% LOCAL HAPPENINGS ? \ For Flowers for all occasions, call Miss Emma Dale. ? a ? W. C. Hotaton and Robert Lang ware Raleigh visitors Monday, a a a a Mr. and Mrs. O. 6. Spell were Stantonaburg visitors Thursday. ? * a Miss Pattie Royster-of Oxford is the guest of Miss Sal lie Norwood, a a a Mrs. 0. G. Spell and W. D. oCpe laad were Greenville visitors Tuesday. ? $ I Mrs, Annie Riggsby has returned after a visit to relatives in Durham. ? ? * Miss Ann Files, of Xinston, spent the week end with Mrs. J. 0. Pol lard. a a a There is nothing more appropriate than flowers. Phone Miss Emma Dale . a a a Mrs. J. M. Hob good spent the week end with friends in Rocky * ? t Miss Mahle Range of Dre-wry, N. C., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edgar J. Barrett. a a a Mrs. Sheba Flanagan who is ill *t ktr home on Wilson street, is im proving, ? ? ? Mr, and Mrs, J, T. Thorne and daughter, Mary Leah, spent Sunday in Magnolia. ? ? ? Miss Emily Battle, of Rocky Mt, i spent the week end with her aunt, llrpf C. H. Hines. ? ? ? Mrs. 8, A- Roebuck and son, are spending some time with relatives in Robersonville, ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. B. Streeter Shep pard, of Raleigh, spent Monday and Tuesday here. ? ? ? Yocr Flower orders will receive prompt attention if given to Miss Emma Dale. * * V Mrs. Kate D. Morton of Rocky Mount, is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Taylor and Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Jones were Ral eigh visitors Monday. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dyerly, of Ral eigh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Bobbitt Monday. ? ? ? ? Orders for Easter Flowers are now being considered Call Miss Emma Dale about yours, ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Finch frnd; children spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Christman. ? ? ? Hist Edna Robinson has return ed from Ivanhoe, where she visited her sister who ho sbeen quite ill. ? ? ? Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Holden and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pollard, Jr., were Greenville visitors Tuesday. ? ? ? Hufh L Barrett and Willie Tur nage attended the Chevrolet dealers meeting in Raleigh Wadnesday. ? 9 * Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Turnage and Mrs. W. B. Murphy of Snow Hill were Norfolk visitors Thursday. * * * Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Venable and children, of Suffolk, spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Ven able. ? ? ? Mrs. H. L. Turoage has return ed to her home in Quantico, Va., after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turoage, see Mrs. Donald A. Lovelace and small daughter have returned to Norfolk after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lovelace. * * * Mrs. B. H. Knott, Mrs. G. A. Bouse, Mrs. G. M. Holden, and Ifrs. G. & Vocght were Raleigh visitors Thursday. ? ? ? Pr. Frank Peas, of Wilmington, will pleach at the Episcopal church Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, g far jf body cordially invited. ? f * Mr. and Mrt P. R. Morgan and son. Pan, rti?*fn Cbrvstelle Lucas and Mamie Proctor ?pejrt the week end hi Greenville. ? ? ? Missea Marvel Sanders and Anna beOe Thornton, students of B.CT. C. Greenville, spent the Week end with Mis Sterling Gates. Mr. and Mrs. I B, Fonville and Mrs. I r Bines of Rocky Meant, were gaecte of Mr. and Mr*. I. g. SadaitMd Friday, ? e a. Mrs. P. g. Ogleeby, Mrs. P. R. Morgan, Mrs. A* C. Bodgea, and Mrs. ?, g. Jones rttsadld -a reception jt the 1mm ?f Mrs. G. & Everett in iwwvcQTuii rnctsj evcnuige ? .0 ? * ? . | Nat Whitfield returned from Chase I City, VtL, to the home of his dsugh* iter, Mrs. B. O. Turnage this week. I Mr. Whitfield is suffering with his j leg and is confined to his bed. ? ? ? Miss Mae Joyner is spending this iweek end at home, the Aurora I schools having closed for this week ton account of bad roads, making it impoasible.for school trucks to trans fer the children. U. D. C. TO MEET The regular meeting of the U, J). C. will be held Friday afternoon at 3:30 with Mrs. D. S. Morrill ' WEEK OF PRAYER This week is being observed as Week of Prayer for Home Missions by the Women's Missionary Society of the Baptist church. Meetings are I being held each afternoon at the I home of Mrs. J. If. Wheless at 3:30. CARD OF THANKS % j It being impossible for us to see all who were so kind and thoughtful I to us during the recent illness andj death of our dear father, R. W. Smith, we take this method of expressing our sincere appreciation to all for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy. THE CHILDREN ? ' ?? MRS. TURNAGE HOSTESS Mrs. Turnage was hostess to the Tuesday Afternoon Club this week entertaining most charmingly at her home on Contentnea street The decorations of early spring flowers [ added color and fragrance to thfe attractive home. After several pro gressions of auction bridge, Mrs. W. R. Willis was awarded the high score prijte, a bridge bell. A delicious salad course with Rpsian teg was served. Additional guests included; Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner, Mrs. D$nal4 A. Lovelace of Norfolk, Mrs, U T. Pierce, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. ?. T. Thornton, and Miss Louise Smith. MRS. OWENS LAID TO REST IN CARRAWAY BURIAL GROUND Mrs. Florence Carraway Owens, wife of Benjamine Owens, who died in Gates, Va., on Monday, was laid to rest in the Carraway burial grounds Tuesday afternoon, the ser vices being conducted by Dr. A- 8. Vensble. Mrs. Owens was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ben Car raway, and sister of Ed, Ben, and Abe Carraway, al] of this section, and Mrs. J, I. Fields of the Walston burg section. \ devoted wife and , mother, and a devoted friend she will be greatly missed both in the Virginia. community and in this , ATTEND BOOK CUUB MEETING Mrs. J. M. Hob good and son, Bil ly Morton, and Mrs- M- V. Jones were special guests of Mrs. M Woaten on Wednesday afternoon when she was hostess to the Pinetops Book Club. The three guests took part in the program, Bill played several violin numbers, Mrs. Jones sang a group of songs, and Mrs, Hobgood was accompanist at the piano. SMITH ANNOUNCES FOB MAYOR STATES ISSUES OF CAMPAIGN Elsewhere in this paper I have announced my Candidacy for Mayor, I do so supporting a platform of rigid economy and strict law enforce ment, two things fundamentally nec essary to the future progress of our town. The Community finds itself in the most depressed condition in two generations, and every indica tion is, that recovery will be very slow, and can be hastened only by an administration which will elimi nate all waste and extravagance and which wiU adopt sounder economic principles. There may be thoso who contend that the town is in good fin ancial condition but no town in in better shape than the people who make up its citmenship. Relief from high taxes in State, county and town .can come only by a cut in expendi tures.^ w m _ _t J ? ? ' t i iavor a ciean KqpioiBvni^wn, 4 condemn every phase of corruption, and believe in an interpretation of j the law.in spirit as well sua to the letter. When the books are opened for registration every eligible voter should register and should vote; the right to vote is not a privilege hut a duty and should be considered as such. Your vote and yoqr support in the forthcoming primary will be very mucn appreciated. B089RT SMITH ?V: f.*-'.- ?yfr&y' ? i'jii'T ? ?l ?!'?. . I . . |1?^ ? AnWgtmeptof *8,800,000.000 is creeds in the United States. ? , ' ? .?;< ..v -**70 >' ?? 11 ? ?? ? 1,1 . ?- 1 m W? HINT?Niee six-room cottage - ou Contentwp Street near corner Church Street?See McD. Hor ton, Farmville. LAST BITES FOB RBDMOND FORBES HELD SUNDAY, PJL Funeral . services for Redmond Forbes, familiarly known* M "Bad", i colored citizen, age 66 years, wen conducted from the Free Will Bap tist church Sunday afternoon by Rev. Horton, pastor, and burial took place hi a cemetery near Harlboro. Bed highly respected and ea teemed for his feithful nature, sun ny disposition, and honesty, by blade and white alike. He served in "the T. L. Turnage family for 85 years before entering the service of J. W. Parker, where he remained un til ill health, caused by heart trouble forced him to retire several months ago, having served the latter fam ily most faithfully for 17 years. "Let our schools teach the nobility of labor and the beauty of human service,"?Cooper. GARDEN CLUB The Garden Club held an interest ing and helpful meeting on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Whelesa, Miss Tabitha DeVisconti presiding. Plans for the celebration of Arbor Day, the local mosquito campaign, and Clean-Up Week were discussed. Upon motion the dub de cided pp order walnuts from the ML Yejrnon estate for planting by the memhan?; An article from the North Caro lina Bulletin, "Every C|ub W^U Ob serve 200th Anniversary of George I Washington By Planting Trees," by Mrs. John D. Roberson, chairman of Conservation, was read by Miss DeVisconti, and a election, "Garden Remidere For the South," was read from a yarden magazine by Mrs. T. IE. Joynef. . f NOTE OF THANKS We wish to take this method of thanking our friends, to whom we have not personally expressed our ap preciation as yet, for their kindness, and the care exercised in removing | furnishings from our residence dur ing the fire ?f Thursday morning. Papticulariy do we wish to thank the fire department for its re^dy response agd the Boy Seouts fbr their services* Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mprgap FOR MAYOR ~ / - .IL- -I I 1 hereby announce myself a cam didate for the office of mayor, sub ject to th* wishes qf the Democratic voters in the primary of April 7th, 1931. Your vote will be appreciated. ROBERT &EE SMITH ???? EXCITEMENT FATAL | Weimar, Thuringia?The excite ment from the celebration of hex hundredth birthday proved too modi for Fran Wilhelmine, Goee of Diela dorf, near Weimar, who had a nervous breakdown and died two weeks later. ? . ?; EXECUTOR'S NOTICE \ V...' I " *' ' ? 1 Having- qualified as Executor of the estate of,R. J. Tyson, deceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claim against said estate, to present same before me on or before the 26th day of February, 1982, or this .notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 26th day of February, 1931 HENRY C. TYSQN, Exec. Estate of A. J. Tyson, deceased -1 .. _? . V ... By i Correctly Fitted Glasses Ti relieve Headaches, Eyestrains and to give dear Vision, see Drs. J. a and V. H. Mewborn Optometrists KINSTON, N. C. ? * ? 1**1 ? ? * ? ? ? ? ^oln ?itk Dr. P. & IwP' ? ? Satnrdays; One to Three o'clock * ? Electrical Surgery of the * ? HEAD, NECK AND THROAT ? H. M. BONNER, H. D. EYE, XAX, W08X, THROAT GLASSES FITTED Office Seen* Floer National Bank Building Greenville, N. C. ADMINSTBATBIX' NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Joseph E. Jefferson, deceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, thia is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the the pndereigned, at her home near Fountain, N. CL, on or before the 1st day of February, 1982, or thia notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 27th day of January, 1981 Bessie B. Jefferson, Admx. Fountain, N. C. Julius Brown, Attorney. NQTJC8 OF SALE fly virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain Mortgage Deed, executed bf Lula H. Joyner, on the 10th day of February 1925, to Mrs. Fannio Cobb, which mortgage is of record in the Register's office of Pitt County, in Book W-14, page 622; the undersigned, will sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for Cash, in front of the Court-hfWO door in the Town of QrnenviUo, North Caro lina, op Monday, March 16th, 1931 at 12 o'clock, Noon, the following described real estate; Lying and being in the Town of Farmville, North Carolina and tie scriped $s follows: Beginning at Dr. C. C. JoynaFs North-east corner on Pine Street, and runs the line of said Joyner, in a Northerly direction 70 yards; thence at right angles in an Easterly direc tion 70 yards, to Parker Street when extended; thence in a Northerly direc tion with said Parker street 70 yards to Bine street] thence with Pine street to the beginning 70 yards. Con taining ONE am. -n ry * " I TTV vvv This the 10th day of February, 1931 Mrs. Fannie Cobb, Mortgagee. R. T. Martin, Atty. ~~666 LIQUID or TABLETS Cares Colds, Headache, Fever *666 SALVE CURES BABY'S COLD Grow Tfour Own Vegetables SALAD vegetables, lettuce, radishes, beet>, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and green onions are more crisp and full of flavor when freshly picked. The same is true of beans, peas and sweet corn. To make the most of your gardening effort, plant the first quality tested ?ed now available in the Northrup, King & Co. seed box at a nearby dealer's, ?V"f* (JU standard ways Favor Thrift -LIVES of fads may be long or short. Styles change almost overnight But public taste everywhere is always in fav or of getting the fullest returns from money. Thrift is one thing that always is in style?always popular with those * who look ahead, and vision and comfort and financial safety. ? Your thrift account here not only means added safety as it grows. It gains the helpfulness of a sound, experienced, friendly institution?that can be valu able in many mays to you. The Bank of Farmville ? ? D. E. OGLESBY, Cashier GUj. CsBBtj tad State Depositary SERVICE, SAFETY FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE Snow Hill Hatchery Under New Management NOW IN OPERATION o Chicks for Sale Every Thursday Custom Hatching, $3.25. Chicks: Thoroughbred 12c, Mixed, 10c S. C. BROWN, Manager PHONE 2616 Snow Hill, North Carolina FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE I SL Th* Not* ChmnUt Sp*ct*l&*Ua?Product of G*nor*l Motor* Performance, too, proves Chevrolet the Great American Value * ' ,i'; " v ?* , The new Chevrolet Six is a fine performer. It maintains high road speeds at a low* easy-working engine speed. Its SG-horse power engine operates with unsurpassed economy. Six cylinders enahlfe you to creep along, accelerate, climb hilis, go fast?and do it all smoothly, quietly?with little shifting of gears. Step into a Chevrolet and drive. Let performance, too, prove Chevrolet the Crest American Value. jVear low prices?Roadster, $475; Sport Roaditer, $495; Phaeton, $510; Standard Coupe, $555; Coach or Standard Fire Window Coupe, $545; Sport Coupe, $575; Fire-Passenger Coupe, $595; Convertible Cabriolet, $615; Standard Sedan, $655; Special Sedan or Convertible Landau Phaeton, $650. Price* f. o. b. Flint, Midi. Speda* equipment extra. Low delivered prices and easy terms. NEW CHEVROLET SIX ' V, MB A - m - - - o * ? OmRORMP ^^EVIvwwJV - . -v ' :-v - ?' '' * . ?