who b&u 110v?r WA&ttH n?r? a 'rising young psycblatrltt, was ?f police, with a now patient.?Nanco Belden. a girl who? terrlbl# child hoodi had left her with^a. dual per aonaltty. ror which her "saddle nose" I did not think she was a responsible ? criminal and obtained Hurt's ex pert testimony in court. Even L*n? LSa thw <Jocto,'l,v 1 ? ? ?. ..." I -You old weetheart,*'-.Nanco ? ?' x ? jCy--1 -T^T"i"^ T. v _,/t-. i* corridor . ^toward ttie retittaUon ^l*-4 E ' . ' 5 # > ??* - ' ? jT_ The' matron immediately ieft the Uttloc&w . Lsnoy s k. band* bag and tli j Sh b ad UUKlbGr?" mat hurrvln ba k t th 1 plained, uaod ^that's ^ against tho you for shoplifting." J bun doeno't leave for an hour and "By an mMM," the generous Lan I ay agreed. and opened the door. The girl thanked her fulUngly and climbed Ul Half way down to Qreenbraa. her guest said: "I Ujlnk one^ of ^ your tear Urea la flat. "I'wM^eglanin* to think ad. tpo. Ifn bumpy, tent It? Ob, dear, I Lanny polled up to the aide of fhn road add tot out, leaving bar hand :mm w xw**- * Instantly Her Quest Opened'tt andf In opened tt, ab r Nance -had given In her own hand- I t and with Lenny promised eagerly. ' I ;^p t? re^y yow ? drifted tlte_ red jpie Journey. At" I Slrl got oat and sooner bad her peared behind * J irt waved to a se ck of the little ata- .1 In beside, a young I ilnd the wheri. ^ I ueried, apparently I he replied. "Let's ! gp|?||gg$HAPTER. IV J A RRIVED at the little btmgalOw J n she occupied In St' % Wood, Lanny put her car In the garage, .entered her 'home, :and sat < down to read Nance Belden'a let* tor. And when, she failed to find It she did some of the logical think* 4 tng of which she was So eminently '1 | capable in ;,|fcuaUou*; where her emotions were - not. being preyed Iked up on the road tQle it out of my 1 I got out to look at I ie muht Rave visited I got there. She was .1 f damsel, too, now l a underworld huzay, 1 tless; too, known to Nance had -no op aid be the case, so | rnatiye plan; -What-1 j of human nature fhe knew; she could ;; ? oh. what n.fiooM | I Why. ruH^law* J ily Rm a responsible J lety and she ton't. i vouldnt fail to visit A rlbed me to hereon* spotted me when I he main gate and j onfederate raw me 1 a drove ?. nail about . an Inch Into my tear Ure-- -simple at two and two are four. The nail waa driven, alt tfce way In and the air waa out before we'd gone a mile. Oh. dear, dear, dear, what a simple ton 1 ami I suppose I ought to do something about this, but then If I do. how can I explain conduct tor the prison, ofllcla lit" I She realised thoroughly now the extent to whleb Che bad been an ac cessory before the fact That sly' minx?telling her she could reed the letter before mailing It; that If she did net approve of Us contents she wae frefr to destroy it That was the point upon which the susceptible. Lanny had impaled herself. "Well, It can't be anything so vary important,* She decided Anally. "It couldn't be part of a plan to escape, because escape from that place la Impossible. Besides, no woman con vict has ever succeeded in escap ing from San Quentin. In all prob ability it waa Just a private mes sage to one of her old underworld {riengg. That girl la too Intelligent to dream of formatting plans for eacap* Why, she couldn't get out of the front gate. 8herd have to awtm the bay to escape, even If she succeeded to getting through the exit from the woman's quarters and past that suspicious guard In the little house there." 80 Lgnny made herself a highball and resolved to dismiss all thought of the incident She also resolved to give Nance Belden a piece of her mind. If and when she decided to visit her again. And she was not at all certain she would make Nance another visit Two weeks later, while ShejjA sitting before the fire, readttig, aer telephone rang and a man's voice said: "Is this Miss Rebecca Lannlng?" "Yes. Who la this?" "Never mind. You wouldn't know me If I told yon who I am. rm a friend of Nance Belden's. Are yon going to be at home for an boar. Mite Lannlng 7" the voice pursued. It was a pleasant enough voice, Lanny reflected. "I am, but what business Is that at yours!" "Oh, well, If you're going' to he each a cutnp," tb^. voice rejoined, "I'll not bother to argue that with 70U over the phone, m come out Oond-hv " i 1 ? ?' -fitr* - '? He hung up, leaving Lanny In a stste of acute mental perturbation, which did not subside until She heard her doorbell ringing some ten minutes later. It subsided them Her courage always mounted when there was-an Immediate situation to face. "Nance Belden's friend," she decided Instant ljjr,r } For a moment she considered telephoning Han McNamara, then decided the worthy fellow might I prove an embarrassment. So she got a pistol frbni; her bureau draw er?because sba was a practical soul land dwelt alone. She had pur chased the pistol as a precaution? and west .to the door. She cocked the pistol and took a long breath. I threw, open the door suddenly and 1 raised her weapon. ^ i; : J 'Tut 'em up," she commanded harshly. ? IDon't be silly, Lanny, dear," a soft voice entreated her wearily. "It's oniy^:^.; ;\v^V^7: "Nancy Belden?you little devil." Lanny almost shouted. "Come lo here this Instant." . Nance Belden reeled In and Lanny closed the door behind her, J turned the bolt, switched on the hall light?and screamed. "Pipe down," Nance commanded, in that queer, faint, weary voiced *j 'Tm not a. corpse, but Til tell the world I came mighty close to be ing one just'before lock-np time this afternoon. Lanny, dear, I crashed the gate." "Well, you'll crash out of Were In a split second, you little hellion," Lanny cried sharpy. "Wet^-aa dishrag and yonr hair like ' a - witch's, and covered with blood. Where are you hurt?" "Bullet through my left arm* high up near the shoulder. That guard could shoot, and he dldt If my boy- friend hadn't shot back at him and made him hunt his hole Td be fishbalt this minute." "You've :ot to get out of here, Nance," I ny was terrified. "How many vis rs have yon had since you've be In Ran Quentln?" . "Just y >;tanny." "The a torltles will look me up and they' come here Understand? Tbey'U t ae here?there, they're on the te hone now. Oh, my good lord, whi have I done to deserve thtar She da ad Into the kitchen and took donf the telephone receiver. And alalia masculine voice said: "Miss ifcecca tanning?" tanny pntrolled herself. "Yes,** she said 4lmly. "Who's speaking?" "Den MNamhra." "Oh, bio, Dan. How are you?" ,"Fine. pnny. How's yourself?" "We", f might be dead for all the Interwt you've taken In me since you swnwed that good highball you grafA off me the day you came to Doctff Burt's office with that Nance tlden girl." She added archly?4ou egg I" Dan Mpamara laughed. "Can I come ournow?* ?The?y Idea. Of course not rt's almost ?n o'clock >nnd I'm Just about twettre Hr, ? "This? business, tanny. I've got to see n at once." ?"I dll't know the police were after m?v : "The pllce a rent, but the chief tamy. that Nance Belden es caped Ipm Ran Quentln late this aftefooi. She gol to Sen Francisco all rtgll We know that because we fouil the speed-boat she crossed the basn tied up In the yacht har bor afjarlna. There was blood all tfter t8 cockpit and bullet holes In the htm' "All&f which proves. Dsn, that God's I tils heaven, and all's well with ta world. Are you seriously trying fc recover'the girl and send ber bA to the penitentiary?" ?TnJiot Td give two of my big buckAth to see her make a clean getaw*. Tou know that' Rut the wardel?naturally. It seems yon vlsltea Ntfnce two weeks ago and smugad a letter out for ber and nalleflt" "Dflt I give you my word of honor# neither mailed a letter for her iv passed It 'to somebody else to m|L Nor did the girl discuss with ite any plans for escape. If she faft) I would-have told the ward en, lajorder to prevent her escape. It wAldn't have been kind not to do M The girl Is mentally irre sponnle an<\ it would, have oc curra to me that. In any eiad at tempt.to escape, a guard might shooiat her." "wl, ft guard did, and he hit her, Abo, But he didn't stop her.: Her fcutslde gang opened on aim wltldB Tommy gun from a speed boa t|off the point, and made him hunflhls hole. Nance swam out to thefpat under cover of their pro tects* Are;. they hauled her;In and bead It forty-five miles an hour acrolrSan Quentln bay and beaded up Award Carqulnez strftlts, while dayftht lasted. After dark tlie.v donad their lights and sneaked back The warden telephoned Cen tral office here and. gave the alarm. X wasn't on hand, but of course the aptu;oii duty had the water front coveted at once; He b?d two men at t$e st Francis Yacht c^ub add they saw a speed-boat sneak in and across thei little harbor to a" vacant berth on the Marina side. Before the cops could hurry across the peo ple in the boat Jumped out and to a waking car. The cops followed in a Alice car as soon, ah they could, But one of Nance's friends riddled th^tr front tires Mth machine-gun bullets and the trail was lost" "How exciting, pan I" "Yes, and It will be more excit ing for yon, Lenny. I got borne about two minutes ago, and my timie was ringing. It was central Qffice trying to report to me. They're Jnst starting a couple of. dicks out in a cruiser to watch and see If Nance tries to make your house, tmbre a trained nurse. The ward en's found out that much?matter of looking you np In the Sad Fran cisco directory. So he thinks, that shell head for your house to re ceive medical Attention. And you must he a friend of hers?otherwise, why did you call Upon her?" "Han," tsald Danny desperately* "she's herb now I" "Into your car with her, Dannyj and heat ty out to my house wltl her." He gave his address. "Thit'f the last place on earth the devi himself would hunt for an escaped convict" "I've Just heard a thump and i1 crash In my living room, Dan. I think she's falnt??d. Telephone l>04> tor Burt to come to your home-* that he will have to prohe a Bullet vqptind and dress It Tell him te br^ng some whisky and two or thres hot-water bags, and be on hand yoiu-self to let me In. I san't leave herl until I've mopped up any bloodstains she may hnve left on the sidewalk and my front steps. Oood-by." ? Danny was right. Nance Belden lay on the floor of the living room In a faint She picked the girl up In her strong arms and carried her down a short flight of stairs that led from her kitchen to the garsgq below. She heaved her Into the car, ran back upstairs, got a wet mop, and by the light of .the electric lamp over the front entrance searched for drops of blooil. She found a few and followed them to the sidewalk, eradicating them with vigorous sweeps of the mop. then dashed hack into the house. Jammed on her hat and coat, ran outsldo again, threw open the garage door and backed her car out She paused again, to shut It then swung tip the street as the half-red lamps of a police cruising car turned the cor ner. She swung wide to give It a., clear berth, turned the first corner and spurted. She followed a zig zag course antir she felt sure she had thrown the police car off 'her trail?provided they had become suspicious and started to follow her; she turned up a residence street that she felt reasonably certain would not be patrolled by traffic officers at that hour of the night and speeded up. DanMcNamara was standing on the sidewalk in front pf his house when she drew up. .He reached Into her cay,*xllfted' Nance Belden out and rah with her down an alley alongside the house to' the base ment entrance, which' he kicked open. "Lanny followed. Op the stairs to the .kitchen the big chief ran, through the kitchen and on to a rear bedroom. Lanny Jerked a small rag off the'floor and threw It on thejred. "Let her bleed on that .for a.while." she commanded. "No ? sense in messing this nice clean bed all up. There must be blood in my car. Deo. Take a wet towel and go out and clean it thoroughly, please,' while' rtn undressing this poof Iamb. Get me one of your wife's clean nightgowns.** / - "Ain't got no wife, Lanny. Use one of mine** "Just as good as any. Get It Who takes care of yon hefe?" **My mother." "Can she he trusted?" , "I've sent her to the country for a month." he evaded. "I'm sleep ing here and eating downtown."' - "God bless our home. Dan. Clear out?and watch for Stevle and let him In." v .-She ran to the kitchen, turned on the hot water and set an enameled Bklllet under the faucet; then re turned, undressed the girl. In': an adjoining bathroom ahe found clean toweta and placed a cold one on her head. When ahe returned to the kttchen. the enameled Bklllet was sitting in the rntdst of. a cloud of Bteam. so she knew It had been thoroughly disinfected; she filled ft with warm water, carried It Into the room and with a wet towel mopped the two holes Ip Nance's arm and examined the wound. "Missed the bone," she decided. "Bled like a stuck pig, of course* piece of her dress probably carried Into the wound."'. In the medicine closet, Lanny dis covered a small bottle of Iodine. So she donsed the wound with it, wrapped a cold ?oVv?l around the girl's shoulder and tucked her Into bed. (Continued next week.)

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