FORECLOSURE SUITS FOR TAXES ACTIONS INSTITUTED DURING MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1934 FIRST ADVERTISEMENT The defendants named below, and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter thereof, will take notice that civil actions have been commenced in the Su perior Court of Pitt County, North Carolina, in which the COUNTY OF PITT IS PLAINTIFF to foreclose certain certificates of tax sales and liens held by the said COUNTY OF PITT for 1930 DELINQUENT TAXES, .And ail of whom will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt County, North Caro lina, at his office in the Courthouse in Greenville, North Carolina, and present and defend their respective claims, if any, within six months from the date hereof, or be forever barred from any interest therein or claim in or to the proceeds from the sale of said lands. The property described below and set opposite the names of the respec tive defendants was listed for taxa tion by said defendants for the year 1930 as shown in the several com paints filed in said actions, and is the same real property owned, or formerly owned, by said defendants. THE NAMES OF THE DEFEND ANTS OWING TO THE COUNTY OF PITT DELINQUENT TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1930 ARE AS FOLLOWS: FARMVILLE TOWNSHIP (White) Askew, W. C., 175 a Home. Baker, J. O., Gdn., 130 a J. Branch. Barrett, Mrs. J. E., 50 a Pocosin. Atkinson, P. T., 1 Res. Belcher. Bynum, R. A., 1 lot Grimmersburg. Burnette, Herbert, 108 a Flanagan. Coward, Mrs. Gertrude, 2 lots Lin coln Park. Carraway, Mrs. Geo., 1 lot Grimmers burg. Carraway, A. C., 24 a Ward Run, 21.6 A Rogers. t Carraway, A. C. & B. N., 21.7 a Rog ers, 25 a M. Carraway. Corbett, S. L., "2 Vac. lots Main, 1 Res. Main. Darden, Mrs. Sarah C., Admx., 1 lot Main St., 2 lots Church St., 1 lot Norfolk & Southern R. R., 1 lot E. S. Pollard, 1 lot Main St., 7 lots Lincoln Park. Edwards, W. C., Estate, 1 lot Main. Harris & Rasberry, 1 lot Wilson. Horton, M. D., E a Pocosin, 114 a Barrett, 72 a Woods, 203 a C. Creek, 1 lot Contentnea, 1 lot A. Jefferson. Horton, Mrs. Helen Waters, 1 res. Wilson St. Hill, Mrs. Evelyn, 1 lot Grimmers burg. Jones, Albert, 52 a B. Branch, 40 a B. Branch. Jones, J. 0., 58 a C. Creek. Jones, L. R., 60 a J. D. Jones, 64 a Plank road, 1 res. Belcher St. Joyner, Mrs. L. A., 4 lots Main St., 1 lot Pine St. Jefferson, G. W., 208 a H. T. Jeffer son. Joyner, Mrs. C. C., 2 lots Contentnea and Pine. King, T. B., 32 a Plank Road, 1 lot Home Ave. Lassiter, Mrs. Nan, 1 Res. Pitt, 1 Vac. Pitt. Lewis, J. R. & Brother, 1 lot Con tentnea. Lassiter, Mrs. Mabel, 1 lot Main St Lassiter, W. R. J., 1 lot Main St ..........*?**1' *1* 'I' '1' Lewis, S. T., 50 a C. Creek. Lovelace, J. W., 2 lots Church St., 2 lots Turnage St. Lewis, J. R., 46 a C. Creek. Lewis, J. T., Estate, 839 a Home. Morrill, Dr. D. S., 45 a Plank Road, lot Church St McKee, T. R., 1 Res. Wilson St Murphy, W. E., 45 a C. Creek, 1 lot Horne Ave., 10 lots Contentnea, 1 lot Basnight. Moye, Mrs. Lucy J., 169 a E. A. Moye. Norris, J. B., 1 lot Grimmersburg, 1 lot Pitt, 1 lot Wilson St. Oakley, Mrs. I. B., 75 a J. Branch, 1 lot Wilson St., 1 lot Main & Leg gett. Perkins, J. L., 1 lot Walnut St Pitt Gin Co., 1 Gin plant. Paylor, J. H., Agent 125 a C Creek. Paylor, J. Hill, 1 lot Sheppard, 1 Vac. Pine, 1 lot Waverly, l .lot Main, 3 lots Lincoln Park. Pippin, J. R., 2 Vac. lots. Pittman, W. E., 2 a R. Pittman, 22 a Gin, 50 a R. Pittman. Swain, N. Y., 60 a C. Creek. Trotman, J. M. Estate, 49 a Piney Grove. Turnage & Fields, 1 lot Wilson St Turnage, H. W., 1 lot Wallace, 4 lots Contentnea, 2 lots Turnage, 2 lots Belcher, 3 lots G. E. Moore, 1 lot Tom McKinney, 30 lots W. Heights. Turnage, B. O., 1 Res. Church. Turnage, T. L. & W. J., 30 a Vick, 30 a Davis, 180 a Pocosin, 1 lot Wilson; 1 lot Church, 1 lot Main, 1 lot Bel cher, 1 lot George & Pine, 1 lot Cotton Ave., 1 lot Main, 1 lot New Road, 1 lot Lincoln Park, 216 a Little C. Creek. Tyson, Mrs. B. J., 93 a B. Branch. Ward, W. G., 1 lot Main St. Wainwright, Mrs. Letha, 1 lot Marl boro. Warren, J. S., 25 a M. Carman, 1 lot George. Warren, W. S., 1 lot George. FARMVILLE TOWNSHIP (Colored) Armstrong, J. L., 3 lots Lincoln Pk. I Anderson, J. H., 2 a S. Creek. Artis, Francis, I lot Lincoln Park. Atkinson, Perry, Sr., Heirs, 1 lot Main. Atkins, John 1 lot Walnut. Bagley, Easter, 1 lot Berry St. Barrett, Royal, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Bass, John Henry, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Baker, Haywood, 2 lots G. E. Moore. Barnes, Oscar, 1 Res. Lincoln Park. Barnes, Tom, 1 lot J. Y. Monk. Barrett, Irma, 1 lot Walnut. Bennett, I. S., 1 lot George, 1 lot Cot ton, 1 lot Walnut, 1 lot Main, 1 lot Bennett & W., 2 lots Bennett, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Best, Mary, 1 lot Perry, 1 lot H. Du pree. Blount, Will G., 1 lot Lincoln Park. Blount, Joe, 2 lots Main, 1 lot Lin coln Park. Boyd, Wilson, 1 lot Wallace, 1 lot near Wallace, 2 lots George, 2 lots Wallace. 1 Brown, Alfred, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Cameron, Monroe, Est., 2 lots Main St., 1 lot Lincoln Park. Cooper, William, 1 lot Wallace St. Cobb, Lula, 1 lot Walnut, 1 lot Ben nett. Dixon, W. H., 1 lot Lincoln Park. Dunn, John Henry, 1 lot Washington. Dupree, Daniel, 1 lot Main, 1 lot Wal nut, 1 lot Lincoln Park Dupree, Jacob, 2 lots Main. Edwards, Wright, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Harrison, Exum, 1 lot Walnut. Fields, W. H., 1 lot Lincoln Park. Fulton, Ethel, 1 lot Walnut St, & B. St. Gaskins, Stephen, 1 lot Main. Gay, George, Sr., 1 lot Lincoln Park. Gay, Daniel, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Gay, Richard, Sr., 1 lot Lincoln Park. Hamlin, A. P., 1 lot Walnut, I lot George. Hines, David, 2 lots Lincoln Park Hopkins, Nelson, 2 lots George St, 1 cafe, 1 lot Wallace St, 1 lot George St, 1 lot R. R. St, 1 lot Perry St. Hopkins, Sallie, a Marlboro. Jenkins, Rebecca, 1 lot Wallace. Johnson, Charlie, 1 Res. Lincoln Pk. Jones, Edwards & Gorham, 1 lot Main. Jones, Gertrude, 1 lot Walnut Jones, Grissom, 1 lot G. E. Moore. Joyner, Bessie, .1 lot Lincoln Park. Joyner, Joe, 1 lot Contentnea. Joyner, Oscar, 1 lot Main,. 1 lot Lin coln Park. Joyner, Alonza L., 1 lot Main St, 1 lot Bennett'St Joyner, Letter, 1 vacant lot Walnut St, 1 lot Lincoln St Joyner, Ferebee, 1 lot Walnut St Joyner, Dennis, 1 lot Main St Joyner, Wiley, 1 lot Bennett St. Land, Allen, 1 lot Main & Wallace. May, Walter, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Mitchell, Henderson, 1 lot Wallace. Moye, Alonza, 1 lot G. E. Moore. McKinney, Tom, 1 lot Main, 2 lots Lincoln Park, 1 lot W. E. M. McKinney, Laura, 2 lots Walnut. N. C. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1 lot Main. Peyton, Lizzie, 1 lot Main. Pollard, J. R., 1 lot Wallace, 1 lot Main, 3 lots Lincoln Park. Pruden, Richard E., 1 lot Wallace. Reaves, Columbus, 1 lot George, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Saunders, Elijah, 1 lot Wallace, 1 lot Contentnea. 1 lot Lincoln Park. Scarborough, J. H., 1 lot Wallace St. Smith, Susan, 1 lot N. S. RL R. Taylor, Edward, 1 lot Lincoln Park. Thlgpen, David, 1 lot J. L. H., 1 lot Wallace, 1 lot New Home. Tyson, Ed, 1 lot Wallace. Tyson, Will A., 1 lot Lincoln Park. Tyson, Alberta, 1 lot Main St., 1 lot Walnut St Vines, Marcellus, 1 lot E. C. R. R. Wallace, William Henry, 1 lot Marl boro. V Wooten, Lyman, 1 lot Wallace. Ward, Mary, 1 lot Walnut St. Williams, S. W., 1 lot ?|> tfr i|i t|> i|i i|i ?|* i|i i|? i|> <|i i|i i|i i|i ?|? i|i i|i i|i ?|? ceased, to exhibit them to the under signed at Farmville, N. C.f on or be fore the first day of September, 1935 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 28th day of August, 1934. DAISY PRUDEN, Adrarx. of Estate of Richard Pruden. John B. Lewis, Atty. 6wks. ?H-4?-K*+++,H*+++++?H,++++++?H*+ 4-^* 4* ^ 4* 4* ? 4" 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4-4-4* 4* 4*++4*++ i* ft SURE WE LOOKED at THE OTHERS aw? lAati umy^ I Bought a Terra plane as much for an automobile that was not nearly so comfortable to ride in and handle as my Terra plane. Performance is great; the economy is great. D HfiWAsn. Rochester. If. Y. We Bought a Terraplane ?ton, selected ? Terraplane, becanse its lines most nearly approached an airfoil and therefore oHerod the least resistance to the air. We have secured between 19 and 20 mllea per gallca on trips. ? MR.?. MRS.PAULB.EATON. Charlotte, N. C. ...y. - .? .. - , I Bought a Hudson thoroughly satisfied with my judgment In purchasing your car, as It has performance, economy, comfort and price.?HENRY M. McCONAUGHY, Seattle. I Bought a Terraplane car driver, but not after I aat behind the wheel of a Terraplane. I'd never havo a car acain without Road Level ere like you furnish. Smoothest riding rve ever enjoyed. -E. A. CONKLQ1Q. Cincinnati Does It pay to take jour time about buying a car? Just ask Hudson and Terraplane owners. Of the thousand* of men and women who have bought new Hudson* and Terra plane* this year, 5 out of every 8 looked at several other make* of car* before they decided. They'll tell you how much you'll be ahead if you "don't buy any car too hurriedly." Well be glad to show you more owners* statements like these above, as well as sworn affidavits to certify the economy and low upkeep cost enjoyed by owners of Hudsom built cars. YouU be interested, also, in the facts about the recent nation-wide "Challenge Tests." Only one competing car dared accept a wide open challenge to prove economy and per formance? and was beaten in every te-L The facts about Hudson and Terraplane n?-e here at our showrooms for you to see?more real brass tack information than you ever got about any cars before. Come in and ride in these cars?drive them. Look aS Ike Prices ? ? ? Now Down With the Lowest KUDSON *685-TERRAPLANE *565 and up at factory for doted models Visit our showrooms and see hundreds of testimonials on Ruggedness, I * Long Ufo, Economy and Performance FARMVILLE MOTOR CO. FARMVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ____________ ? - - ... - ? fttttttTTTYrVVTVVTTTTTTTTY i4? Save The Building and Loan Way! it 8 tl **4.4.~t . ? ... ? ? ? , .. V. ? ? .. + ... _ . MY 10% GOES THERE "Pretty soon John and I are go ing to retire and take things easy from then on. No, John didn't suddenly strike a gold mine. You see, for years I've been putting 10% of our income in a saving account at the Building & Loan Association? and now we have it when wc need it most."