: ? ?* ' v ?5;? ;V ThsDan Cireia, the largest ?ftod finest circus now enroute has ?been known for np&y as the "PMde of the Sooth". Artists both Amer ican and Europeans, as well as Wild Jbad Domestic animals make up the jlhow two hoars performance. Danny McPride, James Thomas and an army of famously funny downs make- up the laugh portion of The Dan Bice Circus that comes to Farm ville for an afternoon and night per Ionian on Thursday, September 9th. - X When they make their first entry, the laughter begins with a travesty ion the late Jim Braddock, Joe Louis * a championship fight ?and continue through their burlesque baseball game. Advance reports state that the downs will cause you to shake with laughter, and fairly gasp with glee over these soul sunbeams, the cargoes of comicalities, the truck loads of tricks and ticklers, the host of hilarious hitters, the concourse of fashion aping fools, the mimics of men and manners, and the follies and fun of the day. The management of the Dan Rice Circus has continued making clown alley one of the most important fea tures of the entertainment that com prises over 60 well known and sensa tional features. McPride and Thomas, producing clowns were with many European cir cuses and bring a new style of en J"7".V- -?. - v^*.'"ZZS&r*. ??-? ftgjffW - ?? A?te > America because ofHaahffityto eft- j tSTtt ra a^"be : Pi^dmcy of th?*Onited Stetea. ? 1 ? . . ?- ?" ?> "??. I ACCIDENT RESTORES SEARING. ? Sudbury i Out Ceo W. Standi, of * Nairn Center, is one man who la'glad 1 be was hit by an aiSMillfr' Dehf < for a number of yean? Smith was de lighted to discover, upon being picked up after the accident, that his hear- < ing had returned. I >ii sa^iltt niTiiMlnrt^ ktn niwrany imcoinrafx Many women, who formerly ' suffered from a iM? run- ' down condition a* a result of' poor assimilation of food, say they benefited by taking CAR DUi, a special meflWiie for : women. TWyfound it helped to Increase the appetite and' improve digestion, thereby bringing them more statolith from their food. NaturaSy there is less dis comfort at monthly periods , when the system has* been strengthened and the variour functions restored and regu lated. Cardui, prated by tbtafeands of women, is well worm ttytag. Of course, tf not bSBefBSd, a; physlctan ? ??? ? A. 4 I pliin' the tactics If M* Roosevelt's Democratic opponents who fill the' Ur with lamentation* shout the old' >rder'a lapse* and insist that the' President is wredonf the party and1 the nation by insisting upon his pro gram. Not only was the President defeat ed on thr bffl to: raddgnihe the Su preme Court in a spectacular Senate* Bttffe htit thd'effort to "further Mlp1 those wiSi toil infrttofy and on firm" tfirohgh a vnfces and hourt bills was also blocked. Competent ' observert be-' torte-Hs*' both otf these mertta'es would have psseed if a voto could? have been foreed but effective minor ities wfcte abfeto take advantage' of parliamentary aHuitioha. sndkeep the' naeasures a shdwdown. Tim CM Exerirtive was also balk-' ed in his- effort to reorganize the' executive depirtmfents and opposition' seems str6tijf enough' to present the' passage of the fneawae as proposed1 althdujj# it 18 poWfttt that it will go-' through' the nfelt session in a modi fied forni. Regional authorities,. pro-' posed by this F&Wdeht to safeguard national resources, got nowhere al though the illness of Senator Norris was in part responsible for this fail ure. Mr. Roosevelt was also effectively blocked in his demand or an adequate1 farm measure, including some form of crop control. For most of the ses-; mon the question was sleeping but' when farm pHctes began to drop the' agricultural representatives in House and Senate got worried. Cotton wofc-' WW and front cotton states came aj renewed demand fbT Iegfelation, which was tacitly supported by other agri cultural groups, which feared that1 some ne wcrisis might plague other' farm products. Finally, both houses' obligated themselves to take up! Earn* legislation as the first wort of! the next session of Congress, present indications are that a ,special session >f Congress in the fall depends en tirely upon how farm products hold ip in the markets. If prices drop, a ipecial session is almost certain. These are the major defeats of the President's "program." It should be rated that on crop insurance, also, the two Houses cotdd not get together, ha on sugar both Senate and House Touted the views of the President ind his cabinet officials, that neu araiity legislation (fid not include the liscretion that the President wanted Did' that- dn- severed other matters, mch as the CCC, Congress followed ts own ideas. In fact, the eight-month session presents the curious spectacle of a Congress asserting it legislative pow tr and the passing practically noth ing of importance. It leaves the na ion to determine whether it will give future support to the President or to iis opposition. Naturally, Republi can leaders are tickled over the situat ion, which they predict will mesh leavy gains for their party. Certain y, it will not hurt them, although the naiti peril fating Republicans today s the possibility that' the President will defeat his Democratic opposition md build a party, based on support I >f laboring and farming people and >ledged to operate a government in heir interest. One diversion was the denunciation >f democratic leadership by several abor leadere, including John L. Lewis) vho aCcoSed the leaders of being uii ible to carry out party pledges, and SWlliam Green; who accused the rouse rides committee of "stifling m ddfaitWg" legislation just as It W under the domliuttiun of "Can ton and his reactionary associates." ihutSer was the prediction of Senator Sufifey tiiit ^obKvlon" awaits those vho fought ft* Presidents court pro x>aals and the bitter reply in the Sen ds frtin Mrs. Burke, Wheeler and yMahondy. Nor was his Senate foes >leased with flfe address of the Freaf lent at Roanoke Island, which they Ijctofefaed as "ndtice" fbkt the Chief Sxecutive plans to insist upon "pro rressTve" ideas and' (he efinminatioh rf interference by the "conservative" dbe of Democrats. Much eofcAhddt is heard about Southern opposition to the President^ irogram and the statement is made hat Garner, Strrffh, BjfM, Glass ?ther leaders from the South hart Met ornbfMfafc in tommbn with the ' administration. This may be true & J ?ga?b to certain lefcders but the rating in Democratic primaries lailt rear did not indicate any such condjt ion and, in fact certain Senators, up or reelection last year in Southern Hates, made no secret of their abun dant loyalty to the Prrthknt. ITnleflb tost signs arer*er?tofirti?dre win be aftfbsenee o/pdptfltiF support for tlsa President iaf tiUv&jbtil, whfird he fit artremely pbpujfr sftd iobhed upoii ? U? Retail mercKaatC-'tiiKmghout ti? otatry are expecting the best Fal astasia since 1989. ?VM ? ....... H ?. * - ?? V* .^1- ? u ? . J \ Johnston coahty. ? tod ' wf orarir m& 0:4 Surviving are Wr hu&snd, John W. Holmes, a daughter, Mrs. Daisy H. Smith; throe sons, (X of Hsrt-1 ford,' Johff D. and- ESbott C, Holm**,; FtirinViite? fohr grandchildren; g$itifcj ter; Mtt. M. J. Caveriaugh, Wallace, m-m brothers, E. P? of Benson,' and N. L. Britt, of Dunn. Active pallbearers were; Manly Liles, J. H. Moobe, Buydr 6. W. Davis, W. J; Rasberry, C. A; Tyson' Jtal&r ?S Roebrf Honorary, C. L.i Be?ini^ |;?t: B^dai; w. i>. Fields,! Arch J. Flahnag-an, J. H. Harris, J. M. Hobgood, Dr. P. E. Jones, A. P. Joyner, J.- B. Joyner, H. W, Kemp, T. W. Lang*, B. M. Lewis, A. C. Monk, J. Y. Monk, A B. Moore, J. I. Morgan, Sr., Wv A McAdamB, J. H. Paylor, L. T. Pierce, A Q. Roebuck, W. S. Royster, I. E. Satter field, j. L. Shackleford, L. P. Thomas, J. T. Thome, T. C. Turnage, J. M. Wheless, Dr. % M. Willis, C. C. Coppedge; E. G. Flanagan, J. F. Har rington, D. H. Conley, Dr. N. T. En nett, S. f. WhTte, Greenville; J. R. Turnage, Ayden; M. O. Blount, Bethdl; fc.R. wheeler, Shnfofd; A C. Hodges, Goldsboro. . As an insight into the life of this highly esteemed woman, the Rev. Mr. Ennis, in his talk, read this poem, which she had lothe months agb had Teferintod and distributed to nearly be moved ^ ? When nemrtw thr Smritoor we Hv?. ' Our lore may be tested, our faith1 &?*ukr bHa*M? ?W -' ? WJMmhu W v&vw mr ; BQi nrnuy wiip> wcAf Wfch JeStw abMWr in tfc8"**u>. ; ? - ? . We may pasii ?Inobgh the waters andi yeTH4Ms^tfcr*> To lead and cottfert Ills-own, Whtfe clett!* liritatf' da, bfehdHintf otir faithv . The arms of His md*e? are thrown. He may take in His wisdom our tr&ashresaWSy, > But only again to restore The lirits that are brtffen; to spar*** aneW, Whi^ phrtftp and trtA are no mote. If we clin? to ffiaprOMse end Walk firthfelig? That ifeVer, no never, yroWe dim, Our mihycares, whai!^ they bfe, Wftl draw us still ne&Jfer to Hftm (Abo.) iWspedza on thefarm ofW. T. Da vis in SftrSih County WhS 12 inches tall when recently measured on a field 'WhOretrfpfc- superphosphate had been appliedat thO rate of 160 pounds per acfe. Oh a cMdc pIbt'the leaped' za Was only 5 inches high. iA'i'rT i???rrn rp l-ftrt utin i-rnnr,. " Queen and' Kay, two of! the elephant* with the Dan Rfce Circus, ca^ f? RaMfeffl* flyMaft Mtftaaltar -etr tr Hr-r til . n % NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powefr of sale contained-in t&Mt certain mortv gugwexfceutedbyWaker May and wife Almtw-Mey to Jotab ffill Pal lor, Mortgagee, under date February 18th 1926 of reetfrf i* Book X16 at page 152 of t&e Pitt County Registry, default having- been mad in the psyt raent of the indebtedness therein &*? scribed, the undersigned mortgagee, will dell for <^ah hefi>rt'tte c<M)rthor,se dobr in the Tb#h of Gr^ftvffle, North ChrWinh, oh MAttdhy, September 27th 1987 at 12 o'clock Noon'the follow ing described real estate. Lying and being in the Town of' FarmviHe, County of Pitt, State of North Carolina) and mere fully d*J i ,ii scribed as Beginning onWal fctte-St*e*t aitf'rttfr N. B. l8frfttf; thence S. E. 5d feet; thence S. W. to Wailaee Sttfcet 180 f*t; thence wMk -WUlMdStofl *0 ie**o th^be ginning. Being the Identical lot con veyed to1 Wiltir Kayv March 16th 1918 by G. B. Moore end wife May Moore, which deed-ia duly recorded in the Registry, of Pitt County in Book 6-10 et page 660, to which reference is hereby made. This the 20th day. of August 1987. John Hill Pnylor, Mortgagee Aug. 27, Sept: 8, 10, 17. Dr. H. M. Pollock at popVation conference says that mental diseases are becoming the fnain health prob lem in the United States. i' r-1 r ?>?-- i -i - n Don't Pay Over MEDICINE I I Today, Saturday, Monday | ?AT? I ^ WHELESS DHTfi CO. 1 - Regardless Of What Your Trouble V "e^ardless Of I j How Long You Have Suffered-?Or How Many Differ- I < eat Medicines You Have Tridd ? Or The FttiJe You I I Have Been 'Paying For Them^-READ OUR OFFER I i BEFORE BUYING ANY MEDICINE! 11. A Regular $1.25 Bottle of P0W-O-LIN II Far Only 75c ? Save 50e! 11; Every person who suffers can have a regular full siae $1.28 bottle of the WORLD'S NEW EST MEDICINE to try for only 78 CENTS Friday, Saturday and Monday. Simply reed the offer below. Do this in your own interest! This NEW. SCIEN TIFIC MEDICINE, known as POW-O-LIN. has helped thou, sands and thousands of people; I often after everything else had failed. We make this liberal offer of a rerular $1.23 bottle for only 75c because we know the people who are benefited will tell their neisrkbors and friends about it. The price of the regular bottle is $1.28, but. you can get it for only 75 CENTS Friday. Saturday and Monday, if you'll take the cou pon to the druggist whose name appears in this ad. WHAT IS POW-O-LIN? POW-O-LIN is a New, Ad vanced Medicinal Compound of the finest medicinal herbs, gath ered from the four corners of tlh earth, that were put here for the healing of all mankind ?and net a single oUe a habit forming drug. POW-O-LIN is taken before or after meals, mining with the food in one's, stomach, thns throwing off the, poisons that sometime# foster stomach troubles, permitting the liver and kidneys to func tion properly if impaired in their action by constipation. It acts within tan nunuttft te stop gas, pains, sourness, blanting and Wishing. It will net gripe, or nauseate you like ordinarv liver medicines. It will work the bile from the liver as^bhkek as inh. At the same time, POW O-LIN drives poisons from the system, often relieving back .ache, bladder irritation and' weakness, strengthening the nerves by natural means. Now, whether POW-O-LIN, the NEW, SCIENTIFIC MEpI C1NE wilT help you as it has thousands of others; whether it wW en? ydtt? sUfftfrteYs hi a day or n week, remains to be seen; but in the light of what POW O-LIN hsk dune for others, H would SORELY BE A MIS TAKE NOT TO TRY THIS GREAT MEDICINE FOR ON LY 7S CENTS. This introduc tory offer is good FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY, hi fairness to yourself add your family, you slh?lif clip the coupoa appearing be low and Ub it to year drag- ' "j gut whose uai appears ia tk? coupon blow. WHAT POW-O-LIN WILL DO * POW-O-LIN win cleanse year -j bowels (gradually, not drastic or severe) possibly as tbey , , were never cleaasbd before. It will bring oat awful gases and . ' , < imparities (frequently from the ' j first dose) wbicb mhy bave beea inside of you for a long Hate, . j ceasing yea many days of mis- 1 cry, witb boaddebes, dizzy ?pells, skin eruptions and a' ] !a*y, drowsy, tirdd, ran-doWn It will give you tbe IT greatest appetite you over bad' ' * in youi* lifel POW-O-LIN acts ! 3 as an aid to slaggbb organs of 1 -j tbe body, wben dhe to faulty | elimination, and aids ia dm re lief of rbeamatic pbias and bob-' ritis WHEN DUE TO CONSTI- ] PATION, affording quick relief j from pain. POW-O-LIN will put ( tbe rosy glow of HEALTH into year cheeks; it will build you . J up in general and make you < > YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOUR REAL AGE1 To get year ? large size bottle ef tM* great c medicine for only It CENTS, t clip dm coupon Wh# and taKs it to tke druggist wkoso sdae , appears ia die coupon below. x assure yee tbis offer WILL , NEVER BE REPEATED. CI* and tue tfie ddteptok NOW! 5 I VALUABLE COUPON ?" Worth 1 ' Take tkis eoapon to "" J WHELESS DRUG CO. g* I TODAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY . fl I get a regtdar $1.25 bottle el FOW-O-V. m ?ifo We. f ] I FARMVIUE THWtSUY, SEPT. 9th I I THE PRIDE OF THE SOUTH I ? j s>5th and4ual te3ur i p, Br A- ^B ^B J M ?^tNf ^TB- I w- M.^i.mi^i i M- M B Ml BB ? HIE GIimTESI CMCSSNM EMTH FOR THtrtWE! 1101 . SENSATIONAL ACTS ? W1 ALL NEW - NEVER HAVE YCUSKPTSOKlKJH FOR SUUTTLE SEE FREE OtrtSID&EXftlBft'&Oft CAFF. VARO, mm IF MATH GB'FYMG LAWS OF GRAVltfYlN THRILLLNQ HfGH DWfll FROM 125 FOOT HEIGHT 1 Presented Daily at High Noon ? Worth Ooiftg llfleo To- Seel MU MARTY A n PIECE SCOTCH HWRLAMO MALCOLM til HUSSAR RAND IN FREE OUTDO'bfe COtNlSllSfif OS SSadOlt GROUNDS * GREATEST AMUSEMENT VALMESIECE TIE DAWH OF CREATION - L00KAT TBE PRICK ADULTS 35c; CHILDREN 25c ' - i. I. 1 t ii-n-a i. tr-irm mrrnnrt mi nr-uTTrwi > MEET THE l7-YEAI4Y? SCtEEH SEHSA TfOM, BOCK SELLS, ARB HIS COWBOYS, COWGIRLS AND MUMS ? ?r n I "|,.|| l llrifiilinl Despite rumor, to the contrary J . PERFORMANCES DWLY - I from opposition circuses?the yW Famous Dan Rice Cirtus Will 2 M Vt V O Pa M ? ST*D09RS OPEN 1 HOUR EARLIER ' - - - . , . r- . 1 ?W " To allow you to viiit the big doable roo and wild animal Come Early?See World's Greatest Collection of Annrrire ana won DEIS FROM FAB COINERS OF THEEMTH ^ \TLLE MEZZA TETIERANZA 1 Operatic Star of Meirdpolitin Opera House, N. V. City?ffef ing her gltmoroue role in the GoldWi GlifterittgGrand Totfrti ement?"In Old Hew Oriean*"?300 stars of SjMtigMand, rare animals, mitfdant, singers. The most Pompons Pageantry Erer Produced!? + MARVELOUS MARY MILLER X Undisputed AerialCircni Seneatfcn of all timet Incomparable ?tidestobr to the lale Mhn Utxd of Ringling fame. , tn nnnnnn ?m .. ^stt/j. - JL. LING CHUNG' TO TROUPE X Acrobatic foot joggling wizards from the land of Cherry Blossom*' + COL. H. B. GSBNTRY (IN PERSON) I /"I Presenting the Original (Sentry Bros. High School Ponies 36 ? ^ trfthffij^ACfabM^^ finCSt'pony ""drill on toor today ! ^ PETITE VIVIAN WHTE fl JP\ High above ydur heads in the domtrcfihertdgtettt in her Death Defying, gre^-Tati^^of^Endortnce, ShiHsnd Daring. ? " ?jL.: A^vcAi:mo,Ttffi GREAT " I . Tftej^itopenzee with the Homhn Brain. (10,000 Wonder from X DANNY Mc&m&E " I White face star of the drew ww?^^ 40 Famods Km- ? iters Former BeHltfm-Bafley feature clown and army of mirthmakers. a BSgS jl . SULTANA?THE KILLER I World's Largest Uhtarheble LioneseV Presented by Capt Cbfithdt. . H THE OLYMPIAN TROUPE I Mf* g?TT to /mht- B?ll?t ' Jei Fdrionr Rifetorittkiir Lddphif RuJrtfko ffottndk yg Hcncerw. MM*. *?*arifc( Hotte, U|Mft wttrtm dor ? J. AD-ZAC HERD OF ELEPHANTS I IHK PnndftrotiA - Psrformiaff Pachvderms, t rioii of inrDriiM. I t OHgfaaf Gentry Btw. Trained Dogs WW .M?lSSW.fMo wwa i?n .anerfg-*. ? jl, OSTRICH RACES I ^ Vfaif giant KiiW?natyi jg J&ttgfc importation from ^_,CoL tlifr Mhloy atfdhii Concrete ofltoUgb Ridert ^ jS*t?? I ^ iJS?f? | i fhliysl*wml ii mi i i good maiinee only i

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