?l?? "") FsraviUe Eater&the FAWfTlU*W-G G.AJJBX BOUSE, Ow * Mfx. Aoodate Editor the bouse rmsamx aiwri|Hw ftfcn Oa* Year fUO ? Sir lfrtB 76c AawnaiNc RATEST ~ Display (KUra) Me Per fach AH Ugai ades. Si a in per MOMton M*tJ at 'thl Fbeteffice at FmnaviCc, N. G, on* I dsr act af March 3rd, 1878. CANTOR'S SOUND ADVICE Eddie Cantor is known to millioni of people in this country and othei nations through his performances ox the stage, the screen and in front of the microphone. The Jewish com " edian has brought laughter to mans and his reputation is built upon com edy. At the same time, he has an other side seldom ??, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 baptist chqbch Her. L. R. Earns, Pastor. 9:46 A. M.?Sunday School G. W. Davis, Superintendent 11 .*00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 6dl P. M.?Baptist Training Union. 750 P. M.?Evening Worship. 7:80 P. M. ? Wednesday, Prayer CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. C. B. Msshbvra, Pastor. 9:46 A. M.?Sunday School. J. O. Pollard, Superintendent. 11:90 A. M.?Horning Worship. 6:80 P. M.?Junior and Senior En deavor. 750 P. M.?Evening Worship. EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Jack R. Boon tree, Rector. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School J. W. Joyner, Superintendent \ 11:00 A. M.?Morning Prayer and Sermon. 1 12:00 A. M.?Christmas Eve Special Midnight Service. r METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. D. A. Clarke, Pastor. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School. J. T. Thome, Superintendent 1 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 1 3:00 P. M.?The Eastern Carolina ' Symphonic Chorus presents "The Messiah." 5:00 P. M.?Junior Leaguers. 5:80 P. M.?Vesper Services. 7:00 P. M.?Young Peoples' Group PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Wilson, Pastor. 9:80 A. M.?Junior Choir. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday ScheoL J. H. t Payk>rF Superintendent 11.00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 7:30 P. M. ? Wednesday, Prayer Meeting. CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Hugh Dolan, Pastor. 10.-60 A. M.?Holy Mass. FOR SALE?CHRISTMAS POTTED PLANTS. Funeral designs. Call Mrs. E. F. Gaynor, Dial 272-6. LOST:? A WHITE GOLD WRIST WATCH, Elgin, Monday on Main street or Home Avenue. Initials? CBL.?Reward if returned to John B. Lewis. PIANO:?Splendid upright piano of standard make on which customer is unable to complete payments. May be purchased for unpaid bal ance on accommodating terms by responsible party. Piano is in per fect condition and will be sold under standard guarantee. Prompt action will be necessary to secure this ex traordinary bargain. Write Credit Department, Lee Piano Co., Lynch burg, Va. FOR YOUR PLUMBING, HEAT ING, orElectrical Trouble, or Installa tions . . . Call 267-1 W. LLOYD PERKINS ? at ? LUM WOOTEN'S SERVICE STATION DR. V. H. MEWBORN ? OPTOMETRIST ? NEXT VISIT Farmville?Office st Field?' Jewelry store MONDAY, DECEMBER 27. Aydea office over P. R. Taylor A Co. MONDAY, JANUARY 3rd Eyce Examined ? Glasses Fitted ?Tarboro Every Saturday? Up m the Morning Feeling Fine! The refreshing relief bo many folks say they get by taking Black-Draught for con stipation makes them enthu siastic about this famous, purely vegetable laxative. Black-Draught puts the digestive tract la bettor oondltinn to act regu larly, every day, without your ccn ttaually having to take mwtirtns to mova the bowels. Neat time, be sure to try A OOOD LAXAHV1 NOTICE Of RESALE \ _ Under and by virtu* of a? order of the Superior Court in the Special Proceeding entitled: "Dor. Joyner, Administratrix C. T. A. of the estate of Annie Barnes, and Dora Joyner, Individually, vs. Dempeey Barnes and wife Florence Barnes, Nardaea Tucker and husband fpul Tucker," same being No. 8714 iqpon the Sfoec ial Proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned Commissioner will on Thursday, December 23rd 1937 at 12 o'clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Greenville, North Carolina, offer for resale to the highest bidder for CASH, the following described real estate: (bidding too begin at *380.00), That certain tract of land lying and being in Farmville Township, Pitt County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as ' follows: Situated near the Southern edge of the Town of Farmville, beginning at corner of William Rasberry lot and running N 85 W 140 yards; thence S 24 W 70 yards; thence S 85 E 140 yards; to John Rasberry corner; thence N 24 E 70 yards with the Rasberry line to the beginning, con taining two (2) acres more or less. Being the identical tract coveyed by! R. L. Davis to Annie Barnes the 12th day of April 1916, deed recorded in Book J-12 at page 612. Being the first tract of land described in the pet ition of Dora Joyner, Administratrix C. T. A. of Annie Barnes against Dempsey Barnes and others. This the 7th day of December 1937. JOHN HILL PAYLOR, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtore of the power of sale contained in that certain deed j of trust executed by W. C. Edwards and wife Lula Edwards to J. L Peele, Trustee, dated March 17th 1931 recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pitt County in Book T-18 at page 231 , default having been made in the payment of the j indebtedness therein secured, the1 undersigned trustee will, on Friday, January 7, 1938 at 12 o'clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Green ville, North Carolina, offer for public sale to the highest bidder for CASH, the following described real estate. A certain tract or parcel of land in Pitt County, State of North Caro lina adjoining the lands of Walter Brooks and E. C. Edwards, and others and bounded as follows: Beginning. at the intersection of State Highway No. 12 with County Road on East Side of East Carolina Railway, run ning with County Road in a North easterly direction two hundred twenty-five (225) feet; thence in a Northwesterly direction one hundred forty one (141) feet to E. C. Ed wards' line; thence about South with State Highway No. 12 two hundred twenty-five (225) feet to the begin ning. This being all the land owned by Carolina White in triangle form ed by intersection of State Highway and County Road that lies Northeast of said intersection. A certain lot or parcel of land in Pitt County, North Carolina, and in the Town of Fountain, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the North west corner of the late J. W. Jef ferson's store lot; thence running about South one hundred fifty (150) feet; thence about West thirty three and on third (33 1-3) feet: thence about North one hundred fifty (150) feet to Wilson Street; thence about East thrity three and one third (33 1-3) feet to the beginning. One certain parcel or piece of land, situated in the Town of Fountain and in Pitt County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Beginning one hundred seventy-five (175) feet from the East corner of Square 22 and running North parellel with Lynch Street one hundred fifty (150) feet cornering; thence parallel with Wilson Street fifty (50) feet corner ing; thence South parallel with Lynch Street one hundred fifty (150) feet to Wilson Street cornering; thence East along with Wilson Street fifty (50) feet to the beginning, Being lot G in Square 22 as shown by the plot of the Town of Fountain, N. C. A certain tract or parcel of land in Pitt County, State of North Caro lina: adjoining the lands of G. W. Jefferson, J. A- Mercer and bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner four hundred twenty (420) feet from G. W. Jefferson's residence on the Sooth side of road that runs from Fountain to Falkland and running about East one hundred fifty (160) feet; thence about South three hun dred (800) feet; thence about West one hundred fifty (160) feet; thence about North three hundred (800) feet to the beginning. This being the , same lot sold to I* W. Edwards by j G. W. Jefferson and wife on Sept. \ 8th 1919, and recorded in Pitt County i registry. This the 7th day of December 1937. j J. L. PEELE, Trustee, JOHN HILL PAYLOR, 1 Attorney. 4 wka. J FOR SALE?Fresh Jersey Milk Cow Good Milker. See Mrs. Alice Flan agan, Farmville, Route 1, 1 mile of Langs X Roads. 2t-pd. . ?? ? S3 m im ' "nBOPLB 4o appreciate extra-mild ? extra ? fine-tasting tobaccos. And to millions onmiiliouaofimokers?that means Camel are ft matchless bfeod of ^MOM E3CPP1SIVE TOBACCOS? I Fruits-Nuts-- Candies A SOLED CAR LOAD TO BE RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES FROZEN DELIGHT E. J. BAROODY, * FARMV1LLE. N. C. ?555BBHSS5B551 AUCTION - 40 - MULES and MARES - 40 ! MONDAY, DEC. 20?1:30 P. ML?RAIN OR SHINE j At the B. M. LEWIS FARM, 3 Miles West of FARMVILLE on i Highway 264, Wilson Road. FORTY HEAD of i Fresh Shipped MULES and MARES to | the highest bidder. These Mules and Horses are all in the best of condition with plenty of qual ity. Many of these Pirchon Mares have been bred to Jacks and will bring nice folds. Mules and Mares range in ages from 3 to 7 years old, 1,100 to 1,250 lbs. in pairs and single. Take advantage of this SALE! All Stock Sold under a guarantee to be as represented. Will arrive Saturday for inspection and private SALE or TRADE! HOWARD STANLEY, Faraville Phone 205-6 I i "* " V T.yr.-~r:.:?7x,'-'Xr<*- ? ~ rzT-.^ ^ -:'? ^ ??? ^SHR ... vifi-w wy A Large Supply to Select From MANY ATTRACTIVE Christmas Packages ! For Your Approval - ALSO SERVED BY THE GLASS | See Our Display $ CITY CAFE Corner Main and Wilson Street Farmvilk, N. C. i ? ?.I ??i '' ? "\ ?' 1 ' '*? , o . Wj iThe Ideal Christmas Gift | You Will Find It At | Fields Jewelry Company | FARMVILLE, N. C. ? SPECIAL:- I We are offering $17,50 watches at $15.00. B Come in and look them over. K WATCHES-GLASS-JEWELRY-SILVER | WE SUGGEST , As Our Contribution To A jflerrp CfjristmaiS For You and Yours ? FURNITURE < - THE ENDURING GOT - "" i I LUGGAGE | TABLES CHAIRS SMOKING STANDS j CEDAR CHESTS 1 BLANKETS | SECRETARIES j DESKS ! WHAT-NOTS | BOOK CASES j STUDIO COUCHES PICTURES MIRRORS -.: Look This List Over! Init you will find a GIFT suita fole for any member of your family Until Xmas EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STOCK IS ON SALE ! RADIOS REFRIGERATORS WASHERS IRONS TOASTERS v LAMPS HEATERS | CLOCKS J MAGAZINE RACKS ' RUGS CHILD WAGONS VELOCIPEDES DOLL CARRIAGES , > MY NOW AND SAVE - At Yam - .