>IRX, SELL Your TOBACCO FV\^ ?^ ? H 4 TT\ A ? Patronize Our Advertisers, For In FARMYILLE And I M Q f? *17l 8 I Ck H ? 11167 Are ConstantIy Inviting *^5SL GET The T0P DoDnrI JL 11W 12U ' * ???? Y III V< JL^ll L V/l J^rl lO w You To Trade With Them. VOU TWENTY-FIVE FARMYILLE, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 19S4 NUMBER TWENTY v " ' "?:}\.. ??- .? ?* <v*y " v ??? -. ? '.. ?" . . ?;; ?y-^V-_!_ " * . , r. ?? r i- . ? ? AVERAGE OF $30.33 ON MONDAY MAKES RECORD OF YEARS ?-v '? ' '?????????' -'aiRiMiM :'; *' mmmmmumm ?"' ' ???J? ___ ' .? -'c' "'?' "? ''?' ? - J >v:: V' V:'?'-?:' ??? '?. / -" # One House Reports $31.89 For the Entire Sale. Prices Have Been Soaring for Each Week aMMMMMaMMB f ^^ Police Recover a Large Portion of the Lmdberg Ransom Money Farmers Elated Over the Increases Heavy Break On Floors Today With Prices Re ported As Strong As at Any Time This Season Give Prospects of Even Better Average Soaring to heights, unknown for years, tobacco prices found their best average of the season, as reveal ed in the report of sales by the Farm ville Tobacco Board of Trade, on Monday of this the 5th week, the market selling a total of 585,89.2 pounds, one of the heaviest sales of the season, for $177,690.15, at an average of $30.33, with one house re porting an average of $31.89 for its entire sale. The average for Monday was $1.30 per hundred weight higher than on Monday of the second week, when the highest everage of the season, $29.03 was reached, with the record remaining unbroken until this time. The second high average of the week was experienced on Wednesday, when 279,380 pounds sold for $82, 040.70, at an average of $29.37, with one house having an average of $31.33. Many piles of tobacco sold as high as $50 a hundred, though the larger part of the offerings consist ed of tips, and many of the common grades were on the floors. rr" Via c heen ine wtrdnici, niuvu varied only by intermittent showers and torrential downpours all the week, held the receipts, following the first sales days of the week, to ai medium heavy level until today, Fri day, when, in spite of the threatening clouds, a considerable quantity of the weed is reported on the floors, with warehouse forces working hard to clear up the usual heavy offerings of Monday. Prices today Friday, are reported as strong as at any time of the season, with good tobacco receiving! more attention from the buyers, and many observers think that the peak i of the season's average will be reach ed when figures are announced to night. Increasing prices are bringing joy to the planters and elation is written all over their countenances as they read their bills of sale. Warnings continue to be broadcast by tobacconists, regarding proper grading and handling of the leaf, with special attention given to con- j ditioning, as well graded and clean tobacco in the desired order, receives more consideration from the buyers. Winter Grazing Crops Lowers Poultry Upkeep Poultrymen who wish to make a profit during the period of low egg production this fall and winter must eliminate all unnecessary feed costs. But the economy should not be carried so far as to further decrease egg production, warns Roy S. Dear styne, head of the State College poul try department Removal of unproductive hens from the flock and liberal use of winter grazing crops afford the best means of reducing feed costs and maintain- j ing a satisfacotry rate of egg produc tion, he said. *T? *?? Itwn a/M TUfit aim as much to the flock cost as do tUI good layers but add little o* nothing to the income derived from egg s^les, he pointed out H . Green feeds, which are lees expen sive than other types of chicken feed, tnd to stimulate egg production by providing vital nutrients for the flock. ? Dearstyne said there are certain crops adapted to the various sections of the State which wiH famish graz ing through most of the winter. These crops should be sown in early autumn so that a maximum growing season - may be secured. Italian rye grass and crimson clov er, or a mixture of these, have proven aatiafactory. Experiments by Mr. Dearstyne have Aown these fsedat* be practical from all shmdpofntt ^ Poll details about grating crops will be mailed free to North Carolina ? Cllltm} fvjitftf Sfaln |T*/v|lxM]rxa Br 1 Tobacco Farmers Repaying Loans A Large Portion of the I Repayments Have Gome From Tobacco Belts of Georgia, North and South Carolina Columbia, S. C., September 21 ? Farmers of the Third Farm Credit Administration district comprising the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida bor rowing from production credit asso ciations already have repaid over $1,600,000 on their loans, according to a statement issued by Ernest Graham, president of the Production Credit Corporation of Columbia. A large portion of the repayments have come from the tobacco belts, particularly in Georgia, South Caro lina and in the section of North Carolina bordering on the South Carolina line. Payments in the other tobacco belts of North Carolina which opened later are expected to be heavy during the remainder of the month. Indicating the splendid manner in which the tobacco growers are meet ing their obligations to the associa tion, the Lake City (S. C.) associa tion has collected 87 per cent of its total loans, 222 of the 238 farmers having loans with the associations having made payments totaling $52, 684.08. Many of these farmers will have their cotton crop entirely in the clear. The Marion (S. C.) association Has collected about 76 per cent of its total loans already, 125 of the 147 j farmers having loans with the asso | ciation having made payments total | ing 73 per cent. The Dillion (S. C.) I association has collected about 65 per i cent, 114 of the 1233 farmer-borrow ers from that association having made payments. The Florence (S. C.) association has collected about 60 per cent of its total loans and the Lumberton (N. C.) association about 60 per cent Mr. Graham said that the splendid manner in which the farmer-borrow ers throughout the tobacco belt are meeting their payments indicates that the faith which the government has sown in cooperative credit organiza tions by helping the farmers to set up their own lending institutions has not been misplaced and he feels that the farmers of this district are going to make a wonderful record in the repayment of their loans and thus protect their credit standing. "We are confident," said Mr. Gra ham, "as a result of the way in which farmers are beginning to repay their loans that the officers of the produc tion credit associations in this dis trict have made sound loans. With the collection season still in its pri- . mary stage, borrowers have repaid over $1,600,000 and from specific re ports which we are daily receiving, we believe these production credit associations win make 100 per cent collections. "Vt." thmmrll titil COOTl Xi4? xtumv-.tij WHTwwftn ? ?? r erative system of production credit are eager to repay .their loans in order that their Class B stock as wtell as the^Class A stock of the aasoda tions may be maintained at or above par. Farmers repaying their loans promptly are establishing a perma nent credit standing with their asso ciation and -with the Federal ^inter mediate Credit Bank which discounts the paper sf the associations, which will pines-them in a position to con tinue to secure, at low rate of in terest, cash.hrftli which to meet the expenses of their fuming opera tions." Prepare Chapel Hill, September 21?A dem j-isedi will ^jpie^eettt ? ? exid I * j | I 1 dance HrUvitifti being1 sponsored "by 1 Chapel Hill a year ago, and he has received bo much encouragement that he plans to enlarge it this year. Plans for the formation of a Caro lina Polk Dance Society will be dis cussed at a meeting of all persons interested in Peabody Hall Monday September 17, at 8 o'clock when adult classes in English country dances wiU be resumed, he said. ! TtT. ? nil ? 11 '*'"-7 ? t-. . v: A pure Guernsey cow, Hartsell's * Gertrude's Veraroee, owned by at F. Shore, of Yadkin county has just tate Guernsey Tobacco Future Trading Begins New York Market For mally Opens for Trans action of Business New York, September 21?A mar ket for futures trading in America's third largest cash crop, tobacco, was formally opened today with colorful ceremonies on the floor of the New' York Tobacco Exchange. After speeches by John W. Haines, president of the exchange, city of ficials and others, the gong signal-: ing the start of trading was sounded promptly at noon. After an excited exchange of bids and offers by brokers who assem bled around an oval trading pit in the center of the floor a contract calling for January delivery of 10, 000 pounds, United States flue cur ed, type 12-B-4-F tobacco, was pur chased at 29 cents a pound. The brokers figuring in the initial trans action were James Eblen who sola to Joseph Bernard. In rapid order, the remaining seven months deliveries at present dealt in were posted on the huge black board and opening bids and offers recorded by a "board boy" receiving quotations from a dignitary standing on a platform just above the trading pit. - - - 1 Most of the brokers are memoers of other commodity exchanges and well versed in the procedure of hand signalling and the peculiar language employed in trading, although a few were new comers and along with some of the exchange attendants had trouble in following the more exper ienced traders, especially those who have long been accustomed to the rapid-fire trading of the cotton ex change. Within a few minutes, how ever, all was working smoothly and trading proceeded in routine fashion the remaining three hours. While the by-laws of the exchange prohibit announcement of the num ber of contracts changing hands in a single session, Exchange officials particularly Edward A. Brown, the secretary, expressed themselves as more than pleased at the initial turn over and pointed with pride to the fact that the tobacco was the only commodity market in the country which closed higher today. January closed at 29.85 cents against the open ing of 29 cents. March at 30.20 against 29.30; May at 30.40 against 29.35; and July at 30.50 against 29.60. The closing bid for August the only other active month was 30.65 against an opening bid of 29.80. The type 12-B-4-F selected as the standard for trading represents the actual bright leaf tobacco now be ing sold on warehouse floors in North Carolina and other sections. Each kind of tobacco is a numbered type, the "B" represents the quality, the "4" the grade, and the "F" the color, which is orange or medium. In ad dition to this standard contract, there are nijjp other types deliverable 1 under exchange contracts. They are known as flue-cured types 11, 12, 13, and 14; fire cured types 21, 22, and 23; and air cured burley type 31 and Maryland type 32. The spot markets now operating in the South are graded by govern ment inspectors. Glowing with pride at the estab lishment of the new trading mart, Secretary Brown pointed out that the annual production of tobacco in the United States aggregates 1,400, 000,000 pounds and has a farm value of roughly $300,000,000. In its finished state the the product is val ued at more than $1,000,000,000 and is the source of enormous revenue to the United States Government Bernard Richard Haupt mann, German, Ar rested in New York; Money Found In Ga rage of His Home; Others Being Ques tioned. New York, September 20? Police announced today they have in custody the man who received the $50,000 ransom money paid by Colonel Chas. A. Lindbergh in an ineffectual effort to recover his kidnapped son two years ago. The man is Bernard Richard Haupt- j mann of 1279 East 222nd street, tfie Bronx. The announcement said the man is an alien and came to this country as a stowaway eleven years ago. Jersey City, N. J.?September 20? The Jersey Journal today says an unnaturalized German was arrested in New York City today in connec tion with the Lindbergh kidnapping case. Shortly after the man's arrest of ficers found between $35,000 and $40,000 of the ransom money cached in the garage of his home in the Bronx. Reports state the man lives in the general vicinity of the cemetery where $50,000 was passed over a stone wall to the supposed kidnappers. The arrest was said to have come about after numerous ten dollar bills, carrying the numbers of those which Colonel Chas._ A. Lindbergh had secured for the ransom, had been passed in the area bounded by 50th and 80th streets and Second and Third Avenues in New York City the past several days. The impending break in the two! and one-half year old mystery of the' IJndbe-gh kidnap case caused Dr. J. F. Condon, the "Jafsie" in the case, to be taken to police headquarters today. Department of justice officials in Washington said the case was "hot" and there were unconfirmed reports in New York that four men and two women were being questioned. Great Hagenbeck Wallace Circus : * \ ; . .? r> ? i ? Clyde Beatty, World Famous Wild Animal Trainer With Forty Lions and Tigers Will Again Thrill The Vast Audiences The Great Hagenbeck-Wallace Cir cus, one of the two largest shows in America, will exhibit in Greenville, on Thursday, September 27. A two mile long street parade at 11 a. m., will be the inaugural event of the day,?the first real old-fashioned circus parade since 1926. The huge circus traveling on three all-steel trains of double length cir cus cars, will, this year, offer more thrilling features than ever before. Every t display on the lengthy pro gram is of gigantic proportions, and scores of them new to circus patrons. Clyde Beatty, world famous wild animal trainer, will again thrill the vast audiences with his daring in, the all-steel arena with forty wild and ferocious lions and tigers. The most / (Continued on page 4) Large Attendance ? Farmville School Numerous Impr o v e - ments Made During Summer Farmville's high school opened I Monday with a large attendance of students, patrons and many former graduates present, the enrollment be-I ing the largest in the history of the school. The renovation and remodeling of a cottage, recently purchased for the use of the home economics class, is now underlay, with Miss \lice Coggins, teacher of this department, supervising. This splendid addition to the ad vantages offered by the Farmville school, will be the only one of ifs type in the State, and the community feels a justifiable pride in the proj ect. ... The athletic program will be ex pended under Nelson Hunsucker, who is a new addition to the faculty, be ing the science teacher. The curriculum of the school has been augmented this year by a short hand-typing course, under Federal sponsorship, with Miss Lanie Parker as teacher. The school heating plant has been rebuilt and improved during the past few weeks with a better system of ventilation introduced. Chapel programs will begin next week with exercises held on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30 o'clock for the elementary grades and on Friday, at 9:45, for the high school. LOCAL COLORED SCHOOL HAS RECORD OPENING . The Farmville colored school opened Monday, September 17th, with the record-breaking number of 475 pupils. Many parents were also present to express their good wishes for a successful school year. The main building has been filled to over flowing-and a nearby Odd Fellow hall has been secured in which to house some of the grades. There is a plan by which the dom estic science department is to be en larged so as to include both sewing and cooking. This will meet a very outstanding community need. Through the special interest and support of its patrons and friends, white friends as well as colored, the school was able to meet the state re quirements and was able to open on an accredited basis. The success of the school is due largely to the special interest of Supt R. E. Boyd who has kept in close touch With the needs and prog ress of the schooL His sympathy and wise guidance have meant much to the community. This is appreciat ed more than mere words can ex press. (Ed. Note: The colored school's principal, H. B. Suggs, merits special recognition and highest praise for his untiring activities and enthusias tic efforts towards raising the stan dards of the school, and for its prog ress and development along all Hnes.) V -? '? ?' : ? y< - :? ? '" ? '? A consignment sale of registered Guernseys will be Held at the Brook dale Country Club at Salisbury on Thursday, October 11, announces T. D. Brown. ? Farmers of State Get 10 Millions from AAA ? ? - . North Carolina farmers received i ^10,048,835.74 in rental and benefit | payments from the Agricultural Ad* justrr.ept Administration during the past fiscal year. The payments Were "divided, as follows, among farmers who con tracted to reduce their production: Tobacco farmers, $5,356,369.45; cot ton growers, $4,654,391.26; wheat growers, $83,075.03, according to a report received from Washington yesterday by Dean I, O. Schaub of State College. The expense of administering the various programs in North Carolina was $541,410.59, or approximately five per cent of the total cost of the |j||p activities, Schaub said. The tOfrCb** -Td$o?f'toft thm fig- ' SI, 193S, and do not include pay ments made since July 81, 1984. Among the payments made since July is $26,000 to corn-hog contract signers in Beadfort County. The cost of administering the va rious programs in this State dur ing the fiscal year vdas listed thus: General expense, $1,698,70; cotton, $363,658,96; tobacco, $157,971.06; corn-hog, $10,49638; wheat $7,590. 59 \ The figures received by the dean today showed that the total cost of the AAA in the United States dur ing the past fiscal year $840; 863,486.28. Of this sum, $243,093, 889.73 went into rental and . benefit payments, $72,898323.49 into the re moval of surplus commodities from To Lean Farmers 12con Cotton Loans Are Immediately Available and Pay ment is Made When Farmers Present Cot ton At Classing Or Field Office I __ Local classing and receiving of fices of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association, fanner operated cotton cooperative for this territory, this week are ad vancing twelve cents on cotton for farmers in this territory, in accord ance with the recent action of the board of directors of the American Cotton Cooperative Association in New Orleans voting to loan farmers through their own facilities twtelve cents per pound on seven eighths inch low middling cotton and better pending working out the details of the proposed Federal loan of twelve cents recently authorized by Pres ident Roosevelt. Eleven cents per pound will be paid on cotton classed low middling or better in gTade and below seven eighths in staple. The American Cotton Cooperative Association is the central sales or-i ganization for the fourteen state and regional associations over the cotton belt, of which the local association is a part. The combined membership of these associations is reported at better than 250,000 farmer cotton producers. These loans are immediately avail able and payment is made when far mers present the cotton at the class ing or field office Regardless of any decline in the market, farmers will receive the full twelve cents per pound and sustain no losses. If the market increases they can sell their cotton any day through the facilities of the American Cotton Cooperative Association. This action was taken, according to N. C. Williamson, President of the Association, in order that farmers may secure a sum equal to the pro posed government loan pending the. working out of details by the gov ernment. Many farmers in the cotton belt have ginned their cotton, need money for it and are holding it waiting lor details on the proposed government loan. Thus, farmers who need money are being forced to sell their cotton or make a small loan at some bank. This program, according to Mr. Wil liamson, will enable farmers to get at once sixty dollars a bale for their cotton to take care of immediate needs and enable them to hold their cotton until they are ready to sell. If the market rises they can call their cotton and sell it anytime they want to, receiving the benefit of increase in price. If the market goes down they wiil have their twelve cents per pound, and will not be responsible for any losses. *? ?' ^ ? /i ? The American uoruon wjupernuvc Association was a leading factor in the working out of the proposed Fed eral, loan and has been leading a move since 1932 to securing the par ity price of fifteen cents for cotton. During the present season farmers who rigned the reduction contracts and received rental benefits and who take, the twelve cent loan will just about receive the 1910-1914 parity tor their cotton. The directors and managers of the fourteen state and regional associa tions represented in the board of the American Cotton Cooperative Asso ciation, which is the central sales agency for the state associations, have been meeting in New Orleans for the past two days working out the details on the association's twfelve cent loan and handling routine affairs on the association. Directors representing every section of the cotton belt were present. There are some 260,000 farmer members of the state aift regional associations with representatives attending the meet ing.- ? f|| Eighty automobiles filled with far mers and other business men made a tour of Macon county farms last week to study the improved prac tices being promoted by the farm 80th Anniversary To Be Observed Christian Church Series Of Meetings To Begin Sunday Even ing; Fine Program Planned With Rev. Le land Cook As Speaker A series of meetings, which will mark the 80th anniversary of the lo cal Christian church, will begin on Sunday, September 23, and continue through the week, with Rev. Leland Cook, pastor of the Kinston Christ ian church as preacher. First Called Antioch The church now: known, as the Christian church of Farmville, locat ed on the corner of Main and Church streets, was organized in 1854, con tinuing its active service ever since, its contribution to the conynunity be ing incalculable. The church was 18 years old when the town was incor porated in 1872. The lot where the present church stands was given by J. W. May, the grandfather of Miss Tabitha De Visconti. Among those who helped to erect the first chuhch building were J. W. May, Sherrod Belcher, Wm. Joyner and W. G. Lang. The first church was known as Antioch. RuH Mnnv Prpnfhprn It has been favored by having a fine personel from the beginning, and some of the great pioneer preachers Revs. Josephus Latham, Isaac Chest nut, Gideon Allen, Peter Hines and Geo. W. Joyner. The daughter of Mr. Joyner, Mrs. Mary Beaman of Wilson, is the oldest living member. The spacious new edifice was erect ed in 1909 under the ministry of Rev. C. Manly Morton, who is now serving as a missionary in Puerto Rico. The plant was remodeled under the minis try of Rev. R. S. Tandy, with class rooms being set up in the basement. The plant now has seating capac ity for about 400 and accomodations for 300 in Sunday school. The church has suffered the loss of six of its pioneer members during the j past three or four years; Mrs. Annie IR. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Moye, | W. E. M:xrphy and Mrs. Eliza Tyer. ' Rev. C. B. Mashburn, the present pastor, was recalled four years ago jto this pastorate after an absence of 115 years. The following letter is among valu able, historical documents, relating ~ to the history of the local church, preserved by Rev. C. C. Ware, of ' Wilson, state historian of the denomi nation: Letter from Josephus Latham about the first revival held at Farm ville Christian Church. Taken from Page 145, Nov. 1885, American Christian Preacher and Disciples' Miscellany. September 16th, 1855, Dear Brother Walsh: The expected meeting at Artioch commenced on Saturday before the second Lord's Day in the present month, and continued several days, and to the astonishment of friends and foes it resulted in the confession and baptism of fourteen persons?a goodly number of whom were lovely young .ladies, two of them wtere natives of Maine, who had "bidden farewell to the loved ones at home," and come to the far "sunny south" to "teach the young idea how to sheet"?to prepare the young and lovely for more usefulness. Such being their occupation, how noble the calling! It was a lovely sight to see such intelligent persons (far away from the home of childhood, where the happy days of youth were spent) go meekly - down into the liquid grave to be buried with Christ in baptism. It was deeply affecting to think that though they were far from ja. loved mother, and will prob ably die far away, yet they now can hope to meet in heaven, where no wide waters will roll between them. For the ransomed of the Lord will return and come to Zion with aongs and everlasting joy upon their heads and they shall obtain joy and glad ness, and "sorrow and sighing shall flee away." May Heaven guide these dear young converts through this "Waste howling wilderness" to the haven of sweet repose, ,v Where bliss is known without alley, ^ And beauty blooms. without decay And thoughts of grief in cloudless joy ?> Shall melt like morning mist away. . REV. JOSEPHUS LATHAM. (Note: Rev. Mr. Mashburn would

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