Farmville Enterprise farmville; n. c G. ALEX ROUSE, Owner 4 Mgr. Eva Horton Shackleford Associate Editor Published by-? THE ROUSE PR1NTEST Subscription Price: One Year SI.50 ? Sir Months 75c j ADVERTISING RATES: Display (Minimum) Ste Per Inch Readers?Per Line?5c All Legal ad vs. 5c a line per week I Published weekly and entered as I Second Class Mail Matter at the I Postoffiee at Farmvilie, N. CL, un- I der act of March 3rd, 1878. I BOTH RACKETS It's just about as we suspected! Senator McNaboe, of New York, I ir.ember of joint legislative commit-1 tee, investigating communism and I nazism in that State, says that he is! of the opinion that "both these move- J nients are what might be called rack-1 ets." In our opinion the New York legis-l lator is right. They are rackets and their intake is increased by much of I the plblicity that is given them by! easily-excited "patriots" and politi-I cians with axes to grind. SOVIET RUSSIA'S FLEET We see by the newspapers that the President of Soviet Russia sayB that the Soviet must have a naval fleet second to none, even surpassing' the fleet of Great Britain. This is quite a different ambition from that of mastering the Germans in the Baltic or of matching the Jap anese in the Far East. It is a dan gerous ambition, too, as other na tions have discovered in the past. Nevertheless, one must realize that Soviet Russia is an immense country, abounding in resources. It has a large population that some day in the future, perhaps, will demand a place in the capitalistic sun despite present-day talk of different ideals. Just what Russia will mean to the v?orld in the next hundred years is quite a puzzle but those who suspect that the huge country of the late Czar is going to fold up completely might as well revive their ideas. PEDESTRIAN RIGHTS The Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania has ruled that pedestrians have equal rights with automobiles on highways that have no sidewalks. This is the law, undoubtedly, and yet few pedestrians care to contest their right with an automobile, ap proaching at sixty miles an hour. Those that make the mistake leave handsome claims for damages to their heirs when they stand on their rights and maintain their ground as the vehicle approaches. This brings us to the question why sidewalks are not provided on high ways in congested areas. Surely die State government that spends mil lions of dollars to give autoists means of transportation can afford to spend some money to give pedestrians safe ty as they go about their journeys. It is about time that somebody in au thority, somewhere, gave a few thoughts to the rights of pedestrians, now theoretically upheld in ?_ the courts. Explains Marketing Quotas For Tobacco ? i ? i ? Tobacco growers' marketing quo tas for 1988 will be determined in part from information that AAA com mitteemen hare been gathering for the past tro weeks or more. The methods to be followed in cal culating tobacco marketing quotas for individual growers have been es tablished by Congress in the crop control program for this year, said ?. T. Floyd, AAA executive officer St State College. The committeemen have bees ask ed to determine what is considered the normal marketings of farms which have been producing tobacco I in th past These normal marketings will be subject to adjustment if naees I sary to keep th total for all individual growers from exceeding the state and ' national quotas. The national quota for flue-cured tobacco is 705,000,000 pounds of which three pr cent has been set aside for dew growers. The state quotas will be determined on a basis of the aor mal marketings of the growers in each state producing ffae-eured leaf. A four per cent addition to state quo I will be allowed or ? '" ^ v.. _ fy/f: . In determining normal marketings, I iT . * , ?, . rl. f j .? , . * QQmmitteemeii will consider tne total Rains Wash Soluble Nitrogen From Soil Protracted rains this season have brought fanners concrete evidence of the risk they ran when depending entirely upon soluble, inorganic sources of nitrogen in fertilizing crops at planting time, said C. B. Williams, head of the agronomy de partment at State College. The pale green and yellow crops, especially in Eastern North Carolina, are suffering from a lack of nitro gen, he explained. The soluble sources of this element are easily leached out of the soil in rainy weath er. Experiments', however, have drown that where the inorganic nitrogen, which is necessary, is supplemented with organic sources such as cotton seed meal, soybean meal, fish meal,' dried blood, or tankage, crops are better protected against nitrogen defficienuy in wet weather. Nitro gen from organic sources does not dissolve as rapidly and will stay in the soil for a longer time than that from inorganic sources such as ni trate of soda and sulphate of am monia. Pale, sickly crops that appear to need nitrogen at this time will be helped by moderate applications of inorganic, quickly soluble nitrogen given as soon as possible, Professor Williams pointed out. Side-applica tions of 40 to 50 pounds of nitrogen ous material that can be taken up at once by the plants should help cotton in fields where the nitrogen original ly applied has leached out. Moderate applications of 75 to 100 pounds of soda or 60 to 70 pounds of sulphate of ammonia per acre should be given at once to corn and sweet potatoes where needed, he add ed. Additional applications are not necessary for tobacco, but breaking out the middles and ridging the rows will put more fertilizer in reach of the plant roots and promote better growth. WALSTONBURG NEWS Miss Juanita Reddick is visiting Miss Eula Knight in RoxobeL Mrs. W. A. Marlowe and Mrs. C. T. Hicks were Raleigh visitors Tuesday. Miss Geneva DaQ of Greenville was here for a short visit Saturday night. Miss Margaret Condon and Miss Jennie Lane visited friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Estelle Bailey and children spent the week end visiting relatives near La Grange. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Scarborough and Guy Dixon of Bath were Walston burg visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Spell and 0. G., Jr., of Farmville, visited friends here Sunday. . Mrs. W. A. Marlowe and Billy and Jimmie spent the week end with Mrs. Sarah Revell near Kenly. Mrs. A. R. Gay, Mrs. W. J. Shirley and Mrs. E. L. Jones ware Wilson vis itors Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey and family spent Tuesday visiting Mrs. Bailey's mother, Mrs. Smith; near Princeton, N. C. v.*. * ;. *: ; 3 SENTRY SHOOTS 2 - . Balboa, Canal Zone. ? A sentry noticing two men near one of the 16 inch guns defending the Atlantic en trance to the Canal, challenged the men. When they ran, he opened fire on them, apparently < wounding one. They disapepared in the jungle, leav ing a trail of blood. Officials sus pect them of an attempt to damage the gun. GREEN WEDDING f"". c. ] Washington, D. C. ? What was the "greenest" wedding of the sammer occurred when Miss Jean Green mar ried Dr. Frank H. Green, of New York, at the home of bar brother, Dr. William Green, at Belmont, Mass. Attending the groom was his father, Dr. Charles Green, of Rushville, In diana, and a guest at the wedding was the groom's uncle. Dr. F. H. Green, slso of Hushville. The bride wore?white. \r d:. ?? ] " 1 George Tathsn has been declared the champion wheat grower of Union 16 percent superphosphate per acre in preparing his land for wheal A-ai CHURCHES] SUNDAY, JULY 17 BAPTIST CHURCH Frank R. Moore, Supply Pastor. 9:46 A. M.?Sunday SchooL G. W. Davis, Superintendent. 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 6:30 P. M.?Baptist Training' Union. 8 :00 P. M.?Evening Worship. 8:00 P. M. ? Wednesday ? Prayer Meeting. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. C. & Mashburn, Pastor. 9:45 A. M.?Sunday SchooL J. 0. & IV 1 f,,., roiiara, ouperiiiteiiaenu 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 6:80 P. M.?Junior and Senior En deavor. * 8:00 P. M.?Evening Worship. EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH i Rev. Jack R. Roan tree, Rector. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday SchooL j. W. Joyner, Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. ? Morning prayer and sermon. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. D. A. Clarke, Pastor. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday SchooL J. T. . Thome, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 7:15 P. M. ? Young Peoples' Group. \ 8:00 P. M.?Evening Worship. ' I r . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Wilson, Pastor. 9:30 A. M.?Junior Choir. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday SchooL J. H. Paylor, Superintendent 11 .*00 A. M.?Morning worship. 8:00 P. M. ? Wednesday, Prayer Meeting. ! CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Hugh Dolan, Pastor. 10:30 A. M.?Holy Mass. Floyd Explains 1938 Cotton Sales Quotas The cotton marketing quota for a farm this year will be the actual pro duction or the normal production (whichever is greater) on the acreage allotment for that farm, plus cotton from any previous crop the producer may have on hand. But if a farmer knowingly over plants his allotted acreage, his quota will be the normal production on his allotment unless the county commit tee finds proof that his actual pro duction is above normal, said E. T. Floyd, AAA executive officer at State College. On a farm where two or more growers share in the crop and where the allotment is not exceeded, each grower will be entitled to a share in the marketing quota equal to his share in the cotton produced. Where ! the allotment is overplanted, the I county committee will divide the quo ta equitably among the growers. A grower who is dissatisfied with his quota, which will be announced later, mak have it review^ by a local committee if he puts in an applica tion for review within 15 days after his quota announcement is mailed to him. Growers will be given cards show ing how much cotton they will be permitted to sell .this year without penalty. Sales in excess of the quo-; ta are subject to a penalty of two cents a pound. Growers who plant more than' their allotments will also lose payments offered under the ag ricultural conservation program. Producers on farms whose total production does not exceed. 1,000 pounds will be exempt from the two cent penalty in connection with the marketing of any or all of their cot ton. There are people who do not think ] it is wrong to beat the Government.! Whm You Need I mi a laxative Thousands of men and women know hew wise it Is to take Block-Draught at the first sign of constipation. -They like the refreshing relief It brings. They know its timely use may save them from feeling badly and pos sibly losing time at work from sickness brought on by con- | stipatton. x v ? It you have to take a laxa tive occasionally, you lean rely on BIACK-PRMIGHT A GOOD LAXA1TV3 M ? ? _ J NOTICE OF SALE J Under and by virtue oif the power of sale contained in that certain mort gage executed by John Henry Dunn and wife Pennie Dunn to John Hill Paylor, mortgagee, under date Feb ruary 15th, 1927, of record in Book Y-15 at page 200 of the Pitt County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein described, the undersigned mortgagee will sell for CASH, to the highest bidder, subject to tax, before the Courthouse door in the Town of Greenville, North Carolina, on Mon day, July 18th, 1988, at 12 o'clock Noon, the following described real estate: Lying and being in the Town, of Farmville, County of Pitt; and State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Being lot Number eleven (11) of what is known as the Washington Heights property, as shown in a sur vey made by W. L. Jewell, Civil En gineer, which map is duly recorded in the Registry of Pitt County in Book of Maps, No. One at page 179, to which map reference is hereby made for a better description, and is a part of the lands described in dead from B. S. Sheppard and wife Sue May Sheppard to the Farmville In surance and Realty Company and by the Farmville Insurance and Realty Company to the Farmville Land Com pany under date December 4th, 1928, by the Farmville Land Company and T. C. Turnage, Trustee, to John Henry Dunn, which deed is [duly re corded in Book V-14 at page 484, less a small portion sold off to Monroe Cameron. . This the 14th day of June, 1938. JOHN HILL PAYLOR, Mortgagee. 4-wks. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mort gage executed by Luby Hart and wife Annie Hart to John Hill Paylor, Mort gagee, under date March 13th, 1928, of record in Book Y-15 at page 898 of the Pitt County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein described, the undersigned mortgagee will sell to the highest bidder for CASH, sub ject to tax, before the Courthouse door in the Town of Greenville, North Carolina, on Monday, July 18th, 1938, at 12 o'clock Noon, the following de scribed real estate: Beginning at a stake on the West side of Cameron Street, corner of lot No. 140 and runs with the line of lot No. 140 in Westerly direction 140 feet to a stake corner of lots No.' 124, the said Cameron Street in a North-1 a erly direction 80 feet to the begin-|u ning, the lota above described being ;h known as lotB No. 141 and 142 of o: what is known as Lincoln Park, Farm- e ville, N. C., bought by J. H. Darden t and H. L. Humphrey from J. J. Bare- i foot and wife and surveyed and map ped by Jaryis B. Harding, C. E., ref- r erence to Hap Book ? page ?. j, Reference made to Book Q-ll page t 80. { This the 14th day of June, 1988. ' JOHN HILL PAYLOR, 8 Mortgagee. 4 wks m :/:? ? f2i ;??. ? y.\t\ . 8 !' T NOTICE OF SALE _ Under and by virtue of the power t of sale contained in that certain deed c of trust executed by John Barrett, j unmarried to B. F. Lewis, Trustee, under date April 22, 1987, of record in Book Y-21 at page 647 of the Pitt _ County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness therein described, the undersign ed trustee will sell to the highest bid der for CASH, subject to tax before c the Courthouse door in the Town of c Greenville, North Carolina, on Mon- ( day, July 18th, 1988, at 12 o'clock 1 Noon, the following described real c estate: ? Beginning at the southeast corner I of Joe R. Joyner lot and running ' Southerly with South Walnut Street c 42 feet to Odd Fellows corner; thence 1 Westward with their -line about 170 1 feet to Mary Farmer line; thence ^ Northward with the line 42 feet to 1 Joe B. Joyner Southwest corner; thence Eastward with Joe Joyner's line to the beginning. Being a one-, fourth (K) undivided interest and all ( right, title and interest inherited from " Rosa Joyner (mother). Reference is hereby made to deed from R. L. Davis to Rosa Joyner, Book E-14 page 480. Also includes interest inherited from < brother, Frank Barrett jfl This the 14th day of June, 1988. J B. F. LEWIS Trustee. < 4 wks i ; ? ? ??: ? ? ; v : JM CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION J T 1 To All to Whom These Presents Hay < Come?Greeting: i Whereas, It appears to my satis- i faction, by duly authenticated record i of the proceedings for the voluntary ] dissolution thereof by the unanimous 1 i situated at No. 110 W. Wilson ! State of'NortTc^ . gent therein and in charge thereof . pon whom proiees' may be served), 3 am mm 1 t|i.1 41*a ?nmntuAHnWnAw ' M coxnptiea witn me requirements f Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, < ^titled "Corporations," |ftreliminary o the issuing of this Certificate of isolation: Now Therefore, *1; Thad Euro, Secr etary of State of North Carolina, do ereby certify that the said corpora ion did, on the 80th day of May, 1038, ile in my office a duly executed and ittested consent in writing to the dia olution of said corporation, executed y all the stockholders thereof, which aid consent and the record of thii irocedings aforesaid are now on file a my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hero o set my hand and affixed my offi ial seal at Baleigh, this 80th day of fay, A. D. 1938. THAD EURE, Secretary of State. }?' . ? .y*.^ ' ''/ -d Mortgagee will sell for CASH to he highest bidder, subject to tax be fore the Courthouse door in the Town if Greenville, North Carolina, on ifonday, July 18th, 1988, at 12 o'clock foon, the following described real ----- Being lot No. 86 of what is known is l' Humphrey, from J. J. Barefoot and wife and surveyed and mapped by Jarvis B. Harding, G. E., which map [a recorded in Hap Book page of the Pitt County Begistry, and further described sis follows: BEGIN NING at a stake on William Street, corner of Lot No. 86 and runs with William Street in a Northerly direc tion 60 feet to a stake, corner of Lot No. 84; thence with the line of Lot No. 84 in an easterly direction 140 feet to a stake, corner of Lots Noa. 60, 61, 84 end 86; titmice with the line of Lot No. 61 in e Southerly direc tion 60 feet to a stake, corner of Lota No. 61, 62, 86 and 86; thence with the line of Lot No. 86 in a Westerly di rection 140 feet to the beginning. This the 14th day of June, 1988. I JOHN HILL PAYLOR, Mortgagee. I 4wks yfiifTur ~.. ii ' r- ^'iVi'ii jV , 'II ? I NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mort gage executed by J. L. Armstrong and -wife, Annie Armstrong, to John Hill Paylor, Mortgagee, under date December 15th, 1928, of record in Book Y-15 at page 497 of the Pitt County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness therein described, the undersign ed mortgagee will sell to the highest bidder for CASH, subject to tax, be fore the Courthouse door in the Town of Greenville, North Carolina, on Monday, July 18th, 1988, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described real estate: Being lote No. 126 of what is known as Lincoln Park, in the Town of Farmville, North Carolina, as sur veyed and mapped by Jarvis B. Harding, Civil Engineer, which map is recorded in the Register of Deeds Office of Pitt County in Book of Maps No. One at page 46 to which reference is hereby made. Being the identical lot deeded October 1st, 1917, by H. L. Sumphrey and wife Nan nie Moye Humphrey to Thomas Hick son and wife Bettie Hickson. Said v^eed being duly recorded in the Reg istry of Pitt County in Book S-12 at page 809, to which reference is here by made. Being the identical tract of land this day Conveyed to H. L. Arm strong and wife, Annie Armstrong, by Thomas Hickson and wife Bettie Hickson. This the 14th day of June, 1988. JOHN HILL PAYLOR, Mortgagee. 4 wks mm I ???????????????? t ? IPLAN NOW - <<< I H ? ? ' H I For The FUTURE!I | I Subscribe for 5,10,20,30 or More Shares of Stock In Our 52nd SERIES . 1 -???* ?*>. -? ?v?.1.? ? ? ? *V 4 ?V/V;''v... ' ? V' ..;'v ? V'-'' * v'?-'T " ?* ?' ?' " *? ' Which Opened Saturday, July 2nd, and BUILD UP a little reserve before you actually plan to build. The more you save In advance, the less interest yon have to pay and the sooner yoq get rid of a big obligation. Everybody should save a little, and there is no better way than the Building and Loan Way. 4 PER CENT PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES I Loan Association I K Phone 293-1 FARMVILLE, N. C. .? .v.'- ? liiif -Vii ?' v?ki: y- ?. ifili