, ;;; _ g v, , >.. * :'SH T ,,m,am?ti^i \imm f ' "I , "; ~ ? ?mmmm*? ?? I ? .1 I .' 1 1 ' - ? ' J ' '?. * ? 1 WOlMfftBft ~j_ v - - - i '. ? -??-???' ' v-' . . ?:? - i: ? ' ' ii i 1 1 11 1 " i " iii i !?!!?' u' iii -ii i r- jiiti. ca w _ _^WjL #B - ?-- - ^ . ^p^. w ^ Wk m U S # ' * yfj%/j|^W4|yi TJ. v/CQvSw V v> ? / 4^"> ^V J J", A^J.^( : v , ?> ???' nl'i^^L.Tyj "Jj ,"??? t2**E???# *?* ^"wS"*. ??* ,?j 400,000 panada' on the floor at *ar fct opod#te.. wi6 cento; pounds st If eestsj Nashville, 8?# 000 poos# at 11% ?wts sad Thom asville 128^00 pounds at 12 ?nte. Mr. Talmadge soid reports mm the remaining markets might being the sversge prices higher, fert tet he did sot expect it to reach the If H cent average of the first wash ** pear. TTof idh t of any *dsw in crease, he said -the jadee is beta* the coat ?f production. and there is too modi disparity between the prices paid the frnaer and paid by the par* chaser ?Tthe fndshed tobacco pro duct." The department of a|rie?ttare re quested al warehouses ts report op ening safes ??d prices to insure a ebeck of the opening day* hwh?* A compfefe Hat ia aat expected te he available for a day or two, however. Tifton reported 2?M* P??ds *t atamagf cf sboiitllcaoiaAw^ report from Way cross said about lfer 000 pounds was sold far an ararage I that grofean complained that there was little difference in the price of fered by tfre bidders, regardless of the dmt At Halter* o* <* the mf * dting aeeaaa of tha day oeewrrad. One man moonted a basket of tobacco af ter the firwt hour's aeBiny jgA ad: "Don* make another Mrm this market." ; ? ? The croyrd cheered. Sa ranch dis order followed that te Mdflng was suspended for a shock time At Wayeaaan te Klwaida dfe ? Botaoc of^te^ poor prices b^jpte mn m*h hslpsr tbs east .sf produ^^* ^ toy ??*?? to*?to? ??? I D 11_ i i. Tnj-fc o ?? A* TA7ftl3fHi I tuv wamm w **** Z;T>^.Lkiiau-. M Bw by the tttCiSiliisI ^*1 i WW w' r.- V ; .T . . _^- ? " tn I I the fdmiga | 'mm kiv'lWitHftni ??]l I SJEtAOQWN #WBC r^?yWw:y " / '^*l; "__/^"*C~ Y|' '^L~ - II OaelCv ^B*?rl wf?^P "^''i..,.'". W ? ^ ?.; _ .1 Y1w.^StaTAfertfclTffi* i Automobile Near Home Rocky Mount, July 28?Walter Har* per, young North Carolina Bank and. Trust Company teller, is believed to have taken his life here today,-A pistol ball was fired into his side and a second id to his brain.' No reason for the supposed suicide has been ad Harper returned last night, from Virgins Beach with a party of friends and apparently in the best of spirits. This ^n^he arose early said thai he wanted to borrow a friend's car to visit a farm near the dty and was found at 8 trtfeck ?hmq?ed down & was rushed to a hospital but died be lt * believed that he went from the house of H.: B? Danghtridge, where hs stayed last n|fht? ;tn;p| bank where be worked, got his 45 .catfce revolver and returned to the garage bar* of the house to toll him self. - Coroner J. B. 1 ' Thomas -?i Tarfooro, investigated the affair today and said it was -suicide, ttitv first ball had entered the l?Jt side of his chest but was not fatal. ^ W? bead and ?^ ?C. Y B k. "Some^dwtions^ After |Appi|ltet^^ g^68t& W?!6 , ^ _ * pjifrnfllmw-.Li a ' mjtop IU!f UPtll i- iiCir UTWita fwAfn a iuittnhA vine HIMJ nvv ? uuiivvllo Jk VIU m imMwu waaav ? /2Mg*f V J*5**! r-.'^r * ? **"? ^i'N*v^.? *S 'X' 'Mw Jjj itf ? Gittfi^ry liostcss to | ' ? ?'?.'?...- s ~ j' n^| ? - . fSV V%T 1 ' ''^^^vVhC lipll^^ ^1 ^ul SB ?/ ^"( ?******* * t*Tiii in a the AnnouiicuiK* i VUl TyT^ ~ '?^i 1 'IftPflft 1 C1^103p ? ', m*' *"i'tfg'?-? I j|^Q]|jf0|rtf' " ~ ^gr; ^^3 I Jfl'OWIl A#?p ?. CJj^jj '4:^- 'jftl mm ? -fttnllr IJWlt '1 j 4 AJ* ; 1a<1X70fl ' ?-.r. r^"'"- ''. - ? .'1 I &Xtfill8lV6 atflwi" IXCJU. jr **- * .1 to act except to offer its ^vorit^ [year. The prolonged drought may cot I the crop short thii year. The condi-M crop is reported by the I production was cl%imedr I I . Chairpaan i**p* said todaytha* it I is too aieariy for the board to tt&H I fteps in handling of the eotton crops, I ah it is not known what the probable yield Witt be., August wfl! tell thitj| story. It is then that the boll weevil!! does his worst Representative Ayera of Kansas JI today said that after ten years bfil study by the Congress, and one yeartll operation trader tho Farm Relief Acfl the $500,000,000 appropriation, well now, have Jar consideration of thai I American wheat farmers the follow First: Reduction, of wheat acreage ^Sorondf^^e^Farm Board's plan droughts, floods mid sucb: p1esQ68 ftfll vita and army worms, to bring about! I3M1i T 1*^1 P 'I.vjwJLrfldfcJ I ilvriv# isJMMbfflywivy. 1 ra- Jty.ai 3,11. V I 1^1 ? W f i day; Strikes Head on Pipe. !' " Hockjr HMULt, Ad*. *8~-Tl*! dtrtlfl tree- sitting contest, started last Fri- . day evening when'ten boys, lured by], and PiRX *d? 'Ai'V' ''iy^ -'' ? K mm 81 j%o8ytimo mxt trtftjr ; were pow-| u tlKpcwra MiiuK?6 wfU' recQW OimT^I ?p* ? -??r . __ ?g - . JYI'M41 fjpp b6fOT6 ft'- record hftd Kflnn V ia wtoalal'?Uf governor ap-j< points one to represent the publish Hie board of directors at the aasodt I , ation also elected Mr. pialock vice-f, president and genera! manager. ; ? Mr. Thorne la well known in East em North Carolina aa a successful] business man; banker and farmer. He j is a thorough believer in the live nf 1 home system of farming and prao-| tiees it on Ws far?fbut he also grows producers ofJhese crops^e to-meet r He ass*** His dutiea a? JW*ddeaH of the association thor-lc oughly equipped with a knowledge of the problems of the organizattofc, r haying served as director and member! of the egeeutiva committee since and as vioe-presMent for two and ajj half years. r -? In accepting the appointment,asu] public director of the association, Mr.jfr Blalock is beginninghis second tern |3 of service in that capacity, having |a >een appointed public director in 192^ J p >y Governor Cameron Morrison. Injc addition to his duties of vice-presi- j u doit and general manager of theit North Carolina Co-Operative, lfoTti BMflflr is now director and member Ik of the America* Cotton Go-operative association and^.member of the Cow eral T^l T^l .1 V WjmA ? B1w?4 Id ??? m,-Vi WA Hj -wiTut/X*?"'" yi ? ? ? WW ? -Bl- ' ? WO"Mr" JM'T 1 I wnf I w.* ?m nn j ,i*i i nn in"igYa n ? wnm" .?? yM w v\w- I to* w A sHTOiyww? 111 WW /li fM BllVil I 1 f| I ? IM Ww tMhJmMHlll Ayll 3 U ?'? - ?, ?sgglparss j Washington, D, C. July 2&-The J teaTtortured residents of the nation's capital have the rr^at. formal. n outdoor show places in the city for open air dormitories. ? $ With7 alarm docks, watermelons, ^ tastily watch dogs, umbrellas and ^ banjos as weh.as bedding, hundreds t are going nightly to parks apdpph lie grounds to^sleep th torrid nighf t through in nigfit gown or pajamas. A; policeman making his v rounds .n^rSTLTSf .nornin, ?ff- J that more than a thousand ?' rem. resting on the ground in water t>racketed Potomac parfc their only ;f shelter the moonless, star crowded '( sky. g 1,1 ll|P ? .g jftae tngr JWfUefa ^ ftfaens, they.recently gparante^po- j lice protection to aH sleepers out s additional, responsibility cheerfully? \ tbcwfr one^||ighti-/did &?** t when a woman solemnly commanded him from her mattress at tho?am|>n< . aJ?.|L:s#. m .1. j - tUuIa w'UM; .. JUtiv ! vvv 1?lljf' vIA ? mWT 3 u HHBera. s. v vSl . TT J ' * j -1 f '**"???"??' ? rr*! "?3u'? ?' vt>F 3 ;-T^? :'?' ? - , '? ' ^."TT^^T ? ^ luflA Archangel two freighten today - '. - ??Bg . ....'?? .~'VH?7 - -.iu &??--*. wert denied port entry- and- cargo iMkrmite on iifcin fnm thl ' .- ^;T t|Trf' ' ' j _ '. <. ?/.? .? r..'->: ' jj.' United States came under the author ^UlT HTtqri^tr^^ i? I'lfsit >>^isf nn>kv>Wrminn ^aaIomH additional cnuxtrjojfl owsatbcl |W ygrf? the Amtorg Trading Corporation, t&e Soviet trade agency h^T*nd Ga*i* ind DiaS. ship operatoiSL< ^ ^ " ?<* Section 807 of the i*w tariff em powers tlrl^w^Wr department fa &ia i?r*mba?^on Xorei|pif |^ ; nawifacfcured by forced labor.- t&J ^ ? AiiUkiat SeTmour lulpwood audi as would be liated un ler that haadaud..itt^r^-^; he fin* to eome under the ban. Twok, itter vessels flying British flag* rem permitted to land their pelpwood atgbes last Wednesday. t:T.' Both the Christian Bors, which w ived Saturday, and the GreSiisle, ?? iving today, were pertdtted to pass luarsntine on temporary permits, riiteh all,owed them shelter tt the i*tfcer.: The blow came when their ?ent* went to tiie customs house bd marie the routine application for emission to enter port and dis harge cargo. Henry C, StxaaK dep ty surveyor of commswtp o issue thev permits, and^aj tax in shippian drdee. I i# putp|ood are _ I Peter A.- Bog*. nov, chaiuwrnrof be boas* of Amtorg, whfch handles lie expenditure W flOgjOOM?* eir in this country, issaed a stat* lent which ha* nO direct redescwe o the day's h^n#anings,^b^*?? hases. P'OisP imports into this oountry ara lasting a number of obstaclea," the tatement read in part. ^ I?W? tmJ# On, sector of (to ?ftt? ther was given to Chinew^m^ ottest, treeless downtown. mm ?'' ? 4 rfllVi* A.I. _ ? itfht kr^ t^Eieijr chores good*::: erchief to s #651 jg place, md heifl fpr her. te next nighty - t. ^L? -titoiiMr Thev- ^ are been atarCbd at dawn by sheet* ' ? '-?? ?" ?'-'- . ' ?>+ ttYVf ' * ^ ? *-' - '