I Farmville Enterprise r FABMYILLE, N. C. G. ALEX BOUSE, Owner A Mgr. j Era Horton Shaddeford Associate Editor ?? ? Published bj ? THE BOUSE PRINTERY Subscription Price: One Year |1.50? Six Months 75c ADVERTISING RATES: Display (Minimum) She Per Inch Readers, Per Line. 5c ; AH Legal advs. 5c a line per week Published weekly and entered at Second Class Mail Matter at the uer act of March 3rd, 117k Pos toff ice at FarmviUe, N. &, en* j I vJ.^national editorial {m JJ ASSOCIATION OTLeAtAci /9J5 SUPPOSE FOR INSTANCE (By Uncle Watt) Suppose for instance, there were mors than one Court Supreme, Or some other Tribunal to appear from behind the screen. - Suppose an unadulterated Congress and State Legislators too Were to convene in session and show us what they could do. Suppose our President and forty eight governors throughout the land, Backed up by 40,000,000 voters under their command, Would together raise their voices for patriotic rights, Like Moses did when leading the doomed Israelites. Suppose some Dives, beguilded by 2U1 YCi (U1U 5V^Uy Were to exile all poor Lazeruses when they became old. Like our governor and legislators let the opportunity fall, Which Uncle Sam offered to help the old age's merciful call. 'Tis said the "mill can never grind with water that's past," Neither will Truth crushed to earth forever last. No Star of Hope has ever fell from dispair, 3ut little meteors fall promiscuously everywhere. Suppose men had brains equal to their narrow minds, Perhaps their "paths of glory" would soon be left behind. Suppose, after all, men could share equal rights. From the dawn of day until the dim of night. Why our State can stand for such unfair taxation As the present sales tax, is beyond my imagination. The idea of charging one cent on a dime loaf of bread, And onlv chareinsr one cent per $50 f on automible purchase, it is said. (Consistency, where art thou ?) THE MARINE CORPS Major Ralph E. Davis, Officer in charge of the Marine Corps Recruit ing District of Savanah, With Head fuarters in the New Post Office Building, Savanah, Ga., says that al through there is no royal road to knowledge, the Marine Corps au thorities have opened a way to knowledge for members of the Corps by means of the Marine Corps In stitute correspondence courses. There is an old saying that "knowledge is power" and I believe that this may be accepted as true It is equally true that every pa rent wishes to give to his sons every ^1 vantage of education and, through education, that power which is so es sential today in meeting and solving :he intricate problems of life. Unfortunately, all parents are not in a fmancial position to continue the education of their sons beyond the high school, and it is at this point of a vnntVa os>T*>?>r fhaf thnnphtfnl. loving parents may well devote a little time to mature deliberation and serious consideration of the many advantages which will accure to any young man from enlistment in the U. S. Marine Corps. Enlistment in this fine old Corps of the Federal armed forces immedi ately renders a youth self-support ing, thus helping to ease the financial strain, under which so many of our citizens are struggling at present Athletics and sports are encourag ed among our personnel as the gov ernment provides all equipment and these in conjunction with regular and healthful lives insure sound bodies. The Marine Corps Institute pro TIUCT VUfiCdpViJUCUWC CUUi gcs in CI1 gineering, accountancy, languages and many others, and any Marine who so desires may enroll and re ceive the benefits of his selected coarse wherever he may be stationed. Vacancies are now being filled at the Savanah office. Young men in this vicinity deserving service in the Marine Corps will be mailed applica tion blanks upon request. The average production per hen for the State of North Carolina is $ i fcses tu\i 1 Cfl i_ | 'or L. a. * ? ox tn^ 0vU6 tO1, i7v ^ tnc wBttcfli ? . " V . - ; DEFICIENCY BILL INCUDES $12,500 FOR NEW ACT Washington, Jan, 21.?The defici ency bill introduced today included $12,500 for- operation of the new to bacco inspection act. The money would pay for a refer endum to determine whether produc ers desired government grading of their crop before it is sold on auction warehouse floors. An item of $260,000 is in next year's budget for administering the tobacco law but the $12,500 was ask ed immediately in view of the early opening of the markets. LIST OF THE NEW LIBRARY BOOKS RECENTLY DONATED For Children A Patriotic Lad of lid Connecti-, cut?Carter. Navarre of the North?Darling. Sailor Sam?Dagliesh. Misstress Penny?Marie Ets. Christopher?Flack. Blinky?Atkinson. There Was Tommie?Bryan. Tarzan and the Leopard Man ? Burroughs. Jamaica Johnny?Hader. Bimbo and his Jacket?Hunter. The Little Colonel?Johnston. Arabella?Maloy. Five Little Bears?North. The Pet Parade?Sickles. All Sail Set?Sperry. Little House of the Prairie? Wilder. Ann Frances?White. Art Stories?Whitford. Jo Anne Lives Here?Wratten. The Wishing-stone Stories?Bur gess. Dobry?Shannon. For Adults Spring Came on Forever?Aldrich. Edna His Wife?Barnes. White Buffalo?Bennett. Europa?Brillault. The Rebel Loyalist?Connor. The Golden Cord?Deeping. Young Renny?De La Doche. Ocean Gold?Eldsberg. This Body the Earth?Paul Green. Thunder Mountain?Zane Grey. The Crystal Tree?Hauch The House of Many Tongues? Hess. The Man Without a Home?Rup ert Hughes. Selina?Ku ye-Smith. Patsy's Progress?Knox. Sam Campbell, Gentleman?Mar shall Mistress Pat?Montgomery. Rattle of Basinghall Street?Op enheim. The Uncrowned King ? Baroness Orezy. -Brothers Three?Oskinson. Home is Where the Heart Is?Ress. A Daughter of the Nohfu?Sugi moto. Green Rushes?Walsh. The Strange Proposal?Hill. The Linroln Library (25). Books Donated by Others Amorelle?Hill given by Literary Club). Twin Strangers?Tousey (given by Art and Literary Dept.). WliitA T.inen Nurse?Abbott. Robin?Burnett Merry Widow. ~ The Green Stone?McGrath (given by Mrs. J. W. Joyner). Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays? Care (given by Mrs. W. J. Rollins). The Ship of Souls?Hough. Cobra?Brown. Betty Zane?Grey. Magazines Country Gentleman. American Legion Auxiliary Maga zine (given by American Legion Auxiliary). The Southern Magazine (given by U. D. C.). The State ? Literary Digest ? Today's Business (given by R. A. Joyner). Popular Government (given ->bjr In stitute of Government!. Mrs. Mamie Robinson, who has had a course in Bookcraft has mended a number of books giving the Library a neater appearance with no worn and ragged books on the shelves. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA?Pitt County In the Superior Court Before The Clerk TOWN OF FARMVILLE ?vs.? J. L. PERKINS AND WIFE DELLA PERKINS AND NELIA MAY SUGG AND HUSBAND. The defendants Nelia May Sugg and her husband will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Pitt County, North Carolina, to se cure for the plaintiff foreclosure of its tax lien against defendants prop erty for 1982 and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Court of Pitt Coun ty in the courthouse in Greenville, North Carolina, on the 16th day of March, 193d, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court, for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 9th day o^rj^utary, 193d. ,a;j. FRANK HARRINGTON, : Qnk of the Superior Court fU"1 Al Foffl 11V. ? \Jk J A IUWVS A V* V* One (1) Gas engine. One (1) Crescent Jointer. One (1) Band Saw. One (1) Line shafting with pulleys and belts. Two (2) Grinding rocks. Three (3) Vise's. Two (2) Anvils. One (1) Forge. One (1) Set Black smith hand tools. * One (1) Hand drill press. One (1) Bench anvil. One (1) Saw Holder. One (1) Set taps and dies. > One (1) Brest drill and bits. One (1) Sledge hammer. Two (2) New cart axles. All other miscellaneous shop equuipment. This the 18th day of January. 1936. M. L. EASON, Administrator of the Estate of J. B. Norris. John B. Lewis, Atty. 3wks. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE . REAL ESTATE . Under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed on the 1st day of January, 1927 by A. C. Carraway and wife Malissa Carraway to John Hill Paylor, trustee .which Deed of Trust is of record in Book 0-16 page 633 of the Pitt County Public Registry, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will on Monday the 17th day of February, 1936, at 12:00 Noon, sell for cash to the highest bidder before the court house door in Greenville, N. C., the following described real property: - Being a % undivided interest in the following tract of land in Farm ville Townsltfp, County of Pitt, State of North Carolina. Beginning at a stake on the road, corner of lot No. 3 and runs N. 84 W. 7% chains to a gum on Ward's run, thence with the - :7~r~ rayious courses of said Ward's run southeasterly 2% chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 5, thence S. 1 W. with line of lot No. 5 to a stake, an other corner of lot No. 5, thence N. 81 E. 10 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 8, thence N. 1 E. to the be ginning, containing 25 acres and be ing lot No. A as set out in a map made of the Martha Carraway lands by R. E. Beaman, surveyor, refer ence to which map is hereby made. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit 10 per cent of his bid to show that said bid was made in good faith. This the 15th day of January, 1936. JOHN HILL PAYLOR, Trustee. John B. Lewis, Atty. 4wks. j NOTICE OF RE-SALE '? ? ? ? ? ? Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale of the Superior Court of Pitt County, made in the ex parte pro ceedings entitled R. 0. Lang, Ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Fannie Cobb and others, ex parte, the undersigned commissioner will on Wednesday, January 29th, 1936, at twelve o'clock Noon, at the Court house door in Greenville, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for CASH, (bidding to begin on tract one at $1496.25) the following described tract of land: Lying and being in the Town of Farmville, County of Pitt, State of North Carolina, and lying on the West side of Contentnea Street, ad joining the land of B. S. Smith, J.; W. Holmes, and others, known as the Fannie Cobb Home. The bidder will be required to make a deposit of ten per cent of Kls bid. This the 14th day of January, 1986. JOHN HILL PAYLOR, 2wks. Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Sarah Jane Gay, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned, on or before the 2nd day of January, 1937, or this not;ce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay-, ment. This the 2nd day of January, 198? A. C. GAY, Administrator, 6tp. of Sarah Jane Gay's estate. | ? ! ? ' '-J-' . V. C ? '? VV 'I NOTICE OF SALE ? Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed, by Rebecca Jenkins i to D. E. Oglesby, Trustee, under date of Sptember 28 1,984, of record in ; Book M-20 at page 270 of the Pitt j County Registry, default having been 1 made of the indebtedness therein de- . scribed, the undersigned Trustee will I sell for CASH before the courthouse! door in the City of Greenville, North Caroilna, on Monday, February 3, 1936, at 12 o'clock Noon, the follow ing described tract of land: Lying and being in the county of Pitt, State of North Carolina and more particularly described as fol lows: Adjoining Ollie Exum, Blount Joyner, and others and situated oa the south side of Wallace Street in the Town of Farmville, and being the same lot conveyed to said Rebecca Jenkins by her mother Jennie Wal lace in 1914 and conveyed to Jennie Wallace by R. L. Davis, to which deeds reference is hereby made for a more perfect description. This the 2nd day of January, 1936. D. E. OGLESBY, Trustee. John Hill Paylor, Atty. ?X-"'iyj-By jBgy^fl I ^ ^ri 1^1 ? _^B ^B 1 lJ?y * ^^B^ ^B ^^BB I^SPICIAL 3-8-3 FERTILIZER ? K ?! 1 <\ BlOVNTI NwM M Spteitl (3-8-3) ii p fertilizer mada ttltly for plant bads from our own apodal formula and mixad in our own factory. Of court#, like aH Mount's, it is made from Hi# vary boat materials ob tainable. It will grow strong, haaltby, dis casa-rasisting plants that coma along in a rush. Sea tha naarast Blount daalar now and placa your ordar for your plant bad far tilizar! Blount's FretiHiers art based on mora than 40 &M^S^^^UbaJKal years of testing, selling, and experimenting with fertilizers. They are made to fit the soil needs fl of this secton. Heartily endorsed by leading East ern North Carolina farmers, they consistently pr?? Heait-Mixfd Ffiwiiers ^ maximum yields and top prices. Manufactured and Sold by BLOUNT FERTILIZER CO. "Heme-Owned and Homa-Operatcd" GAIINVH.LK , ' v NORTH CAROLINA I k y - ?? I1 ? Ben F. Lang and Jack Lewis Local Representatives Farmville, N. C. m|^^H 1 ^MB ^W L Jh ^ 3 ? Al ^B ? B 11111 TftnfTfflHMTMilffffMnlfffm^ tfttI>tttt)Bfil8P Wn||tjnteKflr]t : S p: S SSBgjfflraml BfflfflBjjmffjinCTI pffl WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK! OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION t . < ? 1935 Ford V-8 .... $425 1934 Ford V-8 ... $375 1933 Ford VrS $275 1931 A Coupe $125 1929 A Coupe. . . . $ 75 AND OTtaER BARGAINS! ' j uf1 . . r. hI- i New Attractive Termt on Utcd Cart, through Univerial CJrcdit Company We think our used cart are better look ing than average. We believe that they are mechanically right. But we know that our customers are always right. That's why we say "Drive one of our used cars for two days. Take it on a long trip. Put it to your own tests. Have your own mechanic look it over. Then?if you are dissatisfied in any way with your purchase, bring it back. There will be no quibbling?no ifs and aads?no red tape. You are the judge and r'"- -A ^ M V* ""Vl I/tit h*' i-.Tidr1" . :<* wi 1 -ilV --1' jury. Your money will be returned to you in full without hesitation or embarrass* ment, if the car is in original condition." The Ford V*8 has had the greatest year in its history, and Ford dealer's used car stocks contain the widest selection, and the best buys they have ever offered. You won't need cash in order to drive away a better car today. See us, and make your selection with confidence. You will get your tnoa* : m ' * ey*s worth?or your money back I <'? ; ^ A-.ti -V. 1 - ? ?- * i '? \< ? - ? * *' POLLARD AUTO CO., FarmviUe, N. C.