v_. _____ v mKV ^ PAKMVILLR PITT COUNTY^ NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. JULY 8, 1918 ~ NUMBER EIGHT VWIM TWMNTY^fRfE ' ? :? - v- ^ 1 ' . W SuMiy of Aeti ?ities .of OepMf ?eat of Hftlit Welfare, 1H7-H ??????????'??'??.ii ? niimtjiin ? Social Security Program Added As' Legislated Duties of County Wel fare Department In July 1987, the administration of the Public Assistance Program, a part of the Social Sorority Program, was added to the eleven legislated duties of the County Welfare Department. During the fiscal year, 670 inves tigations were made for'Old Age As sistance. Of this number 497 persons of the allotted quota of 500 received Old Age Assistance checks for June. The quarterly averages reported by the State Board of Charities and Pub lic Welfare for Pitt County corres pond closely to the state average. During the year, 59 cases have been dosed; 7 were transferred to other counties hy reason of the change in residence; 47 have died. Of the re maining 5 cases closed some-became able to support themselves or their responsible relatives were ahle to assume full support 165 investigations were made for Aid to Dependent Children repre senting 444 children. 128 applica tions .were approved for grants; 825! children benefitting from the Aid. These funds ere enabling the home to be more securely established; doee supervision and constructive case work aims to improve the family re lationships, standard of living; and community participation. Each moth er is required to furnish the Superin tendent of Welfare a monthly record of the expenditure of income earned and granted. The budgets are care fully studied and instructions given when needed to make the funds cover more necessities. 9 A B C cases have been dosed by reason of change in residence to another county or be cause the mother became self-sup porting. More than 45 applications for Aid to the Blind were received. At this time 26 are receiving monthly checks. Operations for the removal of catar acts and other impairments of vision have been provided. In the preventi tiva program of the Commission to the Blind the Welfare office co-oper ated in providing more than 300 pairs of glasses to school children. . nnfk Priimfv ? IB co-KjpentllUil wthi tire ~ j Health Department, the County Com miaifinrrn and the Welfare Depart ment ha?e provided 11 Burr cottages H for tuberculoma patients. These the cure" and remain at home I often a necessity in homes of Iow I incomes; and also, because the &ate I Saaitoriums have long waiting hats. I Patients in the Burr cottages axe oft en able to improve their health so that the stay at the satitorium is shqptpned with correspondingly re duced expense to the patient or the cous&y. A monthly average of 10 I patients are provided hospitalization. I Ths Department co-operatee with the I Health Department, abo in the vener I eal clinic. We?menu tests are re l diSs*heldEhmom* hS??calW for hospitalism of 24 patients, Operations, treatments, knees, and I e?T yuthT^ I adult parolees hare mada reports. I chikhrer is provided during the school Court for failure to ham. their minor ? I ^Mpwv ... I fpa fm . t . 1 dates 36 innriM% has only 24 at this thToid Age Assistance pro^tes 1 I ' - - ' ? Weed len Seek Earlier Opening Warehouse Association, However, Delays Ac tion on Market Issue In an effort to formulate a plan for obtaining a new and earlier open* ing date for eastern Carolina tobacco markets, members of the North Caro lina Warehouse Association met here Wednesday night, but deferred for mal action until a later meeting The United States Tobacco Asso ciation, meeting in White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., last week set August 25 as the opening date for markets in this belt. The late open ing date was displeasing to many warehousemen in this section and caused the meeting of the associa tion, and other warehouse repre sentatives, here Wednesday night. At a meeting of the Eastern Caro lina Warehouse Association in Kins ton several weeks ago the body passed a resolution asking the Unit ed States Tobacco Association to set the opening dates of the Eastern Carolina markets not later than two weeks after the opening of the bor der and South Carolina markets. At White Sulphur Springs, the association set August 4 as the open ing dates for. the border and August 25 for the opening dates here. Without exception at the meeting here the warehousemen seemed to feel | that the Eastern Carolina openings [ should b^ earlier than the date set by the national association. President J. J. Gibbons of Wilson, head of the Eastern Carolina Asso ciation, opened the meeting with the remark that: "We must go about this task with a sane viewpoint that is in the best interests of Eastern North Carolina." It was learned at the meeting that this belt's representatives to the meet ing in White Sulphur Springs urged an opening for this section not more than two weeks after the border and South Carolina belts but that the association, in open meeting sub stantiated the vote of the sales com mittee. ii President Gibbons commented 'that the three weeks' lapse between the border and South Carolina belts and the Eastern Carolina belt was "the longest period of time between the two openings for some time." Most of the Eastern Carolina mar ket representatives told the meeting here that they had been instructed to abide by .what the meeting did. Though no decision was made on the matter at this time it was thought that it would probably be in the next few days. RECREATION NOTES On the Fourth of July, forty-eight small boyi and girls took part in a I parade sponsored by the local Recre ation Cotter. Instead of the High I School Band as had been anticipated the Cento substituted its own Httlej Behind the Rythmn Band came the ? toy lire truck, decorated for the oc-1 casion and driven by Ehrtn Bay Jones,! of Greenville, followed by little^aidel Made Carraway, dressed in ah at tractive costume and charmingly im personating Miss America. She rodel '^I^pai iiili t th Park here ? jas^Sw^Jj'to 12:30 and 2-00*to I games, etc., with a sand box for the =SSgVj 'J JU .O'ii.ii iV.li'nlj |ij!ctetoi? wmvmbbmmmm?? - Citizens Vote To Issue School Bonds For New Educational Unit Here; The special bond election held here Tuesday to deeide the issuance of $41,900 school bonds with the lery ie? * srfficteat tax to the puy ment of same for financing a new educational unit, met .with overwhel ming success, the result being re ported at 800 of the 483 registered voters, voting in favor of the project and 10 .against 4 PWA grant of !SJM*0 to be used in conjunction with the jUkOOO raised by issuing the bonds, is thought to be available for use in construction of an Agricultural and Manual Arts Building and Gymttaahun, together with a new heating system for the present school building. MlteNwIi First Placs For r.o.Miog -i?r? Washington July 7.?Bepresenta tive Lindsay Warren said today that with the approval; of an allocation of $70,000 made to. the purchase of a site and the erection of. the Federal building at Ahoskie, recently an nounced by the Treasury Department, IFarmville now stood No. 1 on the I First District eligible list for a build ing in the future. Two years ago Mr. Warren caused a survey to be made of FARMYILLE for this purpose and a $70,000 building and site was recom mended. Plymouth, the only other eligible town* in the district stands as No. 2. Mr. Warren stated that under exist ing law, there would be no more post otfftoe hhildings to receive funds until j three years from now, provided Con gress made the necessary appropria tions at that time. If Congress should change the law, he said that Farinville migst get a building be fore ?hen. Congress does not appro priate funds for any individual town. It comes in a lump sum applying to the entire nation Past appropria tions have provided for one eligible toww, Jq each Congressional District . Edenton got its buildding during the Hoover administration. Under the Roosevelt administration, addition^ were made to Federal buildings at Elizabeth City, Washington and also Greenville. Last year an allocation was made for Williamston and Ahos kie: came under the new bill just passed by Congress. PETTlGREW-BAuGHAM ?i S .. Friends here will be interested to leamoi?ihe. marriage of Miss Edna Eari Baugham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baugham, to Walter James Pettigrew, son of Mrs. J. E. Petti grew, of Atlanta, Ga.,' and the late M* PeiWttewi which took place 1n Trinity Methodist church, Duriipa, Friday evening at eighb-thirty, with the pastor, Dr. J. T, Perry, officiat ing: The ceremony was attended only by r#$tm and intfipgtp friendsj Mrs: J. T. Perry played proces sional and recessional marches at the organ and soft music while the vows were spoken. IT.. O The bride entered with her uncle, BL E, Baugham, who gave her in marriage, and,was met at the chancel rail hy the U^fegroom ap4 hfashejt jinan, R. G. Bgughara. J ' The bride wore a modish navy blue traveling ensemble with hat and pc? cessories to match and a shoulderette ?I, a vivacious young educated in Green i" ?V'^? ?? * '*"! - ' ' ' |p*wf ? ?*_^^. \iV-i lr y: f J^B^^K^h' ? ?' -"l' ? ' ? ?"*. ?...?> (Hugo S. Sims, Washington <Jk>rrea?I pondent.) I ? J jfYHAT ARE THE POLITICAL f (PROSPECTS .OF. THE REPUB-j LI CAN PARTY IN 1938? In a recent statement, the executive! Committee of the Republican National I Committee expressed its conviction I that the Party "will make substan-J tial gains in ell parts of the countryJ electing governors in a number of I states as well as Substantially is-1 creasing the Republican strength in) the United States Senate and the) House of Representatives." Gains Expected. '? f ?1 K' " *dt'} Y ' * " ' ?1' This prediction is somewhat vague | hot in private conservation the ideal is expressed that the Party will gain I at least five seats in the Senate and! probably sixty-fiye members in thel House. This has been the standard) forecast for (he past few months.) No one knows how close to the truth I it will be. It is entirely too early to I undertake anything like a checkup on I the statements of those running thel political parties of the country, Jt J is their guess and only our report. Kj The party organization is active with Chairman John D, M. Hamilton making a series of speeches, , designed to encourage a "natural" coalition with the Democratic Cknaprn#^ Speaking in the South, Mr. Bafnjlton , said it would be "political chicanery" to change the party name to catch , Southern voters, but expressed the view that an effective coaltition is >; within the range or probability. He i lopks forward to the November elec tion to indicate the trend for and says an increase of 126 Re publicans in the House and a gain of , Hue Senators would reflect a reac- , tion, withBeppblipan success in 1JM0. ( Bids For The South, Mr, Hamilton made a bid far Ij Southern support in speaking to the ] Republicans' convention in -Alabama,* asserting that a definite campaign in , the South was "under consideration." { He found no insurmountable barrier , between the real Demacrats In the , South and the Republican party, de- * elating that only daap-aeated loyalty } keeps many Southern Democrats from < formally and openly repudiating the Democratic Party under its present j leadership.; He declared that the R?- , publican Party was founded on prin^ , ciples laid down by Thomas Jefferson j and today stands "as the only organs < ized champion of the Jeffersonian phi losophy," ' : ; j Declaring that the future welfare ] ?of the South, as well as the entire ( ?country, depends on getting rid <df | ?the New Deal, Ifr. Hamilton <dte<f>ft extended production and reduced . ?prices of cotton, Baying the outlook ?'is darker than it has even been" and 1 ?blaming the situation on the New ?Deal and ita policies of "artificial and. / ?enforced restriction,u ?Sits "We Planned . . Touching on cotton, the South's J ?great crop, he said that during the < ?twenties, the price averaged around y twenty cents a pound but today, Ivans- t Bated into the terms of the old gold ? ?dollar, it is equivalent to four and J recorded history. So saying, he chal- ? lenged the President: "Let him who 4 ?said at Charleston, S, C., 'We planned .j it that way,' explain that New Deal 3 failure." .1 With Franklin Waltipan, well < known Washington newspaper man, ( handling publicity to offset the col- } umn of Charlie Michelson, for the j| Democrats, the organisation hopes!] Bb-i?lta)de Bepublicans and sat dis-h satisfied Democrats, It plans to raise] $175,000 for the Senate campaign]! and $600,000 for the House. It also!) faces the Job of wiping out a $700,- ]< 000 deficit j Not All Harmony. ? While the Bepublicans may bs unit- (.1 ed in attacking the Administration,]! and encouraging the return of their u party to power, all is not harmony! within its ranks. There still exists I .. Jiwfi-i - . ^^ J*; ,1 ^11 pM ^ ITniiiiissst I* - " vniL* , if fnmnHnir iA jiuwmi . ..t . 1,-1 1-j It &tktm ' \A<Ll in ' t I. v ? CI 1?'W^P ? ^9 |,< '.^nMi fl| VVII IIS .SB H- * ;<>"' Settlement ;-,v,.' '? - : Shanghai, July 7.-Japanese re stdnal capiUl and goal of J?P??8 campaign. .? Bombers ranging ahead of ground forces were a#i^ to have sunk > dozen Chinese troop-laden junks near ^ ^^ToW^ tive of the invars. ? .,, ;? 3S3S TZjm stream. Reports of Jepanese success in -m* Hankow were cpifcfc**! ?y CM nese assertions tha^ tWr JgW and regular forces ware infUeting heavy daipagp: ^ scattered regies df everwlden ing field of hlstiUties. . These aonftWl** came to a Shang hai on edge M* P^le d%ttdera arising from the first, "anniversary today of the outbreak of the war.( Throughout the international sec-1 ttons of Shanghai authorities too$ precautions against outbreaks. The fourth regiment of United States Marines established patrols in the American defense sector of the International Settlement. Even before midnight, streets of the International area were packed with pedestwdns and police, wty stopped automobiles in a search, for juspected terrorists. The prospect of a ipore vifpropa propaganda war added to the appre hension, , ' Chinese miilitary and civilian lead jrs began a series of patriotic speeches, recounting achievements of he year and declaring the govern ment's determination to resist Japan, the anniversary date was deaig iated "Armed Beslstonce and Na tional Reconstruction Day." rIn Hankow, Generalissimo Chaing tai-Shea appealed to the Japanese people to "halt the madness of their militarists" in a statement referring Mhe "barbarity and cruelty" of^the Japanese army, Premier Prince Pumimwo Ko ioye declared lit an interview with he Japanese Press at Tokyo that '? here was "no .possibility of peace hrough neutral meditation" and said 0s government was taking both liplomatic and economic measures to persu^:^d powers to suspend assistance to China, ?? Wtf'SSX 3? - " EH Club Members To Attend Short Course lie 4-H short course at State Col , July vW give hundreds if North Carolina boys and girls a week of recreation and wholesome en ertainment along with the class work ihd addresses by noted speakers; One boy and one girl will-be eligi ile to attend from e^h club in |e State, todiiwkhfiBe to iaStefrtery STSfeK, "T at ,to rot*!, jreuft and fte evening 6S?k,J55^ hi rt jjj op6M wi'h ftp in . ' T*^TTT nrt ; * ? '^5. Mum Men Crack I Down On $1,000, AAA I ? Hi I L 080 kpM Courts bit . ? . . . Washington, N. C., July 6.?Nine residents of the Blount's Creek sec-1 tion, 12 miles from this city, were! arraigned today before Mrs. Hugh! Paul, United States Commissioner,! and bound over to the fall term of r Federal Court In Durham on charges! of a "million-dollar" conspiracy tor violate Internal Revenue lawB and! to defraud the United States gov-J erament of liquor taxes in the manu-r facture and transport of illicit whis-J key. V Four of the defendants were I placed, under $1,000 bond each; the!1 five others under $600 bond each. | ( - Four-Year Investigation. Evidence presented at the arraign-!' raent, in the form of a Guilford! County grand jury indictment, in-r dicated that hundreds of thousands! of gallons of bootleg "monkey rum" I' have poured in steady streams fircmT this manufacturing center to con-l cuming centers, primarily in the 1 Piedmont section, since undercover |( operatives initiated a widespread in- M vestigation in Durham four years ago. - | Undercover agents of the Bureau J of Internal Revenue were said to I have lived for months along the 1 bapks of Blqunt's Creek, hunting, I1 fishing and visiting mammoth whia- l' key, sites in the role of private citi- j zens. The >?x)spiracy case was j broken with a secret grand jury in- M dictraent in Greensboro early in June of nine men in this section and J five, others who were said to have ( operated in the, vicinity of Durham. { Load A. B. C. enforcement offi- 1 cers and State Highway Patrolmen cooperated with undercover men who massed inconceivable amounts J of et|idai)ce;Jn confiscated automo biles and t^Mo thousands of tons j; of sugar and mash,' truckloads of . jugs and wooden kegs, over the four- . year period of the probe, in addition ^ to hundreds of thousands of gallons of ^pt boo^e, al\ alleged in the in dictment to have been manufac- f tared in the Blount's Creek sector. . Bound over to Middle District j Federal Court for trial September 26 before Judge Johnson Hayes in Durham, are: W. B. (Bill) and Rob ert R. Mills, brothers; Clifton Mills, ?k ' ??*?!? /I nephew,01 toe jbtner mines; uuy Lewis/ brother-in-law of Clifton Mills; Guy Mi)ls, Jasper Mills, Jesse C^yton, Edgebert Warren and Mark ^hacieford. Bond for the first four named is $1,000 each. . r Deputy United'States Marshal B, t P. Buck, who served the Federal * processes in this county, said.that * those nine men were "the most I eyer arrested at one time." Although B. I. R. Special Investi gators A. G. McDuffie, A. M. Ar- . nold, J. L. Dirti.ig and Albert W. Joyce, of the bureau's Baltimore s headquarters, were without authori ty to issue a statement relative to 1 the case, it was estimated that the altegad, conspiracy hadcoat the Fed- c eral government more than $1,000 000 in whiskey tax evaaipns over the c four-year span. A Federal tax of SSiQO is payable on eaeh gallon of i liquor soWrin this, country, with an I added $2.00 penalty for each gallon on Which no original tax was paid. } Hence, .each gallon of bootleg sold tax free represents $4 in taxes which t legally belongs u> Uncle Sam. ; . - ' J ' The flowing stream of illegal whia- 1 key which is alleged to have .been ( headed in the Blount's Creek area waa said by complainant B. L -R. 1 agents to have been the. prime source of supply for the consuming c cities of Durham, Raleigh, Greens boro,& Rockyfe Mount, Chapet Hill, Wi|son, (Raxbaro, Sanford, Burling- - ton and other Carolina municipalities. I Materials'for such mass produc- M tion, the indictment charged, includ ing tons of sugar and raakh, were c&ted by agents and highway patrol-1 Sotno i^OOu of coke, used ml loar through the use of pow*^. , notors, had been confiscated. ? -fc-V.il: '? ? '! ? ?? ii? Citizens Requested To Aid In Special Cam paign : ? > The Parmviile officials desire to make FarmviHe a modal town is good, sanitation. ' Looking to this end the' have requested the County Health Department, through its Sanitary In spector, J. H. Moore, to give Emhk ville special attention along this line. But it is not Plough simply for the., city officials and the County Health Department to cooperate in this ef fort for better sanitation; it is abso lutely essential that Hie householders, themselves, and the dtisens in gen eral, cooperate in this general pro gram of better sanitation. Some of the items which call for special attention are: Sewer con nections or sanitary privies; clearing the yards of weeds and grass and old ?. cans and other receptacles which may hold water and act as mosquito breed ing places; cleaning stables and cow lots to prevent fly breeding; garbage protection; cleaning chicken coops and chicken rards so as to do away with offensive odors which annoy your neighbors, and proper screening of all lomes to prevent malaria, typhoid, ate. Meat markets, dairies, milk handling, and all public eating places suck as hotels, restaurants, cafes, etc., will be given special attention. The Sanitary Inspector will have the active cooperation of L. T. Lucas, chief of police, but will not use law enforcements until the citizens have >een given a reasonable length of time in which to comply with the lealth regulations. It is understood that the general plan of this campaign calls for a weekly report from the Sanitary In spector to the Clerk, R. A. Joyner, uid a monthly report by the Health Officer and the Sanitary Inspeeotr to ? ;he Board of Aldermen. The starting point is for every louseholder and every business con :em to investigate his own premises it once and correct all unsanitary con litions and not wait for a complaint 'rom the Sanitary Inspector. Farmville is known ?? ? modern, ; )rogressive town and it is to the io erest of every citizeh in it that we ontinue to justify this reputation >ut, we can't do it if we have unsan tary privies; weeds and grass In the tack yards breeding mosquitoes; sta- ; . " ties apd cow lots breeding flies; ex" tosed garbage; the stench of Unclean hicken coops making it impossible or your neighbor to use his own tackward; and "unsanitary meat mar kets and eating places. As good citizens living in a good, own lets all pull together to makeit * . i cleaner and a better place. ? , sVvV iy . ' THOUGHTFUL WIFE Philadelphia. ? When Dr. Bernard ). Judovich awoke, he found his wife aissing. Alarmed, he began calling he various hospitals and finally lo atedd her, being informed by hospi al attaches "She's here. Doing fine. I six and one-half pound boy." ? i ? ???~ 11 ? ? v WHO KNOWS? " - ' ? 1. What is the status of Mexico's seizure of foreign oil properties? 2. How many strikes occurred in 087? 3. Is American shipbuilding in reasing? 4. Has China officially severed liplomatic relations with Japan? 5. Did any pitcher, before John ty: Vander Meer, pitch successive no ift games? ? * 6. How many nations paid the Tune installment on U. S. war loans? ' 7. Has France recently increased * r. , 77 <*??*- ?) ~f'? /Y, - If} 1 he size of her Army? & * t)oeff the United States train irivate industry in the manufacture >f war materials? ^n'[ " ? 9. Who recently married Lily fops'? /;?*xn 10. Who is the Secretary General >f the League of Nations? * (See "The Answers" on page 4.) \ (See "The Answers" on pag* 2) i 1 - - .? "1 pJBlkhait, ted. ??.;;t}flhaa ctticexp^x^ stopped the car of Sam and Max Silk jecause they failedtodieplay a head ^eraj^T4^8lacTf ?8SSnt iquor, valued at $760. ' . Pro t ii ti f uick t~ ara advocated tor conL^^niuwlil 3Utj the orisii^l Dlanfcfood material. * ?. _ * ?.

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