Social anb -personal happenings ? - ? J aha D. Dixon is spending nis va cation at White Lake. * * ? K. W. Cobb, of Greenville, was a visitor here Thursday. ? ? ? Miss Mary Case, of Kenly, is vis iting Miss Psttie Dale. * * * Miss Annie Perkins is visiting friends in Wilson this week. ? c ? James Monk and Bud Dixon were Greenville visitors Monday. ? ? * Mrs. C. W. Shackleford and son ?pent Wednesday in Durham. * ? ? Dr. Dennis Keel is spending this week at Virginia Beach, Va. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis were Wilson visitors Tuesda.y m m 9 H. L. Watson, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with friends here. ? ? ? Mrs. P. F. Newton, of Kenly, vis ited relatives here Wednesday. ? ? * Tommy Lang has returned from a visit to relatives in Norfolk, Va. ? ? ? Mrs. E. C. Holmes is spending the week in Wendell with relatives. ? ? ? Miss Agnes Moore is spending the week with friends in Rocky Mount. i ? ? Miss Eva Mae Hardy has return ed, after visiting friends in Kinston. ? ? ? Mrs. W. T. Reges, of Rocky Mount, is the guest of Mrs. W. A. McAdams. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shackieford and son spent Wednesday in Durham. 999 Mrs. A. C. Monk and Mrs. R. A. Fields were Raleigh visitors Tues day. ? ? ? Miss Edna Foust Harris is spend ing the week with friends at Whife Lake. m m m Mrs. E. B. Waters, of Rocky Mount, spent Tuesday with relatives here. 9 9 9 Miss Margaret Miller, of Sanford, is the guest of Miss Bertha Joyner Lang. 9 9 m Miss Lucilie Smoot, of Tarboro, is visiting Miss Senora Londsay this week. ? ? ? Miss Serene Turnage left Thurs day for a visit to relatives in Lum- 1 berton. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Neai and chil dren are spending the week ac Core i Point. ; 9 9 9 William Nichols, of Washington, D. C., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. T. M. Dail. j 9 9 9 Mrs. Mary Savage, of Battleboro, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Warren. - - - I 9 * m Misses Hazel Monk and Mary Lou ise Rumley spent Tuesday in Rocky Mount. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore and daughter have returned from a trip to BTevard. ,. ? 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tobin, of Bos toon, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck. ? ? ? Miss Rachel Monk and H. L. Wat ion, of Raieigh, were Rocky Mount visitors Sunday. ? ? ? Mrs. C. B. Mashburn and party have returned from a visit to Wash ington, D. C. 9 9 9 Miss Maude Emily Smith, of Fountain, is the guest of Miss Mary Thorne Tyson. 9 9 9 Miss Valeria Taylor, of Richmond, Va., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. L. Beaman. ? ? ? Hugh and E. L. Barrett and J. I. Baker spent Wednesday fish ig at Minnesott Beach. ? ? ? Mrs. L E. Satterfield and son, Jim, are spending the week-end in War saw and Wallace. ? ? * Miss Hazel Windham, of Aber deen, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Windham, this week. ? ? ? Mrs. R. A. Lindsay and daughter, Miss Senora, visited friends in Tar bo ro Wednesday. Mrs. Manly Liles and son, Gray don, and Mrs. George Ballew spent Thursday in Wilson. ? ? ? Dr. F. M. Davis and Lieut. Ben Turnage spent several days of this week at Atlantic Beach. i ? ? Mrs. F. M. Davis, Misses Eliza beth and Jame Davis were Tarbore visitors Wedndesday. ? ? ? Mrs. Thomas Lewis left this week for a visit to her son, Jimmie Lewis, in Washington, D. C. wee Friends will be glad to learn thai ' R. N. Betton, is recuperating rapid Friends will regret to learn that I Miss Albertine Barrett is ill at her I home on Belcher street. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Arnoys, of I Newark, N. J., are visiting their mother, Mrs. Ida May. * * * Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson and ' son, Milton, are spending the week end in Williamston. * * * Mrs. A. Q. and Mrs. S. A. Roebuck and children have returned from a I visit to Morehead City. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Baucom and children are spending this week-end with relatives at Ellerby. ? * * George Walker, Jr., of Spring Hope, is visiting his father, George I Walker, Sr., this week. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. T. C. Turnage is recuperating from a recent illness. * * * Friends will be glad to learn that J Mrs. J. W. Holmes is improving, fol lowing a recent ilinness. * * * Mrs. Woodrow Griffin and son, Bobby, of Durham, are. guests of Mrs. C. W. Shackleford. ? * * Misses Meta King Moore and Fan nie Cobb Barrett spent Thursday with friends in Greenville. ? ? ? Mrs. Ed Lewis and Mrs. Beatrice Baynard, of Grifton, spent Friday with Mrs. Pearl Johnston. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowers, of Richmond, Va., spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyner and children spent Wednesday in Maysville. * * * Charles Rountree has returned from a stay of six weeks at the Ma rine camp at Quantico, Va. a a a Mr. and Mrs. George T. Moye and son, of Forest Hill, L. I., are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Moye. [- a ? ? i ' The Juniors of the Methodist Sun- : day school, Walstonbuvg, were among picnickers here this week. a a a Ray Bowling left Monday to at tend the State Dairy Show, being ' held in Springfield, 111., this week. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Corbett and daughter, Miss Patricia, returned on Tuesday from a visit to South Mills. ? * * Mrs. R. A. Parker and small son, Martin Lpcas, returned Wednesday from a visit to relatives in Benson. a a a Miss Margaret Smith left Thurs day to resume her duties as Home Ec. teacher in the Stoneville school. a a a Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner and son, Arthur, Jr., returned Tuesday, after spending several weeks at Morehead City. a a a Mrs. Nutter, of Blackstone, Va., returned Sunday, her sister, Mrs. R. T. Martin returning with her for a visit. a a ? Misses Corinne and Christine Swindell nave returned to Blounts Creek after a visit to Mrs. Hugh Barrett. a a a Mrs. Nannie Friar Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill and daughter, of Nashville, spent Tuesday with rela tives here. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sharkleford re turnedd to Atlanta, Ga., this week, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Dupree, Sr. a a a Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ammons and daughter, Miss Mary, have returned to Spartansburg, S. C., after a visit to Mrs. Jack Smith. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Simon and daughter, Miss Edith, of Bethel, spent* Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless. a a a Mrs. Haywood Smith and daugh , ter, Miss Dorothy, have returned from a visit to Durham and Western North Carolina. a a a Mr*. C. I* Beam an, Miss Frances - and Carl Beaman, Jr., and Mrs. G. t E. Albritton, of Snow Hill, spent the . week-end in Richmond, Va. Mrs. Mary Moye Patterson, Mrs. Hennrietta M. Williamson, Mrs. A. B. Moore and Mrs. E. C. Carr spent | Wednesday in Raleigh. j ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Pollard and son, Bill, spent the week-end at Nags Head. Bill has returned from a visit to relatives in Greenville. * ? ? Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree return ed Sunday to Washington, D. C., af ter spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Stephens and daughter, Miss Ann Ball, of Staun | con, Va., guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cutchins, have returned. ? ? ? Mrs. C. W. Shackleford and guest, Mrs. W. R. Brown, of Miami, Fla., spent several days of this week in Norfolk and Ocean View, Va. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that G. S. Vought has returned from a Rocky Mount hospital, where he un derwent treatment and is recuper- j ating rapidly. * * * Mrs. S. W. Sykes, of Columbia, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cooper and daughter, of Greensboro, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Oglesby. * * * Mrs. M. V. Horton and son, Mar vin, and Mrs. S. A. Garris and son, Stanley, have returned, after spend ing a week at Ocean View, Va. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Havens, Mrs. Richard Havens, Jr., and Mrs. W. King, of Tarboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bynum, Monday. # * ? Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Manning and children, of Williamston, spent Sun day with Mrs. Mary Moye Patterson and Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson. * * * Mrs. Daisy H. Smith left recently for Boston, where she is enrolled for a month's special course in mu sic at the Boston Conservatory ol Music. ? ? * Misses Eva Mae Turnage, Virginia I Hardy, of Norfolk; Julia and Alice Wooten and Stantonsburg friends spent several days of this week at Morehead City. * * * W. C. Wooten, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wooten, underwent a ton sil operation in a Rocky Mount hos pital Thursday, and is reported as recovering rapidly. * * * Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ward and son and Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ward, Sr., have returned from a vis it to Asheville and other Western North Carolina cities. ? ? ? Mrs. Leon Liittle, Miss Nina Bry an, Miss Dicie King and Miss Edith Cannon, the last named of Green ville, spent last week at Carolina Beach. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyson and daughters, Mary Thorne, Margaret and Joyce, and Rachel Barrett have returned from a visit to Western North Carolina. * * * Mrs. B. S. Smith, Mrs. Robert Lee Smith, Miss Agnes Moore, Miss Ber tha Joyner Ijang and guest, Miss Margaret Miller, of Sanford, spent Tuesday in Raleigh. * * * Friends will be glad to learn that Dalton Corbett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Corbett, is recovering rapidly from a head injury suffered when a limb of a tree, which he was as sisting in felling, struck him sev eral days ago. ? ? ? Miss Esctelle Horton and Mrs. T. D. Gurley, of Burlington, spent part of the week-end with Mrs. Albert Horton, leaving Sunday morning for St. Petersburg, Fla. They will re turn next week and spend several days with Mrs. Horton at that time. ? ? ? William A. Lewis returned to Richmond, Va., Saturday, after spending several days here visiting relatives and looking after business interests. Mr. Lewis represents the State of Virginia for the Lewis Com pany. ? ? ? Mrs. Ted L. Albritton, Miss Mary Alice Beaman, Misses Mae and Lot tie Lane Joyner, Miss Elizabeth Lang, Miss Lurline Bass, Miss Nancy Lewis and .Miss Delphia Parker at tended a bridge party given by Mrs. Harvey Ward in Greenville Tuesday evening, honorinng Mrs. J. H. Har hell, who was, before her recent mar riage, Miss Rosa Lee Lang. j SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, August 24 4:00 P. M?Garden Club meets with Mrs. B. S. Sheppard, in the garden of Miss Tabitha De /isconti. Tuesday, August 25 6:45 P. M.?Rotary Club. . S:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Thursday, August 26 3:30 P. M.?Progressive Bridge Club meets with Mrs. G. S. V ought. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. Friday, August 27 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. " NOTICE! JUNIOR WOMEN ? Members of the Junior Woman's Club will please hand the individual amounts paid for year books as soon as possible to. Mrs. John ML Mrs. Bennett Mewborn or Miss^Penntfe Jveel Lang. L'* MRS. JESSE MOYE, President. EIGHTH BIRTHDAY | * Miss Mary Faye Smith, daughter of Mrs. Daisy H. Smith, celebrated her eighth birthday on Saturday af ternoon, entertaining friends at a lovely party at the home of her aunt, Mrs. John D. Holmes. Games and contests were played on the lawn and ice cream and cake were enjoy ed during the afternoon. HOSTS AT BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cutchins were hosts at bridge on Monday evening, in compliment to their house guests, Mr. and Mras. 6. F. Stephens, Of Staunton, Va. Mrs. Elbert Joyner, winner of high score, was awarded a piece of white pottery, and Mrs. Ste phens was presented with a flower container of'novel design. Ices and cake were served after several pro gressions. WOMEN TRANSFORM INTERIOR OF CHURCH The Woman's Council, of which Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson is President, has recently undertaken the renovation of the auditorium of the Christian Church, having the walls repaired and painted and doing countless other things, which have j almost transformed the appearance of the interior, according to enthusi astic reports of the pastor, Rev. C. J B. Mashburn. MISS BEAMAN HOSTESS Complimentary to Mrs. J. H. Har rell, of Greenville, a recent bride, who was formerly Miss Rosa Lee Lang, of Farmville, and Miss Rachel Monk, bride-elect, Miss Mary Alice Beaman was hostess at a lovely luncheon on Tuesday, at one o'clock, at her home on Coontentnea street. Early autumn flowers, in shades of yellow, centered the table, with other attractive appointments car rying the same color, and appropri: ate cards directed the guests to their places. To the honoree Miss Beaman presented embroidered guest towels. A delicious three-course lunncheon was served to the following: Mrs. Harrell and Miss Monk, honorees; Mis Delphia Parker, Misses Mae and Lottie Lane Joyner, Miss Nancy Lew is, Miss Lurline Bass, Miss Eliza beth Lang and Mrs. Ted Albritton. ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON Miss Elizabeth Lang entertained at a delightful luncheon Wednesday, honoring her house guest, Miss Mar garet Miller, of Sanford. The luncheon table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a bowl of mixed garden flowers, mari golds and lupin predominating. A delicious cobrse lunncheon was served at one o'clock. Guests enjoying the hospitality of Miss Lang were: Miss Margaret Miller, Misses Mae Johnson Eure and Cora Bob Smith, of Ayden; Miss Louise and Miss Vir ginia Harris, Miss Sara Smith, Miss Hazel Bass, Miss Cora Lee Patterson and Miss Frances Beaman. PROGRESSIVE BRIDGE CLUB Mrs, Jack Smith delightfully en tertained her card club Thursday af ternoon, with members and guests playing contract bridge at four tables. Before finding their places, the hostess, assisted by her niece, Miss Mary Ammons, of Spartans burg, S. C., served guests with iced punch, Table appointments, floral decorations and the ice course, serv ed after play, emphasized the colors of pink and green. At the conclusion of the games Mrs. E. C. Beaman and Mrs. L E. Satterfield received pottery as awards for club and visitor's high. Mrs. E. T. Ammons, of Spartans burg, S. C., sister of the hostess, Mrs. Vernon Moss, of Wilson, out-of-town guest, and Miss Rachel Monk, bride elect, were presented with lovely pieces of Fostoria crystal. In addition to Mrs. Ammons. Mrs. Moss and Miss Monk, the hostess, had as special guests, Mrs. W. M. Williis, Mrs. I. E. Satterfield and Mrs Claude Barrett. OCTOGENARIAN GIVES SURPRISE PARTY On August 14, near Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Walston gave a sur prise supper in honor of J. R. D. Moore's 84th birthday anniversary. A heavily laden table at a tobacco barn was bedecked with the goodness of a well-grown cake, illuminated by 84 candles, which cast a light upon the varied dishes of appetizing, re freshing contents, to be followed by punch and cream, when the honor guest arrived, absolutely unaware of the occasion and finally stopping at his neighbor's home and walking to the tobacco barns, where curing was I going on. Here he found 25 or 30 j friends waiting to greet him. What could he say? He said: "What have I found at this hour of the day?" Thoughts like these, per haps, were running through his mind. "How sweet to be remembered when we grow old. How sad to be for gotten." The pathetic story of old age so often includes neglect from those for whom we have done so much. ' Comment: If we could recall the fact just what it means to be 84 years old! We have spent 84 Christmases? 1,008 months, 30,240 days, three meals a day; we have eaten 90,720 meals, and at even so low an aver age as 10c a meal each, they would total $9,072. If we have slept eight hours out of. 24, we have slept 28 years of our life. Three pints of water drank daily would be 11,340 gallons, and turned into barrels would make 226. . ' ? To be old means much in many ways?if counting nothing else but the years and days. UNCLE WATT. _ ? I MAURY NEWS (By Elizabeth Sugg) PERSONALS Mrs. L. A. Moye spent Tuesday in Greenville. Mr. Jack Hagans was a Goldsboro visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Emmett Sugg visited her mother at Jackson Thursday. Mrs. L. L. Hardy left Friday to visit friends in Raleigh for a few days. Miss Elva and Elizabeth Sugg spent the past week-end at Atlantic Beach. Miss Elva and Elizabeth Sugg spent the past week-end at Atlantic Beach. Miss Eloise Creech, of Wilson, is visiting Miss Mary Frances Hardy this week. Mrs. Fred Harden and daughter, Adelaide, were Greenville shoppers Thursday. Miss Mary Etta Sugg 1ms returned home, after visiting friends at Cole rain for a week. Miss Helen Bullock, of Ayden, spent several days of last week with Mrs. Jessie Hardy. Little Jenny and Jack Frizzelle, of Durham, are spending some time with Brooks Frizzelle. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Sugg and Mr. and Mrs. William Sugg and El na and Elizabeth Sugg spent Friday at White Lake, Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Frizzelle and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hardy spent Thursday and Friday at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Buffalo left on Tuesday to visit Mr. Buffalo's par ents in Garner for a few days before they return back to Faison, Mrs, Johnson and daughter, Katie Lee, from Fuquay Springs, spent Tuesday night with Mrs. Frizzelle. Miss Johnston is a member of the Maqry School faculty, Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Moye and daughter, Jean, and Ruby Evan3 , spent Sunday at Atlantic Beach. Mrs. Jessie Hardy visited friends , in Ayden Thursday. Miss Helen Hardy returned home , Friday, after being in summer school at E.C.T.C. for the summer. Mrs. lizzie Tunstall has returned to her home after being away for ! several months. Try CARDlll For Functional Monthly Paint Women from the 'teen age to the change of life have found Cardul genuinely help ful for the relief of functional monthly pains due to lack of Just the right strength from the food they eat. Mrs. Crlt Haynes, of Essex, Mo., writes: "I used Cardul when a girl for cramps and found It very beneficial. I have recently taken Cardul during the change of life. I was very nervous, had head ( and back pains and was in a gen erally run-down condition. Cardul j has helped me greatly," Thousands of women testify Cardul bene fited them. If It does not benefit YOU, oonsult a physician. ++++++++++++++++++'+++++"fc+4' j | DAVIS HOTEL + Mr and Mrs. J. A. Mewborn + T + Proprietors * 1 + Rooms?$1.25 and $1.75 * + Breakfast?40c $ ? | Dinner-Supper, Wk.?65c + } SUNDAY DINNER 75c J - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ , WARREN'S YOUNG MEN'S SHOP i The Latest Styles In Men's Wear! i MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES 1 Eld Nash Warren, Clothes Specialist Farmville, N. C. RUSSIAN DIVORCES OFF Moscow?Since passage of its new law taxing heavily those who wish to secure a divorce, divorcees have fallen off 90 per cent. For the first twenty days of July, there were 215 divorces granted in Moscow as com pared to 2,214 for a similar period in June, before the new law went into tffect. I LIVES ON BORROWED BLOOD St. Louis?James Hedloy, a vic tim of plastic anemia, has been liv ing for the past three years on bor rowed blood, having had fifty-one transfusions during that period. Most of the donors have been fellow employes at a dairy where he was employed. Farmers should study the tariff question thoroughly and try to un derstand how it affects their wel fare. Read both sides of the argu ment and use your own intelligence. A newspaper in one of the largest cities of the land sold the other day for $15,000,000. Freedom of the press is available in that city to any body who has another $15,000,000. The best way to limit naval ex penses and to stop the building of battleships is for the United States and Great Britain to get together on international law as it applies to the high seas. ' If you want some real humor to read during the summer try some of the columns turned out by the polft- j ical experts. TOWN OF FARMVILLE ? 1935 Tax Sale ? By virtue of power vested in me by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Farmville by tax list placed in my hand with order of sale and in compliance with Chapter 560, Section 2, Public Laws of 1933, as amended by Chapter 234, Section 1, Public Laws 1935, will on Monday Noon, September 14th, 1936, offer for sale the following described property for taxes for the year 1935. 4% penalty and costs will be added to the amount of tax listed Any payments made before date of sale will be dropped from list. This the 12th day of August, 1936. R. A. JOYNER, Tax Collector. Barrett, Mrs. E. A., 1 lot Pine Street 18.80 Barrett, R. G., 1 lot Belcher Street 27.08 Barrett, E. L., 1 lot Belcher st. 28.89 Barrett, H." L., 2 lots Main st._ 10.00 Beaman, E. C., 1 lot Contentnia Street 56.56 , Beamon, C. L., 2 lots Wilson st. .'14.29 Bell, L. R., 1 lot Main st., 10 lots Brick Yard 10.20 Bryant, H. E., 1 lot George st._ 9.01 i Carraway, W. F., 1 lot Wilson Street 18.50 < i Capps, Mrs. Novella, 1 lot Wil son st. 10.80 j Corbett, S. L., 2 lots Main st. 18.41 Elrany, Joseph & Wife, 1 lot Contentnea st. 8.81 Flanagan, E. G., 1 lot Main st._ 18.80 - Fulford, L. A., 1 lot Content c.?*. o on , iiea on cct _ _ M.VV ? Gay, W. G., 1 lot Grimersburg Street 29.36 i Gay, W. G. & Son, 1 lot Main Street 31.5? ^ Hardy, L. L., 3 lots Church Street 6.41 i Hobgood, J. M., 3 lots Main Street; 1 lot Church St.; 2 ?[ lots George Street; 1 lot W. Heights 203.42 Horton, Mrs. Sallie, Gdn., llot Wilson Street 34.01 i Horton, M. V., 2 lots Wilson Street 55.41 , Humphrey, H. L. (Heirs), 12 lots George Street l 12.48 , Jones, M. V., 1 lot Barrett Street 25.41 ] Jones, L. R., 1 lot Belcher St. 17.60 Jones, Mrs. E. H., 1 lot Grim ersburg Street 19.20 ] Joyner, Mrs. L. A., 1 lot Main Street 7.20 ] Joyner, Mrs. L. A., Gdn., 2 lots ] Main Street 14.40 Joyner, Mrs. C. C., 1 lot Con- ] tentnea Street 40.41 Keel, Mrs. Dora H., 1 lot Main ] Street; 2 lots Wilson Street-114.41 Martin, R, T., 1 lot Grimers- j burg Street 32.34 Morgan, Mrs. D. R., 1 lot Bar- ( rett Street 16.80 Morgan, D. R., 2 lots Wilson ] Street 71.66 Moore, Mrs. G. E., 3 lots Maain I St., 2 lots George St., 1 lot Wilson Street 188.42 j Moye, M. L. & Patterson, 3 I lots Grimersburg Street ? 2.40 Mozingo, C. H., 1 lot Main I Street 30.06 ] Mozingo, Mrs. Nannie, 1 lot Main Street 18.47 j Newton, Mrs. Mattie A., 1 lot Belcher Street 18.41 [ Norman, I. W., 1 lot Main Street 19.20 ] Oakley, John Iro, 1 lot Wilson Street 12.00 j Paylor, John Hill, 1 lot George, 1 lot Waverly, I lot Perry, I 1 lot Main Street 37.62 Pitt Gin Co., 2 lots Home Av- ( enue 52.70 Pippin, J. R., 2 lots Waverly ( Street 2.88 Rigsby, Mrs. A. H. & Mrs. M. V. Jones, 1 lot Belcher St__ 30.00 Rountree, Mrs. Madeline, 1 lot Walnut Street; 2 lots Pine Street 24.5(5 Smith, Mrs. Lossie, 1 lot Home Avenue 15.66 Smith, W. L., Jr., 1 lot Belcher Street 19.07 Smith, J. G., 2 lots Church Street 26.25 Smith, J. S., 1 lot Church Street 28.34 Smith, F. M., Est., 2 lots Grim ersburg Street 2.00 Spencer, J. G., 1 lot Belcher Street 36.00 Tyson, Joab B., 1 lot Green Street 11.21 Tyson, Miss Emily, 1 lot Main Street 22.40 warren, Mrs. W. S., 1 lot George Street 7.20 Williams, Mrs. G. S., 1 lot Pine Street 26.52 Willis, Mrs. W. R., 1 lot Wal nut Street 33.55 Windham, G. W., 1 lot Waver ly Street 17.96 Wilkerson Bullock Co., 8 lots N. S. R. R. 1.92 Colored \rtis, Amanda, 1 lot Main Street 6.00 \rtis, John Ed., 2 lots Main Street; 1 lot Bennett Street 29.50 \tkinson, Perry Est., 1 lot Main Street 11.52 3arnes, Annie, 1 lot Main Street; 1 lot Perry Street; I lot Newton Street 8.00 Barrett, Cora, 1 lot George Street; 1 lot Main Street 14.81 Blount, Joe, 2 lots Main Street 8.*0 Blount, Glascoe, 1 lot Main Street 6.41 Boyd, Wilson, 3 lots Wallace Street;; 1 lot George Street 18.35 Bryant, Marcellas, 1 lot Main Street 6.08 Bynum, Herbert, 1 lot Walnut Street 3.20 Bobb, Lula, 2 lots Walnut Street 8.21 Jixon, Henry, 1 lot Perry Street 7.61 Junn, John Henry, 1 lot W. Heights 2.97 Jupree, Paul, 1 lot H. Dupree .80 Jupree, Jacob, Gdn. E. R. Rol lins, 1 lot Walnut Street __ 5.21 Jupree, Jacob, 1 lot Main St. 5.50 Jupree, Dennis, 1 lot Main Street 10 00 )upree, Red, 2 lots George Street 6.80 >upree, Mattie, 2 lots Main Street 11.60 Cxum, Harrison (Heirs), 1 lot Walnut Street 6.60 ?'oreman, Arthur, 2 lots Wal nut Street 9.22 ?\ilton, Ethel, 1 lot Walnut Street 4.80 Baskins, Stephen, 1 lot Main Street 6.12 Bay, Haywood, 1 lot Bennett Street 3.00 Borham, Bennett, 1 lot Wallace Street 5.31 Blover, Carrie, 1 lot George Street 5.21 Brimsley, Emma, 2 lots Walnut Street 11.21 Harper, Wyatt, 1 lot George Street 9.00 High, Elizabeth, 1 lot Walnut Street 5.60 Fones, Gertrude, 1 lot Walnut Street 13.20 Fones, Edwards & Gorham, 1 lot Main Street 16.60 Fohnson, Rosa, 1 lot Walnut Street 3.20 loyner, Emma, 1 lot Gem Street 1.61 Foyner, Joe R., 3 lots Gem Street; 1 lot Wallace Street; 1 lot Perry Street; 1 lot Wal nut Street 21.05 Joyner, Oscar Lemon, 1 lot Main Street 7.20 loyner, Estella R., 1 lot N. S. R. R. 2.40 Joyner, Lillie, 1 lot Walnut Street 1.20 Joyner, Rosa, 1 lot Walnut Street 6.00 Lane, Allen, 1 ot Main Street 4.80 May, General, 1 lot Gem Street 4.01 Moore, Mary J., 1 lot Main Street 4.40 Mitchel, Henderson, p lot Wal lace Street 3.20 Parker, Daniel, 1 lot George Street __.L 3.20 Pollard, James R., 1 lot Wal lace Street 13.80 Suggs, H. B., 1 lot Main Street; 1 lot George Street 8.25 Sanders, Eliza, 1 lot Wallace Street 3.20 Timmons, C. Timmons, 1 lot Wallace Street 4.15 Tyson, Ed, 1 lot Walnut Street 5.00 Tyson, Elberta, 1 lot Walnut Street 3.20 Vines, Washington, 1 lot Wal nut Street 7.00 Vines, Maud, 3 lots Walnut Street 3.60 Williams, Gladys, 1 lot Main Street 2.81 Wooton, Lymon, 1 lot Wallace Street 5.01 Whitfield, Charlie, Adm. Col umbus Reaves, 1 lot George Street - 6.00 Hamlin, A. P., 1 lot Walnut Street; 1 lot George Street 22.80 WANTED ? Furnished Apartment during tobacco season. Advise * jize, price and location. Mrs. Jack Rogers, Adel, Ga., 2tp < PIANO ? We have beautiful used 1 upright piano in this community aeing returned to us because of pur- ' laser's inability to complete con tact. Will transfer this account to " responsible party for balance owing. Cash or terms. Quick action neces- * 3ary. For particulars address Lee Piano Company, Lynchburg, Va. DARAMOIIIVT I 1 theatre" i FARMVILLE, N. C. WEEK OF AUGUST 24th SUNDAY & MONDAY Will Rogers & Janet Gayjior in "STATE FAIR" Sponsored by American Le gion. Show Starts at 2:00, 4:00 and 9:15 P. M. TUESDAY Michael Whalen & Jean Muir in "WHITE FANG" WEDNESDAY Stuart Erwin & Florence Rice in "WOMEN ARE TROUBLE" THURSDAY & FRIDAY Ruth Chatterton, Herbert Marshall, Simone Simon in "GIRLS' DORMITORY" SATURDAY John Mack Brown & Wallace Beery , ,v in "BILLY THE KID" Also First Chapter of "VIGILANTES^ ARE - ' ? ?