Mrs. Louise Harris spent Monday in Raleigh with, relatives. . Rev. and Mrs. H. Mu Wilson 4g|g|j Monday in Wilson. Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey spent Thursday in Raleigh. ^ Mrs. J. H. Pay lor and Mrs. Robe* Rouse were Raleigh visitors, Friday. 'ij J. Y. Monk and R. D. Rouse bant returned from a trip to Georgia. -a a ? / v. 4 v y v Mrs. B. T. Dale, of Greene County, spent this week with Miss Alice Dale. * * * Friends are glad to see R. ?. Bel cher out again after a recent illness, a y?'* ? * a. > f r - Mrs. Kathleen Moore spent the week end in Richmond, Va., with .rela tives. I Mrs. M. V. Jones and Mr& J. B. Bobbitt were Raleigh visitors, Tues day. ? * ? J j Miss Annie Hyman Harvey, of Kinston, visited Mrs. G. A. Rouse, Sunday. ? ? ? i Mrs. J. H. Harris and Mrs. C. L.j Beaman were Rocky Mount visitors; Tuesday. ? ? ? Friends will regjet to learn that Mrs. Jack Rountree is quite ill with influenza. ? ? ? Dr. Dennis Keel and Mrs. Sallie Keel Horton left Thursday for a trip to Bermuda. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. Branch Bobhift and small son spent the week end in Warren ton. ? * * Miss Frances Person, of Pikeville, was the guest of Miss Evelyn Horton Wednesday. ? ? ? Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. W. R. Skinner is ill at her home on Pine street ? ? ? Mrs. Paul E. Eure, of Greenville, spent the week end with her sistar, Mrs. J. B. Lewis. ? ? ? Miss Mae Joyner, teacher in the Greensboro schools, will spend the week end at her home here. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Waters, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Pattie Dale. ? ? ? Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Jones and J. Branch Bobbitt were Rocky Mount visitors, Tuesday. * * ? Friends of Mrs. G. A. Rouse wiill be glad to learn that she is improving after a recent illness. ? ? ? - . ? Miss Thelma Harper and Miss Lillie Shearin, of Rocky Mount, spent the week end with Mrs. Ben Lewis. * * ? Carl Joyner, student at the Univer sity of North Carolina, will spend the week end at his home here. ? ? * Mrs. C. B. Mashbum and Mrs. Nonie Barrett returned Tneeday.from a visit to relatives in Aflheville. ? mm Mrs. G. W. Burm, of Spring Hope, spent several days of this week with her daughter, Mrs. G. S. Vought. ? mm Miss Ruby Shearin and Miss Olga .? ?? rt/ If nnvif nroro guests of Mrs. J. R. Shearin, Tuesday. ? ? ? Miss Sarah Brian has returned to Hertford after a visit to Iter aunt, Mrs. Weafey R. Willis and Mrs. M. V. Horton. 9 9 9 Mrs. Ridgeway Kirk and daughter, Miss Madeline, of Takoma, Washing ton, spent several days of this week with Mrs. E. C. Beam an. ? * ? Friends will be glad to learn that Alton W. Bobbitt is recovering from an appendicitis operation in Park view hospital, Rocky Mount. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Davis, Miss Elizabeth Davis and Misa Janie Davis and Mrs. W. Alexander Allen, Jr., spent Tuesday in Richmond, Va. * * t Mr. and Mrs. Plato Monk left this weak to make their home, in Wilson. Editor G.. A. Rouse and family moved into. apartment inthe Lang apartment*. m 9 w Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dixon, of Win son, Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor and son, of Greenville, and John B. Doon, of Kinston, Wtere guests of Mrs. Louise Harris, Sunday.; BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT f ? - ? Mr. and Mrs. Mabrey E. Pollard announce the birth of a daughter on Friday, March 5. Local Daughters of the Confederacy .attending the 11th district meeting held in Greenville, Wednesday, were: 'Mrs. R. H. Knott, Mrs. J. W. Parker, Mrs. T. W. Lang, and Mrs. F. M. Darifc ..^tap P*iker, m of the state jlbwe^ committee, T7. D. *C, addressed tjie Daughters in Green ville and in New Bern at the district SWING BAND HERE Blackwood's Swing Band will, ap pear at the High School auditorium, Monday, March 15, sponsored by the Primary Department of the Christian Church. Come and bring your friends. ' ? NOTICE JUNIOR ORDER The Junior Order United Ameri can Mechanics has planned to attend services in a body at the Episcopal Church, Sunday evening, March 15? and the members are requested to meet in the hall by 7:15 o'clock. HAS 85TH BIRTHDAY Mrs. Pattie Dale celebrated her 85th birthday on Sunday, February 28, with a dinner for members of her family. A large number of friends and relatives called during the day to offer congratulations. GREENSBORO COLLEGE NOTES Miss Vernice Lang ;Jones, senior at Greensboro College, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Jones has .been chosen among the attendants on the May Queen, Miss Margaret Taylor, of Soutkport, at tiie annual May Day. festival, to be held on the iront campus of the College, Saturday, afternoon, May 8. The May day fee'*- i tival at the Greensboro College i# always a brilliant event and a num ber of Hise Lang's relatives and friends in Farmville are planning to attend. GIRLS' AUXILIARY The Girls' Auxiliary met Tuesday afternoon at the Baptist Church un der the leadership of Mrs. C. C. Coppedge. The-program for the aft ernoon was based on "People of Other Lands." A new member, Lucile Davis was welcomed into this group. After adjournment the hos tesses, Mrs. Coppedge and Miss Vir ginia Cobb served delicious refresh ments. On the previous Tuesday afternoon this group met and enjoyed an Annie W. Armstrong program with. .Msk ; John D. Holmes in charge. This was a special meeting on missionaries ft foreign fields and the prayers and offering were for missions. * ' Dorothy Anne Skinner, Secretary-Treasurer. u. a c. _? Daughters of the Confederacy gathered at the home of Mrs. A. C. Monk on Friday afternoon for the March meeting of the Rebecca Win bourne Chapter. The Monk home was decorated throughout with quan tities of lovely spring flowers. The year bopks,. based op . the sub ject, "Thipgs of the Spirit in the Army of the Confederacy," were dis tributed, and the splendid report giv en at the district jneeting in Green ville was read. The report showed all obligations paid, seven new mem bers added daring the year, and *he awarding of a cup' by the general convention, U. D. C., to one of the chapter members, Mrs. J. W. Parker, for her paper on.John C. Calhoun. Mrs. R. A. Fountain, Sr., of Fountain, was elected to membership at this time ? Featuring the program was, a paper by MriL Ji.lL Newton dealing with Robert E. Lee as a Christian soldier. '' ~ ? ? ? ? Um X wv pvciilfl UJ AlViVU votvinuniny "Know the U. D. C.y" by Rev. A. C. D. Noe, and "Tfce> Qfcl Contcspdate Story/' by Mr*. J. Parkier. Mrs. chapter had... as guest the house guest, ,-pf hostess, Mrs. Gecvge M*iA/K>5-ttj|ighai, CUfia. A delightful salad' course was served after adjournment. Recent cold weather !?'Rockingham County has killed muth of the lespe d^ ^E^5T ^HP^V vM^Vj ;-,]w2^^^^^^Hj ,^H'3r ? . SUNDAY, MABCH 14 9:45 A. M.-rSund?y School Q.' W. 11:00 A. J^4forning Worship. 6:30 P. M.?rB. Baptist Trailing 7:30 P. Mv?Evening Worship. 7:^ -3P. M. ? Wednesday, Prayer Rev. C B. Msa*U?, Pastor. 9:4p J' ?* 11*0-A. M.-^ori% W<?ship. This 6:30 P. M.^?Junior and Senior En deavors. . jf 7:30 P. Evening; Worship. ' -' '? ? ?r puuAvnDi rstonutAi. rmmrn oipaixvn jjp fivvv* AM vu,w*yvM? * Rev; lads .&'2a0ne, Rector. ? 10:00 SchooL J. W: *: Joyner, .Superintendent. 7#P. Homing Prayer and Sermon Junior Order to at* 7:30 P. H. ? Wednesday, Lenten. Service, Resr. Worth Wicker, of GreenvfH%. .guest speaker. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. D. A. Clarke, Pastor. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday SchooL J. T. .> Thorne, Superintendent. ^ 80 v 5jQ0.' P. M.?Vesper. Rervicea. $46-P. M~-Younf People's Group' Meeting. -j PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ti n tr nr:u.. n..i MT. n. on. rfruowut rwiwr. 9:30 A. M.?Junior Choir. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday SchooL J. H. .Paylor, Superintendent. 7:30 P. iL-r-Bveping .Worship. 7:30 P. M. ? Wednesday, Prayer Meeting home C. "P. Baucom. I \r ?V*7 ' 1 ? ? PRIMmVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. B. Roberts, Pastor. 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship. CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Hugh. Debut, Pastor. 10:30 A. M.?Holy Mass. 7:30 P. M. ? Wednesday, Lenten services. FINAL REHEARSALS The Farmville Symphonic Chorus will hold its -final rehearsal ior the Easter. Cantata . in tha> -v Methodist Church, Monday evening, March 15. TJVnwr mamkoe a/ fko Pkaviio In ml. aj ? va jr lu^uiu^i vi i>no vuuaus ap; ,* v quested by the Director, Mr. Bullock, to be present. YOUNG PEOPLES SERVICE AT METHODIST CHURCH The young- people will have charge of vthe wophip service Sunday .after noon at 5 P. M. The program Is as follows: * j|lusic by the Choir?Anthem. | Quartette?Helen Willis, Billie Wil lis, Frances Smith and RolandMod ffi& Subject ? "Life as applied to Youth." Speakers?Effie Lewis, Clarence Welkms, D. A. Clarke. The; public is most cordially in vited. TO RETURN THIS WEEK . Mrs. J. Y. Monk, who has beep, in a - hospital in Washington. D. C., for - treatment during the past three weeks, is expected home during the week end. Mr. Monk and James Monk have returned after receiving treatment there. - MIftlBr ^gTBONS i ? ? Mrs. R. A. Fields was guKi?U8 hostess to the Merry Matrons . on Tuesday afternoon, at which tipue , a splendid program was developed iby ? Mrs. J. W. Lovelace, who diafcqsfed the "Middle Class and Bourbon,*', as , portrayed in the book being studied by thjs group, "Culture Of5 /jjhe South." Adding variety to the In gram were poems from Du Bose Hey ward's "Skylines and Horis^s," read by Mrs. J. M. Hojjgpod. i, > ^dejicioua ?oegejied^aiad, cheete straws, rolls, salted, nuts and coffee ? weqce served during the- social ^hn(ur. daffodils and other "spring blqfaopis were used in profusion throtjgjbput thereat* FAKMVILLE ROTARY CLVB; Farmviile Rotary Club, con^png . of representative business and jPFP fessional leaders,. meet in regular,sses- . ?< ?* -**???? ? .1 . jj_i cln? : noa.eaca ween in ine tuning mqu ox the High School building. ' The'pnpgEaBi of .Test week was i of special interest in .that it dealtwith 'IK* iftocial wriiare work of our^gyh.*, R. A. Joyner, spoke to the chpb jon "Relief Needs of FarmviUeAk pe dealt with the causes for relief is honestly seeking to bring to^the needy an adequate program of ^So cial Welfare. This program presented a sj^ong of all the people in this great wj$!? tot f ?.J; - d'T'Sfl ['MMMV^*'1 AZMAiM^^MT - .? ? M^B#k|6|Cti5^1^r4p^y ' fote^c II? Moore, iJffcy I^Thbrae, J awe *euj>, Harry Davis, Milton Wfiliamson, L. D. Braxton, Marvin fy&jpn, .A. C. Tnrnaga, .Timmia Margaret Ryawv Flora Dean Johnson, Mary Fiaul Daro. tie IS^i Elizabeth Moye, Margaret T^pon, Dorif ^pynar, Mary M?^? Joh^ou. .. #? Jones, Wima Stansill, Gene Blanchard, N^ncy Gates, Miriam Gates. Sixth- Grade?Cornelia Knott, John Parker,. Jack Payior, Alice Hamper Farcer, Senora Lintfsey, Dorothy Clarke, Helen Rouse, Anne Jones, Bill Carr. Seventh Grade?Boots Thomas, Ddrothy Lewis, Bobby Rouse, Mary Frances Greene, Yvonne Smith, Hazel 3 :l Ti. ,t . ( yuinn. Eighth Grade?Jesse Gay, Bill Pollard, "Margorie Parker. Nipth Grade?-Robert Pierce, Em eat Quinn, Blanche Bryan. T&th ""Grade ? Lucille Cutchin, Frances -Newton, Doris Bouse, Fran ces jEL Spiith, Jim Satterfield, Julian Eleventh Grade?Res Jones, Effte Lewis, Mary Lewis, Helen Willis. LOYALTY COMPAIGN CHRISTIAN CHURCH The ten weeks loyalty campaign which is being put on at the Christian' church is getting into full swing now, and the members are beginning to get.entbusiastie in tho work. Wetfheed^y .there was a sup* per ior al!.the trfficerrof.tha charch, Sunday Schopl .and Woman's Council and their companions. Dr. Cecil A. Jannan^ head of the Religious Edu cation Department of Atlantic Chris tian Coilege . spoke on the Educational Task pi the Church. ,All present en? Joyafl his message. - Thursday., njght there will I be ^Bother ?jpp?r ;for. .tip men of the cliuroh and Rev. Gilbert Dayis , of Belarthur will speak on "What Men Can Do . for the Church." Thursday afternoon at 2:80 the Ladies of the church will be enter-1 tained by, their pastor, who will speak pn '"The Loyalty of Our yeomen." Tea and sandwiches will be served. Friday , night is youth night All the young .people of the church are to be there for a fellowship supper and a social hour. Mrs, Robert Rotise is in chargjaof.the yoking people's meeting. Sunday morning will be roll call Sunday* Every member is asked to . be wpaenlt and answer to his or her name, HOME EC NOTES The respective Home Economics reporters, Christine Joyner, Hazel J Jones, Mary ;Prances -Russell, planch 4 Bryan, and LuriUe Cutchjns note the j the following happenings in the Home Economies Department 1. JElghth Graders entertained the: seventh graders informally at. tea. 2. Vocational Day. to be held, the ftrst: week xft April todisplay some thing of all phases of .Home, Econom ics, work. 3. Recent visitors, to. cottage Mips Blockaton and; Miss Holtzclaw of East Cambna : Teachers College,? Read of J3o?e Economics Depart ment Miss iMmt Chamber, .and Mrs, ^yder* Hoxoe .Economics teachers, of Grantium brought .six..of: their, pupils to visit the cottage, Mr..Eurincfer, ^ XT P MUn'ofnr A/< V/Vao IU .KWiMMMf V.J iv^iovv* of La.^alle ^Extension University, put the following .comment on black board; "I wish to compliment the. Faculty and Student Body on the nl<je wftk that bps been carried out here. It is indeed s splepidid credit to your school and. tin people tbait^make is possible.'' Eurihefer J>!: Cole, Durham ^ C. La Salle Extension University. 4. Electing , new officers. . 6.\0*ke R^y.. * 6. :Miss C^ggins began, her, ?rst adult class M?rph $th, at 7 :JtO in; the cottage. Those who are interested; in Ajnlt Claas^ may plan to a#end March lfitfc at 7:80. ' NEW PEAL CLUB SB ' Mrs. P. R>Joi?es, ,^^rtsMwd the New Deal dub_aad. several additional friepd* m Monday *(t9ra>on at h** 21W9M?K uTcT iftte'iir.'ai.f a" ??.i;y- ?' \ jNPWrJS A OOOD TOiE TOiRB* new tour auBacaomoN. ! 1? "Em Mrs. John D. Holmes was presented to1 the Junior Women fite thdr new npegjlDr, ? nuiceriiriir Mrs . G. S. ' Refreshments ?f individual cakes, .topped with cream, come, cookies, mints and salted ^ts ^ie served-in the dining roonu -The colors of green andwffifJitere carried in decorations df.the w1o,which was centered fdth a- bowl- of snapdragons*-- Mrs.- F. M. D.avip, Sr., mother ^f the hqktess, was seated at the table serving the cakes, with Miss ISIuabcth Davis and $fi*s Marguerite Johnson assisting." rf ?y !\' l K fob commissioner I take this method of announcing my candidacy aa a member of the Board of Commissioners of-the Town of Farmyille, subject to the wishes of the vpters in the primary to be held May 4th. I will appreciate your spppprt . ? ? ROBT. J. WAINWRIGHT. ' poultry And eggs wanted 1.000 lbs. Poaltrv wanted week!v. Highest Market Prices. ? hlodlin'a Service Station, Wilson St., F*ra? ? ville, N. C. 2tp FOR J3ALE OR RENT r- WARE . house on Walnut St. and East. Caro lina R. R. Rey at, Farm ville, Enter prise. Chas. A. FTynn, Washing ton, N. C. v 12-wfcsc ! LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT with fteam beat and located next door to b*|b. Dial 298-L , r Y, ' "? ' t . *" f \. i ? ? When You Need a Laxative : Thousands of .men and women know how wise take Black-Draught at the Bret. sign of constipation. They like the refreshing relief It brings. They know its timely use may save them from feeling badly , and pos sibly losing time at Work from sickness brought oh by con stipation. ' If you have to take a laxa ' tlve occasionally* you can rely on BLAdUORAUGHT A GOOD LAXATIVE ? t r ?? ?- - ^ y&y*! V *' - ?? ? --: ~ V- ,y-. .,-!. JJ| L^nr^A^rAY^nARl ^Pmi* ZB66LS Wltll Mll? J. &? U)00? I 3:30 p. m. ? Mathodist Miseionaty j ,?' Society, Circle No. 4, meets with I Mrs. K R Hodge. |$Cfcttreh.ltt^# i? ] 8:00 p. m.?Contract Ctab n*?t? | with Mrs. Z. M. Wfcitehuxst. I 6:15 p. m.?Rotary. Club. ' I 8:00 p. m.?Junior Orde& WedneefeftJJ ' 3:00 p. mc?Wednesday Afternqon Club meets with MiseMary Lou ' ise Rumley at thehome of |?1 ? J. C. Spencer. 3:30 p. m.?literary Club meets: with Mrs. Edna Robinson. Ilfemfcqr, 3:09 p. m.?American Lejion Aux iliary meets m the Legion Hall, .] with Mm. J. O. Pollard and Mrs. * Ja] ma Bynum as joint hostesses. 8:00 p. m.?Modem Woodmen. Friday, 19 3:00 p. m.?Parent-Teacher. 7:00 p. m.?-L O. O. F. 7:30 .p. m.?Boy Scouts. Saturday, 20 3:30 p. m.?Junior Woman's Club meets with Miss Albertine Bar- i retfc ' \ | Itt GebRi<li.Q?icl< Scl,<?*i Alo.. 11 I ] [ Jjt/ould keep tnom bimiQlfb ? < , Invert safely In what you KNOW and can WATCH \ I START SAVING ftlGULARLY NOW % * j; m'v We Welcome Ypwr Banking AyjU a cm f I We Will LEND MONEY to You If Tan, :: Give Us GOOD SECURITY The Bank of !! ; [ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatism . FOR MAYOR I hereby announce my candidacy lor the office of Mayor of the. Town d of Fannville subject to the wishes E of the voters in the primary to be t held Tuesday, May 4th. .Your sup- T. port will be greatly appreciated. GEO. W. DAVIS. t FARM FOB SALE: BIG VALUES " at low prices. A progressive sec- e tion of real diversified farming for & bright, dark and barley tobacfos, t grains, gras?es,_and cattle raising. - Everybody happy. Apply to J. T. . WALKER, Farmville, Virginia. I 'VT/rt ryNVVWUv^ ! ' , ?* * I <?"*/?J w >/? C? FOR MAYOR I herpby wmoun^ p jpodi ate for Meypr <jf thp Town of "armville sqbject to .the .F^Mf he voters in the prim^A to;^1"^ hiesday, May 4, 1987. If nominated and elected, I pledge 0 discharge the .duties kd my office 1 a faip: jug) impartial way to all he the_be?t of my knowi dge and ability. Yonr vote mad upport will be greatly appreciated. fc NOW IS A GOOD TUB tO*E> NEW YOUfc SUBSCSIPTKm. I: DAVIS HOTEL J , Mr and Mrs. J. A. Mewborn + Proprietors 1 . ""S$S3?-?> ! SUNDAY DINNER 75c 1 { Dinner ?Sapper, Wk^?65c Pmamwot I I'? THEATRE 1 FABMVILLAN.a WEJ5K OF MARCH 14 SUNDAY ONLY Jane Withers and Anthony Martin m "THE -HOLY TERROR" ?'?ihwmwijuih ? ? ? ? ? MONDAYJWd TUESDAY Edward Arnold and Francine Lkrriraore .1- ?. . tar ' ' "JQHN M?ADB!S WOMAN" nil'. IT"" > I hj Hi'. .1. . ). i,(i,I . , ... - 3 WEDJSE SBAT Ann Dv*oa^aj?d South ?! > ?' V' "RAGINGLADY^ ? . ' ' . THURSDAY and FRIDAY ?'.;.r #T.K 'C . .-T/r . 1 Jfoe ,E, Bflown.and Mariap Marsh ' " r ' '. '? . I ?' /!?.. J|ll .11.'. SATPROAt -Richard Alien and Virginia ' fcjw -"?'?T' ' '"f "SECRET :VALM5 Y" i' ?' ? ? ,'J BR. V. H. NEWBORN - OPTOMETRIST - NEXT VISIT MiwflleVOfgc* at IM! Jewelry Store, MONDAY, K&CB * . Afiee office over P. B. Taylor ft Cfe MONDAY, APRIL 5tJt Byee^E?mburf^- GlaaM^tted . > ' ' V-y ;v ';" -V : LOVELY TO *, fi ? f. ' f/V* *r\f* r LOOK AT . ? jjtji i^^U>teyou.r\ whs) .flHr Use the kindoflaundry service that JPPR^K'' gets iyour clothes as dean and nai tary as yoa want them to be. Use the kind oftomdry^jk vice that can be depended upon to wasli.ypijr fully and expertly with most modern e^UfPfx^t andjAUW workmen. _ USE ONE OF THESEiLOW PRICED SERVICES: Special Permanent Prices THROUGH MARCH $5.00 WAVES 2 for $7.00 WAVES 9A.Q0 $7.50 WAVES $6.50 $10.00 WAVES $7.?j0 ?; SERVICE and SATISFACTION at the | j DOBIS BEAUTY SHOWE FAMILY WASH Flat Ironed, Lb., I: 7c ; I Filtered soft water. Mod ern equipment Prompt service. VAMILYWASB , | -V ? ??.! 1-{?& t 'a . ?' /r ** O * - Perfectly toif^ed. B?pdk. Hand retoielied. .. ?^. Mte Deliveries Made in Fannville Thursdays ? ^ If! fc?? ? HIIJ-U.I ?,?? ?>? Mil mm Hf.A'*g?*<WHWBPiy

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