I tfratms TW*NTY"NWE " NORTH CABOLTNA. FRIDAY. JULY K, IMS " _ NUMBEB TEN VOLUME TWENTY-NINE ??.. ? > ? ? ' . -. j i -?? - ? Hospital Association Appoints Miss Jtyier it Pitt ltd LkiI Afett ____ ? Local Young Lady Made District Manager of Non - Profit Organiza tion. The Hospital Saving Association of North Carolina, sponsors of the well known "TWO CENTS A DAY PLAN" for paying hospital bills, an nounces the appointment of Miss Mae J Joyner as Farm villa and Pitt County representative, according to Felix A. Griaette of Chapel Hill, Executive Di meter of the Association. Miss Joy ner is well-known in this city. The Home Offices of the Hospital Saving Association are located in Chapel Hill. This non-prone orgsnuauuii ?? sponsored and controlled by the North. Carolina Hospital Association and the North Carolina Medical So ciety. its sole object is to provide an easy method of paying hospital bills for its members if and when hospital treatment is necessary. Under the terms of the Associa tion its members are entitled to 211 days of hospital treatment during any one year in any hospital which the member may choose. After the first year of membership the bene fits are increased to a maximum of I SO days during any one year. The benefits include bed and board, gen eral nursing care and supervision, operating room services, delivery room services, anaesthesia, medicines, dressings, and the various types of laboratory services. The benefits are I available in any North Carolina Hos pital. In other words, it has been pointed out, the benefits cover the very charges which often amount to hun dreds of dollars and which constitute a great financial burden for people! of ordinary means. A head of c. family may join the Association with a family member ship and be entitled to full benefits for himself and wife and all their children, irrespective of the number, provided all such children are under 16 years of age. niKeost of membership is 60 cents I per month for a single or adult mera 1 bership and $1.60 per month for a family membership. The Association, although organ- j ised less than two years ago, has al-j ready enrolled more than 65,000 North Carolina people as members and new members are enrolling at the approximate rate of 150 per day, according to Felix A. Grisette of J Chapel Hill, Executive Director. Farmville people may obtain de tailed information from Miss Joyner at 300 Contentnea Street. Miss Joy ner*s telephone number is 282-1. I WHO KNOWS ? ?C - i ^?? -V 1. Does the U. S. produce lemons? I ? Whore will the All-Star game be played in 1939? 3. What nation leads in the pro duction of Irish potatoes? I ?4 What St^te was the first to grant suffrage to women ? 5. Where are the Yellowstone Falls? " - 6. Who write "Alice in Wonder land"? I 7. DO boys or girls lire longer in I 8. m did the United States I (See *The Answers" on Page 4) I - ? : - ? .. 'fl I j I M. ti i iwijjs CwM- Jn]v *ifl ^ rpnhnrrn I buyers moved into this section of the 4 4 4 ?r r.i *jx ..m* , , J fceen fixed at 733,000,000 pounds of Minas Ahead In Camfiirt List Show Most Automobiles, Radios and Ice Boxes In Survey By Govern ment Washington, July 20.?The South-! em farmer, government statistics show, believes in providing his fam ily with the comforts of life. A "sampling" survey by the Bu-j reau of Agricultural Economies I shows that the visitor to a cotton I belt farm home is likely to find an I automobile parked in front of the I house, a radio, piano or phonograph! in the living room and a refrigerator I in the pantry. The survey, consisting of a check of farm families in four Southern states, has disclosed that family I ownership of automobiles ranges from 14.6 per cent among Negro 1 sharecroppers in Georgia and Miss issippi to 70.7 per cent among white I farm owners in North Carolina and South Carolina. The figures show that in the Caro-1 linas, 707 out of 1,000 families of white farm owners, 448 out of every 1,000 families of white sharecroppers, and 365 out of every 1,000 fainiliefel of Negro sharecroppers own auto mobiles. The proportion is given as 425 out of 1,000 for Negro farm own ers. The survey has recorded the fol lowing car ownership proportions pefr 4,000 families in Georgia and Miss issippi. White farm owners, 622; white sharecroppers, 196; Negro farm own ers, 246; Negro sharecroppers 146. In a check of radios in 7,127 farm homes in the four states, the bureau said the ownership percentage ranged from a high of 40 per cent among white farm owners of North and South Carolina to a low of one-half of one per cent among Georgia and.? Mississippi Negro sharecroppers. ;?J The proportion of piano ownership ranged, it said, from 23 per cCnt among North and South Carolina \ white farm owners to one pier clnt1 among Georgia and Mississippi Ne gro sharecroppers, while the phono graph maximum of 30.per cent among -,.egro farm owners in the Carolines a to 17 per emit among Georgia and Mississippi sharecroppers. It indi cated the phonograph was more pop ular among Negro farmers than white. The bureau reported 40 per cent of 1,944 families of white farm own en In the Ctoolinas owned ice refrig erators and 7.8 per cent mechanical refrigerators. The corresponding ra-| tio in Georgia and Mississippi was 44.7 per cent and 7.1 per cent of 1r 1 267 families. In the Carolinas, 20.3 630 white sharecroppers had ice re frigerators and half of one per cent ? mechanical refrigerators, while 17.3 per cost, of 433 Negro farm owners and 7.6 per cent of 640 Negro share croppers owned ice refrig&raftro. Tide ' Negro ownership of mechanical re? frigerators in the Carolinas was re ported negligible. Out of 1,267 families of white farm owners?44.7 per cent ice, 7.1 per cent mechanical; out of 481 iaadflell >i v Jtlr i*f. i. t of white sharecroppers, 22.7 per cent [located ~ I | The Rqrsl Electrification Admin-1 F HniinTi n VI n ,1 i Kjvimilitrk ju.uiULwa I |tion project It is expected the new funds will Build about 15.7 miles of lii? IfcjServe | The project calls for 101.7 mflee of j r rural power line to serve 529 custom j jraera in the two counties. Three al-l Pn?ts .!ive been made for [work, one of $60,000 in April, 1937J (?;? ... 11 \ ,'t> . v Intangibles Tax tempts Are Distributed Total of $434,224 Is Met-j W Out to N. C ToWM u and Counties; Farm vilte Receives $345.47. . . Raleigh, July 19.?The State Board at Aaaeaament distributed $434,224 to counties and municipal itiea today as their share of the new state in tangi bles receipts. Payments ranged from $28,487.86 to Charlotte and $20,091.88 to Meck lenburg- county, doWn to 44 cents to Orrum in Robeson county. The Board noted in its report the law became effective July 1, 1937, but ietbrns were not required until March 15, 1938. As a result collec tions in the first six months of last fiscal year were only $140.19, while they were $2,950 and $2,550 in the first 10 days of Jnly this year. The counties and cities get half of the total collections after deduct ing of administrative expenses, and the state gets Half. Some of the sums paid the coun ties and municipalities in them: ; ^Beaufort" county, ~$22,242.17;AUrora $12; Belhaven $113,72; Washington. $88.29. Craven county $1,718.12; Dover $L84; New Bern $558.36; Vance bo ro, $22.32. . Durham county, $7,664.21; Dur ham city, $14,795.52. Edgecombe, $8,237.41; Battleboro, $24.60; Macclesfield^ $21.05; Pirietopa $57.06; Rocky 'Mount, $1,621.59; WM takers, $98.19. Nash, $4,046.91; Bailey, $2.97; Mid dlesex, $6.98; Nashville, $158.60;. Spring Hdpe, $129.44. Pitt County, $3,783.25; Ayden, $200.25; Bethel $84.62; Parmville, $345.47; Fountain $48.79; Greenville^ $1,197.52; Grifton, $81.77; Grimes land, $6.91; Winterville, $24.89. Robeson county, $3,421.37. Vance county, $2,289.19; Hender^ son, $1,70&80; Middleburg, $2. Wayne county, $4,269.82; Fremont, $174.74; Goldaboro, $1,767.78; Mount Dfive, $272.47; Pikeville, $7.12. Wilson county, $4474.41; Black Creek, $15.22; Zlm Cgty $106.52; Lu cama, $32.87; Sims, $3.65; Stahtons burg, $49191; City of Wilson, $1, 701.301 miaflirui|jaii(rDO tension Continues At High Pitcli Tokyo, July 20. ? Tension between Jsp?^ and Rossis oyer the disputed Changkuf eng area on the Manchurian border increased tonight as the for eign office awaited a reply from Mos cow ^o Hhe "Japanese protest over for tification of a strategic Mil on the border* #? u W V-5 ? '< A general conference of high mili tary leaders, to which the Japanese prees dttached a "special meihing," was summoned by Gen. Seishiro It ighld,' mfiftrter of tfar,' after he hhd; made a report aarlier today to thei Emperor. The Domei (Japanese) news agen then called in the foreign minister, Gen. KaxusMge Ugaki, to discuss re ports from the border. Akhondi official Quarters main tained 4 strict Jlence on details of the vqiorts indicating merely that it was believed an ^ "amicable settle' oraaiftsii significance of the dispute. A report from Hsinking, capital of Manchukuo, said the Manchukud for eign office had ceased with the Soviet consul-general at a . a a * .>? ' J " ? ' .a _ ^ t% A I - ; ? ? ? JAPANESE EAIL AGAIN . ? ? ' - . _ . *Arfft" f Hf V PI " xic: - V-" 4Jk + ? (Hugo S. Sims, Washington Corres if.-;' pondunt.) ? IS THE NATIONS NO. 1 ECO NbillC PROBtEM RESULT OF WAB AND NATIONAL POLICIES Early this month, President Roose velt expressed the conviction that "the South presents right now the nation's No. 1 economic problem" be cause "we have an economic unbalance in the nation as a whole due to this very condition of the South." '? ?. ? 551' - # fv The President's statement was read In a conference of twenty-three Southerners by Lowell Mellett, Di rector of the National Emergency ^Council, who submitted a report pre pared from Government sources and stressing the following facts: Vivid Contrast. The South is richly endowed with physical resources and offers greater diversity of climate, soil and topog raphy than any other region of the country. It is poor in the machinery of converting its potentialities to riches, having only sixteen per cent of the tools with which people make their Iiying, although containing tvfcnty-eight per cent of the nation's population. With less than one-third of the nation's Area, the South contains well over one-third of the natiph's good fSrin acreage. It has two-thirds of all lands receiving a 40-inch rainfall or better. It has almost half of the land on which crops can grow for six months or more without danger of frost. However, with ovef half the country's farmers, the South had less than one-fifth of the nation's farm implements. Bwinftiiif Pnttire. More than any other section, the South is confronted with the problem u^ excess population. Already the most thickly populated rural area, its population is growing more rapidly than any other region. This increase is expected to reach 7,000,000 in the next twenty years. The . resulting economic pressure has upset a racial' Relationship which once appeared fix ed. White people are displacing Ne groes in such trades as barbering, waiting on tables, tending elevators, etc. B ???< i. ? ? With more than half of the farm people, the South gets only one-fifth, of the "nation's agricultural incBle.' The average Southern farmer doe|w>t make enough to feed, clothe and) school his children decently. More than half, in 1936, made less than $766 and many had incomes as low -*800- ~ I-: Few of the jSouth's children Stifrt. out on an equal footing with children of other sections because they do|tt>t have an equal opportunity to get training itf public "schools. In 1936, an average of $26.11 was spent, per child on schools. This wad less than half of the national average and one fourth of the amount spent per child in the State of New York; , ' V i Diagnosis Netted. President Roosevelt did not go in to "the long history of how this sit uation came to be" but he caDe&lt "the long ironic history of theSfcr Spoiling of this truly American sec tion of the country's populstflKf What the Chief Executive Bought %ls a dear perspective of the task as it is today. "The first step toward the fitable to the entire population off&e United dtSates to look into ccfiii tions in the South and attempt toS* about such a problem. Science Mo,*J published at Boston, Mass., says, j&f ter seventy-five yean, America i|ll has a monumental example ofjne! cost of war in the problems of Hike Southern States ... To the w may belong the spoils, but thessBm mighty few in a long-sustained sto gie, and to him eventually, in a con- j F.'M. Davis, Jr., and D. G. Allen of, the Davis Supply Co., Report a Most' Interesting trip. ? . Having recently returned from'St Louis, Missouri, where they paid a special visit to the Purina Mills, and Farms/F. M. fcavis, Jr., and 'D. G. ?fsj"' S'1 is* dealers in Punna feeds and seeds; report a most interesting and enjoy EsUblished In. 1926, the 360-*? Purina Mills. Experimental Farm at Gay Summit. Missouri is devoted to **?] grams for livestock nnd poultry. A* nually, ten thounand farmers, ecienfj Usts, county agents, uricufaral in structore, agricultural students, and feed merchants, from all over the; United States, Canada, and several foreign countries, come to, see this farm. They^j$ a Prac&al ex perimental 8tatk>nj managed by farm reared, college-trained men. It has come to be .parted as '<Amerh?ls feeding headquarters"?a most exact ing testing ground for determining what shall be included in high quali ty feeds. Dairy Developments *m? J-! ronvlr fnl ?^g.f^The. cyde starts at the young I calf unit devoted exclusively to the ? hand-raising, i heifers, using an ??* | system of dry feeding-with w raiUc| being given the calves- after_ the Jjljfc I 28 days. The success of this, heifer ? growing method is evident f rom riie ? fact that the average Purina Bhnn| Holstein heifer freshens *eighi^| inore than 1200 pbunds at 24 to 26 ? months of age, compared to the no^| mal weight of 1120 i t pounds at 80 ? months, and hCT firat j Smd^W Increased 5,200 Founds j When the heifer comes mto pwouc- ? t!on she join, the herd ta U* mUk-| llmt usit which i? m?teni)y W"PP?S Ifor lmWlIn* 100 cows. FVwta* ?S the coWs oeMs dOHW/fc* lening and m>U|ii|8 . ^of'the* OMH l I It was through following this pro gram that the Purina herd of gtadel l?periS? oa ? Cf?^???tC?and Ipleted, the steers go to market and? i&aseArss ? stuffs are totted to determine whatj Iprdto ^ Vork together most ef-1 ?ffcfehtly in* the ration and jfcow ftfH linosT profitable feeding 1 ? mmr the marSeT is a regular occur- ? I ling of every hog are definitely] I animal 'btoi iitroWrea. ? known* cacn ?**** _ Jn r (fa Wnrhe ftxtreme'y &C" I |CMW . CTO^S: Ti A no .i-ij fx1 fjini ^?r . ZJ l t?"a~ i ? ,-j 1 I inQwh: 'IMatjil wlvtiBa' 1 ?J I rTOIu OUU tO IaIIUU b^UTKCyS Efv I I t t .? - V ? % m - I u , , . j Lftaf Wilt Seen By Resaarchars ' ? ? uroup Meets at Oxford Today to Make Recom mendations on Crop. a. Iff t Oxford, Jilly 20. ? Tobacco re search men from the various tobacco growing sections in the world, in cluding Canada, Australia, Wisconsin and 'Virginia -to Florida, in a three day session at the Oxford Tobacco Experiment Station, spent today vis iting various fields of tobacco where diseases of the weed are prevalent and where experiments are being con ducted by the North Carolina and United States Departments of Agri crdture. ' The visitors left Oxford this morn ing at 8 o'clock near Creedmore where wilt has ruined a great deal of the weed Thy went to Raleigh and had lunch at State College. This after noon, they visited the McCuller's to bacco station south of Raleigh and saw several experiments which are beihjg'cdiitfucted, concerning diseases and the growth of the weed Late this afternoon, the research men went to Durham and visited Du&e. University, then, they returned to the Oxford Tobacco Experiment I Station where they were guests at Tomorrow, the visitors will meet i at the Oxford High School auditorium in an executive session and make recommendations and express ideas coJKerning *'the. making of fertiliser, the control of tobacco insects and . the control of tobacco diseases. Lr.. .. iT 0')?i * i \ The Rockingham Comity farm ter racing unit was used three days re cently to grade the Williamsburg school grounds and pull put stumps. GralmSpeaks ? I On Health Topic Big, ?? ? ? ? I Endorses Nation ? Wide TPIbgram; Predicts Fin - al Approval By Doc WW' vT;!/*? ?, *? '? *: ? ? *1 h*. .' t IJ ' ' - , I i^ashington, July 20. - Dr. Frank Ppfjtr Graham, president of the Uni versity of North Carolina, today en dorsed public health assistance pre sented by an interdepartmental gov ernment committee to the National health Conference, composed of lead ers in varying lines of health activi ties, which has been in session here for the past three days. I The program has been attacked J bitterly by leaders of the American Mcdic&l Association on the ground that it approached "state medicine." On the other hand, the program was endowed warmly by all other speak-) ers present at the conference, includ tabptiuid farm leaden, business] men and prominent individual doc t9", ?iostxof whom are either medical fwfessoifc or public health officials. ... Graham,, the only North Caro linian present, was chosen as the final speaker at the three-day cvnferenp#) and his remarks were applauded the American Medical Association, the conference, with only 175 members, ^aarj^pcted.a large nupiber of 8pec-:| [tators, something unusual for a meet ping concerned with a technical sub ject. .v'J '-hip? ,L.j. , ? ? ? ,i ?> j , J .. In addition to a great broadening of health insurance through the So cial Security Act, the interdepart mental committee recommended in-f abased outlays of $852,000,000 an nually, with half the cost borne by the federal government for the; fol lowing purposes: Strengthening of public healtj^services, eradication of tuberculoma, veneral diseases, malara, I efani and $?000,0d0 for expansion of mft&rnal and child health. ' i," Pitt Sets Up 73-Ceni Levy For New Year Tifent&tivlfBttdjget Calls For^te^^on / ? ? J Greenville, July 20. ? The tenta tive !$ttl county budget, released this afternoon by the auditor's office, re veals tb$t a tax rate of 73 cents on the '$100 valuation will be levied for the current year, in comparison with an 85 cents rate for last year. Increased profits from the sale of ABC liquor are expected to provide revenue sufficient to eliminate amy levy for the general, county home and outside relief funds. Last year five cents was levied for the general fund, two and one-half cents for the the coufity home fund and three cents for the outside-poor and relief fund. The 78 cent levy is divided as fol lows: Health department, three cents; pension, eight cents; school, seven cents; bonds and interest, 55 cents. .The 1938-39 levy, with the exception of the three items eliminated this year, is the same for each of the items in last year's budget, except the pension fund, which was reduced to eight cents from nine and one-half. The various county offices produce a large amount of revenue, in one instance more than enough to pay-fbr their operation. These receipts and the anticipated revenue of $37,967.50 from the sale of legal liquor will bear the expenses of the general fund. ?> ? General fund appropriations for 1988-39-were listed at $106,767.50, compared with expenditures last year of $100,756.26. New items included were the Tar River project, $7,600; and Conetoe creek project- $3,000. 1 The county wiU need $244,070 for its debt service fund for paymentaon bond principal and interest. Last year it paid $249,870.76 on its bonded indebtedness. The school funds calls for appro priations of $67,511 for the current fiscal year, compared with $54,309.34 laBt year. . - - rv ? ? * ? m 1* i t 4 AAA' AA _ - ?? *-? * utner items, listing i?ao-a? appro priations and 1987-38 expenditures, in the order named included: County Home, (maintenance, repairs, etc.) $9,830 and $9,891.69; Outside poor and relief, (food, hospitalisation, etc.) $11,683 and. $47.66; pension 'fund, "* (salaries, pensions, general expense? county's part of pensions only) $24, 566 and $26,092.61; and Health' de partment (salaries and other expen ses) $14,378 and $18,249.00. The estimated total assessed valua tion was placed at $38,000,000 and it was on this figure that the ooontjr commissioners worked out and 73 cents rate. The budget was only tentatively adopted-and will remain in the offices of the auditor for 20 days before final adoption. ? . - The figures are. for the county as a whole and do not include' special district road and school debt service. Five special road and bond debt ser vice levies are made as follows: Ay den, 10 cento; Chicod, 12; FiBda&d, Fountain, 16; Fartnville .08; Green ville .02; gnd Winterville 14 The school district debt service for each of the 18 townships follows;'Ay den, 45; Arthur, 20; Belvoir, 80; Bethel, 26; Chicod, 40; Falkland, 16; Farmville, 36; Fountain, 40; Green ville, 45; Grifton, 10; Paetotas, ?'25; Stokes, 25; and Wintervflle 26: * ~:i ' V ? ' ' * " i- .lifcfwir. uncieJiafm At Wovie Trust' Omrgg^ 33^Firms^jmd dustry. New York, July 20. - The Federml government today charged. 33 motion picture companies and 13? movie ex ecutives with controlling 65 per cent of America's ihovie eniertainment jil violation of the Sherman Mti-truit.' ? . ? ?" m?f?1.J0f<?TE?raf AP,0Wr ? anoint United Stetee Attormy Gen eral, F^enil Judge Hen^ W. God * ^ i* d * the , lies. iiiiincdtfttp Motion flMKv irMWd sharply. ? rt Eight conmM^jb .true named as

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