Roosevelt Talks to Nevada Group; Speeds to Coast - ? ? mi ?? mum ? ??? Crowd at Carim Inter rupts the Presidentialf Speech to Applaud Pat McCarran. Aboard President Roosevelt's Train | En Route to San Francisco, July 18*?-l? A station crowd at Carlxn, Nevada, h interrupted a talk by President Rooee-J, velt today to applaud Senator Path McCarran (IX, Nevada), a bitter foeL of some New Deal legislative propos-L i lite rreeifinnt was accompanied to j the rear platfonn of bis special train! ' by Albert Kflliard, opposing McCar- L ran of renomination. Hilliard has L pledged fall support to the admin-L istratkw. McCarran, who had board-j, ed the train at Ogden, Utah, came! onto the platform after Mr. Roose-L velt had started speaking. fj "Hello, Pat," someone called, andlj a round of applause rippled through j the crowd. The President, smiling, I stopped speaking momentarily and u shook hands with McCarran. L McCarran thereafter joined fre-L quently with the crowd in applaud^ 11 ing Mr. Roosevelt's statements that t water should be pat to its best pos-jc sable use for the benefit of residents v of Nevada and the nation as a whole, t Before the platform appearance, L McCarran hqd told reporters that b*L thought Mr. Roosevelt's cross-coun- j f try tour had made no change in po-U litical sentiment. McCarran was one r f of the Senators who fought Mr.L Roosevelt's court reorganisation hill g last year, and he voted against the j government reorganisation plan. X To Caiuornia 5 Leaving Carlin, the President sped ? onward toward California where he t piawiMwi to apeak at the San Fran- { cisco exposition grounds tomorrow; ( and, perhaps, say a good word or two for flatter William Gibbs Mc- . Adoo, one of his staunch supporters. I The Iheakfcnt told his Carlin sta- I tion andiaace that he thought the country was getting more "water conscious." Better use of water in Ne vada, he said, should make it pos sible for the state to support a larger . population. ?? "We u Washington are not for getting year state and your prob- . Jems," he said. The Pieaidsat left the rear plat- * form before the tram palled out, tel- ? ling his listeners that Tve got some a work to do." This consisted, he ex- 1 plained, of getting in touch with ^ Washington officials by telephone. * After Mr. Booeevelt embarks for his Pacific cruise at San Diego Sat- v urday, he ssaerterl, he would be "in 1 five-minute touch with Washington by * telephone." J He aaid it was naesasnry that he * keep doaa communication with the ( capital kacsaae of the numerous "problems all over the country and ' also the problem of foreign affairs."" 0 i McCarpsa, who told newsmen that' * his opposition to snch major admin- J iatratkm proposals as the court and parently wfes helping rather than ' nation, obeerved: " sentiment any." As to Oklahoma j Senator Elmer Thomas beat a field , of three, MeCarran ^ventured the j had giro Senator^Alben j for * Mid' -kop?f to ta&| KSB&MS. "*]|?| WI|C?v #j Jaj.^|?J?l - 11 Two-Thirds Cotton Yield May Result Cool nfefcts and excessive rain dur ing the past month map react in a rotton yield for the State of only wo-thirds normal, Mr. John T. rhorne of Farmvilla, commented here ?day upon his return from Raleigh share he attended a board meeting if tiie North Carolina Cotton Grow srs Cooperative Association and dis :ussed crop conditions with other nembera of the board from all sec tions of the State. "All of our directors are cotton lumen sod the general view-point Expressed in regard to crop condi ions and expected yield was pesai nistic," Mr. Thorne said. The meeting attnded by Mr. Thorne vas the first the directors have held n the Cotton Associations new home, ocated at 121 East Davie Street, in ialeigh. "The steady growth of the coopera ive movement in North Carolina had osde our former quartern inadequate o serve our needs," commented Mr. [home, in pointing out that the new >oilding provides approximately 30, 00 feet of floor space as compared rith only 17,000 in the former quart ers. The building is located near he city market where farmers con gregate and will be-more convenient or members than the former quar ers. The four-story brick building is wned by the Cotton Association and fives the cooperative movement in forth Carolina permanent quarters, n addition to the Cotton Assoda ion, the building also provides of ice space for the Farmus Coopera ive Exchange, the Carolina Qo-opera or Publishing Company and the Cooperative Insurance Companies. French Tike Pre cautions Against Insurgent Drive Eendaye, France (At the Spanish frontier), July 13. ? Reports that Spanish Insurgents planned a drive Jong the French border to match be costal campaign against Valencia nought quick action today from the faneh general staff. French border anti-craft defenaee rare strengthened on reports that nsuxgents, with the aid of Italian roope, were being concentrated for i push to cut government Spain off ram France. On the Valencia front, Insurgent ieneralisshmo Francisco Franco was aid to have massed an army of 200,-1 00 men for an offensive against that rovecnment seaport. General Jose iiajp brought his government forces tp to 250,009 to meet the drive. Government dispatches said Miaja tad hahed lnsurgent drives on Segor ie, 85 miles northwest of Valencia, nd on Sagunio, strategic highway paction 16 miles to the northeast A bird insurgent force was locked with pverament troops in the Espadan fountains, about 16 miles north of. he Teruel-Sagunto highway. Franco apparently was holding his iaad in preparation for a grand of fensive. ' ~ t . j va J4>. ^^ Observers saw the hand of Italian Premier Mussolini in the reported reparations for the Insurgent north ern drive. Such a campaign, they jointed out, would serve three puri 2. Gav^ ltaliin ".tjpoops vataatd* Oiowledge> of France's southern ap jjl^ Put Italian troops at a spot 'la, ? kjv _ rLiJ MJn;on vioS^in^i cptton-claaeing agrviJ Germany has heretofore refused to ' admit. He pointed out Brazil's con- 1 tention that the Ask 1 mark is con- 1 vertiWe into Brazilian milreis as well 1 as into German reichmarks. 1 Sooner or later, he said, the pres- ; ent issue had to be faced. After at tempting to straddle the fence be- - tween the German and American in- 1 ternational trade policies for several ( years, Brazil was rapidly being forced 1 into a position where she had to 1 choose between than. * ? . - * - < IlWarns Farmers About I L Quack-Cure Peddlers; "If a slick-tongued salesman comes ? round and tries to sell you a 'sure cure' for aleeping sickness in horses, send him on his way before ha has . a chance to get any of your money," . Dr. C. D. Grinnells, veterinarian at the N. C. Agricultysal' Experiment , Station, warns-Tar Heel farmers. Last year's outbreak bf this fatal | disease in horses, and the approach ' | of the 1938 season for another out- ? break, have encouraged peddlers at , nostrums to attempt to cash in on the | situation oyer a wide area. The disease is limited almost eh tWy > j&m ho^ Tta .ymp- : toms are at a nervous type as shown by the mental condition of affected animals, abnormal movements, and paralysis. These symptoms are often preceded by a marked depresssion in the animal's spirits. The animal at flr" nSLad'-'^aSllB ft principal -Chinese munitions routt. | ?? ? "? ^ 1 ?J*?'* (FKHH& tv^TVSBB omlh^ Chinese. nitBt& r Two r Bptrsuit snip* - over uisxowi ? ' I ? ? II ? : I ? iV 'niViiS?" ? ' i r ? ^ ,m~ riHffwl I;.;* , '? t. yjM&' % K% lg|g? V ?,'$ I ftL!?_ L threw % bilk of his last reserves into a laid, water and air offensive against large Japanese forces driving toward China's provisional capital in fitaaskoaf and claimed a series of spec tacular victories. Seven or more Japanese warships were damaged in aerial bombings on the Japanese fleet in the Yangtse river below Kfaltiakg, the Chinese ?aid, and United Press correspond* ents confirmed that at least one Jap Shanghai with her stern partly blown out I In South China, the Kwantung pro vincial government asserted that Chinese forces had reoccupied most of Namoa Island, off Swatow, which was seised by Japanese bluejackets last month. Chinese forces, too, still were hold- ; ing the waterfront of Kiuhiang, a Icey city inr Hankow's southeastern defenses, and were battering the Jap anese armies around Hukow?Just east of Kiutigng across the entrance ?- ?i*a? oar ?. Teel was owner of a tourist camp against which the charges were brought, and since, that time accord ing to Trial Solicitor D. M. Clark, has dismantled the cabins on .his prop erty and made legal steps to prevent any resumption of such business on the former location. JEach- member of the trial jury and seven. State wit nesses also recommended the action, the parole order stated. Three other paroles were an nounced yesterday and 20 appeals Cor clemency were denied. Paroled were Willie Toweott, Negro sentencedLto 10 to 16 years from Washington county far. # con viction in 1981 of second'degree mur der; Kills Williams, serving two to three years jdnca October front (Co lumbus County for involuntary mfen slaugfcter; and Ernest Colling, sent up from Mecklenburg County in No vember for 15 months for larceny. Our fltjj&Ii |||ii To Maates (By Florence-Lewis) | We left FannviUe dmut five o'clock on Friday morning, July 8th. Our. first stop of importance was in Eden ton, the second oldest town in North Carolina. The places of interest in thiB place axe St. Paul's Church, erected in 1736, Cupola Hquse, eroded in 1756, and the Court House erected in 1767. We visited St. Paul's Church. The Rector of the church gave us some Interesting history concerning some jf the oldest people who are buried in this chmetery surrounding the entered ckureh nil ? visited both the wain auditorium and Lhe balcony which Has a fery ancient touting organ. We then registered iuid proceeded on our journey. The next stop wqp at Kill Devil Hid near Kitty Hawk. On this hill to the Wriglt Memorial which was ^ thi/i hill that Wilbuip and Or iVright experimented with their before putting an engine in it, the foot of the hill they made their first successful flight ; A diet of our company climbed the monument After- reaching Manteb, we went to the Court House where we were finished some of the partj^went bade to Kitty Hawk to go In bathing, ? j t 1 ? i '? , ? - I X/&Bv wOlouy^ f wfl . ?? -??k PB. lowm dsutlsts O# IB# Sabe^to^iA K-^/,* *"?r?"*m?mmm^0'!r^m'*?a '?. is*"" A *j'-rc n ^. pnTt kmpti - trty M a xrY??mMt> 1/68 Moines* ml wno& ? * -jBSgB .-it*^?to'*lr- ?? JnBK'Wi > % wji-t:,:^; */xwws tl S :?jg