Carl Joyner spent several days of this week in, Charlotte. ... G. I>. Taylor, of Philadelphia, Pa., i] tusitod friends here this week. ... Miss Evelyn Horton is spending the 'weeks, end. with friends in Pilceville. '2^ v .v_^ZS3J ? ? ? V| Mr. and Mrs. Manley Liles and > sons, were Clayton visitors Sunday. ? ? . ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst, Jr., spent Wednesday in Rocky Mount. ... Miss Edna Foust Harris has re turned from a visit to friends in Ox ford. ... , Miss Vera Moms, of Littleton, is1 visiting her sister, Mrs. B. C. Bar-1 - bee. ... Thomas D. Meares and Bill Smith of Wilson were visitors here Thurs day. ... Mrs. Claude Bland, of Greenville, spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. K. Cobb. ? a 9 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk and sons have returned from a motor trip to Florida. - w#r # ? ? Mrs. W." A. McAdams and son, Graham, were Greenville visitors on Thursday. . ? ? Miss Sallie Maude Atkinson has returned from a visit of several days in Norfolk, Va. . , Miss Mary Wheless has returned from a trip to Philadelphia, Pa., and Richmond, Va. ? * ? Miss Frances Person has returned to Pikeville sifter a visit to Miss Evelyn Horton. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Carr, and sons,, spent the week end with rela tives in Raleigh. ? ? ? Mrs. T. C. Turnage and Miss Eliza beth Fields spent Wednesday and Thursday in Rocky Mount. ? ? ? V. and Mrs. H. N. McClees have med to Columbia, after a visit to Wd Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck. ? ? * ^ } and Mrs. J. L. Taylor, Mrs. Tyson, and Miss Emily Tyson Bpent Sunday in Washington. ^^"teStSF^-Barrett, of Washington, D. / CL, spent the iplidaysVith his mother, Mrs. Cora m m 9 . .* ? ? Friends will regret to learn that Mra J. Q. Beck with, Jr., is ill with a septic throat, at her home on George Miss Eva Latham and Ray Latham, of Washington, were guests of Mrs. J. K. Cohb on Wednesday of this week. > y. ~ ? ? .W Friends of Mrs. J. M. Wheless will be glad to learn that she is improv ing after an operation at a Richmond hospital. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ashley Atkinson have returned from a visit to friends and relatives in Norfolk, Va., and Currituck county. ? * ? Friends will be glad to hear that Mrs. W. Leslie Smith is improving after receiving treatment in a Rocky Mount hospital. i ? * Miss Mavis Lewis, of Middlesex, and Mrs. Fannie Wilson, of Einston, spent several days of this week with Mrs. Manley Liles. Rev. H. L. Hendricks and family and Miaa Vivian Case have returned from a visit to friends in Miami, Fla., and a motor trip to points of interest in that vicbrity. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to hear that I John Russell Joyner,- small son of Mr. I and Mrs. R. A. Joyner, is improving some after a critical kisess in a ? Kinston hospital ? ? * Mrs. Frank Capps and daughter, I Miss Novella, and Mrs. Madeline I Ropntrce returned to Washington, D. I C., Monday aftdr spending several days with Mrs. Bora H. KeeL "DOC REMOVES Cans, Bunions, I - pirwTilte Friday, Jan. 12th from W9 - ; ? ; * ?: ? I - " - SOCIAL CALENDAR ,?***". .V; ; "* J*" V. - \ \ ?> Manday, Jan. 8 3:00 p. m.?Christian Missionary Society meets in the Church. 3:30 p. m.?Baptist Missionary Society meets with Mrs. J. Sterling Gates. 3:30 p. m.?Methodist Missionary Society meets in the Church. 7:00 p. m.?Girl Scouts. | 7:30 p. m.?Boy Scouts. Tuesday, 9 3:30 p. m.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. G. M. Holden. 6:15 p. m.?Rotary Club; 7:30 p. m.?Spanish-American War Veterans meet. 8:00 p. m.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 10 , 3:30 p. m., Spanish - American Auxiliary meets with Mrs. An nie Anderson. Installation new officers. Thursday, 11 11:00 a. m.?Masons. 2:30 p. m.?Progressive Bridge Club meets with Mrs. P. E. Jones. Friday, 12 3:30 p. m.?Woman's Club meets at the home of Mrs. J. W. Rasberry with Mrs. Manley Liles as joint hostess. Saturday, 13 2:30 p. m.?Major Benjamin May chapter, D. A. R. MINISTRIAL ASSOCIATION TO MEET ON MONDAY The Farmville Ministerial Associa tion will meet Monday morning, Jan uary 8, at 10:00 o'clock in the study of Rev. H. L. Hendricks. NOTE OF APPRECIATION We wish to sincerely thank our friends for the many kind acts and expressions of sympathy tendered us during the recent illness and death of our beloved husband and brother, H. C. Cobb. Mrs. H. C. Cobb, Mrs. S. H. Bundy, Mrs. W. L. Matthews, Bruce and Glenn Cobb. MISS PATTERSON ENTERTAINS Miss Cora Lee Patterson charming V entertained "a number of friendc at her country home near, town on Thursday evening. The living rooms, library and halls were artistically dec orated in red berries and evergreens. Upon arrival the guests were serv ed punch by Mrs. M. C, Williamson and Miss Hazel Bass, candies and salted nuts being passed by theyoung brother of the hostess, George A. Patterson. Games and dancing furnished amusement until a late hour when fruit gelatine, topped with cream, and cake were served. - About thirty guests shared in the gracious hospi tality of Miss Patterson. LITERARY CLUB MEETS In papers relative to Central Eu rope, Miss Annie Perkins and Miss Edna Robinson painted vivid word pic tures and gave interesting points of the histories of Bavaria, Austria, Hungary, Czecho-Slovakia and Jugo slavia on Wednesday afternoon, at the Literary Club meeting held at the home of Mrs. G. M. Holden with Mrs. P. E. Jones as hostess. An amendment to fhe laws govern ing the passing of books was made during the business session; the re sults of the Tubersulosis Christmas seal sale was announced, with $20 turned in and individual contributions to the Sallie Southall Cotten Loan Fund were made at this time. A delicious sweet course was serv eu 2U.IW aujuuuimeiiu ? REV. BECKWITH ACCEPTS . CALL TO HILLSBOUO The many friends of Rev. J. Q. Beckwith, Jr., will be interested to learn that lie has received a call te St Matthew's .Parish, Hillsboro, hf. C., and will regret to-know that he has accepted the rectorship, and will move his family to this new Held the first of February. Rev. and Mrs. Beckwith came to FarmviHe following their marriage in Tune 1930, ahd have served the parish iffifcitotly and well, making many friends outside the church in addition *o those of their own congregation. Mr. Beckwith. has !jeen especially 'nterested in young people and in Sun- II lay School organization since making his residence here, having done much outstanding work In this branch of the church work. He has been a mem ber of the local Ministrial Association from the beginning of his rectorship here a??" fo secretary of the Rotar; Club. y - ..Xk . .V- '-i "Ti -v_?? Zj " ?- <*,?** ' ' ' . 0 > * tftft . MuQv Ot Jttile ' U? W* NEW RESOLUTIONS FOR OLD There was more than a spice of wisdom in the Roman's choice of Janus the two-headed, to stand sen tinel at the commencement of the year, all ways looking' backward and forward at the same time, evaluating the past and gauging the future. A fit symbol for everybody this god Janus, who can look back and gauge th? future by what he sees there, has the finer chance of making of the fu ture what he desires. And whose fu ture is not filled to the utmost with good desires? If we are filled with true enthusiasm we will put into ef fect some of those good desires that come rushing into our minds each New Year. I often think the many new . resolutions some people make in January makes it one filled with brightest hope of all the twelve months. It is good to make resolu tions' in January, good to indulge in a little homely philosophy, and to t come to an understanding with ones self. It is hard to do this every day for ti^month of January but if we try real hard we can dtf it. Then we find why fine resolutions are never kept Our fine resolutions broken and for gotten strew each day of the past. How much better then to make none of the (fine) but endeavor honestly to strive, and be contented with striv ing. Harder? Yes, mabe: but re member the direct route to any ob jective, more often than not is the hardest; more broken resolutions are scattered on it than on any other path to success. So let this year be dif ferent. Take a real good look at the past and try to realize what was real ly wrong with it. And then do not make your resolutions so fine they will be too fine to last.?Minnie Savage Warren. THE FARMVILLE HIGH SCHOOL RESUMES WORK The Farmville High School resumed its work Monday, January 1, after the Christmas holidays of about two weeks. The third month was com pleted one week before school closed on Tuesday, December 19. At that time the average enrollment and at tendance was as follows: Enrollment ?High School, 166.2; Elementary grades, 536.6; total 702.8. Attend ance?High School, 161.6 or 97.3 per cent; Elementary grades 502.6 or 93.7 per cent; total 664.2 or 94.4 per cent. A number of pupils have moved to other districts during the short vaca te.;, but thi? loss has been offset by new pupils, who nave-??cwed into our district. The parents should be con gratulated upon keeping their chil dren in school in the way they have, and Mr. Boyd, superintendent, would like to urge all parents to cooperate 100 per cent in trying to keep our at tendance high during this, the second semester. The mid-term examinations will be held January 17, 18 and 19. sbmO RED STEER GUANO ? FOR ? Plant Beds E. C. Beaman Farmville, N. C. ?v JfcA. R. CHAPTER RECEIVES V: 1 LETTER OP CONGRATULATION. < < PROM PRESIDENT GENERAL I '? ! 1 -r* - < Holyoke, Massachusetts, ] December 5, 1933, My dear Mrs. Turn age: V , I have been intensely interested in J your letter and the copy of The J ParmvUle Enterprise enclosed, givMfc ? such splendid accounts of the part ? the Major Benjamin May Chapter J had in helping to save the day for ' Tobacco Growers of North Carolina j in Farmville. ' < It was a wonderful idea to have \ sponsored the Ball, when you had J such distinguished speakers present < and addressing the gathering. . I con- < gratulate the Chapter on this fine J piece of patriotism! J Such times as the present call forth < our earnest and active cooperation, < and it is commendable in! the Chapter < to have come to the rescue when mat- J ters were so serious in its section of < the country. Please say'to each Of- < ficer* and member how proud I am of \ their marvelous work. ? ?? J Thank you so much for writing me J as you have. < Sincerely your, < EDITH G. MAGNA J t Mrs. Russell William Magna, j President General, N.S.D.A.R. i Mrs. T. C. Turnage, Regent, ! Major Benjamin May Chapter, D.A.R., j Farmville, North Carolina. 1 L i [IL?13es Ion's r * 1 i/ow i ' KEEPING WOOLENS WOOLLY ! I t j T^OOL, since It is an animal Q-: her, is very sensitive to ex ! tremes of temperature, rubbing'; ! and barsb soap Great care shouldi j be taken -in washing woolen gar | ments. in order to prevent fading,, shrinking or stretching. j Washing Suggestions i 1. Prepare tepid or cool suds,: using mild, pure, white soap orj flakes. Do not take la ehance on home-made soap. A little borax will, soften very bard water. 2. Put garment into the suds j * and wash quickly by gently swirl ing and squeezing suds through it. ( l repeating in fresh suds if neces sary. Do not rub I . I 3. Squeeze suds out without' wringing and put garment through j several 1 u k e w a r m rinsings." . Squeeze as dry as possible, with ' jout twiBons 'i -.;; 4. Spreadr knitted garment on I ; bath towel and pull into shape ac- I ; cording to original measurements I taken before washing. Place an I other towel between front and' back ot garment il there is any' trimming or contrasting color. Garments made of woven ma-: terl^l may safely be hung up. Dry in warm place; never place on a | radiator or before a (ire. < > ? a Small garments such as child ren's sweaters and adults wool hose, win keep In better shape it dried over forms. i i NOTICE! m 1 1 i ? ? w I I NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION To Thej ENTERPRISE 4--? ANNOUNCEMENT! | I ? - o i > ' o j; I wish to advise the public that the Smith-Lore Grocery <; ! | Company has dissolved partnership and that I am now in < ? ! I business for myself?Wish to thank our many good custo- !! ; \ mers for their patronage and am asking you for a continua- \; i > . I ? . - O ; > tion of youjr patronage and assuring you that I will do all ;; o in my power to even give you a better Sendee, Close* Prices, j J :; Quality Meats and Groceries* 1! ? ? - : I ? !' Again thanking you for your past patronage and as- j ! ;; suring you that I appreciate your business and hope that I ;; o will have the pleasure of continuing to serve you? - O _ - ' : YOURS FOR BETTER SERVICE, !? ;.| I 1 1 Smith's Grocery W. I. SMITH, Manager. | For Your Greatest Protection No.5949 ? > - ? *? * ? "? ? " . ? . ???'(> ? / .? ? . ? ? '-*? * * ' . ? - , .... ? ' ?">:< ? jfe&eral ?epostt insurance Corporation J ? ? r 4 ^ I Washington, D. C? Effective Jan. 1, 1934 ;; . ? < > Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the Federal Deposit ;; Insurance Corporation it has been made to appear that BANK OF FARM VILLE, Farmville, in the State of North Carolina, has complied with all 33 conditions imposed by law to entitle it to become a member of the Tempor- 3 3 ary Federal Deposit Insurance Fund and to the insuring of its deposits as 33 provided by law from the date hereof until July 1* 1934; < 3 And Whereas,o its admittance to membership in such Fund has < 3 been approved by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Federal De- 3 3 , * < > posit Insurance Corporation; 3 3 ?? i k Now, therefore, I, Walter J. Commings, Chairman of the Board of - 3 3 Directors, do hereby certify that BANK OF ; 3 FARMVILLE, Farmville, in the State of North 33 Carolina, is a duly qualified member of the Tern- 3 3 (SEAL) porary Federal Deposit Insurance Fund. 33 < > In testimony whereof witness my singnatpre 33 WALTER J. COMMINGS, . 33 Attest: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the 3 3 LATH J. OWENS, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 33 , Secretary. { - , < ? L ? ii 4 > The above is a copy of the certificate evidencing that all deposits ^in the Bank of Farmville are insured to the extent provided by the Banking Act < > of 1933.v |3 BANK OF FARMVILLE j| FARMVILLE, N. C. 33 4 ? . Thrills In Loveliness ! Katherine HEPBURN ? ? ? mhT ' ? ? "LITTLE ; WOMEN" ; Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 8-9th r IRENE DUNN \ ?as? , [, "ANN VICKERS" t with Walter Huston t Wednesday, Jan. 10th. * ? ? Richard Dix < RECKONING" ! Greenville,N.C. Jai1, llth* t I l l t t - ? ? ?? i < ? i I t r I t i i i i i i ] PARAMOUNT I THEATRE 1 Farmville, N. C. ' ?I SATURDAY L Jan. 6th. BIG TRIPLE PROGRAM ?On The Stage? TOM and JERRY ?in? THE MYSTERIOUS TRUNK ACT. ? - ? j _ ? ? ?On The Screen? HOOT GIBSON ?in? "SPIRIT OF THE WEST" Chapter No, 2 Wolf Dog. v.:" w /.'v ' '1 Added?Comedy ? ?? 1 a .1 ? " 11 Shows 3:15, 7:15 and 9:00 Saturday 2:00 tU 11:00 WBBEmk: NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR J NONPAYMENT OF TAXES A PITT COUNTY vs. V. CANNON AND WIFE, MRS. C. V. CANNON. 1 By virtue and in pursuance of a lecree of the Superior Court made in he above entitled cause on November c !0, 1933 the undersigned Commission- t a-, appointed for the purpose therein 2 lamed (it being a suit to foreclose e he lien on the hereinafter described r and held by the County for non-pay- t nent of taxes) will expose for sale 1 o the highest bedder, at public auc- r ion for cash, on Monday/the 5th day i >f February, 1934, at the Court house t loor in the city of Greemille, North c Carolina, at 12 o'clock, M., the follow- c ng lots of land situated in the Coun- ( y of Pitt, State of North Carolina, i lescribed as follows: t That certain lot in the Town of c \yden, Pitt County, on the North side of Second Street, adjoining the 1 Beverly Hotel property, First and ] Second Street, and Blount Street i This 4th day of January, 1934. < F. C. HARDING, j Commissioner. "? Dull critics love to praise dull \>ks. NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND FOR NONPAYMENT OP TAXES PITT COUNTY vs. L C. CONNON AND WIFE, MRS. R. C. CANNON. By virtue and in pursuance of a lecree of the Superior Court made in he above entitled cause on November !0, 1933 the undersigned Commission s', appointed for the purpose therein tamed (it being a suit to foreclose he lien on the hereinafter described and held by the County for non-pay nent of taxes) will expose for sale o the highest bedder, at public auc ,k>n for cash, on Monday, the 5th day >f February, 1934, at the Court house loor in the city of Greenville, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, M., the follow ng lots of land situated in the Coun y of Pitt, State of North Carolina, lescribed as follows: That certain lot or parcel of land ying and being in the Town of Ayden, Pitt County on the South side of Second Street, and adjoining the prop ;rty of A. R. Cannon, the J. R. Tingle property, and an alley. * This 4th day of January, 1934. P. C. HARDING, Commissioner. '??? a Quality Beauty Parlor MRS. CHAS. W. SHACKLEFORD announces ?Complete line famous CONTURE' COSMETICS? _ ' _ "V ? Installation SPHINZ DRYER and VIOLET RAY Scalp treatment and finger wave $1.00 Facials witk pack 1.00 Other Beauty Service at Popular Prices. I Wake Up Year Liver Bile -Witkeit Caleael fath^N ? ' **?-' :'i'^:'' ?& ->.!v Lvi-:2A- 0: is If tfcia Mb ta not flowing frtalr. your food doaan't dtOMt It Joat data* i? &? J?*-* BP ^OOf Wot-Ty km ? tMek, bad taata and jour knXk la foul, ikln often braaka cot ta kin tan. Your had achat and rou faal down and out. Your whota ayatam U polaonad. ? .WW.-" , ? . . I tracta. awaafat whan it aoaaa to mtHai %a Mia U?W tmJy. ,T- ,*? " But don't Mk fer itatr pOb. Aak for Cartar-a Littla Urn HSa. Look far the iim Oarter'a littla Iiw Pilla ?--- - STtfca rod kM. BaaaJ* ^f gg jPf*lT *" Si