s?ocial anb personal happenings ? v - " ' ?' ."4 i Richard Harris spent the week end in Norfolk, Va. ? ? ? A. C. Monk has returned after a visit to Richmond, Va. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jones were Wil son visitors Tuesday. m ? m Mrs. J. W. Hardy and Mrs. Albert Bell spent Thursday in Greenville. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. Branch Bobbitt spent the week end in Warrenton. ? $ ? Mrs. Floyd Andrews, of Mt. Olive, visited relatives here this week. ? ? ? B. S. Smith, Jr., student at the -- - ? *- tu J University, spent inursuay ? ? ? Mrs. J. Y. Monk and Mrs. P. E. Jones were Wilson visitors Monday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Royster are spending the week end in Durham. * ? * Mrs. N'eal Howard and Mrs. C. H. Hines spent Thursday in Rocky Mount. ? ? ? Mrs. T. D. Royster returned to Durham Sunday, after a visit to Mrs. W. S. Royster. ? ? ? Miss Rachel Monk, teacher at Gard ner's, spent the week end at her home here. ? ? ? Mrs. M. White, of Greensboro, was the guest of Mrs. Sallie K. Horton, for the week end. I I 9 Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Thomas Rollins is critically ill in a Kinston hospital. ? ? ? Dr. Dennis Keel, of Greensboro, spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Sallie K. Horton. Friends will be glad to leam that Miss Mary Alice Beaman is improv ing after a recent illness, v * ? * Mrs. Harry Cooke, of Mt. Olive, spent Monday and Tuesday with her mrwrVlor \f rS R_ S. Smith. ? ? # Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith ? ^ moved this week into the Episcopal Rectory on George street. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Spruill and D. R. Morgan were Raleigh visitors Thurs day. 0 9 0 Late reports from the bedside of Sam T. Lewis who is ill with pneu monia state that he is some better today. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Manly Liles, Mrs. W. A. McAdams and Mrs. Arthur Gay were Rocky Mount and Nashville visi tors Tuesday. ? ? 9 Misses Eva Mae Turnage, Dora DeBrace Rountree and Hazel Monk, E. C. T. C. students, were at home for the week end. 9 9 9 Miss Pennie Keel Lang^ and Miss Ruth Hood, of Selma, E- C. T. C. students 3pent the weep end at the home of Miss Lang. ? ? ? Miss Hattie Carr has returned after nursing the small son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner through a severe illness at his home in Kinston. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dixon, and daughter, Miss Daisy, Mrs. Louise Harris, and John D. Dixon, were Greenville visitors Sunday. ? ? ? Rev. J. Q. Beckwith, Jr., of Hills boro, former rector of the local Epis copal Church, spent several hours ?-v T v Satnnkv. WJtfl J. ^ ^ * * ' - I Miss Verona Lee Joyner and**Mjss Frances Bowen, of Williamston, stu dents at E. C. T. C., spent the wefek nd at the home of Miss Joyner. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to hear that J. M. Christman, who has been under going examination and treatment at Duke Hospital, has returned to his hime here, and is improving. ? ? * Friends will be glad to learn that Mffl. Essie Lucas, mother of Miss Ci%-stelle Lucas, is recuperating aft er jb recent operation in a Feyette ville hospital. Miss Lucas is spending several days with her. ? ? ? Friends will regret to learn that David Oglesby, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Oglesby, and student at the University of North Carolina, suf fered an attack of appendicitis Sun day, came home Monday, and is in a 1 on rvTNAn). IjvjQswzi tion, in case he has another attack. Mrs. P. L. Warwick and Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Warwick, of Richmond, Va., spent Saturday with Mrs. War wick's brother, J. N. Gregory, com ing hi answer to a message relative to the death of Mrs. Gregory. Mrs. James U. Goods, of Norfo^c, Va., ais-l tar of Mrs. Gregory, was here also far the funeral. WA?ff2&!?-RettaMe party to seU ok] Hmm ef Fertiliser Is * - -- ?~ SOCIAL CALENDAR I | Monday, February 12 3:30 p. ra.?Methodist Missionary Society Circle No. 4 meets with Mrs. Chas. Mozingo. 7:30 p. m.?Girl Scouts. 7:30 p. m.?Boy Scouts. Tuesday, 13 3:30 p. m.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. J. I.'Morgan. 6:15 p. m.?Rotary Club. 7:30 p. m. ? Spanish-American War Veterans. 3:00 p. m.?Junior Order. Thursday, 15 3:00 p. m.?American Legion Aux iliary meets with Mrs. M. V. Jones and Mrs. J. Y. MonK. Friday, 16 3:00 p. m.?Parent-Teacher As sociation. Saturday, 17 2:30 p. m.?Major Majr Chapter, D. A. R., meets at the home of Mrs. G. S. Vought with Mrs. C. T. Dixon as joint hostess. 3:30 p. m.?Junior Woman's Club meets with Mrs. Will Moore with Miss Malette Greene as joint hostess. CARD OF APPRECIATION The family of Mrs. Elizabeth Ham ilton Gregory wishes to express to friends in Farmville sincere apprecia tion of the many acts of kindness and other expressions of sympathy extend ed them during their bereavement. AMERICAN LEGION MEETS < The local post of the American Le ?* ? L-,J wkswi+Mtr moatincr : gion neiu i us> rc^'uiox iuvuwu; *mVwVM.0 on Friday evening in the home, with thirty-five members present, the j menu being featured by barbecue and the business session by a vote en dorsing the proposed community building project. IN MEMORIAM In the passing to the higher life on | February 2nd of Mrs. Elizabeth Ham ilton Gregorn, our Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of Emmanuel 1 Church, Farmville, N. C.. has given I into Father's keeping one of our most ! useful and beloved members. For her I unselfish and untiring service to her church and her friends, she will be greatly missed. May her loyalty to | her church prove an inspiration and I not a loss to each member of the j Woman's Auxiliary, j Resolved: That a copy of this I memorial be spread upon the minutes | of ,the Woman's Auxiliary and a I copy be sent to the family, The Mis . sion Herald, and The Farmville En terprise. MRS. R. T. MARTIN, MRS. ED. WARREN, MRS. J. W. JOYNER, Secretary. I FARMVILLE WOMAN BURIED IN PETERSBURG SUNDAY Funeral services were conducted at 8:00 o'clock Sunday morning, at the Gregory >*esidence in Farmville, for Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton Gregory, 43, wife of J. N. Gregory, local cotton buyer, who died suddenly Friday, and interment was made at 1:00 in the afternoon in the Gregory lot, Bland ford Cemetery, Petersburg, Va. Dr. j Frank D. Dean, Episcopal rector of Wilson was in charge of the services. Mrs. Gregory, who had been a suf ferer from angina pectoris for sev eral months, was up and apparently as well as U9ual when her husband left in the early morning, Friday, but called physicians before noon and was found dead in bed by her hus band upon his return about 6:00 o'clock. J Mrs. Gregory had resided in Farm ville for nine years, making many friends here since moving from Vir ginia Beach, Va. She was very active in the local Episcopal Church, being United Thank Offering Custodian in the Woman's Auxiliary, and was con stant in church attendance. In addition to her husband she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Delia Moore, Winstead, Conn., four sisters; Mrs. T. D. Dautrich, also of Winstead, Mrs. J. S. Dennis, Charlottesville, Va., Mrs. Mary Bovey, Cleveland, 0., Mrs. James U. Goode, Norfolk, Va., and two brothers; ? Herbert E. J. Moore, W instead, and Edwin R. Moore, Hartford, Conn. Mystery of the disappearance of tourists. An excitinf story in The American Weekly, the big maga zine which conies with the Baltimore Sunday American February 11. Buy your copy from your favorite news dealer or newsboy. Only 1200 CuwtiU County tobacco growers signed the preliminary agree i ment last September but 1300 have signed the adjustment contract so far. , i <i STRAYED or STOLEN?Full Blood Red Irish Setter?White and Red i dish Brown?Nose peppered with t Brown -Spots Answers to name of -Sport." Reward for information HONORS MRS. ROYSTER Mrs. Sallie K. Horton charmingly entertained at a contract party on Friday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. T. D. Royster, of Durham, house guest of Mrs. W. S. Royster on Home Ave. Tallies and other table appoint ments were suggestive of the ap proaching Spring season, and sprays of early flowering shrubs were used in profusion. When cards were laid aside the high score prize, a jnovel dish for pickles, was awarded Mrs. W. S. Royster and the honor guest was presented with a card table cover. A fruit salad course with a variety of sandwiches, pickles, saltines, cof fee and candies were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. M. V, Hor ton and Mrs. Harry Lang. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB J Misses Rachel and Hazel Monk were mostesses to the Junior Woman's Club on Saturday afternoon, enter taining at their home on Contentnea street Results of the ticket sale for the President's Birthday Ball, held in Greenville, and which was sponsored by this group, was announced as sat isfactory and the clubmembers agreed to cooperate with other organizations here in building a community house. [The President, Miss Lucy Johnston, turged a greater manifestation of in terest in the local Girl Scouts move ment also sponsored by the Club, and appointed the following committees; Ways and Means; Misses Elizabeth Fields, Frances Joyner, and Mrs. W. ( A. Pollard, Jr., Nominating; Mrs. W. , A. Pollard, Jr., Miss Frances Joyner, Mrs. Mac Carraway. ( The program was a continuation of the study of books of travel, with the history and most interesting points ^ in Egypt being discussed by Mrs. Mac Carraway and Miss Priscilla Baker. A delicious salad course was served ( after adjournment. LITERARY CLUB 1 Excellent papers, presented by Miss | Edna Robinson and Mrs. G. S. Voughtl ( at the regular meeting of the Liter-1, ary Club on Wednesday afternoon, gave to the members a renewed in terest in Italy, imparting as they did , valuable information on the political and social conditions of that country, j i picturing the cities of Venice, Genoa, Cremona ^nd Florence, with special j emphasis on Rome, its history and I legends, together with observations I i-r?finnre bnrl regai'uiiig 'to |/auivu?go wv?"r? In the business session, held prior [ to the pragram, a nominating com mittee, composed of Mrs. W. M. Wil lis, Mrs. R. E. Boyd and Mrs. G. S. | Vought, was appointed by the presi dent, Miss Annie Perkins. After adjournment a delightful salad course was served by the hos tess, Mrs. J. Y. Monk. ADMINISTRATRIX* NOTICE! Having qualified as administratrix 1 jof the estate of H. D. Jones, deceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to' notify all persons having 1 claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 6th day of January, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 6th day of January, 1934. MRS. H. D. JONES, ^ Administratrix. -J. B. James, Attorney. 2-1-6t NOW IS THE TIME TO RE-NEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! RESOLUTION OF RESPECT Whereas, The Major Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. R., and North Caro lina has sustained a bereavement in the passing' of Miss Daphne King Carraway of Wilson, N. C., and, J) Whereas, Miss Carraway was re cognized nationally as a gifted teach er, lecturer, and reader of unusual merit, and, Whereas, She expressed the Art of Beautiful Living m a radiant Chris tian character, a rare altitude of culture, and all of the lovely graces that bespeak true aristocracy of spirit, and, ? Whereas, Her nobility of soul drew to her a wide Circle of real friends, and, Whereas, The Major Benjamin May * Chapter wishes to express love, ad miration, and sorrow in the loss of this devoted and talented member, Be it resolved, That we, as true believers, accept God's Providences in the knowledge that all things work together ft>r good, at the same time, claiming His glorious promise of Im mortality, and, That the memory of her remarkable personality be always cherished as a standard of excellence for the mem bers of this Chapter and those who knew her, and. That we extend to the members of her family our deep sympathy, and, That copies of these resolutions be sent to the family, be filed in the Chapter i records, and sent to the Farmville Enterprise, the News and Observer, and the Wilson Times. (Signed) Mrs. T. C. Turnage, Regent Mrs. Joel Moye, Recording Sec. Mrs. B. S. Sheppard, Historian. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT Whereas, The Major Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. R., and the entire Community realize that in the death of Miss Addie May Bynum, one has 'crossed the bar," who will be deeply missed, because of her beautiful :-ourage, her fine sincerity, intense loyalty, and benevolent soul, and, Whereas, She symbolized the sorely - ?? ? ?? ? !?i I needed type of unnsiian wonuuuuuu, the solidarity of American iamily greatness, and, Whereas, Her life was a splendid testimonial and standard to those of us yet awaiting the summons, and, Whereas, The Major Benjamin May Chapter keenly feels the loss of such a worthy member, Be it resolved, That we extend to her family deep sympathy in this mutual bereavement, and, That we keep alive her memory by bearing forward the lofty ideals and the principles of strong family re lationship, which she daily exempli fied, and, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family; a copy be filed in the Chapter records, and that a copy be sent to the Farmville Enterprise, the News and Observer, and Wilson times. (Signed) Mrs. T. C. Turn age, Regent. Mrs. Joel Moye, Recording Sec. Mrs. B. S. Sheppard, Historian. TOURNAMENT SERIES ENDS The tournament series of auction games, being played by the Progres sive Bridge Club, of four tables, for the Dast several weeks, came to a close on Thursday afternoon at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Jack Smith, at which time Mrs. R. 0. Lang was declared winner and the honoree at a social affair, the nature of which has not been announced, aft er Easter. Mrs. Lang has won previ ous honors in the Club in this con nection. A delightful salad course was serv ed at the conclusion of six thrilling progressions. Those sharing with the members in the pleasures of the aft ernoon were; Mrs. C. T. Dixon, Mrs. S. V. Lore, Mrs. B. S. Sheppard and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith. COMPLIMENTING MBS. HARRY COOK . r Mt piive?Mrs. j Floyd Andrews was hoi itess at a lovely party on Wed* ?today afternoon of last week, hon oring Mrs. Harry Cook, yrho before her rec< nt marriage, was Miss Louise' Smith, of FarmVille. Three tables were arranged for contracl, the bridal motif being effec tively tmphasized in table appoint ments, 4nd in the refreshments. Mrs. A. M. irfcOuiston, holder of high score was awarded a pretty handexvhkf, and to Mrs. Cook, the hostess gave a bridge An added feature to this delightful party wus the reading by Mrs. James Davis of a clever article, "Advice to Brides." Refreshments consisted of a con jealed si lad course with coffee and cookies. Guests included Mrs. Harry Cook, Mrs. Ral ah Warren, Mrs. James Dav is, Mrs. Eugene Hines, Mrs. Walter Cherry, Mrs. C. C. Flowers, Mrs. G. Lee Best Mrs. E. E. Mitchell, Mrs. Dodney Jindrews, Mrs, Theron Hines, Mrs. A. M. McCuiston, and Mi$s | Evangelise Taylor. N01TCE JUNIOR ORDER All members of Farmville Council, 141, Jr. i). U. A. M., are requested to be prisent in the Hall Tuesday night, February 13. Charges are to be preferred against some member for infraci ion of the Law and it may be you. So be on hand to defend yourself. B* ORDER OF COUNCIL. ( D. A. R. CHAPTER \ ^MEETING POSTPONED < t , < The Feb! nary meeting of the Major J May Chapter, D. A. R., has been post- < poned until Saturday, February 17. \ Mrs. G. S Vought and Mrs. C. T. J Dixon will be hostesses at this meet- < ing which Mil h held at the home of < the former at 2:30 o'clock. J < 4 DAMB HOTEL i Rooms?$1.00 and $1.50 ] AH Mefl Is?Each 50c . Try Our Sunday Dinner \ REGISTERED NURSE j Miss Maybelle Allen Coi tentnea Street Ft rmville, N. C. j WANTED lea and Coffee Route Man j for regular route through Farm- < ville and Pitt County, Apply by < letter immediately. ? C, Togstad ) Coffee Company, Kokomo, Indiana. < 1 ? ? . " ? < ?' GREENVILLE 3 | PROGRAM | ' FEB. 12-17th MONI JAY-TUESDAY "Desigi For Living" with Ersdric March Gary Cooper, Mariara Hopkina WEDNESDAY "Till e and Gus" Feature Comedy Howl THURSDAY Robt. Montgomery in "Fugitive Lovers" FRIDAY Startling Thrills? "Invisible Man" i| MPHPj I 1* I|1 III I ? ^|IHHPHQMiHPHSI';' I *?:*?. i _rT,*r ?. ii ? *? ~' ? ft v AT m , WHAM' ? ? CklltM j?|k Nttntil Nitrite, tb? ^ f yr V worid'i only natnnl ni- \ ^ vl <*?*? i f?rcil<s?* ?is \ V /H iKu Muted from the ground, & \\ jWy ?Mpped to * V nlOg'j you. Ye a pat it bock into <5jKB5fv white It Iiirly vorU I cwdl ytw pkoL chilian natural nitrate is nitrooin plus-nmnaen, plus ? tk| naturc-siven* hpurities* such a3 iodihc, calcium, potassium, sodium, boron, i mashes ium, itc. , each op tmisc is plant pood m in rrtiui | ? ;] mJM \ SEN. RCBT. C. LEE GRADUATED :ROM W?ST POINT(2"? IN HIS :iASS OF 46) THE YEAR 6E rORE THE FIRST SHIPLOAD fcP IHILEAN NITRATE SAILED INTO i VIRGINIA PORT ?1830 PARAMOUNT THEATRE FARM VII.I.F, N. Look What Paramount Theatre Has This Week! MONDAY ? "Convention City" with Joan Blondell and Dick PowelL " TUESDAY : "Easy To Love" with Adolphe Menjou and* Genevieve Tobin. WEDNESDAY UtfSI "nii ncuw" Starring?PAUL MUNL THURSDAY and FRIDAY CLARK CABLE and JOAN CRAWFORD in "Dancing Lady" SATURDAY GEORGE O'BRIEN in | Serial, Comedy and Cartoon. nPASMERS!^!| If you n*ed CREDIT for your || farm supplies and fertilizers \\ Come to See Us! j; The Turnage Co., Inc. FARMVILLE, N. C. jj \ ^Ulll jFOR "sALE :i I FARM RELIEF COTTON SEED jj \ (Bolt Weevil Beater) \\ : One year from (Joker Pedigreed Seed Co. j: | Good Staple, Is irge bolls. Extra early. j| ; About 10 per cent tint. j The Turnage Co., Inc. | I FARMVILLE, N. C. j! MM ' i: FOR RESULTS ADVERTM THE ENTERPRISE Quality Beauty Parlor MRS. CHAS. W. SHACKLEFORD Announces? A Full line BEREZA RUSSIAN COSMETICS the famous beauty preparations of the Imperial Russian Court. Scalp treatment and finger wave $1.00 ?yjHSIlEP Facials with pack 1.00 J ^ Other Beauty Service at \ ^ Popular Prices. FOR RESULTS ADVEJtTJSE IN IH? ENTERPRISE }? ? > dURL^ blend |^ fljP^W Q JLtB '*'>r fl **' I | UNION MADE II

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