1 Mrs. Mae Carraway spent Tuesday in Greenville. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis spent Wednesday in Rocky Mount ? ? ? Miss Helen Willis is visiting friends in Pinetope this week. ? ? ? Mrs. J. H. Moore and Mrs. Fred E. Davis were Ahoekie visitors, Tues-i day. * ? ? Miss Bertha Joyner has returned from a visit to friends in Winter ville. ? ? ? Miss Mabel Barbee has returned from a visit to relatives in Balti more. ? ? ? Mrs. A. S. Bynum has returned to Charlotte after a visit to Mrs. J. T. Monk. ? * ? Mrs. A. C. Hodges, of Goklsboro, spent Wednesday with Mrs. John D.J Holmes. ? ? ? We regret to report that T. C. Be anion continues very ill at his home on Church street. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Veasey have returned from several weeks stay in Elizabeth City. ? ? ? Miss Hattie and Miss Sula Carr are visiting relatives in Greene coun ty this week. ? ? ? Miss Telza Williams is spending this week with friends in La Grange and Smithfield. 9 9 9 Friends of S. H. Bundy will be glad to learn that he is recuperating after a recent illness. ? ? ? Carl Beam an, Jr., student at Mars "ill W? returned following the I i I lif UW~ ? ? closing of the school. ? ? ? Miss Rachel Monk, teacher in the Stantonsburg school returned today for the summer months. ? ? ? Miss Verona Lee Joyner, teacher in the Richlands school, has returned j for the vacation months. ? ? ? Mrs. T. C. Turnage attended the finals at Flora Macdonald College during the past week end. ? * ? Mrs. A. C. Monk, Mrs. B. 0. Turn age and Mrs. J. L. Rumley spent Wednesday in Rocky Mount. ? * ? Miss Roselyn Satterwhite, teacher in the Jamesville school, has return ed for the vacation months. ? ? ? Miss Mary Alice Beaman, teacher in the Winterville school, returned this week for the summer months. * Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vose have returned after spending several weeks in their former home, Bremen, Germany. Mrs. Carter ulass, Abner Spencer: and Miss Bettie Love Spencer have returned from a visit to South Bos ton, Va. ? ? ? Mrs. George Holston and daughter, Miss Margie, have returned to Clin ton, after a visit to Mrs. John D, Holmes. * * ? J. H. Moore, J. W. Holmes and Rev. L. R Ennis attended the finals at Campbell's College, Buie's Creek, Thursday. ? ? ? Miss Eugenia Gray has returned to Cary after spending several days of this week with her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Rasberry. ? ? ? James Darden, student at Darling ton School For Boys, Rome Ga., has returned to spend the vacation months at his home here. ? ? ? Misses Louise and Virginia Harris, Frances Beaman and Frandes Joy ner, students at W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro, have returned for the vacation months. ? ? ? Enoch Ludford and Arthur Vown, students at State College, spent the ~ week end with Sidney Carp at his home Willow' Greene # ? # ire. ana mm E, C. JWklU, I Raleigh, spent Wednesday and Thurs I day with Dr. Brooks' sister, Mrs. J I K. Cobb and Mr. Cobb. ?' I .. ; ? '? e. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Avery, Mia I Ea telle Horton and A. P. Ely, a I Richmond, Vsl, spent the week em with Mrs. Albert Horton. I. ? * * " Friends will be giad to htm tha Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner, who under . Dr. W M. Willis, J.W. JM George W. Paris Mc ?in Eastern Shore rf Virginia Sat / ji- ; * * $U0B* JKTIh 1.^ -_??"*" ' - Jf~ ? * "??: ^s.-j>v?; - ? iKs "? , ' . ? * . .rVtSry Friends will be glad to learn that J Miss Mary Harrison Benson, mem ber of the high school faculty, who underwent an appendicitis operation in a Rocky Mount hospital recently, is reported as recuperating rapidly. ? .? ? Mrs. R. E. Ridenhour and Miss Maggie Barahardt, of Concord, Mrs. C. K. Proctor of Orford, and Mrs. John H. Anderson, of Raleigh, state officers of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, were guests of Mrs. J. W. Parker, state historian, this week, all attending the district meet ings of this organization held in Wil-J son on Wednesday, Snow Hill Thurs day, and Oriental Friday. INVITATIONS RECEIVED Friends of Miss Mildred Horton, daughter of Mrs. Albert Horton have received the following invitations I this week: The Faculty and Senior Class of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia, request the honor of your presence at the commencement ex ercises, Monday morning, June the eighth, nineteen hundred and thirty six, at ten o'clock, Williamsburg, Virginia. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL BEGINS JUNE 8TH The Daily Vacation Bible School will be conducted hi the Farmville High School Building beginning June 8th and lasting through June 19th. Each minister of the town is giving his support to make the Bible School of paramount and lasting benefit to the entire community. Mrs. J. M. Hobgood will be in charge, assisted by a well-fitting faculty, which will be announced in next week's Enter prise. All children from three to thirteen yean of age will be wel come, and are urged to enroll the first day of the school. HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER Miss Vivian Dale Case, bride-elect of the month, was honored at a lovely handkerchief shower ky^ her pupils, numbering forty-five, ind the grade mothers, Mrs. J. H. Moore and Mrs. ' 11 w?tftn*adav after ?#? U< l/jr UU4U) V4? i* ? ????- v . noon of last week, just after the touch hoar. Miss Case was called from ' the room while the dainty handkerchiefs were deftly attached to a Japanese parasol, which was presented upon her return by Margaret Bynum and Johnsie Moore. Upon opening the paraaol the gifts flattered oat in shower fashion to the great delight of the children as well as to Miss Case. l 1 | I MERRY MATRONS ? i - lira. B. 0. Lang delightfully en t tertained the Mull) Matrons ox . Tuesday afterno<w at her home 01 . Belcher street, with Mrs. Wesley R Willis presiding over the bapaaai session; which preceded the progran r for the afternoon. f Mm J. W. Lovelace was in charge I of the program, based on "The Idea Citizen And The American Home,,1 and read a splendid paper under t two topfcs, relating one to the o$ei At the dose of the program t hostess served a delicious twee MRS. BANNA * TYSON PASSES Mrs. Banna Joyner Tyson, 79, a well known and estimable Pitt Coun ty woman, died at her home near FannviUe^ Thursday morning, after goffering for some months from a dislocated hip and the infirmities of age. 1 Mrs. Tyson was the daughter of the late Mr. John and Jfm Sallie Joyner Parker and the widow of the late Joel Tyson. A native of Pitt, she had lived in the county all her life, throughout which she exempli fied the attributes of a Christian gentlewoman. Funeral services will be held from her late home Friday afternoon at three o'clock, the final rites will be conducted by Rev, C. B. Mashburn of the Farmville Christian Church, and interment will be made in the family burial grounds. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Zeb Cummings, Tarboro, Mrs. Joab Tyson and Mrs. Vernon Moxingo, Farmville; four sons, Van Tyson, Tarboro, B. Frank, Blaney J., and Seth, of Farmville, fifteen grand children and three great grandchil dren. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Mrs. P. E. Jones and Mrs. S. A. Roebuck were gracious hostesses to the American Legion Auxiliary on Thursday afternoon, at the home of the former. Timely and interesting sketches, relative to Poppy Day, just observed, . were read by Mrs. M. V. Jones, chaiirman of the successful local sale, and by Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt. Reports from the recent district meeting of the Legion Auxiliary, held in Rocky Mount, were given by the charman, Mrs. W. M. Willis, and other delegates and visitors from the local Auxiliary, among whom were Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins, Mrs. B. C. Barbee, Mrs. B. R. Fields, Mrs. Hen rietta M. Williamson, Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt, Mrs. J. W. Parker and Mrs. Elbert Joyner. Delightful refreshments were serv ed at the conclusion of the program. Additional guests at this time were Mra S. M. Jones, of Bethel, and Mrs. W. Finch, of Norfolk, Va. CLUB PARTY Among the lovely social affairs of the week was the club party given by Mrs. S. A. Roebuck on Wednes day afternoon, at her home on Wil son street, in which a variety- of summer flowers were used in pleas ing effect. Members of the New Deal Club and other friends were guests. Mrs. R. A. Parker distributed the tallies as the guests arrived and directed the way to the dining room, where refreshing fruit punch and dainty sandwiches were served from either end of the table by Mrs. D. R. Morgan and Mrs. P. E. Jones. The table was centered 'with a siilver bowl of mxed summer flowers and candles were in silver holders. Mrs. T. H. Satterfield and Mrs. W. Leslie Smith assisted in serving. I Contract was played at six tables, I Mrs. W. E. Joyner receiving the club j prize, a compact bearing the name of the Club, and Mrs. *Z. M. White hurst, the guest award, compiaion decks of cards, bearing Florida scenes, which together with the tal lies and other bridge appointments were reminders of the recent visit to Florida by the hostess. Mrs. Marion Ward, Mrs. L. T. Pierce and Miss Virginia Ross as sisted in serving a tempting ice course. Often an unfortunate experience on a by-path is just what is needed to keep us on the main road. + M H I **** *** | DAVIS HOTEL f f Mr and Mrs. i A. Mew born t f Proprietors . | + Rooms?$1.25 and $1.75 | t Breakfast?40c X { Dinner-Supper, ft?Ok t I ^ SUNDAY DINy ER 75c j 1 ' 1 1" 1 ? ' 11 !? ' ' . ?r ? t ... *mmm ? M.fim . . j__ t inigAaverwsemeiu i? Worth . - ? tf oo . ? on any $6.75 Dress in I our store' - i FRIDAY and Sctnco^ of S&ntfl Mftr&j Osl?^ 8$rs? George Holston, of CliiUon, add 'Miss Eugenia Gray, of Cary, were guests of Mr. and Wm W. J. Rasbei# at a 3-course dinner Wednesday. ^ p.- ? ?;. - ?? .M ??;? This Advertisement Is Worth : . 15* . . Present this Ad. at onr store Monday or Tuesday and yon will receive a Shampoo and Finger Wave for 3Sc. ?This Ad. Good Only? s Monday and Tuesday June 1st & 2nd. No reduction unless you Present this Ad. The Vanifle Boxe Main St ? Farmville, N. C. PARAMOUNT I THEATRE 1 FARMVILLE, N. C. WEEK OF JUNE 1 MONDAY Pat O'Brien and Josephine Hutchinson ? in ? "I MARRIED A DOCTOR" TUESDAY Rochelle Hudson and Paul Kelly IN "THE COUNTRY BEYOND" WEDNESDAY Ben Lyons and Joan Marsh ? in ? DANCING FEET" v TTTT? THURSDAY ft rKID AI Ronald Coleman and Claudette Colbert ? In ? "UNDER TWO FLAGS" SATURDAY John Wayne -in "KING OF THfi PECOS" . ? ? ?' ' ' *Aj_ . _ l . ? ? . SUBSCRIBE to THE ENTERPRISE Ed Naah Warren, Clo?wa Spaeialtel ? - ? vrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr - . y^C^ii RL ? HEE HOW MKI MME WE SHE YM We Goodyear dealers ? ', Mil the most tires?by - millions! So expect more for your money in a Goodyear?you'll get it from uiwith another plusr our reaf service! . Goodyear Margin of Safety for quickest stopping ? plus 43% more miles of real non skid grip? proved by our customers' records! :????' ? . - ?i ALL-WEATHER // Warm *owk"Kew"l >1 /* I I Weak Tires . ? ? J ; / * I f New Goody?ar?ar? blow- I I / I V out protected by Super- 'i f J I | twist Cord in EVERY ply. I I / J J I I f^wue / // /1 SERVICE I r /1 v. fT?TI?N I r> I / sL ^OOten ju_ / /? I jl A Memorial ^wotta u u* ?>ui of. put country Above life; ? ? . ' .? _ . ?? .? ?i? otr.ers D&ore sen. . Today, we honor once more, thoce motber'i eons who held in their hesuts ; this supreme ideal of citixenship, and gave their lives for it upon the altars of our freedom. 1- Their glory-wreaths will be kept ? ffeen. ?nd their names will shine un . dimmed as long as our Nation shall last. ' ?V - *'? ,r'. ' 'i- . . f\ Safety Service (t > FarmviUe, N. C. vl Bank of Farmvffle 1904-1916 VOTE FOR | ? x Chas. Harry Wbedbee i ? for? | County Solicitor | i I will, appreciate your Vote and Support, | + and if elected will serve you with fairness t ? + and justice to all. | * + ' . ? ' NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION OF ~ PARTNERSHIP 1 This is to notify the general public hat the partnership, known as Red- 1 ick Brothers, and composed of J. W. 1 led dick and J. C. Reddick, of Foun ain, N. C., has been dissolved, and L hat J. W. Reddick is no longer as- p ociated in any way with said busi lesee, and will not be liable for any lebts hereafter incurred This the 29th day Of April, 1936. wkn J. W. REDDICK. , t4.+++++++++ + + +++ + ++++++++ DR. DEXTER BLANCHARD DENTIST Wishes to announce the opening Df his office for tlie general prac tice of Dentistry, second floor of Citizens Bank Building. Dial 345-1 ? Farmville, N. C. URNITURE UPHOLSTERED, RE PAIRED, KEFINISHED ? New and Used Furniture and Antiques Bought and Sold. Greenville Fur niture Exchange, Greenville, N. C. Phone 778. 4tp-6-5 ? 1 I 1 -?V':'* .? . . . ' i ^H? H ^H. 1929 P0NT1AC 4-Door Sedan, good tires, gpdd running motor, ? ' ' ' ? ; "" 1934 TUDOR FORD SEDAN?Just traded in on a new Chevrolet and is ? in excellent condition^ - Body and up- ? holstery like new. For sale with "an O. K. that coqiits," to the fl# lucky j buyer at this low j ^ price ... ' | lttsr PLYMOUTH TWa fey saBghtiipised raot<*,Ar1ntoperfe<rt-';' ; ^Mming^conditiOT^ p>?Uta^ l|e 1934 TERRAPIANE Coach, finished in black, with yeilow wheels, a beau tiful ear for the low FIbw of: vduu 1931 CHEVROLET Victoria ? A new set of Firestone tires, finished in a beautiful green color with a set of the new type seat covers. An at attractive car ataaattrac- (91 tfr tivfe price of onljr $100 W?_h?ve in ourstoek ONE 1981 fCKGVBOLET SEDAMj&'which looks;1 1935 CHEVROLET TRUCK ? 6 wheels, 32x6-10 Ply Tires, over load springs, stake bod&i with "An 0. K. pat Counts," fljjKA for only ?j.r^ fJrxtH/ Uir&K .' vtx .' j -4- '?' ?'?' ? ':? ? " -} ..-.*? *? 1931 CHEVROLET SEDAN ? Big, roomy, comfortable, dependable. Like new in every respect. Backed by "an 0. K. that counts." d>1Q P Sale Price only ... ^l?r 1931 CHEVROLET ROADSTER ? Here's a snappy little car that will brighten your summer days. Its sturdy six-cylinder engine provides ample speed, power and get-away. Backed by "an 0. K. that dgl |JA counts." Only $109 .S'/< 'T SOCIAL CALENDAR Meadty, June 1 3:30 p. m.?Baptist Missionary * Society meets with Mrs. John IK Holmes. 3:30 p. m.?Circle No. 1, Pres- j byterian Auxiliary, meets with i Miss Hold ah Smith. 3:30 p. m.?Circle No. 1, Pres byterian Auxiliary, meets with | Mrs. J. C- Corbette. ? - * a 3:30 p. m.?.Episcopal aiuuim; meets with Mrs. Minnie S. War ren. 3:30 p. m.?Methodist Missionary Society meets in the Church 3:30 p. m. ? Woman's Council, Christian Church, meets in the Church. 7:00 p. m.?Red Men. Tuesday, 2 3:80 p. m.?Contract Club meets j with Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst. 6:45 p. m.?Rotary Club. S-flO n. m.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 3 / I 3:00 p. m.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Miss Elizabeth Davis. 3:30 p. m.?Literary Club meets with Mrs. J. L. Shackleford. Thursday, 4 I 3:00 p. m.?Modem Woodmen. Friday, 5 j ; 3:30 p. m.?U. D. C. meets with j Mrs. F. M. Davis. [ 7:30 p. m.?Boy Scouts. | 7:30 p. m.?I. O. 0. F. ' ? ?????? |

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