;,??r?y Parker was a Washington j visitor Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Ennis were! Dunn visitors Thursday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thome were Greenville visitors Monday. ? ? ? Mrs. Sidney Carr of Willow Greene was a visitor here Tuesday. ? * * ... Dr. W. A. Marlowe, of Walsionburg, was a visitor here Thursday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. John T. Thorne were Raleigh visitors Thursday. ? ? ? Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck is visiting friends in Raleigh this week. o ? ? Miss Sallie Norwood spent the week end with friends in Greenville. ? ? ? l\* " ? * Coy Monk, student at Duke, spent the week end at his home here. ? ? ? I Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Havens of Tar boro were visitors here Sunday. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner, of Kin ston, visited friends here Monday. ? ? # Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, of Green ville, visited relatives here Sunday. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Carl Austin of Clayton is vis iting her sister, Mrs. L. R. Ennis. ? * * Paul Eckert of Washington, D. C., spent the week end here with friends. 5 ? ? ? Miss Chrystelle Lucas is spending the week end with friends in Kins ton. ' ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith and Mrs. W. G. Gay were Kinston visitors Sun- ' day. ? ? ? Miss Delia Laughinghouse of Yanceboro is the guest of Mrs. J. W. Hardy. ? * ? Cecil Johnston of Raleigh spent the ( week end with his mother, Mrs. Pearl Johnston. * ? ? Mrs. Delphia Parker, who lives near Fountain is visiting her son, R. A. Parker. , ? * ? .1 Miss Jean Lassiter of Spring Hope spent the week end with Miss Natalie Vought. * ? ? Misses Virginia and Frances Gay spent the week end with friends in Greenville. ? ? ] John D. Dixon, of Belhaven, spent , the week end with his mother, Mrs. ; Lula Dixon. ? * * J Mrs. Glara Askew Baker and Mrs. Norbert Bass were Greenville visi- ' tors Friday. ? ? ? ' * Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jones and son, Fred, spent several days of this week in Richmond, Va. ? ' ? * ? ' ' ? ? Mrs. D. B. Askew and family of Enow Hill spent Sunday with " Mrs. Clara Askew Baker. ? ? 0 Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Bass and Miss Alice Lee Parker were Raleigh visitors Thursday. * ? ? Miss Elizabeth Fields spent Wed nesday and Thursday with friends in Washington. ? ? a. _> Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cox of Creed moo re spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cobb. ? ? ? Miss Lurline Bass, teacher in the Pine tops school, spent the week end at her home here. ? ? * Miss Rachel Monk, teacher in the Gardner school, spent the week end at her home here. ? ? ? Mrs. M. V. Jones, Mrs. Annie Riggsby and Mrs. W, M. Willis were Wilson visitors Friday. . 1 ? ? ? ] Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Manley lilies were Ral eigh visitors Thursday. ? - 'V. ?'*- . ? ? ?: Miss Douglas Pegram, teacher in the Gardner school, spent the week end with Miss Mae Joyner. - ? * * Misses Louise Smith and Lynn KB Patrick and Robert Lee Smith were Mfc. Olive visitors Sunday. * ? 9 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Louie Alex and Mrs. Arthur Gay ' ?'? T ,1-1 1_ Tf'-.i , spent Tuesday fit Upon. ?>. ?? Vv^: | Spring Hope visitors SuruMy. I 1 . -I' -j' i. SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, April 18 If No. meets withMrs. H. M. ([ Wilson. 3:30 p. m.?Presbyterian CSicle |j No. 2 meets with Mrs. J. M. 11 Hobgood. 3:30 p. m.?Episcopal Auxiliary II meets with Mrs. J. K. Beckwith. If 3:30 p. m.?Circle No. 4, Metho- 11 dist Woman's Missionary So- || ciety meets with Mrs. Claade j| Barrett 7:30 p. m.?Boy Scouts. 7:30 p. m.?Oratorio Society. Tuesday, 11 3:30 p. rh.?Merry Matrons meet If with Mrs. M. V. Horton. 6:45 p. m.?Rotarians Entertain II Former Members. Special II Program. 8:00 p. m.?Young People's Cir- Ij cle, Presbyterian, meets with I Miss Frances Joyner. 8:00 p. m.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 12 3:30 p. m.?Mrs. Elba Hansel 1, Ij professional interior decora- J tor, will address Woman's |j Club and women of communl- Ij ty in town hall. Thursday, 13 11:00 a. m.?Ms sons meet Friday, 14 3:30 p. m.?Woman's Club meets 11 j with Mrs. G. A. Bouse. I Saturday, 15 3:30 p. m.?Junior Woman's Club If meets at home of Mrs. W. A. Ij Pollard, Jr., with Miss Louise If ! Smith as joint hostess. jf< Mrs. A. B. Walter, Mrs. Arthur F.j Joyner and Mrs. I. E. Satterfieid were Greenville visitors Thursday. ? ? ? Mrs. J. W. Sanders and Miss Mar vel Sanders of Four Oaks spent the week end with Mrs. Sterling GaWs. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to hear that B. ' C. Bar bee has returned from a Rocky Mount hospital and is recuperating rapidly. r * * * w i| Mrs. Sterling Gates, Mrs. A. W., Bobbitt Mrs. M. V. Jones. and Roscoe fields, Jr., were Rocky Mount visitors Tuesday. . ? * ? .Mrs. Ed Jones, who has been visit ing her son in Washington for the past few weeks returned to her home ' here Sunday. |. ? ? ? I Mrs. C. L. Beaman, Mrs. W. J. Ras- I berry, Mrs. John D. Holmes and Miss ? Mary Wheless were Goldsboro visitors Wednesday. ? * ? t Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hardy and Sjuest, Miss &ella Laughinghouse of IJ Vanceboro spent Wednesday in Fay- 1 etteville and Fort Bragg. ? ? ? ? i Mrs. Ed Finch, formerly Miss Del- j ma Smith, left Wednesday to join her < husband at Long Beach, Calif., where I they will make their home. ? * * Mrs. Douald A. Lovelace and chil- i dren spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lovelace en route from Norfolk, Va., to Charleston, S. 1 C. . - ? ? Mrs. J. L. Rumley and daughter, Mim Mary Louise, Mrs. R. A. Fields and Miss Elizabeth Fields. and Mrs. ; B. O. Turnage were Rocky Mount visitors Tuesday. - J ? ? ? ? Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Wilson and Mesdames T. C. Turnage, L. T. Pierce, W. Leslie Smith, Plato Monk, J. M. Hobgood, Rawlings, C. F. Baucom, W. N. Spruill, Bruce Cobb, and Misses .Josie Hearne and Mamie Ruth Smith attepd*^ the Albemarle Presbyterial held in Greenville Tuesday. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Fields of Walstonburg, N. C., announce the birth of a daughter, Lula Jane, Sun day, March 26, at Walstonburg. Mrs. Fields was formerly Miss Elisabeth Baker, of Winchester, Va. NOTE OF APPRECIATION - ? ? * We wish to take this method of ex pressing' our sincere appreciation to our friends for their kfedness and thoughtfulness, shown us d|gh*g recent bereavement. Mrs. Joe Parker and Children. Ki9$ ' : .1 ?. 1 1 1 1 ' spanish-american auxiliary entertained >t# - Y I I J* ' i i tfy I j. tiaram^ra . _ v j | tti *11* J TIT- ^*-7. PTI/X^WSIT X OTK" of llei " Annfa AfcI Miw Doru Cvpmh*m it Cavtaa, , California was attraetod by the , beauty of Omrj blouucmt m wm the . Ea-sEBZ : '? . < LITERARY CLUB STUDIES PIONEER WOMEN OF TODAY Mrs. G. S. Vought was hostess at 1 a splendid meeting of the Farmville 1 Literary dob on Wednesday. Miss ' Annie Perkins presided and led a < discussion of the Federation Meet to J be held in Raleigh in May. The Club 1 voted to continue contributions to 1 the Sally Southall Cotton Loan Fund and approved action of the president 5 in wiring legislators concerning 8 ( months school bilL Mrs. G. A. Jones ' was appointed to represent this orga nization in the swimming pool pro ject. Treating the book "Plain Anne El lis" as a revelation of the depriva- f turns and hardships of early western * life and the author, Anne herself, as 1 a heroine of the pioneer West, the * talk of Miss Annie Perkins, in con- ' tinuation of the club's study of "Fam ous Women of Yesterday and Today" i was most interesting, reviewing the ' life of Martha Berry and the estab- ' lishment and progress of her school, ( was very inspiring. . * A delightful salad course was serv- 1 ed after adjournment Mrs. J. Q. 1 Beckwith, Jr., and Mrs. Leroy Rol lins were especial guests of the hos tess. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB 1 t Members of the Junior Woman's ? Club were delightfully entertained on * Monday afternoon by Mrs. G. S. { Vought, who has been sponsor of'this } group since its organization. Spring . flowers decorated the living room. Reports of the various committees j were heard during a business session, , presided over by Miss Edna Foust ( Harris, who announced the program; ^ a talk on Sidney Blackmer, North j Carolina actor, by Mrs. Harry Lang, who also a native of Salisbury, told } many interesting anecdotes, in con- * oection with his early life, and an ex- ? cellent paper pit Mary B. De Graves, , by Miss Elizabeth Davis. One of the most enjoyable features ( of the meeting was a layette shower, , gifts being presented by the members ( for the Children's Home in Greens boro, the project for Federated Junior Club this year. A delicious frolen salad,olive sand witches and pinwheel cookies were served by the daughter of the hostess, J Miss Natalie Vought and her house t guest, Miss Jean Lassiter of Spring , Hope. In addition to the club mem- j bers Mrs. Vought had aa guests. Misses K. Boatwright and A. Coggins. ; ENTERTAINS AT DINNER PARTY I Mrs. W. Leslie? Smith entertained friends of her hushabd on Friday eve ning at a delightful dinner party in celebration of the birthday aiuiiver- . sary .of Mr. Smith. The affair was a surprise to the honor guest A bowl of mixed flowers centered the table, a color scheme of yellow and white being carried in other table ; decorations. A course dinner was served at 6:30, covers being laid for eight Rummy was enjoyed later in the evening. * Guests included; Claude Bland of Greenville, Wesley R, WOHs, <|ohn Stand 11, J. H. Paylor, Chester Smith, E. L. Barrett and J. W. Joyner. Iii 42nd - Street | l^lfj^^^amatic spectacle of the American theatre, as wide as show business in scope, which Warn er Bros, presents at the State Theatre Mythe ?-v-'V'Tij so Broch withusipffw &nd plcssuro -1 .;: :? I Miss Betsy Morriss, daughter of ?fr. and Mrs. Lath Morriss, entertain ed fifteen of her friends at a lovely oarty on Saturday .afternoon, cele brating her fourth birthday* Games were played by the little tots, an Eas ter egg hunt proving the most en joy Ivith appropriate number of pinkcan nles and ice cream were served at the I yiDELIS CLASS ENTERTAINED I Misses Alice Coggins and Russell MTard were hostesses to the April lueeting of tha Fidelia class of the Baptist Sunday School on Tuesday jvening, entertaining at the home of fiss Louise Harris. The devotional urogram was led by Mrs. C. L. Bea nan. During a pleasant social hour a jig taw pussle contest was enjoyed and lelightful refreshments were served ty the hostesses. PROGRESSIVE BRIDGE CLUB ? * ' An enjoyable meeting of the Pro gressive Bridge Club was held at the lome of Mrs. J. Loyd Horton Thurs ay afternoon, in which a variety of tpring flowers were used with artistic rffect Following the usual number of pro gressions the high score prize, dust-, ng powder, was presented to Mrs. I. H. Knott and a delectable salad, tourse was served. Especial guests >f the hostess including Mrs. Harry -jutg, Mrs. Judd Walker ' and Miss Elizabeth Davis. CONTRACT CLUB -vj A delightful meeting of the Con ract Club was held on Wednesday ifternoon with Mrs. W. Leslie Smith is hostess at her home on Church itreet. White iris was combined with forsythia and spirea, making an | ittractive setting for the tables, the ippointments of which were suggest ve of the season. The high score irize, .companion pictures, was- won >y Mrs. Lath Morrisa Mrs. Z. M. kVhitehurst, Jr., was welcomed as a tew member of this group at this ;ime by the president, Mrs. J. Lo^d Norton. I Bavarian qream, angel cake and salted nuts jweie served when cards vera laid ajride, and candy bunnies md chicks were used as plate dectant~ ions. Tn addition to the did) mem >ers Mr Smith had as guests, Mes lames L. T. Pierce, Harry Lang, A. IV. Bobbitt, G. M. Holden, Misses ^hrystelle Lucas and Elizabeth Davis. NOTICE iro STOCKHOLDERS Notice is hereby gives*, that the An-j iual meeting of the Stockholders of" he ParmviUe Building and Loan As-.j tociation will be held in the City Hall rueeday night, April 11th, 1983, at i o'clock. Each stockholder is re luested to be present in person ot represented by proxy. - G. A. ROUSE, Secretary. DOC COMES TO FIX YOUR FEET for Easter Friday April 14. Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails removed, at R, L. Davis & Bros. Store. , i i 1 1 i WANTED?ONE HIGH TYPE MAN with small capital to invest in local business. Prefer married man age 27 to 38?at least high school edu cation. Must have good local stand ing, and be able to furnish refer ences. Write immediately ? Ad dress Box 188 Farmviile, N. C. AUCTION SALE - At 1:90 P. M. Saturday, April 8th, to Macclesfield, N. C. Plows, Piit$* ters, Gnano -^Sowers, Harness, Ffcrm ^Tm|diii?ente,^Too^ and I f ' 4 ' , J 1. ' V 1 I I Exitjc D^C&a6F8? , I in mind the warnings issued by boards of health to boil our watermen as tb kill 'topuritiea;^#^7i;lp5g ; "Boiling water for drinking and cooking purposes is to kill disease germs. Water used for batteries can be full of disease germs if it is. free of chemicals which harm the plates of the battery and cause" it to wear out be?ie its time. Boiling the wat er, therefore, will not remove the elements that are harmful to the bat tery, although it will make the water safe for drinking. : \ /; ?*< } ^"Filtering, water also, will not necessarily remove the impurities harmful to batteries. "Water for batteries must be handl ed carefully,, that is, kept only in glass, earthenware, rubber, lead or wooden receptacles. In the free bat- , tery service we render we use water that has been found safe- for battery use." - ; Farmers of Lincoln County are us ing Governmental -seed loans as about the only source of credit in the coun ty at this time. I BIG CROP I Fertilizers A Complete Stock of ARMOUR'S BIG CROP FERTILIZERS --Qn Hand Now? See Me Before YbuBuy. ?. ? ? ?. W. J. RASBERRY, Representative. 3 . J ^ Mon. Days d 1 ^ Tue. ^IWed. * M A' ? '% B M W \ A F*j u I u & . ^|KB ' ' t| I - &jgjEETM THE MIRACLE J Show of 1933!* with 14 Stars 50 Eeattire / < ? Players and 200 Girls!! | II Shows 2-3:30-7:15-S-Adm. 1 I 25c \ ii ^jc 11 tions in America for several months past 1 I It is the note that business men should : carry into their daily contacts. C Improvements, even though slight, are 4 reported in some of the leading trade in dicators. The unfounded hysterial con dition which has prevailed for some months, is showing signs of subsiding. 1 ? "r--. ? ? ... * t\ . ' Business on a sound foundation?busi- 4 ness backed with skill, with vision and with courage?can look to a "silver lin ing" in the future. t V' Bank of Farmville , 1W4-1933 Farmville, N. C. * i' Safety Service 9 ' ^ '-?*? * ? ' \ * ?' / ??v ? -? *rt? "" * ? [' ' * '???' ' ' ' : ? . w ..! ? ?' Wake Up Your Liver Bile ?Without Calomel * ?J And YouH Jump Out el Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go ? ? ?{ . If you feel sour and sunk and the world looks punk, don't swallow a lot of salts, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do it. They only move the bowels and a mere move ment doesn't get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two I pounds of liquid bile into your bowels i *uy. If this bile b not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decoys in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You have a thick, bad taste and your breath b foul, akin often breaks out in blemishes. Your head aches and you feel down and out. Your whole system b poisoned. It takes those good old CARTER'S LITTLE LTVER PILLS to get these two pounds of hilt flowing frssty and maks you feel "up and up.' Thay contain wonderful, harmless, gen tie vegetable extracts, smaring when It comes to making the bQe flow freely. fc But don't ask forbear pills. Ask for Carter's Little Lirer PQls. Look for the name Carter's Little ZJvsr Pilta on ths red label. Resent a substitute. 2Acstall stores. 01931.C. M.C*. FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE fc'fytG . V ? * * ? ? ' r FOR SALE ? COTTON SEED ? COKER'S 884 ? ? COKER'S FARM RELIEF ? ? 40c Bushel Second Year From Seed- Farm. J. H. HARRIS ? - i ' ? jT-. . - - - FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE There Is a Way to Get- Higher Crop Values in return for your Fertilizer Money. Fertilizers, | Tested in the same field with other Fertilizers, have consistently year after year produced acre values of I astounding sums more than equal quanities of other | Fertilizers produced under equal conditions. g SPEND THE DOLLAR WHERE IT WILL DO THE MOST GOOD-USE i -J - "' * -w '.ipy.u;, .' '? - ^ * "u-.'.V ?'V ' H Cw WV ' iwfg*? A BB ^?V''^BaB ? '* ? WW w "?**.,' ?**' I *'Hft W flTft^rlQll AT> rlftyVftaL JL llltv B H '^