Farmville Continues Its Forward March To Prosperity! IN THE VANGlARD OF RECOVERY PROGRAM Consistent improvement and devel opment along agricultural and in dustrial lines, together with the ever present desire, constantly demon strated, to cooperate each with iht other, for the welfare of all, has placed Hastern North Carolina in tht vanguard of the nation's progressive recovery program. This spirit has lieen forcibly ex emplified again and again, perhaps reaching its highest point in the ready signing of the tobacco and cot ton contracts and in strict adherence to the agreements. Optimism prevails on Eastern Carolina farms for there are unmis takable indications that "we are on the way." To the man behind the plow, the best indicator is the in creased prices he receives for his produce. In the New Deal, the farm er at present, and for the first time in history, is holding the ace. FARMYILLE A BEEHIVE PRIOR TO OPENING The motif of the beehive might well have been used in signification of Farmville and this section during July and August, which were mark ed by great activity among the ware housemen, farmers and business men. And the week prior to the opening en Thursday, August 23, "The Last Roundup" was made in Farmville; warehousemen noting personally whether everything conducive to the orderly marketing of tobacco, in the three huge warehouses here, had been done; that all facilities used in the handling, weighing, placing and sale of the golden weed were in perfect order; farmers were standing in line daily at the headquarters of the County Farm Agent to secure their marketing cards; and the business men of Farmville were making ex tensive preparations for extending a hearty welcome, and making the visit of customers and visitors to their establishments pleasant and mutual ly profitable. All preparations were speeded up that week and everything put in readiness for the flow of tobacco into this, one of the principal marketing centers of Eastern North Carolina, and all indications pointed to the most satisfactory and successful opening of many years. * RECORD IN POUNDS AND * AVERAGES Farmville's record in pounds * * and averages for the past eight * * years is as follows, attention be- * * ing called to the fact that 1932 * * crop was the smallest since 1917. * * 1925 $26.11 12,122.508 * * 1926 , 27.91 14,598.880 * * 1927 21.92 19,329,120 * * 1928 19.43 21,062,226 * * 1929 18.06 18,839,572 * * 1930 12.58 23,205,290 ? * 1931 9.55 22,253,692 * * 1932 12.64 12,110,138 * * 1933 16.54 ' 21,107,372 * **************** Mayor of Farmville, who was mar ried in May to Miss Mary Lamar, dauphter of Mrs. Dunbar ljsmar, of Beech Island, S. C., and recently "sot up housokeepinp" in his new homo on Home Avenue. JOHN B. LEWIS FARMVILLE EXTENDS YOl' WELCOME! f The People ol tin* Town of Farnwille again join Till! y SPOTLIGHT in extending a WELCOME to all visitors, be the\ hero on business or pleasure: it is not a new welcome, ? but the same old-fashioned sincere, heartfelt welcome, just y couched in new terms. It would Ik' fine to welcome you, even if our motive was V entireh selfish; we know that when you come to buv goods or to sol 1 tobacco, that it means more business for our merchants and other business houses. !?'. However, we wish to impress upon you, that if you do not buy, do not sell tobacco, and do no business with us. we ; are still glad to have had you, thai we will be glad to see X I; you again; the idea is that we live happilx with each other :? and our goodwill radiates to all those visiting among u>?; C we like to see everyone happy and most of all we like to X make others happy; it makes us happy in turn to do some- ;j; :? thing for the stranger, make him feel at home when he is >. not at home, and make hint feel no longer a stranger, even * i; Ihoueh he is among strange folk. % ;? REMEMBER that, even between editions of THE SPOT- ?> LIGHT, the people of Farmville are ready to serve her * I; visitors and share their hospitality with them. *j; JOHN P., 1.EW1R, Mayor. * OPENING SALES ON FARMVILLE MARKET MOST SATISFACTORY IN FIFTEEN YEARS Thnu.^ands i>f farmer? and their families relumed to homos from this market, openinp day, Thursda\. Aup. 23rd, weary and fatipued in body from the strain and excessive heat that made the warehouses al most unbearable, but happy and comforted mentally, by the hiph prices realized from the sale of their tobacco. Many of them received more than double, for their offerinp, what they did on the openinp sale a year apo. A heavy break of offerinps from a wide spread area was experienced on the Farmville market, the sale of which was not completed. A storm, with accompanyinp darkness, caused the market to close in mid afternoon. Official fignres for the openinp are: poundape, 199,366; money paid to farmers, $56,343.92; averape S2S.28. Prices Beyond Expectations Prices went fai beyond expecta tions and compared favorably with the record breaking season of 1919. Business men here joined with far mers in jubilation over the improve ment, as the great surge of activity and liberation of thousands of dol lars, in tobacco town, brought the liveliest trade to the business dis trict that has been experienced for years on opening day. First harvested offerings prevail ing, in which smoking type predomi nated, seemed to be most desirable to buying concerns, with bidding be ing spirited throughout the day. Prices ranged between 5c and 80c. One bill noted, of good quality prim ings, brought from $34.00 to $50.00 per hundred. The opening was also marked by the tremendous crowd on hand, the largest in the history of the market, which was jubilant and oblivious to everything except the sales, the not inp and oomparinp of prices. Fac tory hands experienced preat diffi culty in removinp purchases made oy their respective companies, as no at tention was paid to roller carriers and tobacco hooks by the thronfps of elated people. By dawn on openinp morninp the streets were crowded with motors and people; warehouse driveways were full of loaded wapons and trucks thai apparently came in an endless stream, brinpinp to the mar ket the first offerinps of the bripht leaf crop. To the tempo of traffic, pedestrian and vehicular, was added a quick step erf anticipation. Lone rows of tobacco were lined up on the multi-thousand feet of floor space of the three huge tobacco warehouses here for the inspection and approval of the buyers, the re maining space, every available foot, being crowded with farmers and their families, pulses quickened by excite ment, as the warehousemen and buy ers looking at their timepieces and passing greetings with acquaint ances in the horde of spectators, mov ed down the golden weed lined aisles. Recognized and customary positions of the warehousemen, assistant sales managers, auctioneers, ticket mark ers and buyers were assumed, a nod from the warehousemen as the nine o'clock hour was marked, the "sing song" of the auctioneer began, and the tobacco season of 1934-35 swung open in Farmville and the Bright Leaf Belt. The Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Farm Credit Act, the Crop pro duction Loan Act, the Cattle Pur chas Act, the drought-relief meas ures and others were adopted by the administration to relieve the desper ate plight of the farmer. FARMVILLE AGAIN CHOSEN FOR FEDERAL GRADING Selecting Farmville as a represent ative market of the truy Eastern Carolina type, government officials met with warehousemen here Mon day night prior to the opening, for completing plans for continuing gov ernment grading on the Farmville market this year, supported by the financial assistance of the Agricul tural Adjustment Administration, the State Bureau of Markets and the Federal Bureau of Agricultural Eco nomics. Frank B. Wilkinson, in charge of the Tobacco Standardization and Grading of the Federal Department of Agriculture, was present at the meeting and M. I. Dunn, who is to be Federal Supervisor of this market, was in attendance also. The service, which is to be op tional as heretofore, will be main tained here this year, with only a small charge to growers for grading the weed. The middle and old belts will also have one key market only this year. Farmer-s are well pleased with this service, which has steadily drawn new patrons to the Farmville mar ket, as they realize the advantage of expert classification. Interest in government grading brought pupils, comprising the agri culture class of the South Edgecombe high school, to the Farmville market, with a load of weed early in October of the past season, the Young Tar Heel Farmers, as they term them selves, learning the value of this service and being well pleased at the sales, resulting in prices which went above the government standard. Many of the measures taken in relation to ag-riculture are temporary but such as prove wise and effective will be woven into the permanent program.