- ..... ?rmrr?r~~ r~^?-? Hfc.< : '-?. - "? 4 ^'#?VM j^s. ' ij 1,-. 4 <*? --^ r-il . I ?*". u. . ? *? __ ^ ? At .^r. ?- . y . %??; ??? ? - ?|^JHA<r- -'--^jm''- ' '''? *ftr*-yyF m . '?' r\ jjj. ^HBOk ^?M-IIMA*. ^Bc-'-*' ?' ~" - ? ' ? ? ''^^^^Bfejl^B"*^'~ * '\'' j ? ^j| B4 , TfTVjnrasluL ;/ g mt._ i__ PMwlonflv TniHftnff I HI B 4'HH4 | J ? 1 Mfl^Hk' ??" ~ ^ I Ml I ? mf '. ?' 1 M l M To Trade With Them. j - "4k HvvJk JLJLJH ? Jfc JHJHAMrA'JI HW A J i i ii^.i 1 ? m 1 ? ! .' M ' . ?. ? - 1 ' . ? "." . * -?* ????: ~FARMttLLE, PiTT COimTT. NORTH tAEC - NUMBER FOURTEEN VOUTWBHTY-TWO .-JX. - = __ ?;,, i^.r~ . : 2 ? gg ? .'MBrfjafeESS .?.', .^VH'f' 1 . 1 -' ? " ' , Its Cotton if Sooth Wffl g'- ^ '?"?? i^S^^BSBSSS^i-- :^^^^?isP3?' Washington, Aug. 12--~The Farm Bodtd today called upon seotSsiris 2 planters to destroy one-third of their I* ?f>P now oudtf cultivation, pronuS" __ ing in return to hold stabilisation sur plus stocks from the market for one year. Telegrams were- dispatched to the governors of 14, cotton producing states, urging them to enlist the co operation of e very^a vailable agency, including farmers/and bankers, in this dramatic step to increasb the low price of cotton. - They were signed by Chairman .Stone, who conferred today With di rectors of the Cotton Stabilisation Corporation and the American Coop ' erative Association. Stone.said if the governors promised to plow under ev - ery third row of cotton now~groiring, the cotton cooperatives would be asked to withhold the 2,000,000 bales it owns from trade channels. - "This program,"" be asaerted, "if - fully, carried out by Southern farmers, as well as by ourselves, will mean a reduction at total supply by at toast 4,000,000 hades and withholding from this year's market of S,OO>,0M hales, . more."- :..w ' 'H The action followed by 1i. few days! a government crop forecast in which the 1931 cotton harvest was estimated at 15,584,060 bales, "more than 1,500, 000 above last year. Cotbta prices on every exchange mediate^ dropped A few: hoars before the telegrams ' were aent* it was announced Atexan der Legge, former chairman of the. Farm Board, had been elected a direc tor at large of the. stabilization cor-, po ration. Wheat and cotton stabilK zation operations with the . board's $500,000^00 revolving fond were ini tiated uader his ehaftmanalup and be has, been m cloze touch wilh all de .2. 25 tails. The proposal to plow under- every third r?w of cotton was advanced yes: terday by Governor Bilbo, at MissifH sippi. Stone, in his telegrams te the Govt emora of Alabama, Arizona, Arkan sas, California,Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolna, Tennessee and Texas, estimated the probable carry over a year from ^ow under present condi tions would he about 11,000,000. "This condition," he said, "occurs in spite of the 10 per cent reduction in acreage last spring. 1$. has al ready resulted in drastic price de clines in cotton prices which, & al lowed to continue, may bring direct disaster to cotton producing states. ? -ately mobilize a^cy^mclq^ng ? ing under of evSy" third r?* of cot ? ton now growing. Without question, lem to bg solved is "to secure aban donment in an organized and orderly fashion whkJh wfilgive farmers a bet ibt reran i^tPiijron(Wf?- .? y ^ "The board recognizes," Stone add ed, "that- this suggestion calls for drastic remedy for serious emergen? cy, but commends to you the thought that a major operation ofthjslond rather than attempts at lesser meas ures is "bow needed. The program would be .put into ef fect .September 1, and be competed September 15. the Governm#rwere urged to- respond hnmediatelj^ stat ing their attitudd ob xhe propeead. The suggestion was regarded here as tHe board's-most important nmye since stabilization operations were attempted in 1929. At that tinie 1, 300,000 bales of. cotton were bought at an average price of a bale in an effort to steady sagging pricer,. The American Cotton 'Cooperative, met this 'afternoon. Advances to be made. <t? farmer members this year -weni jfeddered. K. P. Creelmiore, who is -vice president of the associar Won. said it'was not likely the,.. 90 per ce$t advances'mi(%ls?tjteai- wflf be agreed upon for this season;... LIGHTNING STRIDES STEEL OOjmCT CELL >. ' **>>-;" yv -? p \ r~ - Fayetteville, Aug. 12.?Sixteen ne (gro~*omd|ets had a narrow escape frpm dea^ when Sghtaing struck-the steel cage in which they were near here^i? Occupants of the cage _ were teflapaJrarily deafened by the holt but were otherwise unjpjured.- Thelight nin^F knocked a large dent-in-the toot of the cage and tareSa.hole in; the ground at its ewL ??. <$&'" '^0' -- GETS-CONTRACT ' - V/. Washington, Aug. 12.?The Van Gordon 'Construction Company, of : Jacksonville, Pla., was the low bidder today on improving a breakwater at the Key West, Fix, naval station with an estimate of $159,000. f > - . ? . , , . ? ??' When Mrs. Sophia oRehnaer," y, be came seriously ill from worry because her pet dog strayed away, 1,100 Buf falo, ,N. Y., policemen made a eftf rwide search -for the animal.;,. ; ; v- ? ~ ?' .. ,; J ... * - " Seek Emergency Action To Help Tobacco Prtees ' * I ' , 5 I Raleigh, Aug. 12.?Agricultural I leaders from North. Carolina, South ? Carolina and Virginia- meeting here ? yesterday with* representative of the I tee, representing those States- and I producer of bright ? leaf tofaoeco ^wfth a view to taking I price for this year and to stihiuiatej K ^that growers be indoced to turn over-' crae 1 " 1 jfH6 W3S DPG Bi 4?rer hs Dr. Clarence of ?r< --ffoliowJiig resolution: ? mwMq. That a comnathik ?? (faction together with tie dir^ "tors of Carolina and Virginia and four from North Carolina, by reason ofita laifce production, together with the direc tors of extensioajand the conmlission= err of' agricnjttrre of nadr of these tates. Dr. Poe was instructed to call a meeting of the committee to be .held Hi Raleigh on. either August 2Q,:21 or 22^hi<4r ^er cocygen^ ; ^afll ^ rcptftWGut^ti\ federal Ffinn I I JiJTnr [t ^ JT ' -I 1 '^5' v ? ? _j' ff" vj^ rtniii> ? I :*^V'- *'* ~^?; j 'aT^I D. 1 ^T.j, ?? * X j 000 p^HXZxds- s^Eiost m I Mary Cannon Upon Be ing Sfuwn-HisPfeture fWSioun^s Him Slay er of Coast Guardsman . ' r*. Ben U Thompson, -wanted for. i> otJohuJ^'Coast;: > Guardsman, surmmdered to police ,, or Richmond, Ja*. last night, ac- ? N cording 'Information.^ which reached RaWfh at midnight last Bight. ?v"' "? ? ?; - -r New Bern, Aug. ^.-^Identification today by Mary Cannon from phdto graphs as. the jmurderer ol j3hn I'erfy Pamlico coast guardsman,,and declar ed by Richard Eu^anks and Lawrence Gatling, to be thejnan they up inFoi^ roadster at toe ^scene of as Peel's V ^ With the evidence now pointing strongly to the guiKTrf Thompaon>.Pr. J. R. Latham, county coroner, lanj nounced tonight that he would hold the inquest tomorrow, morning at 11 o'clock at the locaj courtoouse, chiefly to determine the future roles of Rich ard Eubanks, Lawrence Gatling and Mary Capuion, who are being held here in jail udthout privilege of. hail as material witnesses in the murder case. The inquest... had previously been set for next Monday.. ? Assured that nets now on lM IKLCK ?of theN -slayer of Peel, Sheriff R. B. ?Lane;'* who is directing the search, ?states" that he expects to have Thomp ? son-soon in custody. A detective ar ? rived here today to join in the search Ifor the. alleged murderer. " I Buhanks, - who admits that he was ?driving--"'the-"'Ford roadster when ?Thompson left him and Gatling at the leariy tixls morning by the Gannon girl land in "turn he admitted thaCBe. had ^ whe l^'le- Biunip d over ^ -stBiBfi ^ Peel had been shot. I Bv? ' 2bnGH? til iiiv. c,'if tiiu^ms . tHiiv sue suspicion ft .the rpinfer case and is and was subee^nUy cafcvidted for taweny. He escaped from Cwap tfo. 1, near Fwjuay Springs. .-yY-^rv? . ? -?^- ~--1 ?? - %taSni?s mim -Sell Better Thanonltoe "^V:- ;? . Tobacco edged up slightly on the border markets Wednesday. "All to baccos from eight, dollars up were slightly higher than on the day be fore/' says the report -from Fsir mont. : The average -jfc tomberftm was slightly-betieF than on the-same ceding daj^l#^ ^ - 2. : . . N ? - MOVE UP SOMEWHAT iV '"$Zl , .""^>4 .] " - v t ' -p-ir if. . . . r - ? i a ^ vl'&t-Ir - ??t_*s:isv-.' pt'^ ? 'J,?*"'.H*^r."' v??j *"*??? ' ?? ? ? ,'j' ?' .', ^.- ^ ., ? I .'? '??^ffjliW".^,-^v^,* -*" _ ? . I *VW^ vX K1 v Wl*ic vu vwvil 'ilj' vilv . uVUWl | K" ^vwov 4ivm? - "pwiyii"'".^o^wuj theiHhe^m^itrao rowh che^> 6-f mailLT^t^ ofter . states"1ought toibilow North CafM ^^ rtudy^over tije plan before it empty ot'worth. "I'd rather not bet quoted," be said. much experiencej^i cooperative or-fj yan&atipnwork, was tfcfjn&st optim istie of those interviewed. He aaidj there war a "poasibUiiy'' tlmt r Farm Board plan would work. HUM statement follow.: "I think the Governors of the cot whether or not the plan la practical f depends on whether or wrt-Ote states ( will be able to mobflixe their agricul-1 tural leadership, including bankers! and merchantsas well as thefaioera themselves, to move- J flat it would be Impossible I to do so but under these ci#cum-| stances I believe there is a possibil-j U. B. Blalock, president of thef American Cotton Growers Asso&atietif Carolina Cotton Grower^ Coopwntive | Association, was not in the State Ipst 1 night. \ ':r' I ^ Q CoiCT^j land ^y I Greenville, Aug* 12.?Willifini C*| 8 011?^, ^ I I -jfe; -^?rn ? r^ .,? - '/?5ffi*V^ v f: Ajlf J 1>? 1 m >'. ? i | "',.? " , t ,'V / V J fies and vn Termenfri '^ ,^" f\ '* X /I ?? 1 OCO '?* Tf | *m^r* x.~i#fc^, .' \^y%l ? ?* _ " *?-" "m. Mafljafeft^^.'i^-'-Y* ? ?? "M ... I. i. vWlVlCt fluU' 'IwSpfWt6. vlUuAflvf ) feu* to Sheriff Ttsqsoq Scott - taken for a. ride on the pretense of ?'?: "1 did ray part1 of the robbery, but m#** kP^^M^wartaiw 35?* t&mvlty (&&**% r- : r ^We hidy-KotltSO. say ^ist fellow ' iJaralr * - V3j ? ? ? - - - " ; Austin, Texas,. Aug, .lZ-^-fbe-Texr enco- ooipmittee bill deigned to tien-hl East Texas. Z re^Spa#^^h ^ Lutive's approval and avoid a declar ation of martial law to shui down \ ; - Proprietors of "Little Monte Carlo" Ordered toServfefioadTerm %? ' . FT * ? ? ? 1. ? - ? 1 '? Beudarsonville, Aug .12^-Pteadiag jSrfity to th0 chiag^o<:<?er?ting a gambling bouse when they appeared id recorder's court before Judge J. Foy Justice this piornmg, four defen dants, Grady Justus, FfJ^jltXing, and Luther Wilson, of Ashevtfle, were this of three nkrttttriir the county-jaily to be as signed to work on the roads and fined "This sentence -was given for yiola tjon of Section'4433 ofc the statutes. Pn, violation of Statute 4434, which' ewers other violaduiis, ? " ft* judgmentwwv continued until the first Mcadayin October urfcas prgjr eiforsoonerby SoHcitorW^Sfeep pard. The defendants were required to post. bond in the ainount of $560 for their appearance in court the first Monday *&.<>&**?? .SuspenjMon ^ senteri^for thatpertbd -on-condttio* that the defendants sWI not visit the famein the part few vBeetoas tff W. A Garrw^ fiendewon coun ty, and George Cooler; of di# B li t - ^r~ ^ Jt -" t.j? ? /-> 'j^y; y ' . ^>-' .-.'?> ..-. , *:r ?? r. ? ~ dgwiv if i 4/f "-py->; '^'jBw" H ^ *^y- 1LM'9 : K"; 1 >g=3gfr i^?gfe?u '^(ffctay--^'? -|--f-,"T'-- '- ^ -' pre,-..'?&?" -?^BS5rjKB7*?-RS^?S3TT^?:-< - ? --'??*:'?^-?^"?"T*""^^.!^;*', vJV:v Kiokv^ for tb*rpa*<?*fe - age Pri<* ? eHgW^ower, WiWa < ?&||^ credence' since to encouraging , has been paid; for" the few quality*'tobacco offered eaehday. J *pf his bc*> said'that farmer. - ; wdl beyond * doubt: b^jlenefitodf by th* raifoin :dHH*to jpfce* of* 'MM*. ?week* ago,: as indicated by the authorities of the companies when FsTiAfifs in this sfictioaTcfiiH Off* be qdattty 9/ their tobacco, and with in creased warehouse apace and a num ber of other maricet improvements, ?/ Farmviile is preparing to effkieaCy " ifcfylW-t)w aritninl ipnw>l<w % pnTWd age, which it has Ktetred We**, and it even anticipating argfeerfew In crease thiB year- than over any peevi- ? ? cms season. While other* axe settling down ik+ f Ihe sedate and dignified rut of mature markets, Farmviile is still in the aggressive state, out'for keen competition in sale totals and aver ages. , Farmviile is very corvenientiy lo cated, being: almost In the exact ee?- > for of the Eiaatern Carolina tobacco belt with:splendid highways spread J pat in ail directions. Tobacco is the principal crop of this seetion. end ex isting industries here have no trouble in getting labor. Thens are no-labor - unions, no foreign born, but a suffi cient population of natives, whitesnd colored, to meet all labor - require ments. to? four mammoth warehouses ~ serve the-market well here and- have given it the enviable reputation ofbe ing one ofthetip-top martete of the state. So far as is known at this time the buyers for the season 'wfltrbe practically the same as ItoiWt-WHk. the addftfcm of P. Lorr?*^ and a market is able flfls yea? to offer'gov-" . ernment grading of tobacco-for all powers who care to take advantage of tiris Tsernafmit has been oetect ed as-the key market for' Eastern | Carolina, and-everything- is being 'put in readineps for this service, by the Federal-State grading officials. While accommodations of the vari ous warehouses and plants are ade quate and modern in every respect, it is generally conceded that the., straightforwavdneos, integrity and courage of the local waTohtmvemen ha* caused this market to progress along thevmost desired lines, thSf per sonal element makhig the nuurfcat - what it is today.; Indeed, the remark able growth of the market here is a ^ tribute to individual achievements of progressive kind-in the spheres of to bacco marketing. ??????? V TO REQUEST NEW TRIAL ^ ; FOR CONDEMNED MAN ^ U Kinston, Aug. 12^-Fighting des perately to save Herman Casey from the electric chair for the murder last year of JateesC. i&us^attbrtiya \ hire will go into superior cota* An gust 24, with a reqtiest for a hew trial lorhim. If the motion, abehdf pre pared, is rejected they plan to appeal to the supreme court lit RaWjS. Hints have been hovird the case might be taken to the supreme court off-the United States if necessary. fite new" trial is sought join gffflmds of ; ineUgibiiity of -certain nfStd jurors n tow wests afteTthe pisfrl^^qich umrfer-of jCdwyrWlderiy Vi*?nia discovery of new evidence. Washington iT1 beaten in the state' cuted September 11 under the -present' r Shi*i - - - nnrhH1' Vitt 4-Va QntiftlAWn riiaifbo* Ao *: jjjfS^'' ?Y\^r' ^CV 1 1 1 "J 1

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