rsfrsri 'mrnvmrsnnrvv J. N. Gregory Is improving after a recent illness. Mrs. M. C. McCoy visited relatives in Stantonsburg Wednesday. ? ? * * Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Vought were Greenville visitors Monday. ? ??? Hon. J. C. ?. Ehringhaus, of Eliza beth City, was a visitor here Mon day. ? * * ? e Mrs. Sarah Hassell is improving after a recent illnesa ? Mr. and Mrs. Will Barrett spent Sunday with friends in Ayden. ? ? ? * Mrs. G. A. Jones and Mrs. C. T. Dixon were Raleigh visitors Friday. ? * ? ? James Monk, student at State Col lege, spent the week end at home, e ? ? ? Mrs. Florence Thorne and Mrs. M. G. Thorne were Greenville visitors on Tuesday. * ? * * Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis and children were Mount Olive visitors Sunday. ? ? ? ? Misses Elizabeth Fields, Evelyn Horton and Bill Smith were Wil son visitors Tuesday. * ? ? ? Mrs. J. H. Darden and sons spent the week end with relatives in Dur ham. * * * ? 1 ? Thomas Lewis, of Washington, D. C., is at home recuperating from a recent illness. ? ? * * Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tnraage and children spent Sunday in Greenville with relatives. * * ? * Mrs. M. C. McCoy and Mrs. Chas. Shackleford were Wilson visitors on Wednesdayy. * * * ? Attorney James Lovelace, of High ' Point, spent the week end with his : parents here. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pierce and Mrs. 1 R. C. Them ton were Rocky Mount visitors Saturday. ? ? * ? Misses Evelyn Horton, Elizabeth J Fields and Sue Barrett were Green ville visitors Monday. , ' * ? * * Mrs. R. E. Lee has returned to ML Olive after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. George W. Davis. * * * * A large number of foot ball fans attended the Georgia Tech game at Chapel Hill last Saturday. ? ? * ? Miss Rachel Lewis, student at E. C. T. C., Greenville, spent the week end at her home near here. * * ? ? Miss Elizabeth Robinson, of Co lumbia, S. C., spent the week end with Mrs. J. Y. Monk. * * * ? Miss Sadie Griffon, of Wilson, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Shackleford. ? ? ? ? Miss Margaret Davis, student at Salem College, spent the week end at her home here. ? ? ? ? Mrs. G. A. Rouse, Mrs. R. H. Knott and Mrs. G. M. Holden were Raleigh visitors Wednesday. J ? ? ? ? Mrs. E. C. Seaman was hostess to a busines meeting of the Episcopal Auxiliary Monday afternoon. YTyimnmnfM Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bynu* and Ifa* R. R Newton were Rocky Mount vif iters Tuesday. u?? ?<'" Mrs. J. M. Hobgood attended a District meeting of Federated Clubs held at LaGrange Wednesday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mm W. S. Stafford, of Greenville, were guests of Mr. * and Mm E. Wardroper Sunday. Jack P. Lang, of Columbia, S. C.f spent the week end with relatives here. ? * * ? Misses Rachel Monk and Sallie Ben nett, at Calypso, students at E. C. T. C., Greenville, spent the week end at the home of Miss Monk here. ? ? ? ? The Missionary Society of the Bap tist chuhch held its monthly meeting at the local church on Monday of this week. m m A m Mrs. Daisy Mae Davis, of Andrews, grand matron of the 0. E. S., and Mrs. Dehie Rich Patton, of Elon Col lege, past grand matron, were guests of Mrs. J. W. Parker Thursday night. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. John Dwight Holmes, of Raleigh, are spending this week here; Mr. Holmes having charge of the music at the revival meeting at the Baptist church. ? $ ? Mrs. Sarah Perry and daughter, Miss Lucille, of Durham, are spending ( the week with Mrs. J. Frank Harper. , * ? ? ? Coy Monk and B. O. Turnage, Jr., students at Oak Ridge, spent the week end at their homes here. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker and Mrs. Nonie Barrett attended the Dis trict meeting of the 0. E. S. in Golds boro Thursday. * * * * ] Miss Lizzie Gay, Miss Eastering ! Gay and Arthur Gay spent the week 1 end at Wilmington visiting Miss Liz- i zie Gay's sister, Mrs. Boyd Parker. - 1 m * ? ? Mrs. C. H. Hines is spending 3 Rocky Mount and Battleboro J with relatives and friends. 3 > ? ? ? * < Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pollard, Jr., moved this week into the apartment ' with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Holden on ! Church street . ' * * ? * ( Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hollo- ' way, Thursday, October 10th, a son, 1 at their home near Ballard's Cross Roads. 1 Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson. Meth ? ^ % " 1 odist Missionaries, at home for a year 1 an furlough from their post and home 1 at Okayma, Japan, spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Hay wood Smith. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Clinton Rollins, Mrs. Arthur Tugwell, Mrs. Flave Darden and*Miss Mamie Ruth Smith spent Tuesday in Greenville. ? * * * Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Misses Agnes and Dorothy Wilson, of Durham, were guests of Mrs. Haywood Smith for the week end. FOR SALE?A few of my nice Ply mouth Rock hens and pullets. Have too many for winter quarters.?Mrs. J. G. Gates. < FOB SALE ? IRISH POTATOES? 150 lb. bag No. 1 Irish Cobblers at $$3.60. Write or 3ee J. C. Parker, Fountain, 'N. C. Itpd This is the week for monthly tests. Monthly teats count as one - third of [ the month's wwk, therefore the^j month's grades will to a great extent depend upon the ta^pijuies;-^ :?y' ;? The grades for last month were not neariy so gcod as they should have been. Great improvement should |be made this month if we are to hays the best school year that we have ever had as far as grades are con cerned. Last Friday's Chapel Talk -Last Friday morning the most im portant part of the program was al talk by Miss Hillhurst from Green ville. The most particular thing that she talked about was a story in a book written by Miss Ruth Slattery, the title of the book was "Yea or No." These two little words spell success or failure for every one. Would Na poleon-have said "yes" bad be known his destiny? Would we say "no" to our conscience when it tells us to do a thing if we knew where -we would end up. Miss Hillhurst told the story of a girl who Jways said yes, when she knew that she should, no matter how great Hie r idicule upon her might be. This girl made a great success in life. One of her boy companions always 3&id no because he was ashamed to say yes. In later years he regretted saying no but he cannot wipe that black mark out of his life because it is firmly imprinted here. Therefore we should always consider what might possibly happen before we say yes or no. FOR RENT ? 6-ROOM HOUSE with bath upstairs and toilet downstairs that W.~ A, MrAdams now occupies, also 5-roora apartment with private bath room. For paartig ulars see Mrs. Florence Nelson. 11 "PASSION PLAY" TO BE SHOWN IN ROCKY MOUNT ON NOVEMBER 14 AND 15 Rocky Mount gets the great Frei jurg "Passion Play" for two days starting Nov. 14th, being brought to that city by the First Mehodist church and presented at the High' School auditorium. Groups and parties are being or ganized to attend from a radious of 35 miles. The event is looked upon in Rocky Mount as the outstanding Civic Event of 1980. Only 82 leading cities of America save seen the great Freiburg "Pas sion Players" in their sublime spec tacle the "Passion Play", as present ad in English at the High School School Auditorium, two nights and one matinee, beginning Nov. 14th, the spjecial students reduced priqe matinee will be on Saturday, Nov. 15th, at 2:30 o'clock. .This excellent organization will be brought to Rocky Mount and pre sented at a scale l| j Wing how bad I fait, ad-!?| I IS Yiatd p* tpfericp Cardni, gf ? which I did. By the tfa?||| 18 **** ?*** **? 1 B? I |f| than nu5?a long to??g| I |cardvi|I 9 Wewee to Health 9 "1 wu very nervous and an cross I with mv husband I nearly drove Uo aw?y. final he. chained this end we of mineral elements iron, calcium "with ? ??? 4 - I ij*0X .. yincwi m|Sv6p oenaottfl, wiwiMi i Drsif 1 *"v * ^ 'I I -,'?,'?"'*'? ?5i a' '*-' mm* .''~\ -lii ' ??_ ;' Vi!?? j?vr * ,1 ? .^* ? o* My ^iwr viacon, 00?/*vivi I rT'?v-V- ni T aw' ? ;. v ? ^ ^ jlflWj jWj I Now Is tit* time t obaye : I yoar winter Clothin* ft t I | newecL Lower Prices! | 1 BIBS. JOSEPH'PAUdBB ; t ;307 \wB5S?> Street, I 2 Greenville, N. C. I Will haw?iu your orders FINEST WATCH AND JKWELKY WC2K ffnUtftirHr* Atuhtilj GUARANTEED TOLAR'S "At the mg Clock" iGEKSNYILLE, N. CL ? EYE STRAIN 1 Often fluum mm| Z nervousness. Our specialist j \ is at your command, hours ; > 9 to 5. DENNY BROS. CO. j j s. B. Denny, Owner Nest to Poetofflce I wilson, n. c. :: i '? J1 - '?i ? 1 ? - ?*? 'in im "'? ? & T. DICKINSON, M. IX, F. A. C. S, Beginning Saturday, June 7th, Or. & t Dickinson wfll maintain an of On with Dr. P.H. Jones in Famvflle for the Eleetrttal us*?*??**"?? w gg, moral if Tonsils ami other Electrical Surgery, especially that of the bee* and aedb daring the hoars 1 to 3 p. m. each Saturday.. Only one shert treatment eadl week being required. ADMINISTRATOR'S "NOTICE K; Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Amon Joyner, deceas ed, late of tiie County of Pitt. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, in Farmville, North Carolina, on or before the 16th day of September 1981, or . this notice will J* jpfcaded hi bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate! will plaase make immediate settle ment. This the 16th day of Sept. 1980. K| W, H, JOYNER, Administrator -i ?i.ii ?! ...i.. ?it - - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. W. Allen, deceased late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having dttwig against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Farmville, N. C. oil Or be fore the. 8th day of August 1981, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person* indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment This the 4th day of August IPSO. D. R Ogiesby and J. R. Allen, Administrators of Estate] of J. W. Alien John Hill Payior, Attorney, v49 I mL* ?i -j-,, , I - ? . ?' ^r** X?7wv? . 'I lffi.?Ii^fc*'frkllfc-"'' '&Ij e? Sfti K4vjJ,jt- ' X'^ JKwjp^y^. '.-aW#l.' ??: ? j|Mj 5S - THAT PtWKV / He Wc?K^ HARP BUT we MAKE* we LA^CH ? ( ?INH* I HAV* \ *omsthi*6 ' ^ TO 5A?f TO YOU i> voice .?;v"-?iBKma j ?" ? ? ? 1 ' v^3 / I tAKB ^ "Leader," the Rarobouillet ram tired at Mt Pleasant, Utah, brought $1,300 tt the Salt Lake City ram sale of the National Wool Growers' Association . v ? . The Enterprise is the best medium through which to get best resulte. i T. E. JOYNER, Manager Farmville, N. C. | A ' ?> AmVTKR KEOT :|; For .930, tke Sa?n v-?d and- proved jti hua- | dreds of thousands of truest ^ \ V ?/' V':' ' "%? r-y \rtfS* ???>? ? - ?' ? u GRID,