: 'link At y"' llw'"ttYw'l ? ? ? , f". Special Easter messages in ser mon and song will be heard in the Baptist, Christian, Episcopal, Metho dist and Primitive Baptist churches here on Sunday morning at the eleven o'clock worship hour. Easter mass Vill be held at the Catholic church at 10:80. The regular evening services will be held at the Baptist and Christian churches, and. a pageant will be pre sented at this time in the Methodist church. Evening services at the Presbyterian church are uncertain due to plans involving a visiting minister. A sunrise prayer meeting will be held at 5:80 Easter morning and con ducted by the Woman's Council at the Christian church; a Christian Endeavor Fellowship breakfast will be held at 6:80^ and the pastor re ports efforts being bent towards a record attendance at Sunday Schooll The series of Pre-Easter meetings being held at-this church, and which has been marked by the inspiring sermons of Rev. A. EL Simerty, pas tor of the First Christian church, Rocky Mount, and by good attend ance, will dose on 8unday evening. ATTEND INTER-CITY MEET ? * The following members of. the local Rotwy.Club atended the Inter-City meet in Kinston, Thursday evening; president John B. Lewis, M. Idles, 1^ Moigan, ^, J^Mom^Ed Congressmen Call Upon Ehringhaus To Act; Compart Plan Goes To Senate Washington, April 8.?Following the action of the. House of Repre sentatives today in passing the Ken tobacco compact bill by a vote of 189 to 117, three members of the North Carolina Relegation, with the approval-of their colleagues, issued formal statements calling for the im mediate convening, without further delay, of a special session of the North Carolina General Assembly. The authors of the statements, Representatives Doughton, Warren, and Uinstead, baaed their statements on personal assurances which have been given them by Senate leaders of early anli favorable action in that body. Senator Bailey declined to go into the matter of a special session, tak ing the position assumed by House members prior to action in .the House, but did g confirm the judgment of House members as to early action in the Senate. There is a possibility of Senate action tomorrow, as the Senate will meet in legislative session at 11:30 a. m., 30 minutes before beginning its session as a court for the im peachment trial of Federal Judge Halstead L. Ritter, of Florida. Relief Measure. The first business to be considered tomorrow will be the bill in which the city of Greensboro is gratly in terested increasing the authority of the RFC to make loans to victims of floods and tornadoes from $11,000, 000 to $50,000,000. If that bill does not consume the entire 30 minutes, there will be an opportunity to take up the tobacco compact bill, but any extended op position would send it over until a later occasion. Representative Lindsay C. Warrea said? "Now that the House has passed the tobacco compact legislation and speedy action has been assured in the Senate, I think the time has now come when there should be an im mediate session of the General As sembly of North Carolina. As to bacco will soon be in the ground in our State, time is the essence if there is to be any form of control this year." Complete Interviewing Number Of Crippled Persons In Pitt County Mr. Horace E. Springer, Repre sentative of the State Rehibilitation Bureau, has lust completed litter ing a number of crippled and other wise disabled persons in Pitt County that come under the State Rehabili tation Bureau. This work is done in cooperation with the Department of Public Welfare of the County. Mr. Springer was highly pleased with the cases in Pitt County that he has in training in various places. The Rehabilitation Bureau takes peo ple and places them in training who have?been injured and who have be come incapacitated through disease but are capable of being trained for [other vocations. The Department has several in training in Pitt Coun ty at the present time and several hundred in the state. There has * . ' been, since the department opened, approximately one hundred'cases in Pitt County who have been trained for useful employment. This service is available to any persons sixteen years of age who have become in capacitated through disease or ac cident * Crippled* persons who have been forced to change their vocation through loss of limb or sight by di sease or accident may get application blanks at the Cormty Welfare Office to apply for this ravice, "SANDY" GRAHAM ADDRESSES LOCAL ? LEGIONNAIRES Local Legionnaires enjoyed a splendid, speech by "Sandy" Graham, gubernatorial candidate, on Thurs day evening at their regular meet ing, which was turned into a gala affair # with the fine program and good supper, served by the Legion Auxiliary. Talks were made by the comman der, A. W. Bobbitt and Atty? John H. Paylor, who introduced -the speak er of ? the evening. & ^.fioff and Fred Thomas were wefedmed as new members at this tim& LOVELY DIONNE DOLLS FREE Each child attending the showing of "The Country Doctor," on Thurs day afternoon, April 16, atthe Para mount Theatre, will be eligible to ;be in the contest for the Dionne quin tuplets dolls cow on display at The Emho Brintery. v v':- '?