Vfl M 9 ?iM jlUf ; * Hiaii|l I ? HI IIJU K^HK \Blt^ I I - I ?sls"? egates-*t large appointed by thtfl#* "llftae lOOgWO copies of ?* con tract will be ftumwtiatofr jfldatad *?g distributed ia the tobacco >jjjgwrty counties, there was littie ayMatha when Mondays meeting ad'jdurw* after the departure of many of ?g* who attended ft? that enough signa tures to warrant operation of an a* sociation will be seeured by October 15, 1930, the date set in the contract for final decision as to whether or not the organisation will function for this year's crop. Sufficient signatures to justify op eration are expected by May 1, 1931. the date set in tim contract for a de cision as to next year's crop, but oa motion of Dr. Clarence Poe, an amend ment was adopted holding contracts open until 1932, should the signatures for 1981 not be sufficient to satisfy the Federal Farm Board, which was. made the arbiter as to what constitu ted a sufficient signup. Leland Kitchin, of Scotland Neck, whose election as head of the organi zation was widely predicted follow ing the refusal of Frank Page to ac cept an election to that post, announc ed at the biginmng of the meeting Monday under no circumstances would he accept the position. ' "I am a farmer and I*taad~ by statement at the n*as meeting UN* that the head of thih,. organisation should be a business man^^feclarea w ho ^ Jt was decided .**!??* quarters shall be nwtotil^.ub gri *gfc f? lioth the Eastern OuiM* Tobacco Orpwenr' O^rative Awmk ciation and the Oi*JJdt Tob-~o c /?? one rati v# AssociatRm, Wt It nat &> ton and fit..f&* ^ w ' .u ^ ^ ?. ?. MO Vff ?"??0"tr*t -? _ "?? | wan ^aHflU ? 1 |V^, JAKWAUPQ tA TftP UVOMtt?lVU his 'I^MVaft 4?^ fkCtm . ^^UeXS WgE arrwBiCBt and ^spwpos ire -f ann^ VfVranlOn OX (KiXWIXw M ]p por cpnv ~2 ^ ? y? -1. |HJM ? I H L jBywPWp>"w^v. **?[H ,Q.-,jw-">J'jW Y*y L ? a A x. 4 . TTi iMnimal *4. f ; c WMBtogfp*!# i.^rBraofw?r| ^"^S??"' a'""' l'" ; -_^LL 1 C* ?.?"* vT^*- ? ,^"-:;X'^ ^-'jjz^' ? I *I8|W-^W 4WP6CvO? j 01 pllOtl$* y | I -tEtfcTWl ' i??T '" "i fHh '*hT- *?<-?'-' |- /*.; ? ltl;i [1^ I uM I, I^Tpl)^faOa liAvtvuwi %^%#iiplfti VI * i Aus*. *.ui^ Jt}^ -&J Jmqam fkCjMifv ndT Al*0 | Wt .-;. -;< I _ "? .'V- m '. _ ?L' . WfJ - ._ I J? MM .lATyii O X >? **, " ' --W^S ; ',?_ - ~ 7"? V ' Ma %'j'"'! POUufpt' Va ?^BL-"? -. "***'? - ^ ^ I ^Lg "ty " :Jh^i| Jf BftS* I . -m-1 :_^w -'W ? .-?-?t,^iL'f I jf-. of the political drama feeing en acted," be Mia the Repufcicaa charge that he had been h$3 dojaart of a plot by Raskob wax pone fiction. He wi* hted *e??rftieKy??* and that Democrats bed oalf endeav ored to take advantage of Mtirrietions of the President as turned open to political criticism. There has been noaasault on hie personal character," jliiehelson said. Too perhaps have seen doubt ex preM0 as to Mr. Hoover's Amerf of a Democrat, but of Senator Pess, of Ohio, now Republican national ilftariiHaii You have perhaps noted the statement that Mr. Hoover 'is the most expensive luxury that was ever fastened upon this country.' That was the estimate of Representative Will R. Wood, of Indiaaf, now chairman of the Republican Congressional of Woodrow Wilson's plea for^he elec bs suffideafcta condemn him in the mfctife of all men as being unfit for responsible position of trust' That al ^^dgy ^eM^tod j?n C0X^* ? sJm'Wy'? BjWir?% UfrlBlitlil 1 w B OUT or JAIL L.er Sw? riwt Be W*? Weettf Decent :& Jell; I L ? : ? AM , Marlon, Oet fc-*AJf?d Hoffman, widely known: labor loader, la again a fees man. Having gotten for good behavior seven days off of his 80-day jail sentence imposed last fall for rioting fa the textile: strftes here, he was released Monday from teh local couafr jsS, where he hashsaa incus cerated for the past ? dsy?. ylte ebedtfo* fljMJpft payni^qrgs Its seek th^ardo^fBei^Ls^ ISSnh'SnSe ghaS^vlnter Bo I? Danville," S% brfhtt? ^^BelTR Heidtey, and the other prisone^tlmt W&i and lUll Si i ' "-: '-'y ?' -?:?* ?- ? ? y'.-' ;?::?? wwPMBBMa- .jc"..''.k "*-vy",?? ? Jnrt^wy ^31 a - . ... /.t _ '..' J?^'u-''hry.. ? ' v ^" 6# ' ? y '35"' " . I v ? ?*. * - ? f r . . ? v *- Zft&yi 'i ? t'.I . ;?>-? < /*t.L I ii,.'. rflyjgnpifi ?fiBrSS6nti9u? iirCSIl" |4 ? ' .. mti.f iRoiIav Sftvs Psrty Bftouiiii iJJJ^Democracy is ! his campaign here last night appal that hto'party imp* h??t oa-the basis of its record. - Stnfeoddt ^Tty stp^dP?S -It seems to me," Mr Bailey saM. "as I look back upon oar party's great record in stale sod than a century, upon its fidelity to I immortal principles, upon-Its courage I* d^ ?*&** 8; t?6 they had >eii plaguy YH& upstairs and had BBt^bguse : ., y-<-?: :. . V ;? :??. ? ' y- . William Haines, as a big he-man of the wide open spaces, furnishes gig gles and guffaws, a few thrills, and ncidentatty figures in a romantic love story in his latest picture, "W*V (fet West/? which will be shown at tkP Trie Theatre, Farmvjlle, Saturday of this wee*. The story is a comedy of the mod em West, with Haines as a circus barker mho gets into trouble and is forced to go to Wprfc on a Western ranch. IHs iqve affair with the temht ine "boss" is enlivened by his educa tion as a cewbuy, a thrilling rescue race, an attempted lynching and some riding feate that amiae, Unique jottings were used. The an cient pueblos in New Mexico, and a famous Western ranch were "loca tions,", and real cowboys stage many thrills. Raines, incidentally, is an ex pert rider himself, as becomes appar ent in tfie new picture. I It is said to be the first comedy Fred Niblo has directed Jfl; seven years. If that iq so, corned J lovers^ will insist that they won't wait for * * ^ ^ ? Local Unit To Meet October 4th ? f;?/f v *|? ,?????*?????? .The meaning of a membership in the Auxiliary in its larger significance is an opportunity tq help care for those pale, broken men who gave their health for thei^couirti^i to look after the cMWronwhotefathers were talc# for a higger duty, to aid In the devel opment of- UN*, gro?* country for which wo many have been willing to die, to raise a voice for th* mainten ?*r*> of its defense, to assist In fos tering HCytoternatiote^pendship and to stand guard over its principles and 4deate .t^te ?Kbig thing to offer any woman and as the foil meanly gf ^awatbership in the AteriliarF? more widely understood the eligible women of America ass seeking it in ever-hi creaSing, numbers. t He^st meeting ofcfce America*. Lgion tttecoi^r g j?L Paylor. Coins and join us, wfsj |-need ^ y': 'XVaI2M ? ?W ? A#? ' V**, IK)^;? ' JCt?iJti-v- . '.l-'rV.'f ; > ?? "?* * ?^fclJL TV. _ * T..... ? ..' BIT":a-' - -:;u ?< vout rreaaent. f: ? -t ,-V ?. ? /. . ' . ' ^ v" ?v. -t^ .-. 'vr 5 ?ACJ?A*?*44~?. ww tt-t. 4t I situation 1 emote. I I Pellagra, once so rare as to be al-J ^^S5S^S5 19v|tt| ?Q^iivw of workers SP? I lip H y tffrrihie situation/* ??W B* & # **?*??, acting State health off'cer F ?'- ?--"M^;-^ l^rSf **?#I there^x%^00 pettagn deaths Si ported ;#?." the Bureau of Epidemiolo gy. There were 3,194 nqw cases re ported daring the. same time. "Bat I know that we are nog getting reports of anywhere near all * ?ares," si*) S^Wtat'WU*? hw hw? ' m A ? ii i ? i n m ? 3?^ j a , - |.1m? r, l>i A _jU1 zcUOrlauiu tuS?896 Only filliCd ADrili t-wJB^T^w w?TwPe^w -/ ,!gwf^pc'e . revcapy. n; JHO*^^ ' 1HOA AMII 9LA ?n^M atlt ' M.t J lialniM Wflt *Rv WO roportt being >MRr with the regularity that other i. jia!?.??. It ^2.-..i ,.r^v'? **? ?' 1^1 ^OJM)JPwvtJ? .^^.v V j? ? f;; Acting at the request of the Ameri can Labor Banner, publication I ated with the fawAcan Federation I of frfar, Myrtle JBBen LaBarr recen tly made & partial survey of pell*, rra conditions in mill villages and e*-- I tima ted 20,000 industrial tasfeuf this malnutrition. Br. fayiorbe ^the national committees at present [was blessed with ovfer-stuffed wqr , chests of money for" Wnpaigr.ing. Official reports however, indicate that the Republicans still have a sizeable surplus Of funds.- " | Thel^o^ Broadcasting Com pany stin ted the Monday night broad casts first, promising to uoaWnue tfib full 'it&?ka from August 1* UBttBi the Action November 4. The Colum bia gppiftarted two weeks latufe Both alternate wife ?> -.Republican^ speaker selected by the Republican National Committee one week, and a Democratic speaker selected by his , . ? i . i ,-IHnn - il?fl f.,1 IjiTrtllW 1Wcvlv? AMif wuwv a *|fCr*,*'uv? * heard on Monday night, the other sys feiln wm present a Democrat on the lowing Thur^y^a^rer^ ? ' ' v "' iii'tVr ? 1 ' xV 'l ifl1 aT.kL | ? W^V*MV < ) 'ysfew? 'jti- HO * '5 ? ? - V.'- t ..*? *?', - ?' ,? jS*' f in"/' ' cast by the two companies together ssttserysSK send out his lour speeches next week. TW sp?ehM are not deal with puwdy. political pioWena,- , Cleveland will be in states which have political contests of markedjntmity. iVlm ( iHa lit Ocii.f HitA ?v iwi yllv ? V/X wWfff|? ? ? ~ "*? ?' ?' ' . ,r\?" mmnsummumsbm *.'?"?' f . - , ' a a?o?v?lt hsd twlce nominated SmitS; minting the still remembered "Happy Warrior" phrase. And now Smith was stressing his own forceful way tHe merits of his successor;- ;v:, , /When Smith arose to speak there was dqybt as to how he would deal with Tammany Hall, the NewXMr^B City Democratic organisation which has slipped from his leadership and nowV stands charged with sponsoring or ot'least permitting job-buying and other corruption. Hie speaker's references to the graft accusations were brief, but viv- - id. Attacking the Republican platform I plank bypUnk. the former Governor .. said; ?: "Early in the platform they sjeak . about corruption in the government of New York City and Albany and they stress improper practices With respect to the judiciary. Well, cer tainly that plank can not be blamed against the Democratic party is ;* ?>. whole, nor against Governor Roose velt, nor gainst any of hia assistants in the State administration. * v "Now, I think I voice the sense of this great convention when I say that if there are men either in of ficial or party positions who are un faithful to timfc-trost, the great army of loyal, faithful and devoted Demo crats join with Governor Roosevelt in hia "determination to remove from public office, to drive them from the ranks of the party and to use the full power of the law to bring them to the bar of justice." Smith devoted most of his speech to analysis of State issues, but -Bo did not neglect the Republican ad ministration at Washington. "Between now any my next appear ance," he said ironically, "I want to give the eRpublicans all the sympathy they can get from their indorsement of the Federal administration of Pree- ":M ident Hoover. Now they can have that" Again he to:d of a friend who had entered Smith's bank in New York and had displayed a "Hoover medal" on one aide of which, was engraved , "Good for four years of prosperity/' VI told my friend," Smith wenyhn " 'As much as I love you?asmuch as I am devoted to you?as much as 1 think of our long years of personal acquaintanceship and association, 1 ? am afraid I will have toloeep this my self, because you couldnt cash it at any bank!'" When Smith first uttered the word "prohibition," there 6tae prolonged jeers and cheers. , "You can't wash the spots of a leo pard or eradicate , the stripes of a tiger," he said in regard to the fact that the Republicans last week adopt ed a wet plank io: the first time. "Dr. Jekyll and -Mr. Hyde hasn't a thing on the Republicans. Dodging, side-stepping and doubte-crossing. Wet among the wets, and whet a mong the dry*--" Smith lowered his ? eyes in mock prayer ?"* reached^ ostentatiously for a g!aaa of ice wateri ? Although the Cooiidge fandly mov ed from the White House, Washing- . ton, D. Cn 18 months ago, much mail still goes there addrawed to memb m at up CooUdyo fcuoily. ?<*?;<"- , ay, m urfc.. ?t the Whit. Hot*. to Clerdond ?Sa Wilson^; v. -< ? _ ??????