II If Ill 1 IN Social atti> pergonals i 1 I on IN '? - . - - -? 1 ? - * _? . Mr. John D. Dixon of KJnrton was spent Sunday here. Mi?? Imogen? Davis of Smithfield spent the wek-end with Mrs. W. P. Easley. Mrs. J. L Morgan, Jr., and daugh* ter, Mi? Ann Whittlesey, were Wil son visitors on Tuesday. * * Mrs. L. L. Rumley spent the week end with her mother Mrs. D. D. Haskett in Greenville. ? ? ? Mrs. J. W. Parker attended the Thursday session of the Methodist Conference in Raleigh. ? ? ? Mrs. Bert James, Mrs. T. W. Lang, and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith were Raleigh visitors Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr?. Frank Davis, Miss Janie Da vis and Mrs. Marvin Jones were Ral eigh visitors on Wednesday. ? ? ? Mrs. J. L. Shacklford is spending the week with her sister, Miss Evelyn Horton in Washington, D. C. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor and family of Greenville were the guests of Mrs. Louise Harris on Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Jr., at tended the Duke Alumni supper in Greenville on Wednesday evening. ? ? ? Mrs. Charles W. Johnson of Char lotte was the guest of Mrs. Bertha Joyner and family on Tuesday. ? ? ? Mrs. R. H. Knott, Mrs. J. I. ">rgan Sr., and Master Bob Morgan were Rocky Mount visitors on Monday. ? ? ? The value of case-finding service can hardly be estimated in control of tuberlucosis. Buying Seals make this possible. ? ? ? Mr. George Davis and Rev. L. R. Ennis attended the State Baptist Convention held in Wilmington this week. ? ? ? The sale of Christmas Seals pro vide for permanent clinics, traveling and occasional clinics and public health nurses. ? ? ? Mrs. Alex Allen left Wednesday for Greensboro where she will be an attendant at the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Leake. ? ? ? Rev. D. A. Clark left Wednesday for Raleigh where he will attend the Methodist Conference being held there this week. ? ? ? Every dollar you have invested in the Annual Seal Sale has been multi plied many times and accumulated year after year. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore and their daughter, Miss Nancy Lou were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cutch in? in Washington on Sunday. ? * ? The many friends of Master Billie McCullom will be glad to know that he is some better after being con fined to his home this week. ? * ? Members of the Rotary Club ac companied by their Rotary Anns at tended the Inter-City Meet held in Greensville on Friday evening. ? ? ? We can conquer tuberculosis if we are willing to pay the price. - When you purchase your Christmas Seals, you help us to reach our goal. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thome and Miss Bettie Joyner attended the Thursday session of the Methodist Conference being held in Raleigh. ? * ? There is no investment that you make in health and in the saving of life that brings bigger dividends than your investment in Christmas Seals. Friends of Miss Marguerite John son will regret to learn that she underwent an appendectomy at Park View Hospital in Rocky Mount this week. ? ? ? Friends of Mr. Roland Lang, Jr., will regret to learn that he is in the Pitt Community Hospital in Green ville where he underwent an append ectomy on Wednesday evening. * ? ? Mr. C. L. Ivey, local agent for the Home Security lift Insurance Com pany will be the guest of the Com pany in Durham on Friday, having won another contest in the entire Washington District. ? ? ? Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, Mrs. Will Moore, Mrs. H. M. Wilson, and Mrs. Shufordr attended the Auxiliary meeting of the Fountain Presbyter ian Ckurrh on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. T. Fountain in Fouuntsin at which time Mrs. Hob good and Mrs. Shuford reviewed the following book; "Other Men Labour ed", by Dr. MacMfllian. ? ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Edwards of Jacksonville, Florida announce the tirtk at m daughter, Mary Joanna, on Friday, November the twelfth at Mary Whelm of tins city. SOCIAL CALENDAR I - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 3:00 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with Mrs. Minnie S. Warren. ' 3:00 P. M.?Presbyterian Auxil iary meets with Mrs. J. [ M. Hobgood. j 3:00 Garden Club meets with Mrs. Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Sr. 7:00 P. M. Red Men. j 7:30 P. M.?Symphonic Chorus. Tuesday, 23 2:30 P. M.?Lamad Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Ted Al britton at the home of Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr. I 3:00 P. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. S. A. Garris. , 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. B. S. Smith. , 6:15 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:30 P. M.?Young Women's Cir cle of the M. E. Church meets with Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Jr. Thursday, 25 THANKSGVNG DAY Friday, 26 7:00 P. M.?I. O. O. F. 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. * ??????* ? * * SWINGBILLIES HERE FRIDAY * * NIGHT, NOVEMBER, 19th * * * The Blackwood Swing Billies will * * be here Friday night, November* * 19, with a brand new show. They * * are sponsored by the Primary De- * * partment of Christian Sunday * * School. Admission 15 & 25c. * ******** * ROTARY CLUB TO PRESENT PROGRAM The Farmville Rotary Club will present the program before the Snow Hill Rotary Club at a re-organiza tion Meeting to be held in Snow Hill on Friday evening. TO SPEAK IN RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Jr. will attend the Duke Alumni Banquet to be held in Raleigh on Friday eve ning in connection with the Method ist Conference in session there, where Mr. Morgan will deliver the princi pal address. SPANISH AMERICAN AUXILIARY Mrs. Nonie Barrett graciously en tertained the members of the Span ish-American Auxiliary on Thursday afternoon. In the absence of the president, Miss Virginia Atkinson, Mrs. Pearl Johnson presided. The meeting open ed with a salute to the flag which was followed by a short business ses sion. After adjournment, the hostess served a delicous salad course with coffee, wafers and mints. ATTEND WELFARE MEET Mrs. W. C. Askew, President of the Literary Club, Mrs. D. R. Morgan, Mrs. Ben Sheppard, Mrs. J. M. Christman and Miss Tabitha DeVis conti were among those attending the Welfare Meet held in Washington on Monday of this week in preparation for the annual Tubercular Seal Drive to go underway, beginning after Thanksgiving. There were both the morning and afternoon sessions with luncheon served at the hotel. Princi pal speakers were Dr. Ennett of Greenville, Pitt County Chairman and Migg Jann, representative from the Winston-Salem Headquarters. PROGRESSIVE RRlDGE CLUB | On Thursday afternoon at 3:00 p. i m./ Mrs. Ben Sheppard was the grac ! ious hostess of the Progressive Bridge [Club at her home on Walnut street I High score prize, a lovely pottery i vase in blue was won by Mrs. Jack Smith. The color scheme for the day was attractively carried out in both the floral decorations, with red chrysan themums and sumac bemes, and the refreshments, with cherry ice-box salad topped with whipped ceam and served with hot coffee, pickles, mints and slices of date-nut bread bearing Uncle Sam favors. Tallies were in turkey design. Mrs. J. M. Christman was a special guest of the hostess. MISS NETHERCUTT AND MR. HOLLOMAN ARE WED Miss Nina Mae Nethercutt,' of Maury and Runnie Holloman ? of Farmville, were quietly married Sat urday morning, November 13th, at the home of Rev. Miller, Methodist Minister in Hookerton. t The bride was attired in a brown suit with a pink satin blouse, and brown accessories. After the cere mony, the couple left for a motor trip in Western North Carolina. * - Mrs. Holloman is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J/H. Nethereutt, of Maury, Greene County Hie groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holloman, Farmville/,of Route One, well known family of this section. $ The couple will make their home on Route One, Farmville, on them return from the wedding trip. i CONTRACT^CLUB. | Th. Contract Club mot ^ Mr. W. Leslie Smith on Tuesday after noon at 8KK) o'clock at tho home of Mrs. G. Mi Holden. Table prizes, novel vases, were won by Mrs. Lathe Morris, Mm. Zeb Whitehurst, Mrs. M. V. Horton, Mrs. P. E. Jones and Mm. Prank Davis, Jr. A delicious salad course was serv ed as the guests arrived. Special guests were Mrs. Billie Mrs. Grover Webb, Mrs. S. A. Roe buck, Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., Mrs. P. Jones and Mrs. Vernon. LAMAD CLUB Mrs. Herbert Acton delightfully en tertained the members of the Iamad Bridge Club on Thursday afternoon at the home of her aunt, Mrs. R. H. Knott. Tables were laid in the spacious living room of the.Knott home, that was beautifully decorated with bou quets of chrysanthemums. Prizes for the afternoon were won by Mrs. Ted Albritton, who was presented a pair of novel vases for high score, and by Miss Mary Friar Rouse, who received perfume as a floating prize. Between progressions, the hostess assisted by Mrs. Knott and daughter, May, served Russian tea, sandwiches and mints. POWELL-FIELDS Miss Lottie Faye Powell and Mr. Raymond B. Fields Jr., were quietly married at the Christian Parsonage in Farmville the afternoon of Nov ember 12. Rev. C. B. Mashburn, and uncle of the bride, officiating. Mrs. Fields is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy T. Powell of Dover. She is a graduate of the Dover High School and has a large number of friends. Mr. Fields is the son of the late R. B. Fields and Mrs. Syble Taylor Fields, of Kinston, N. C., Mr. Fields is a graduate of the Kinston High School and was a member of the football team while in High-School. He is now engaged in farming near Kinston, where the young couple will make their home. D. A. R. Mrs. J. H. Bynum and Mrs. T. C. Turnage graciously entertained the Major Benjamin May Chapter of the D. A. R. at the home of Mrs. Hen rietta Williamson on Saturday. Mrs. Bruce Beasley of Fountain presided over a short business ses sion which was followed by the pres entation of the program. The princi pal speaker, Dr. L. R. Hildrup, from East Carolina Teachers College at Greenville gave a splendid talk on the Social Security Act. Following adjournment, a delicious chicken salad course was served. Special guests were Leon Eason and Mrs. Weaver. WOMAN'S CLUB ? j ? ? On Friday afternoon, Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. E. C. Carr, Mrs. John Holmes and Mrs. Sterling Gates were charming hostesses to the Wonman's Club at the home of the latter. During a short business session, plans were adopted for a cake sale to be held on Saturday of this week, with Mrs. J. M. Hobgood as commit tee chairman. The program for the afternoon was under the direction of the Literary Art Department which was a talk on Adult Education, "Stream-lining Your Mind," which was so splendidly given by Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Sr. Following adjournment, the host ess served Russian tea and sand wiches. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Mrs. Robert L. Smith was the charming hostess to the members of her card club and special guests on Friday afternoon. The Smith home was attractively decorated with chrysanthemums and ivy. Prizes for the afternoon were won by Mrs. John Lewis, who scored high for club members and was pre sented a lovely dresser set- Mrs. Zeb Whitehurst, who scored high for the guests and received lotion bot tles. Miss Elizabeth Eason, bride-elect was presented cereal bowls in her chosen breakfast pattern. Special guests were Mesdames, Grover Webb, G. M. Holden, S. A. Garris, M. V. Hoton, Zeb Whitehurst, J. E. Bynum; Miss Sara Brum, the houseguest of Mrs. M. V. Horton and Miss Elizabeth Eason, bride-elect. A salad course was served follow ing the play. CARD OF THANKS " We take this method of expressing | our heartfelt thanks and apprecia tion to our many friends and neigh bors for the many deeds of kindnss, expressions of sympathy and beauti ful floral offerings extended us dur ing the recent illness and death of our dear sister, lbs. Durwood God ley. Signed, Mrs. C. H. Mozingo Mrs. Jack Taylor Mr. Henry Tyson Mr. Joab Tyson Mr. John Tyson ! Mr. Oral, Tyaon. ingo, here, Tuesday afternoon at 8 P. It Rev. D. A. Clarke of the Farmville Methodist Church conduct ed the services assisted hy Hev. C. B. Mashburn of the Farmville Christian Church. Ita. Godley, formerly Mies Emily Tyson, attractive twenty-four year old daughter of the late Mrs. Addle Tyson and A. J. Tyson, well-known residents of Farmville, died at the Taylor Hospital in Washington on Monday morning at 10:16 o'clock af ter a severe illness of several weeks. Her condition had been most critical for some time, no hope being held: for her recovery. The deceased, a graduate of the. Farmville High School, had since her marriage in 19S5 lived in Washing ton. Interment was made in the Forest Hill Cemetery here. Surviving are her husband, Dur wood Godley; two sisters, lbs. C. H. Mozingo and Mrs. Jack Taylor of Farmville and four brothers, Henry, John, Joab and Claude Tyson all of Farmville. - Active pall-bearers were S. 0. Branch, R. E. King, Sam See, and Earl Harper of Washington and Rod erick Harris and Ernest Barrett, Jr., of Farmville. Floral bearers included friends from Washington and Farmville. The profusion of lowers gave ex pression of the high esteem held for Mrs. Godley by friends and loved ones. ANNOUNCEMENT ? Mr. and Mrs. H. M Mallard of Trenton, N. C. Announce the Mar riage of their daughter, Mary Therian Mallard to George Woodrow Rouse of Farmville, N. C., on November 17, 1987 in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Rouse will make their home here. Mr. Rouse is connected with Belk-Tyler Co., here. Poultry flocks in Franklin County recently put on demostration tests, have been laying at 60 per cent pro duction during the past month. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED AT SHOWER. Mrs. S. A. Gam's graciously enter tained on Tuesday evening honoring Miss Elizabeth Eason, Bride-elect The Garris home on Wilson Street was beautifully decorated with chry santhemums Receiving at the front door were Mrs. Garris and Miss Eason. Little Miss Marianna Walker, beautifully! dressed in bridal gown and veil es-l corted the bride-elect into the dining room where the gifts were attractive ly arranged on an appointed table which bore a bouquet of white chry santhemums and lighted tapers in green tied with white bows. Following the opening of the gifts the hostess served an ice course with individual cakes and mints in gren and white. LUCKY GRANDMA Finds Relief From Rheumatic Pain Was that Grandma we saw doing the Big Apple? Well, maybe not but she'll soon be 'trucking' and 'going to town' if she keeps on taking RUM A BAN. On sale at all drug stores. PARAMOUNT 1 THEATRE 1 ' FARMVILLE, N. C. WEEK OF NOV. 21 SUNDAY - MONDAY Errol Flynn and Joan Bkmdell THE PERFECT SPECIMEN* TUESDAY Robert Montgomery and Rosalind Russell In "LIVE, LOVE and LEARN" WEDNESDAY The Three Mesquiteers - ?? o 10:27 AM Lv. Zebulon Ar. 4:39 PM II II 10:36 AM Lv. Wendell Ar. 4:31PM || || . 11:15 AM Lv. Raleigh Lv. 3:55 PM || I; Travel for 2c per Mile 11 I; ECONOMY SPEED SAFETY || PIANO?WE HAVE A good used PIANO near FARMVTLLE, CAN BE HAD FOR THE SMALL BAL ANCE OWING ON SAME. COME IN OUR STORE AT 385 N. Queen Street, Kins ton, or write ALBERT F. JOHNSON, Box 603, Kinston, N. C. 4-tp IF YOU LIKE A Real Home Cooked Fruit Cake with plenty of fruit and flavors. Place your order early with MRS. J. L. BAUGHAM at Belk-Tylers. 11-1-87-tf FOR SALE ? Cut Flowers?home grown and green house. Attractive baskets. Funeral Designs. Call Mi. s. E. F. Gayaor, Dial 220-1. A Awnfi ili A A A A -?? -9- ?- ? t ? TvTTTTTTtrTTTT'rTTTTTTTTTTTT | DAVIS HOTEL J + Mr and Mrs. J. A. Mewborn ' + J Proprietors + f Rooms?$1.25 and $1.75 + * Breaiifast?40c + t SUNDAY DINNER 75c | ^Dinner-Supper, Wk.?65c + "% ? WttSfettC hlLitoirte csf? . i r'1, '? hn> hiwM ?wWwe... mI? Mm for m4tm ? mMMi'w'iiilirtM I'V ' . ' .J ' (imwMmow (wimupmraun AUMOUND) t?f|?? InUrUr*? liFTlttuAj %9dk Iwrfy ? Mrw 9f i?My. m. . ' 5jg5?"' ,[? ? ""'J Olvla* pntMtlN 222LSe^iSfr _ f>ii; 'V JS3K322S ' ?ON MAtm Di um. JWiQBM ONLY ni^Mrn m A 'OnaLm fWiCARTHATIS COMPLY It's great to drive a Chevrolet, when you ran get all of Chevrolet*! modem advantages at such low prices and with such low operating costs. 22 2^2^ 2222 2St2222^Q^2B2jB^2^ R^^B WRITE CHEVROLET CO., M. GREENVILLE, N. C.