y Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams were Greenville visitors Friday. ? ?? Mrs. Plato Monk is visiting friends in Whiteville. * * * Miss Evelyn Horton is out again after a recent illness. ? ? ? Robert Lang and John King are spending several days in New York. ? ? ? Herbert Acton is spending the holi days at his home in Raleigh. i ? ? ? Perry Dickens of Wilson spent Thursday here with friends. ? ? ? George Yelverton left Wednesday to spend the week end at his home in Fremont. ? ? ? Ernest Barrett, Jr., student at Louisburg College, is at home for the holidays. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pierce and children spent Thanksgiving Day in Greenville. ? * # Miss Mary Catherine Swain of Henderson is visiting Miss Lucy Bar row this week. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Oglesby and children spent Thanksgiving in Colu:n bia with relatives. ? ? * ? ^ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lilly and crui-j dren spent Thanksgiving Day with , relatives in Eure. ... : Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cooper of J Greenville spent Sunday with Mrs. I Venessa Townsend. * ? * B. 0. Taylor, Arch Flanagan and J. W. Hardy have returned after a motor trip to Philadelphia. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Manley Liles and son, Graydon, were Middlesex and Buck horn visitors Thursday. ? t m Miss Emma Dale and mother, Mrs. Pattie Dale, spent Thanksgiving Day with friends in Middlesex. ? ? . Miss Elizabeh Carden of. South Boston, Va, is the guests of Miss Becky Wheless this week. ? ? * Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Johnson and son of Columbia, S. C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis. * ? ? All of the Farmville girls attending E. C. T. C., Greenville are home for the holidays. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Morgan and son spent Thursday in Greenville with relatives. v m m Mr. and Mrs. Branch Bobbitt spent the holidays in Palmer Springs, Va., and Warsenton. ? ? ? B. S. Smith and David Cglesby, students at the University spent the holidays at their homes here. * 9 ? Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones of Rocky Mount spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. G. 'A. Jones. ? ? ? Misses Elizabeth, Janie and Mar garet Davis are spending the holidays with Dr. Marion Davis in New York. 9 9 4 Miss Virginia Rouse of Greenville is spending the week end here the guest of her cousin, Miss Doris Rouse. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Satterfield and sons, Bill and Jim, spent the Thanks giving holidays with relatives in Dur ham. ? ? ? Judd Walker, Hal Winders and Ed Jones were among Farmville fans at the Virginia-Carolina game Thanks giving. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemp and children spent Thursday in Middlesex. Mr. and Mrs. Josh* Dixon were Wil son visitors Thursday ? ? ? Mrs. B. O. Taylor, Mrs. L. E. Flow era, Miss Edith Teel, Miss Leora Bandy and Mrs. P. E. Jones were Raleigh visitors Monday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs, N. C. Brooks and daughter, Miss Sallie, of Greenville, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Jl SL Cobb. ? ? ? Mrs. M. G. Brown and daughters, Mines Evelyn and Catherine, of Eden ' ton are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis. m ? * Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. W. Leslie Smith ? recovering rapidly from a recent sinus operation in a Rocky Motat hospital. ? ? ? The Farmville High School closed Wednesday to reopen on Monday, many of the teachers taking advant age of the long holiday, to visit their Carl Turnage, Jr., who is with the U. S. Marines stationed at the Naval Base at Philadelphia, is 'spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Turnage. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dixon, and Miss Evelyn Horton were among the Farmville footba'l fans at the Virginia-Carolina game Thanksgiving Day. ? ? * Dr. Dennie I^el of Greensboro spent Monday with Mrs. Sallie Keel Horton, returning on Tuesday, being accompanied by Jack Horton, who is receiving hospital treatment for a , knee injury suffered .while playing football recently. j BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ( r Mr. and Mrs. Johnny A. Meadows announce the birth of a son, Johnny Glenn, Weunesday, November 22. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ( Mr. and Mrs. Melton Allen, of Farmvillt, announce the birth of a son, Charles Melton, Wednesday, November 22. Mrs. Allen was form ally Miss Mary Mozingo. TURKEY AND OYSTER SUPPER < The ladies of Walstonburg Christian ; ehurch will serve a Turkey and Oyster 1 supper in the basement .of the Chris- ] tian church in Farmville on Tuesday, December 5th from 5:00 to 7:30 p. m. * * r Everybody welcome. WOMAN'S CLUB TO 5 SPONSOR PICTURE ( ] The Woman's Club will sponsor the ' much acclaimed and popular picture, 1 "Strangers Return," starring Lionel ( Marrymore and Mariam Hopkins at ' the Paramount Theatre Wednesday, ? matinee and evening. Buy your tick- - ets early. PURSER-WHICHARD Coming as a surprise to friends in J this community was the marriage of < Miss Eva E. Whichard, of Greenville, to Mr. Ernest Theodore Purser, of Vanceboro, on Thursday morning at < 9:30 o'clock, the wedding ceremony being performed by Rev. C. B. Mash burn at the Christian parsonage. I Mrs. Purser is the daughter of Mrs. PoUie Whichard of Greenville. 1 Mr. Purser, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 F. Purser of Vanceboro, is employed on the Greenville tobacco market, and after a motor trip to Asheville the young: couple will return to make their home in Greenville. PROGRESSIVE BRIDGE CLUB MET TWICE LAST WEEK The Progressive Bridge Club, en gaged at present in a tournament se ries, which is creating much interest among its members, has held two meetings since the last issue of this paper vith Mrs. J. N. Gregory and Mrs. G. M. Holden as hostesses at their respective homes, in which win ter greens and cut /lowers were artis tically arranged. After the usual six progressions and recording of semes. Salad courses were served by each of the hostesses. . fj SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, December 4 I 3:C0 p. m.?Chrictian Missionary Society meets in the Church. 8:00 p. m.?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with Mrs. R. T. Martin. 3:00 p. m.?Presbyterian Auxiliary Circle No. 1 meets with Mrs. W. N. Spruill. I 3:00 p. m.?Presbyterian Auxiliary Circle No. 2 meets with Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr. 11 3:30 p. m.?Baptist Missionary Society meets with Mrs. J. Sterling Gates. I 3:30 p. m.?Methodist Missionary Society meets in the Church. |j 7:30 p. m.?Boy Scouts. Tuesday, 5 I 3:00 p. m.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. Wesley R. Willis. 'I 6:15 p. m.?Rotary Club. I 8:00 p. m.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 6 I 3:30- p. m. ? Spanish - American Auxiliary meets with Mrs. An nie Anderson. Thursday, 7 I 3:00 p. m.?Progressive Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Sallie K. Horton. I 8:00 p. m.?Modern Woodmen. Friday, 8 I 3:30 p. m.?A special meeting of the Woman's Club will be held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood with Mesdames D. E. Oglesby, A. Q. Roebuck, B. S. Sheppard, J. M. Christman, J. M. Wheless and Miss' Bettie Joyner as hostesses. Saturday, 9, 2:30 p. m.?Major Benjamin May chapter, D. A. R., meets with Mrs. S. C. Carroll and Miss Christine Smith. t Young Farmville Man Attempts Suicide Henry Burnette, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Burnette, shot himself through the brest in an attempt to take his life Wednesday evening about 11:00 o'clock at his home here. The bullet did not strike the heart but taking an upward course punctured the left lung and the young man is in serious danger of contracting pnue monia from a blood clot, said by phy sicians to have formed in the lung. Nb reason was given by the boy for the act in notes left for his mother and sweetheart, which stated simply that he "had nothing to live for." Burnette, a high school student, is around 20 years of age. Late reports state that Henry's con dition is somewhat improved today. NOTICE TO MEMBERS SPANISH AMERICAN AUXILIARY A meeting, the most important of the year, which -will include the elec tion of new officers, will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. An nie Anderson on Wednesday after noon, December 6, at 3:30 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. SPANISH-AMERICAN AUXILIARY Mrs. Maude Hinson was hostess at the November meeting of the Spanish American Auxiliary on Wednesday afternoon at her home on Conttntaea Street. Mrs. Pearl Johnston presided at this time in the absence of the president, Mrs. Annie Anderson. Saindwiches ,with a variety of delici ous fillings and hot tea were served fo .lowing adjournment. JAMES T. ATKINSON TO STUDY FOR MINISTRY Friends will be glad to learn that recent communications received by the family of P. T. Atkinson from James T. Atkinson, who left recently to enter the University of Denver, Colo., where he is to study in prepar ation for the Episcopal ministry, state that he is already established there, following a trip to the Chicago Fair, and is happily in his work. MR. AND MRS. MEWBORN TENDER SPECIAL DINNER TO HOTEL GUESTS " ?. -i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mewborn, popu- I [ar managers of the Davis Hotel, were hosts on Tuesday evening at a ovely dinner party, tendered guests] >f the hotel numbering fifty, many |, jf whom left next day to spend the' rhanksgiving holidays,'with1 their farr^ I lies. 1 The table was arranged in banquet' style and centered with low bowls of j Tuic and flowers. A sumptuous fufrk-1 :y dinner was served at 6:00 o'clock, j MERRY MATRONS With the topic of study, "The Lead-1 ?r Of The Bar Of Two Nations," con flicted by Mrs. J. W. Lovelace, who; iiscussed Benjamin in the light of a! Confederate jurist and leader and as1 5ueen Victroria's counsel, "the meet-; ng held by the Merry Matrons at the | aome of Mrs. Wesley R. Willis on Tuesday afternoon, was most inter ring 'and enjoyable. Mrs. . B. 0.' Turnage presided at this time. Following the program the hostess ecember, and a vote of thanks, was ';endered the friends, who assited the nembers in the preparation and serv :ng of the Governor's dinner at the ?ecent Golden Weed Jubilee . A delicious fruit salad, coffee and malted nuts were served during a oleasant social hour. S'H|iy !i y/Hiv "iCAOV' frfllB " i COUPLES JOINED IN WED LOCK BY CHRISTIAN MINIS TER TQ HOLD REUNIOP ? ? The special service to be held a j the Christian church on Sunday morn ing, December 8, is being eagerl; anticipated by the entire community at which time the thirty-seven couple residing in this vicinity, who havi 'been joined in holy wedlock.by Rev C. B. Mashburn during the years 0 his first and present pastorate here are expected to be present and occupy reserved seats. Decorations used in the church an< . music will be appropriate to the occa sion and the glory of marriage wil be the-theme of the message to b< delivered by Mr. Mgshburn, who ii held in highest esteem by people ii all walks of life in this and othej communities where he has served ai pastor, having officiated at eighty three, weddings during his ministrj of twenty-seven years. MUSIC-ART DEPARTMENT A delightful meeting, centering about the life and compositions ol Beethoven, was held by members ol the Music-Art department of the Woman's Club on Thursday evening with Mrs, A. Q. Roebuck as hostess. An excellent paper on the career ol the great composer was read by "Jlrs R. T. Martin and clippings pertaining to the interesting events in his life were given by various members, witl two of his most popular compositions, "The Moonlight Sonata," and "Minuet In G" being played by Mrs. Haywood Smith and Mrs. R, E. Boyd. During the social period delicious fruit cake and whipped cream were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. D. E, Oglesby, a guest, Mrs. J. H, Harris, and Miss Fannie Gary were also guests at this meeting. NOTE OF THANKS At a recent meeting of the Junioi Woman's Club the members noted with deep appreciation the assistance of the following friends in the pre paration and serving of the Governor's dinner at the Golden Weed Jubilee, and voted to take this method of ex pressing ame to: Mrs. A. C. Monk, Mrs. R. A. Fields, Mrs. J, L. Rumley, Mrs. Pearl John ston, Mrs, W. T. Mottinger, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. L, E, Flowers, Mrs. Florence Whitehead, Mrs. B. S. Smith, Mrs. Lillie R. Horton, Mrs, C. C. Joy ner, Miss Doris Flowers, Miss Geral dine Gardner Mi? Vivian Parker Har ris, J, M. Christman and Christian church for silver, the R. J. Reynolds Co., for favors of cigarettes through their buyer, J. J. Weikel. Lucy Johnston, President Junior Woman's Club. PARAMOUNT 1 THEATRE 1 Farmville, N. C. Monday.and Tuesday "THE POWER AND THE GLORY" with COLLEEN MOORE and SPENCER TRACY Added: News and "Fannies Wedding Day" Wednesday "STRANGERS RETURN" with LIONEL BARRYMORE MARIAM HOPKINS Added ? Seasons Greetings Sponsored by Woman's Club l Thursday & Friday "BROADWAY TO HOLLYWOOD" witli MADGE. EVANS and JIMMIE DURANTE Added: Throtle Pushers Baloney Saturday TIM McCOY in - "SILENT MEN* Added: Busy Bodies and ?'\H' ' Serial- ' ! Shows 3:15, 7:15 and 9:00 Saturday 2:00 'til 11:00 ? 1 1 .1 1 1 1 ' I BLACK-DRAUGHT wot 1 FROM IIU LAXATIVE PUNTS|| fiunshine, Bain and Boll produce ? the foods you eat at every meal that your body as you Is Blade-Draught made. The right plants are se 1-Lln.f xLA flnnlu mm,-,j tinrhnged j WELCOME HOME ! ? f The many friends of Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Hendricks in this community, t are rejoicing with the local Methodist . congregation upon their return to this 7 pastorate for another year. Civic minded and public spirited, J Rev. end Mrs. Hendrick3 have readily B and whole hgartedly joined in every , movement which tended towards the f uplift of the community, since making their residence hdre four years ago, '7 and their activities, in addition to their work in the church organiza j lions, have been of great value to the town, i Welcome home! 1 . h/. ' \-y , i 5 ? im ?' ""far ii ' **'? ? | LOST: BROWN LEATHER CASE containing glasses, between Knott's warehouse and Leroy Rollins' I apartment. ' Reward affered by Mrs. Z, D. McWborter. ! MEN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH Routes of 809 families In Cities of Greenville, Williamston and Kinston and Northeast Pitt County. Re liable hostler should start earning $25 weekly and increase rapidly. Write Immediately. Rgwleigh Co, Dept. NC?3, Richmond, Vir ginia, i " ~ ~ ' ' ? ' i MONDAY TUESDAY j Dec.>5 FOUR MARX BROS ??in "DUCK SOUP" . i - . Wednesday Thursday El Brendel Ruth in Chatterton "Olsen's Big in Moment" | "Female" - FRIDAY Richard Arlen - Judith Judge ?in? "HELL and HIGH WATER" . ? -- j mwmm GRIP ^ W l*r Hw! I - ?On the eCppecy _ and teiur roade 1 Oaf winter, yoa 1 ? need ?*** deep-bit* ? grip of? " 1 h yean ? and too i I need protection I front (be dmf n I ? lathe cold. I Yw ^ t* tkt I protection about ae H ago?and etUl hare 1 1 tfree almoet like | I near neat Spring 1 McttsM new ruD* i bee lasts longer en I cool made. Be wlae InreeC I I now la new Good yean, ride eafeiy, eare money. This will be the 18th winter that more people rely oa Goodyean thaa oa any other tire. Let ne ehow yon why! guvvTBMn PATHFINDER j Sut*rtwist Cord T*? > I ' - "ll ? ?WV 4.4+n i t ?.?>? :?"* 4-75-1* I.W 5.M-1* I7'?f I.**-* 2*1. ' TBM-t* ?.!?? ? t?4< FARM VTLLE SERVICE ElSfEB w. C. WOOTEN, Manager I - ' ? ?T*. ' I LlQtJID^ T A BLEEPS s at .y^ | I NOSE DROPS I HOW ARE YOUR I .WERVES? j P ADvncE?^^Hb PcERTAINLVWASj ? RIGHT. THE MORE I 11 SMOKE CAMEL* I ? THE BETTER THEyj CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS Mtter act7h ifcurtU*vc&'?OlU'?? . '? r ?.x; "T V.'1 r; Mmm.: ? .? a a .-' mm mm mm ? f Wake Up Year Liver Bile ' ' ^1.1 - i;|? ^ & ?Without Calomel laxatiYS ^^^or^chewina appai?^et ttmto^a yot ? '; |Q| jgtto iw bowilt dsflye ft hV- tluu -M,! JJ rilTtl'D * LITTLE* ? vSg PILLS to (MtSi ' ponndi of^bilo flowing freely and w?^