3Jr Y JSJX X JL j?? I ^K^px^9pJ^9sj^9ll ?' "^B t9'*:.g ^m MP- f|ja jUa ^^^9 ;"'^H^B 9? ?-?.$& '' WW 9 ~\ ~-3 ^SC| t^wiji 9B HH ": ?'?* frnmamtmmpmmmmmm it ? .^ . . nM^M" . * fnr rwmrrJYKK ~ PITT rAlTVW VAOTn rionrnr& nmnA v aimwrarro c*l io?a : - ^V** ; . t??? r ^ ?..._. , ^iV *\ ';'"". : ;?/ -?/ / - >V # NUMBKB ^KVi^TKEK I aK/i/WI Sk/Tf^c Off i #tW?tMfIfl * *? * ?-? -.-? ?? . - . ? I ^ V ' T- *? ' ?? ^WP#1.4fc lb I t Uttlioct^ft 1M8OQ? TftO^ l fwm?ttii JuiC^MW^jMtl I '^5fci tobacco pguu^?the few who! I CawB' I belt, bet throogb^ LPWpCnfll T^liWll jfrjfc^V - I fb* to?fe abay fo ^1 %obo^ ^jpoJi I , -r .;. p/vw 1 (OHdOMbiy ,-ifr'Uiin I MHbi' majority^ jfj K ^v-1 ^^^-"VJ," t t 4 ]-|| J Yltaif' V- :jjl?- "1 ^H. A>ftwra||? ?? Tpt" ? ^.' ? a ?? . iaj^k_ H I faf> o* *n unsettled oa -"' "'- i ? "1 ???-. - LYuirfa . - sflai Hi* ' ?, i dM?aMM^^^B|a"BROSS^^^ . 1i Hg . ? ^WlP, i I riaoti With MiimKflM i\f ft' I ^o??B? Secret Fifty Isr I kidln^ spread through tiia , the two Slaw repor^ P^ lrtnJ w p?sing along on j^e^^Siwrtwi t^^und bino BloodboandB were set on the trail J | ktOBfty flcovu^Gd~ next yttr* I Mfce winter " ^ I Iff? ?**._ ,? 11 i ? I f^ ytrpng^ ? variea ] I jflti ? ntf'- w '-' - , ? V^U" * I hMBTMIijfffl'i n - f -i:^- . >-_>?_ I? ? I 11 ? |,Vi|H ?tm --"ll'^uf MLLLI. j_" *L>. 1 fTV ^8 MfjkisId* ufe ijfjrflt SO r? *s ^0 H ' -fc Z. vj^?? . j^jt:*'* >' I 1 rtaMr^iT liiill f of jrtfiA AAA ?,1H La. ! I ?- ? ? ?v ?? py-i" j within th ? * the 1929. cTOP [ tO 8WWWHW I 'ihu ' (T p I when thc l 6~c^nt& vSl*be released about the I?h or 20th of September ?** *??? was ahesdy ^f^d^Woin producers who wi? driver a thousand bales or map ? [each. This is indicative, Said M* ? I Blalock, that farmers are not gob#. I | to their cotton at the pres Attwwy^nt^i M. Fountain and ^ I ? that the President of jSSptoiet refrain from ' * ?''* ? n^ fKM-1 I " ?* T,- ' Mfi f? ? W1 *_",.. ? ; _ . ?? ?J J ...... r'Ct ?r jtlt' p gfi I w&3F&? ' ? "- y '/? '-- ~ irT: ?aaa^ai ?M^'. . N_ > "^7 ?<1 Present low plw* sor tooacco are tified on ti# wftd* of supply aSSi deda*d Dr. G. W. 'For ?ter agricultural e&iomist at North star, agnetuHHW^gr w The ftVfitfljp price l * - Sthatf la^ra'to^-Sh ?^merf'taSWWidpatta diirtoe ^'?. A !viiHbi Y'llifiwin ftflf cpnf nnce tm?OclWDPU ^ jr Ao'waia ? .?sTS^iid DrlWSW "Swa lew ^ have |e?iSW* 1 tta- h^&el^ tobacco towed 'i7 7?.- -Wl'i'L ' ??' _ ..< i ' ^.pdy and demand con SStoOHhisrw yaafS-thfcito ? be a material increase" the econo mist stated. It is not possible to know the total'1 ezz&XXisai: Stocks. of Ito^uP&Teujf on hand on July 1 of this year were 599*mffilofl pounds, w wmpared^ 590/)00;0(^ in stock on July X, ??. the total sup ply for ?his season .therefore, com bining present production and carry over, wiU be 1,858,000^00 pounds as compared with 1,340.8 million pounds ^^Wtic aad^ foreign ^consum^ ' * .. ? ??*?? ? * * ' ? * '? ? * *4 * thst^fS^Hjf^vVMehss^ and ired to "? - toy ha. ' 1 ? didn t bni6ff 00 wii wifriiiiw ': _t|. .jj" yh^. ? ? mmM he in | tbfease to ^ebtai^>t^esWsi2f^::r: Wednesday afternoon to the P. P. P. c'nb ^ f"* ?;! *'? ^ved ?n ttotKi ^ aa aa award i<^jugn ^ of A d f$rl%: mm Tim British Msdted Journal tell. I . "to . ft* ? j , '; | . I^H^S' ? .,? >;^- ? ' " ^ ^LBfc*"-' I { " -.,' W- '? '? '?? ? ?. ? vX [6?. educational iteois 1 ,. . , ,, , . ? I Carolina. The states ranking below I North Carolina aw Oklahoma, Een; I t^^is^etcl' Ib^- ^tlx 111 si " sv ws 7Ti\s\aTi\i^ l hroo taldpBy ? ^jSiba onj I -i, -"?*? *_?% '-T-4Z'* ' ? r l 1 E^^FollowUi? several ? progressioiias ox a '' '} ? ' ' ' " 1 ^ ' " a ' ' ? f JP JUCft v iDhHv jDwUt "41 f WVOvW D 1 IUV IJwIWW ." . . .??;-?-? V ? ? ? r ~ uipiauv t^cduOn^JBri, Bv XRw iMu w* ed through the baroinetrhf and ? cetic danger spot# which bad brought other ?'dlctata to dWarfer or a forced ? stop shertnf 12rtir*oat 1> liA ewmfcef 5,000 vm ?a hand to rttaee. the end ofthe <*rtng a*r? tigjjfovaring'.lfrMl- gtfnt i pp?nuting pec wing, appeared; in thetfcad of # large squad*m ^ ?ggtipg^navy SclwSt an tovolUdtarxckeer arosb^^'^r'"": .?%" . ?' ; "? *r LotSy,tberpSaifc defied the field thrice as jmt/twwMf horns and aliens shrieked their welcome above the .din of human voiced ?>? pSt?S'#?iH?' kottt?y. TEiw-waary Excited French hoiofcri their can to chonldei* and Uittftri triumphantly to.* hangar in which waited nm other admirers eager for a chance to ^o^indb^^ho tatter be#r '? white question mark* from the dark ted body had been answered? ??3r natively. ? ?:?; ft '"$&!?']' Rene Recevert, Ceate's Aafofcan manager, .was the ftatf tpaddraarhim. "Felicitations" he a^d in Freheh. "Comment Ca Va?" (How's evwry Hfong??)F : CoSte pointed to his ears still en caged in -a flying helmet end ehook a motor iffeqitthtty has a slightly Jeafeiiing effect ? / ? ^ ~fc*en Had ftCcOvert fek like per rtvettng, MAefforts woeid have been wasted. For then came the deluge of "Vive Coste", "Vive Bellonte" abd "VTve U Thtaheer v < 5 The crowd hung on dort?diy in the tiuwe& to the hanger where photo ^ceTi^mMh bettii^tticoee? thciu usual in keeping "bgdc the hundreds poking to k^tktte W the littoirt'rf'"-?f the >:: flashlight* 4wttt turnea me xamng night into a aes&iaifeeof day, flte IWh coiMf^aent: toltc better , to amy *tom*h' Mftknat to Join Ad"1. | & microphone 0C-'' iSi 1 - 9%. yhftaat* ? . "js '?,*J phh'. jrtBtotn- - vOlOHl^ -J g.y o fWyig kd-TflllRf' - ^Y*.( ' t- M ' T-* ,, || "? _ i*? xn^lCw -flwwflwv*'w ~ '"^ ?y/ v ^ ? V * ?j ? 1 .SO ? tvjfrl for \f ' ? * ViJH * % 'lis:-*?Vi ' ? ?'t ''ftftHinswwiw ci-- ramn ?? "v'N,, ?1' ?*$?. - '? J E.^ 4 V- ?? Pv'IsH II HIT IA VUr mM ftfiiftiiniiiLii ^ . iB |r?.i?^y: Hoove* braved intenseheat followed by a heavy nda storm* for two hows toda to rflh th gay parade f I serge coat and a Panama hat, the I president oasai* through-,the above! | The fact;4t* tinftfent through thai and Baltimdie'a Republican mayor, I a - - - - a.a_ '* ^v Ala A ? ?- ? fourth term candidacy, was the oc-I raL^g^?hrs*? r^4". llife#* *?**? f: lean primary tajnext Monday.. -. I ? -Hurrah for Ritchie,'^pU heck-f lers across from the reviewing stand.!] "We're wet, ' " ^ # Mmr vtofcBttdad yelled one, epplrtirtly referrfne aleo to the contrasting anti-prohibition] view* of the Maryland Governor and one-time presidents hope. "Hurrah! ??8 PmW^ri pMty. wlieh to-, Jr. and mfflto;? Md^MT?l^aideM^ 1 tt^^Wifiovpf" pp#;a-*wip8ff nff^SKftyor! BfWtining Mr HocveTT"*b 1 during hi^ateyo - The governments matsag* to the . veterans meeting, which is the Slstl national encampae*1* ftha vetor*^ I of foreign wars, was delivered earli?j| outlook was brfcktfor Improved goy-|j ?:7 ;ltl in - _ t , t ?? _ .1 C K ? I w^kSSted00018 Raleigh, Sept. 3.?The 1.26 inches o [ rainfall during Asgust w*a the lowei ;] ever to bo recorded in Raleigh during! the 44 ymttthat tbs Weather Bureau j has been established here, accordingj] periteL