Outstanding Achievements of Farmville Organizations During the Current Year! (Continued from page 34) (M'ul Federation Director of North Carolina and an ex-president of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, Miss Annie Perkins has also served as recording secretary and Mrs. J. II. Joyner as corresponding secretary of the State Federation, Mrs. T. C. Tur nage, outstanding in D. A .K. work, has served as state treasurer, Mrs. W. M. Willis is district committee woman of the American Legion Auxi liary and Mrs. J. W. Parker, known throughout the State for her work in the Eastern Star, is a member of the board of directors of the Masonic and F.astern Star Home, Greensboro, and is a past grand, matron of the order. Girl Scouts Farmville has two troops of Scouts?Boy and Girl?which are ac tive and have been of great benefit in the development of the youth of the town. The Girl Scouts, organized several years ago by Miss Evelyn Horton, languished when she went to live in Washington. D. C., but was reorgan ized upon ner return in the fall of 1933 and was sponsored by the Junior Woman's club with Miss Horton, Miss Frances Joyner and Miss Malette Greene acting in turn as leaders. Boy Scouts The Farmville troop of Boy Scouts belongs to the Wilson Area Council under the leadership of John J. Seg well, the local scoutmaster being Ed. Nash Warren. At the present time there are only fourteen members, but many are expected to be added to the roster this fall. National Scout week, February 8-15 has always been actively celebrated by the Farmville troop, but the acti vities of the troop last February were particularly interesting. A special program was arranged and given in connection with an address by the President of the United States, by electrical hook-up in the auditorium of the High School Building. At that time the President gave a defi ? nite duty to each troop in the United States?that duty being the collec tion of old clothes and food for the poor and unemployed. During Anni versary Week, the Scouts attended church in a body and were privileg ed to hear a special sermon by Rev. Ennis, of the Missionary Baptist Church. lnool Cnnnf 4" rr\ n T"* VIIC pairicr* V/1 UIC lutai wwuy has, for several years, sold Christmas cards and made money enough to camp one week at Morehead and two weeks at White Lake. This Patrol, with the help of interested citizens, has erected a small hut for its indi vidual meetings. Many overnight hikes have been enjoyed by the Scouts during the year and the annual Halloween party was a tremendous success. Several other parties have been given, to which the girls have been invited. In July 1933 a party of Scouts left Wilson for a trip to the World's Fair at Chicago. Four of the Farm ville boys made this pilgrimage, which was very educational and also offer ed a splendid opportunity to become acquainted with other Scouts and to learn of their activities. The Farmville Scouts have always been interested in Camp Charles, near Baily, N. C., and are well represent ed there each summer. M K N \S < > KG A NIZ ATI ON S AmonK the men's organizations are the following, with an article, re garding the Septuagenarian Society, the most unique group of the town, and possibly the only one of its kind in existence, appearing else where in these columns. Masonic Lodge Farmville Lodge, No. 517, A. F. and A. M., is the oldest organization for men, in Farmville, its charter be ing granted on January 15, 1002, with George W. Freeman acting as the first master, R. R. Bailey, senior warden and A. S. J. Bynum, junior warden. The lodge is a progressive and growing organization, with meetings being held twice a month in the lodge rooms on the second floor of the Lang building, being usually well attended and characterized by inter est and enthusiasm. John Hill Paylor is the present master of the lodge. The Farmville Rotary Club The Farmville Rotary Club began the past year with R. E. (Bob) Boyd, Superintendent of the Farmville High School, occupying the president's chair. His immediate predecessor, W. Leslie (Bill) Smith, had done much to build up the club in numbers and enthusiasm and Bob has continued the good work during the past year, until now the Farmville Club is quite an active organization of some twen ty-two members, with G. Alex Rouse as its recently elected head. There are two definite sides to all Rotary activity, the social and the business. All Rotary programs are based on these two fundamental ideas and those of the past year have been replete with examples of both. Ladies night, inter-city meetings, the annual picnic and outing?all these linger as pleasant memories in the minds of those who attended. T 4- ? rt i *-v /\nr?l Vv 1 s\ 4-/> Atir 4-V? A lfA *? j. u io iiuj^uoaiuic tu xuiiuw one: vai ious plans for community betterment in which the Farmville Rotary Club has been interested during- the past year. Who can tell when some hint or suggestion dropped by chance in the meetings of this Club will defi nitely shape or form some definite public policy. A few of the things in which the Club has a definite in terest will bear mentioning?the Boy Scout movement, the municipal swim ming pool, the decoration of the town during the Christmas holidays, the aiding of a certain cripple child in Farmville's community, the sponsor ing of athletics in the High School, a constructive interest in the straightening of the highway through Farmville, and many more projects that are for the good of the com munity. The Rotary Club makes no claims for the financing of the proj ects. Its limited assets would cer tainly not go very far in paying the (Please turn to page SS tn? ss*" PARAMOUNT THEATRE X AT I I The Mecca of Ifhroags ! | Who Enjoy The Best Sound Pictures ! + * Comfortably Furnished ! t 4. 4. X Best Sound Equipment! X ?t*