? 7 .1 ' w ? I , />^BK _??? " . ? _ ? ?_-? J ^B Ay,,^^' > o -Xnvw{V-> v ^Ss^^B ? ? ?* * o-'H** ' ^3?vv. - ."'\ '?* I TmjritfypvjYUM ..4. ~-? \ r "J^B ? bridle 1TU0,QH ftiiiiiiii'^^sjffiv I ? ? ? fip Greenville tobacco market last I ? JJJ ?W 51^73^884 pounds o/ goktaH I CbkBfilli territory. Da total amount I I 3E ^ ^ maripe* ?? itay.'B I fJ* warehouse space this year win I ? cwm about 14 aerea and enable the I I ^*^oaaemen ?u? for at least I ? 1*60,000 pounds of leaf par day. I vste*""?* C0>IW|>tntes ***? I l The^ American Tobaceo^^ A^toeovifle tobacco market is lo ifiCL Carrin's Wareboue TVlComn's Warebotme sales force ? bj & B. Currin and W. s. Oo&n^H _ ' ?"??? ? ?vwwiewe ..^w?eew* ? ? ?? n -? nd^ppwaiW .nfUvMpaV I J 'A "' A. 'W ? j?? , * , ' _ t ?_ ~ : A ' ? ' . 1 -S-T ~ " . ?> ^tesfcj; %^fef] ttilfi1 ii)i.:':'flPV?E4 ? *"-JZ?? ? ?''? fc* ?'-*.7'?i* I .^o. y> Wareh hmniing ? J when, answera* c^Ua, according to the , I Order of Chief B. D. Hirsch. John Carpenter' of Sioux City, la., Hpwted to police* that thieves had I ^tePP^^Io^the si^a^eant ? gw Farmville^ . . 9. 2?^ ? " 1' $ 4*1 mmm aMuCttiM ptC ? i ^ ^ JST1- X lii ni^r^r^" I "45- |x>wjr fell ffjR*?? -?**? JUktL ? - - ? *' -JfSii, ? * : .T| i* -?.- K" - J'^.. .^':.litM-^ifcMk->3MSSi^B v- .'. > | I K'JC*. J. .' _* ?* *"?*.^Sr-' ?/Wp *??? I X .j. liiin^iail />4| > A?MV^ ? .V!'''->^KP?.; ? *? ??-/* ^ v >',. - ?"?; *..." k\ '. 5? I Mr " . ?"* - -'c. - "y x^". -B35F$vf ' '?>' Ml -^^B^^w^7larHWjE[y ' ^V^ vc^vv - ft*- ??.' C '? ;V" 'V^VV-v-' v 1 Vj^u j^Br i^H ?*. w| f CAiG'K'llfafiBIVI zl ?-ftr' - kk- jf -^LaB^HRBblMIB ? '? * ?' ZrB? ? ira- a iBEs. A \-\ ? %?*?? ?'-.' - ^V-V.;f?T' *' v -% ;*<*\^-': - -. ? m ? ~.^HL. .? v. - ?*.?.*? -?. '?* '?/ \ - .1 V^J5>] ? '-'.i **->w a~\* > ? * VV *' i* ??3fif*fifl'Sfc!''--'^tFiL-"?-'.???*?''-hi'-' *? i^jblviZt'^-dii^^KI % *0 ??iimott iiiimiiiium I DENNY BROS. CO. 1 I Next to Fntottlce X | WILSON, N. C. | "" ?? ^ ? " r j FINEST WATCH AND f JEWELRY WORK | Stttefaction AMatdy jfi " f J TOLARS f fcl ' jvf GREENVILLE, N. C. * 1 ? !??? jjj " . _- r~ ?? *?? ?? - - ./I a ^g>-; ? MM Csnwfly Httci CSassw ?ad to sire Clear Vision^ sea Bra J. H. and V. H. Mewborn Optometrists DNSTON, N. C. H. W. CASTER, M.D. EVE. EAR, NOSE AND THEOAT SPECIALIST 6I4SSpHTI?J^ ' k ? ? ?. f H. M. BONNER, M. D. BYE, EAR, NOSE\ THROAZf Offko Saeon* Floor | > Notional Bank BnHding ?;? SaArj*.^' ???-- ? ??*.? ??-' Vr(; jA-# ? : I - 1 1 TM In bmi j|l jL^Ta I 1 i?r 1 almost all the B f IBIS ? ' HI lYlt JHBBI *BUfcttVv VU B>?vf WUUM fvr I A | 1 , _ iT'.Z-, ? -??' v . ? - ?--/ ^ ^ 1X1 I! ? %' - . ?'-aw . ' - Hi ttll ,' , . .- v?vv ? * Imp-" m|* ^? ~ 31 * nri - ? ? ftniW" iifivM1 HI | Some of titt warehouses have made large additions, which gives the mar- 8 : : ketinefeasedfloor space.Some of the factories have madeenlargcn^ 8 to their buildings. The Greeirfille tobacco market is decidedly in bettor g position to handle, daily, larger quantities of tobacco than ever before. g Tobacco Warehouses? 2: Greenville tobacco Market has nine..(9) targe and modern brick ware- : I 111 houses with close to 14 acres of floor space, sufficient to accomodate 2,- g 225,000 lbs. of tobacco daily. These warehouses are managed by men of |. 12 years of experience. i-xt J I y I :: h j | Greenville tobacco market has four (4) sets of bhyers, representing all J. I ! | the important companies in the world, using bright tobacco. Nine (9) ! i I large and modern tobacco factories are located here, additions having | 11 been made to several of them since last season. " ]f I audi Locations**" if Greenville tobaoto Mtifrket is located in the heart of Eastern North Caro- j ! if Una. Seven fine hard snrfa&d roads lead into Greenville. TOMccogrOW | ers living 125 miles from GreetkVUte Tobacco Market, sell their Tobacca *| :| in Greenville and return hottfe same day. I' if GovudiiiiCirt ttaiMut tihjp tamo? f j I The report of the Government for the year l929?showed that the Greetaville f1 g tobacco market (with the mdst inferior crop ever groWn in its territory) | H Made an average higher tharf thegencridavdragefortheentire state. 1; 1 Will Continue to Grdw? I I ???? W?M?S*W ?V WSVW | Greenville tobacco market Vftll continue to grow because important To- J ; I baeco Buying Companies in ihis country and abroad are represented on I I our Market It will be interesting to compare the investment made on | Si ?> ,w . ? i ? ?- .? . ft .'v- if ?-d?^ ^ iit. t-.v,4*iv, ? - ? ? r I other markets with the investment in equipment on the Greenville Mar- I | this market's facilities. H Greenville Tobacco Harkef Opens Toesdav 1 II vJICiro. . fly |j I Sent 2nd 9 O'clock a a WiHi 4 Sets of Hovers I | ^ 2