V Farmville Enterprise I FARMVILLE, N. C. I G. ALEX ROUSE, Owner ft Mgr. I Eva Horton Shackleford Associate Editor ? Published My ? THE ROUSE PRINTER! Subscription Price: One Year $1.50 ? Six Months 75c ADVERTISING RATES: Display (Minimum) 30e Per Inch 11 Readers, Per Line. ?5e J All Legal ad vs. 5c a line per week. Published weekly and entered a* Second Class Mail Matter at the Postoifice at Farmville, N. C., un vr act of March 3rd, 1878. || S. A. A. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The election of new officers, for the ensuing1 year, featured the meet ing of the Spanish-American Auxili ary at its regular monthly meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Annie An derson on Wednesday afternoon, with the following officers elected by a unanimous vote: Mrs. P. T. Adkinson, president; Mrs. J. L Bak-1 er, vice president; Mrs. htonie Bar rett, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. An nie Anderson, chaplain; Mrs. Pearl Johnston, historian; Mrs. Watt Park er, patriotic instructor. The retiring president, Mrs. Pearl J ohnston, was presented with a shower of gifts from the members, as a token of appreciation for her loyalty and faithful service. A delightful chicken salad and coffee were served at the close of the meeting. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. Will Moore and Miss Eliza beth Lang delightfully entertained the Junior Woman's Club this week, at the home of the former. Mrs. Ted Albritton presided in the ab sence of the president, Miss Eliza beth Davis, and appointed commit tees for serving the American Le gion Ladies' Night banquet. A sketch of the life of Emily Dickinson was given by Miss Evelyn Horton and favorite poems of this writer were read by Mrs. A. H. Etevens. At the conclusion of the program the club adjourned for the usual pleasant social hour, a? which time a delightful sweet course was serv ed by the hostesses. OUT 09 TBS 4WS40HHV8 STUDY (By Rev. C. B. Mashburn) Thanksgiving has conn and gone. If we do not wateh and prey now, we may soon be longing for those Christmas presents. Christmas i* I almost here. Are we ready for its coming?not with gifts and material treasures?but with spiritual at tainments that will make us Wel come Him whose birthday we keep ? We regret the going from us of a real good pal?Rev. H. L. Hendricks ?for three years we have labored side by side and fine fellowship. He is real human and one of God's fine gentleman. We hope for him in his new field all the joy and blessings a grudging church will give to a minister and his family. We wel come his successor to our hearts. Next Sunday the churches every where will observe the four hun dredth anniversary of the Luther Bible. Four hundred years ago he gave the people of Germany the word in. their own tongue. Let us becomingly remember this boon to mankind next Sunday. Come and bring your bibles and we will have a message for the occasion. December 16th, we will have our message on the Ideal Minister for you. We have received several let ters from our people and they are very helpful indeed. Let us have yours at once. Then come and hear what kind of a preacher a congre gation desires. { The Robeson county agent, O. 0. Dukes, and eight agricultural teach ers in the county recently conducted 30 meetings relative to the cotton program. The meetings were well attended. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, having qualified as administrator of the estate of E. A. Stanfield, deceased, late of Rockingham County, N. C., for merly of Pitt County, N. C., before the clerk of the Superior court of said county, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 14th day of November, 1535, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re 'covery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Nov. 14, 1934. R. B. STANFIELD, Administrator. R. B. STANFIELD, Admr. of the es tate of E. A. Stanfield, Dec'd. NOTICE OF SAL* UNDER DEED OF TRUST ' Under and by vixtaa of thfc power < at saie contained in that certain j dead of trost ekecoted by J. J. Jack son, to W. A. Darden, Trustee, on < January 29th, 1984, and recorded in Book G-16, page 884, Pitt County Registry, default having been made i in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, and due demand having been made upon said trusteee i to sell the same, the undersigned, will on the 10th day of December 1934, at 12 oclock Noon, at the court house, Greenville, N. C., sell the fol- - lowing described real estate to the highest bidder for cash: ' Situated and lying in Pitt County, ! and about 4 miles from the town of Ayden, and beginning at the old j Hardee Johnson line in the center , of the road and running with the ' said Johnson line N. 85% E. 103 4/5 ; poles to a gum; thence S. 19 W. 42 < poles to the mouth of a ditch; thence ! with the said ditch S. 38% W. 28 ^ poles to the end thereof; thence S. 73 W. 39 2/5 poles with the afore- 1 said ditch to the center of the road to Rountree Meeting House; thence ' with said road N. 15% W. 44 4/5 poles to the crook or bend thereof; ! thence N. 46% W. 31 3/5 poles with ; said road, to the beginning, and con- 1 taining 27 acres, more or less and being the same tract of land deeded to J. J. Jackson, by R. R. Jackson, on April 15, 1887, and recorded in Book L-3, page 132. This 8th day of November, 1934. W. A. DARDEN, Trustee (Mortgagee) Rosa L. Jackson, owner of debt and Assignee. Pittman & Eure, Attorneys. Lady Went Back To Taking CARDUI and Was Helped Itr mtu* periodic pains, cramps or nervousness, try Cardui which so many women have praised, for I over fifty years. Mrs. Dora Dun ran, of Science Hill, Ky, writes: ?Several yean ago, when I was teaching school, I got run-down and suffered Intensely during men struation periods. I took Cardul and was all right again. After X was marrlsd, when X felt all run down and was Irregular, I always lasscM to fearful and was helped." . ... It may be Jvt what you need. Thousands of women testify Oar dui benefited them. If It does not benefit YOU, consult a physician. Said in H bottle*. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO RE~ NEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. 1 ' - ' ? i - ?ji ^ f ??' 'i1 'j' ? t f l'i' iixxxj ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as adininistratrij [ the estate of Joseph E. Dail, de based, late of Pitt County, N. C, lis is to notify all persons holding aims against said estate to presort sine before me on or before the 7th day of November, 1935, or this otice will be pleaded in bar of theii acovery. All persons indebted ti aid estate will please make ira lediate payment. This 16th day of November 1934 MRS. LOUISE C. DAIL, Admix of estate of Joeeph E. Dail. ohn B. Lewis, Attorney. 6wks , late of Pitt County, who died in t A J ~ >.^1 ?9 .A. V . A. f testate, notice is ftcrwy gtvcn totx f all persons holding claims against > testate of said deceased must pre i sent same on or before November , ? 2ith, 1935, or this notice will be > plead in bar of their recovery. All - persons owing- said estate will please j make immediate payment. This 20th day of November, 1984. : J. W. BASS, Admr. of the ri Estate of Walter D. Owen! I . John B. Lewis, Attorney. ' 6w ' ?1 -? " ? ? p ? MADAM JOLES I PHRENOLOGIST and ADVISER This lady tells yon any and everything yon wish to know, without asking questions. If unhappy, discouraged, troubled in heart or aund, ace tfcis gifted lady. She will help you. Knowledge at present is power in the future. No matter who j or what you are. or how difficult your psohtasa ^ , may be, dost be discouraged, if others have .. failed to help. One visit may mean the (orbing ! point in year life. She gives reliable advice on love, business and speculations of all tinda, lo cates lost and stolen articles and hidden treas ures, tells the past, present and future. 1 1?-? n j.. Private waiting rooms for wtiite and colored, au wwnp cunuueu tial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hoars 9 to 9. Readings daily and Sunday. Permanently located 108 E. WALNUT ST. TARBORO, N. C. Half Block off Main St., near SchooL J ""inn ?l?n ? ?il WHY NOT BRING THAT DEAD CLOCK OR WATCH TO ' | 4 ?> Fields Jewelry Co. FARMVILLE, N. C. NOW, when you can get prompt and I FIRST CLASS SERVICE. Avoid The Holiday Rush \ 1 111 1 111 ? ? ? Peanut Hay! NEW CROP?Good and Bright?Price per ton $16.00, Delivered in truck load lot only, j in or around Farmvifle. Call or write M. D. , Hamilton, N. C. I] 4 P'Mnt r**HMP r.mnt. Irlf Loch: "Cwhtto lave !S?ISP5 .v: OCHOfiflL Ma. Win. LaVarre reports: "My busband-and I an devoted to Cameis. Any I time I'm dud I atop and smoke a Camel. If ' wake* op my energy id no time. And here's an important point. Smoking Camels steadily, 1 / find, does not i&aucei nerves." __ ? ?i ' "' ?? B ? ? ? STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! WHY NOT MODERNIZE I YOUR HOME BY? I / B Weather Stripping! I Keeps out the Cold, the Dirt, No I Rattle and Saves on the | Cost of Fuel j; a I All Work Done and Guaranteed by I i \ 14 Experienced Mechanics I ?For Estimates Call or Writer > I H. W.FAUST I Phone 807-W Greenville, N. C. I Martin county fanners received tax-exemption certificates covering 186,000 pounds of cotton when the additional 10 per cent allotments were made. Eleven surveys for rural electric power lines have been completed in Greene county. ,l!MH>++++++,H,++++++++++++'H'+'f I rf. ,fi A ??>, ,t, .t. .1T .t, A .t,,t. it, ,t| if. it. -t. .v. '"TTTVTTTTTTTTTTVTVTTTVTTTTTt ? 11 ?Chest Colds* Don't let them get a strangle bald. Fight! them quickly. Creomulaion comhinaa 7 hap* I . in one. Powerful bat hwtfleH, to! take. No narcotic*. Yoor qwfl druggist i? authorized to refund your money on the (pot if your cough or cold J* not r*Uer*d by Creomuliion. > UdrJj 44 YICTBIT II IIFIAT! NINE O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT Mark Close of Big Second Period Grand Capital Size 1 4 4 Terraptane Coach j * 4 4 4 Fully Equipped ? Value $695.00 ? Purchased from f Farmville Motor Co., Inc.?Farm viHe, N. C. j Awarded to the person having the highest | number of Votes. i 3 ? ? ? * ^ * *- ?- ^ ^ 1-^ hrtl ^ 1 -f'F ih^^ + rHirH-T fTrf trij A iti ij 1 ft Ji > ifdt rfilfili 1 - -w . . - -.TTTT # ? ? r ? r^- ?T ?! t r ? m 'r~r'r~r'9"W"w9-~m. r w .m * w. ?-?-? ??? T- - EXTENSIONS WILL M A I BIG FACTOR in WINNING * ' .J The Contestant who Is willing to put [forth a ] Little Effort to get the Second Payments ?a j Subscriptions will find their Vote Totalis Soar ?; to Winning Heights. \ TEN?5-YEAE EXTENSIONS GIVE YOU .< SIS-SPECIAL CASH PRIZE-$I5 Hie Farmville Enterprise has added another prize to its already big list. This is a $25.00 cash prize which will be awarded to the contestant who receives the most Points on subscriptions during the Second and Third Periods of the Expansion Campaign. Everyone starts on even terms, and the following table of points will show you just how your sub scription will help your favorite to win this special prize. In addition to the points on subscriptions, votes will be given as announced in the regular schedule. HELP YOUR FAVORITE WIN ! SECOND PERIOD Dec. 2?Dec. 8 1 yr 2 points 2 yrs. 4 points 3 yrs 6 points 4 yrs. 8 points 5 yrs. i 10 points 0 yrs. 12 points GET TJW C L UB S THIS WEEK! -?f-H-f-HH-f I *+* 4 444 * THIRD PERIOD Dec. 3?Dec. 15 1 yr. 1 point 2 yrs._ 2 points 8 yrs. ? 3 points 4 yrs.?, 4 points 5 yrs. 5 points 6 yrs. 6 points Second Capital Prize $200 in Cash Awarded to the person having 1he Second highest number of Votes. i Third Capital Prize' $100 in Cash Awarded to the person having the Third highest number of Votes. ; ?*++++**+*++++++++++++++++++++**++*++**+++++++++***+*+++++*+* . Fourth Capital Prize $50 to Cash Awarded to the person having the Fourth highest j f/ number of Votes. , ? ,>t t ? full it a. ih if i t I t *- ?- A ?. A t. * .? J. A A .? -? A $. >. J. A A A ? a,a a ? A n.a , $ A A ? J .? * *. J. AA rTTT'l'l'1!' 'I* ,l',lT,r 1 Ji *"I' 'I' 'I' 'l1 'J1 'I' 'I'T'I'TT'l' 'I' 'I' 'l' 'I' 'I* 'l1 'I' 'I' "l1 'I' 'J1 'I1'I'T 'I' 'I1 TT^TTiW'vTTyTVTVvxT'V V1 '4' 'o1 'I' 'I1 '4M T 1 11 y'H'+'h'I"!'+'!? ? ++'l"+'h I' I 1 '"?? U t tgK?;lH J + 1#?MjWjj i. a Make up your mind now that the only :: thing that separates you from a motor car fj: | of your own is the time between now .and |: * the end of the campaign?don't let it foe . $?; | sufficientVotes. i-f + Every possible subscription candidates J5: | can secure is urgently needed to *wiiu For I the present manner in which votes are piling : | up makes it appear that the outcome i^H he i 5: I remarkably dose. Who knows but what S; I just a few subscriptions will separate yciu?!s: | from the prize that you are longin' for. 1: r Adding to the uncertainty of the finish are the |5 > t quiet aaeigetic workers in this campaign who f; | have been working diligently to win one of the J;; Big Prizes .. . These are'the "dark horses" that J;; bear watching. : ; Quitters Never Win I X ? ? I ttttttttt1I i ff I ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttf'i' '

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