llntain, arthur, snow hill, maury, walstonburg and communi yr ovi? 100 words to the farm ville enterprise and tell ? ? ' ? * * -"v' * ' .-*? < JL: w&~-? <1 ?? *?' h ^k - i ? i ? n ? i H 1 . , t r.'- r iw-?-~-""a"^^"I"a,,c''t"c'< ^ ^B B& I ? I ???? I wi^k s bb b? P S I A i . I I I ^| r I I II m-WKM BB. B 1 I i^tf?#ir^r< iih tP'iir iFiif ^"rpVUYTfl ????????????????????????????????????????MM TELL WHY . "it IT WILL PAY TO BUY < ? CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF JEWELRY FROM J' FIELDS' JEWELRY CO. FARMYILLE, N. C. \\ ?In Business More Than 25 Years? o < ? Diamonds Watches Silverware <> Jewelry Of All Kinds \\ * ? Hundreds of gift items that will give J\ lasting service. Visit our store and make your Christmas seelctions now. We will ? ? hold any item chosen for a small de posit until Christmas. . < ? Expert Watch, Clock and <\ Jewelry Repairing ]\ DEPENDABLE RELIABLE | J -WD SELL LV TlgMTTtTree? ?????????" I DO YOUR Christmas SHOPPING FARMVILLE Here Yon Will Find Tbe Highest Quality Merchandise At Amazing Low Prices HIGH QUALITY 1 ::tell why f o DON'T WATCH OTHERS GO BY . . CHOOSE o o \ TERRAPLANE . . . AND WAVE THEM ALL BYE-BYE! o New Models On Way?Watch for Them At 0 farmyille motor co. Next Door to P. 0., Farmville, N. C. o i'tell why1111,,# 1,1 l,m,| 1 ? Farmers of Pitt and Adjacent Counties Choose < > <; farmville ; bonded warehouse !! Farmville, N. C. o :: . storage of cotton }\ o State and Federal License *> > * we appreciate the bc9cne88 op ock farmer 4 ? o friends during the past season and hope 4 ? we have by our treatment and service merited voce confidence and your future business. may this be your most joyous of 41 all christ mases: \ \ L. W. Godwin, Manager 4 > + i"'"17 and sell in farmville rtttttttMMi ^a.arra,aaa.aaaaraaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa PAY YOU TO MAKE THIS STORE YOUR f HEADQUARTERS Hardware, j | Paints, Oils, i: Varnishes, . Farming \\ Implements and j[ l ' ? i ^ General Farm ;; Supplies II \ I THE STORE OF A n jt.--" ' ?'?"*-V;- \ ,v? I ( ' i: TELL WHY :: THE GRANDEST CHRISTMAS GIFT OF :: THEM ALL WOULD BE A \mrnm /liiiiiiBilli <: IT IS THE ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR WITH o FULLY ENCLOSED KNEE-ACTION sell IN rABMvnLEeeo#e??eee? 1 TELL WHY \\ ] [ v if Men Appreciate Gifts From a Man's Store ;; < I MAKE YOUR SELECTION FOR "HIM" 0 AT WARREN'S 1 YOUNG MEN'S I SHOP I J; HERE YOU WILL FIND JUST THE GIFT J \ o HE'LL LIKE MOST j; o Shirts Hats Ties Socks \\ Pajamas Gloves Scarfs ;; Handkerchiefs ! I o , i> i l People of Farmville and Vicinity Choose ! I I D.R.MORGAN j| if JEWELBR? if J f Main St. Farmville, N. C. * f 0 For o ie dependable jewelry at \\ i: reasonable prices \\ iI MAKE THIS A JEWELRY CHRISTMAS! J\ { \ A Suitable Gift For, AU la toBe Found ;; ;; In Our Stock and At Small Costl! \\ 1 :? Watches Diamonds Clocks if if Glassware Silverware if If ?MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS? ff J? We Will Appreciate/Your Business and < > 0 Guarantee Satisfaction! o ?> < > ff WATCH, CLOCK, AND JEWELRY REPAIRING ff < and sell in farmville???????????? ff tell why |j THRIFTY SHOPPERS LIKE i I 1 > TO TRADE AT J \ .! YOUNG'S IE DEPARTMENT STORE !E Farmville, N. C. |j i i QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT * \\ REASONABLE PRICES || NEWEST STYLES IN IE I; MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S jj \ E SUITS, DRESSES, COATS S| SHOES AND HATS j! DRYGOODS NOTIONS Real Bargains Await You ^ ^ SEE OUR fi YOUR CHRISTMA BlJiliiG Your Business Is Appreciated ?? anpjohx ? V " ( ' . ? ? y ? < < < ? si H 1 2 S 3; Hi fej S?i s H M s Si o H as ? UBI ? ^kl ?? 1 ' Ai ? Am r ' M M Bf kM^ft " S?v? . : : -? ' >? ? | '? ?'?': > TELL WHY it pays to bank ydcjb money and pay bilib by check 15 IThe Bank of Farmville [ I OFFICERS | t R. L, DAVIS | T President + f J. L MORGAN | + Vice President J | D, R OGLESBY J ' * Cashier + I J. M. STANSILL $ | Asst. Cashier t | J. L. WALKER i H 4 Asst. Cashier 1 * M. D. POLLARD * | Bookkeeper f r ^VrtSJSjKMP^'* i\:v-' v ? ?' , ?'' ?' 1. Offers A Completebanking Service To I Farmville's Trading Area .At the Low- t est Costs Consistent With Soond Bank- | ing Practice. i Open An Account With Us While Oil Tour Christmas t Shopping Tourln FannriHel $ OUR DEPOSITS ARE LARGEST THEY HAYE | BEEN IN HISTORY OF THE BANK | DIRECTORS i it R. L. DAVIS 1\\ P. M. DAVIS t \f D. E. OGLESBY + J | J. L MORGAN f ; J j.o.pollard f A. C. MONK t -X I C. L. HARDY $ JI W. A. POLLARD ? J | ^ ijf COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY i OFFICE: BANKING ROOM, BANK OF FARMTIIXE, FARMVIIXE, N. C. PHONE 30 ; J Same Prompt and Efficient We Solicit and Appreciate Your i; Service After A Loss Insurance Business Of " As Before! AO Kinds. i; D. E. OGLESBY, Manager S. A. ROEBUCK, Solicitor J; 'tell'why m PEOPLE OF FARMVILLE PREFER <: COAL THAT IS ALL COAL FROM ?: BARRETT'S COAL YARD \\ FARMVILLE, N. C. II OUR COAL IS i: CLEAN AND ECONOMICAL < | No Long Waits When Ordered '???????????BUT and SELL IN FARMvnxE+?+??MMMO * I ?PRIZES? 1 | 1st?$12.50 in service at Motor Inn Service S - Station. | 2nd?$9.50 in trade at Romanus Shoe Shop. | 3rd?$6.25 Permanent Wave | 4th?$6.25 in service at Quality Beauty Shop. || | 5th?$6.25 in trade at Trevathan's Shoe Shop. || jj( 6th?$6.25 Permanent Wave. 7th?$5.00 in trade at Baker's Studio. mm I Are Immediately Relieved By 11 I Pneumo-Nox I i| The All-Purpose Vaporizing: Salve ?At Your Dealers? , | WILLARD PRODUCTS CO. Greenville, N. C. | TELr'WH Y " | t CAR OWNERS OF FARMVILLE AND o ? VICINITY LIKE TO TRADE AT THE NEW ;; | SINCLAIR | I Service Station > Wilson St Farmville, N. C. o : COMPLETE SINCLAIR SERVICE jj With Sinclair Products :! : :: ; mhiii ?. .i.i. > >.i < i ... . ?nn.niii ininiiiiui ??'? ?i , , ; GOODYEAR TIRES I ? | PRESTOLTTE BATTERIES TIRE REPAIRING Washing ? Polishing ? Greasing ? Waxing ! f SMOKES AND DRINKS We Appreciate^Your Business and *00 MM AND SELL IN FA?MYUTri?(^0?ao???? WHY i: * > SHEAFFER AND CONKLIN PENS 11 WHITMAN CANDIES < | We fill any doctor's prescription accu- ' o I rately and promptly, and invite you to o ! 1 visit our open prescription department ;; *I at any time. < ? i ;| PHONE 33-J I: ; * AND SELL IN FABMVILLE? ??????????< ' I | TELL WHY i; \\ FARMERS OF THIS SECTION LIKE THE <; j; COURTEOUS AND DEPENDABLE ;; \\ , SERVICE OF *> \ I. J. W.HOLMES 1 &Sim J! FARMVILLE, N. C. |t 0 < ? \ \ Our Business Is Supplying Farmers With \ \ \ \ Their Needs In - ?; FERTILIZERS IMPLEMENTS <> ? ? WAGONS ;; i; LOANS ill J! We appreciate your business the past _ ) | S ;; season and look forward with pleasure <* .?....K?I