wiisonroffiee of the prohibition service for a nufhber of yea#. - "? r' 1 Deputy prohibition administrator, named F. Ml Caudle df Wilson, was expected to dome here to take charge of the . Mrs. I. S. Satterfield and Mrs. Sterling Gatea^ere hoiteaeds ?to the Laridh Club at the home of IJjBjables for bridge and one for in the HvfoJ; room, which waa tastefully decorate3 gypmmer flowered afeiyij >9mii\ Jlfl. J. 0. Pollard! high score at rum mje- Both were presshted %ith hand 8tickj&? to* hostesses jprvedjfc^^^ig^salad course MISS YELVERTQN BRTBRTAIN. ! Smiths Farmville Merch ^iSui All J| **" a? ? .'* Streets' Association- launched its 28th annual oonrventionhere today. artrinst the > proposed sales tax ex- V; pefcted t? obme' befhz# erftl JUKmblyi>: :- '*M ? '.. ] Ucal associations are on the whoia pleased with-the-resalte young men attending the CMTC &X ? m*m*??.1 the N Basic Cour&';tThe second year men,: I are assigned to the Red: Course, the | 1 fldrd Year men to the White Coure ; and the Fourth Year men are assigned to the 'most advanced or Blue Course. I *Th? flowing are those ordered to I . aitondYhe^cainp:^ ^ ?' Dnilochv Jm. F. Stalls, Leo J. Dunn. ^ ftcd * George -? (is^dfiiGr, Cxnfton,