Farm ville Enterprise PAKKYILLa N. C. a ALEX HOUSE, Owner * Mgr. Em Hortoo Shackkford Associate Editor THE BOUSE PBINTEBY flilnHplin Price: One Year flAO ? Sir Months 78e ADVEBTiSING HATES: Display (KUeu) Me Per Inch AH Lege! adva. Sc e tee per week PnhHMed weekly end entered ee Second Class Mail Matter at the Poetoffice at Parmville, N. CL, un der net of March tod, 1878. I The only thing that interact a racketeer is what he can get for him self. Most Americans will join anything that promises to pay dividends in cash What this country needs is more thinking and fewer street-corner ore A five-year plan -for business is very good, but five days hard work is better. <. It is easy for people to agree upon solutions to problems that are far from home. War may not be inevitable but Americans should remember that it is not impossible. The real American tragedy: An honest man, anxious to work, unable to find employment. Many of the people who promise future payments for present favors forget about the promises. Husbands and wives should not make fun of each other?leave this pastime to your neighbors. One reason why people prefer to talk is the speaker who goes into every detail is great detail. Maybe if s lucky the new increased relief fund will be available in time to help the present crop of graduates. Native Americans wonder why for eign nations try to spy upon the mili tary and naval secrets of the United States. The man who is too busy to take a vacation is in for a great surprise when be dies?the world will hardly miss him. There will be no dictator in the United States as long as Congress votes the money for Government and its enterprises. Experience in life will soon teach you that when someone is very nice, there is something that you <*??* do in return for the favor. Don't postpone making that con tribution to charity until you have a million dollars. You might not make the million. Many Americans might be inclined to overlook it, but the public school system is the great bulwark of inde pendence and liberty. Advocates of world peace are re minded that the nations of the world poetiane to enlarge their navies end It wont be long now before the people of the country will be hearing how important their congressman is. He will teU them himaelf. r Dont forget to trade in Farmville whenever poaeible. This policy will promote yew prosperity as well ee tne prosperity ox otaer otiaena. BKUTAL AND STUPID .1- ft r- aAyS?! -???"? - ? ? ' SS? i '? *<-'? '?-"yv>.*aa ? ? v^oJhIp .X, i ^ <; r The brutality of the serial murder of dafenseleee man, women ""i chil dren ia Spain and China, ia, in the military : IhI by the etnpidity of sueh tacties. > Undoubtedly designed to break down the morale of the opposing ar ^ the aerial slaughter of thou eeflitsey ehJhfc hjtarA" ? ? ? i A , Avaw^lv fl?n jjialeeeu parte JialJeiie niJty the ^ contrary, Oat such barbarism jjwhen^a* A anlilw fijliU?u' l? t fwmt line cruisers which the Japanese dssign ed to carry fifteen 6J inch gut% eight 6-inch anti-craft guns and 12 torpedo tubes. There has been an air at mystery about these endears and gtimpeas of them have been rare for foreign observers. The latest rumor la that the Japanese have re moved one of the three main gun turrets in order to give the cruiser the necessary stability. If the rumors now being circulated are true, they might explain the re ticence of fits Japanese to exchange naval information, with other powers. If Japanese warships are, in fact, not seaworthy, the Japeneee proba bly think that it would be dangerous to disclose the feet to possible enem ies. AUTOMOBILES VS. HOUSES The solution of the housing prob lem in the United States depends upon developing mass-production of houses, says Harvey Wiley Corbett, architect at Radio City. Mr. Corbett declares, "If we at tempted to build a car today the why we build a house it would cost $150, 000 and would not run." Under pres ent conditions of mass-production and coordinated manufacture in assem bling all the parts of an automobile at the factory, the labor cost, accord ing to Mr. Corbett, of putting to gether all the parts is "3.40 for each car." There certainly seems to be an op portunity to improve the method of house construction In the United States. Some smart industrialist will begin the fabrication of housing units, which will be fitted together on the building lot. It is barely pos sible that large construction organi zations will visit various localities for the purpose of erecting fifty or a hundred homes in a few weeks. Meeting the objection that the pre fabricated homes will be standard ized, Mr. Corbett say* this Is not necessary as each builder will be able to construct his model, with definite prices for each unit that he puts in to his structure. "" PROTECTING CONSUMERS Every consumer knows that no matter how bad a product may be, there is always somebody else who can make it worse and sell it cheaper. It is also true that no matter how good a product may be, there is al ways somebody who can make an in ferior article and palm it off on the public as "just as good." Because of these facts, The Enter prise has always supported legislar tion tending to protect the public by compelling sellers to state definitely what their product is. The new Pood and Drug Act is an effort to protect 'consumers by requiring more accurate labelling of containers, so that pur chasers will be able to tell from the ; label what they buy. We do not pre tend that the new Act is perfect, be cause we are not familiar with all -of its terms, but its general purpose strikes us as being a step forward. The United State Department of Agriculture, in which a bureau has | charge of tits enforcement of the Act, points out that the provisions of the law do not go into effect until June 25, 1989. Intelligent buyers, however, will find out a good deal, about file products they purchase if they will pay attention to the labels on the containers. Certain drugs sad devices will be labelled to wan buy ers against dangerous misuses The j presence of habit-forming drugs wfil also be declared. The progress thus made in the la belling of food and drugs should be extended to other fields. For exam ple, when a buyer purchases clothing, the label should give full informa tion aa to the material in the gar ment. There an other products on the market today when the consumer i should he given better information as to the materials used. This would, of course, avoid deception sad the sals of inferior products on the as sertion that they are "just as good* Diseases Are Threat to home and eommexdai flower gar deners, butjpost of them can be avoid ed or controlled, said Dr. Lather QL^ ? ?*! mm mi ,> ?? *? ?,>V ,,1 , oiiaw, extension.; jpnft pfttnologlit it State CottegSgSji'v:'?/' In roeea, for example, the moet common diseases are black spot, poor ilexy mildew Ihm^wii ' ? g?gm I One of the first steps Is. to get^good a" -r% -S ,1 - alM m ! lotumnon fvoti., isezore purciiasing | plants or^jp^ exam^^canes 1 ? il-^ i . ffRk. , a Bordeaux mixture or dusting with! ?V-:a ? " -r* ? ? * applications art necessary. t Further information about diseases] in other flowers and methods for con trolling them may be obtained from . Or. Lather Shaw at State College, Raleigh, N. C. ' 'J Family Cow Should I Get Balanced Diet, The old family cow has taken a lot ' of abase in bar time and kept on pro- i ducing milk for her master; bat she > can do a much better Job when she .1 gets enough of the right things to 1 eat. A good cow not only cuts down on the household food hill, bat she ] contributes much to the health and i general well-being of the family, said ' John A. Arey, extension dairy special- < 1st at State College. She deserves the best of feed and care. A cow has a^lpige stomach and a tremendous capacity for coverting feed into milk. On full feed, she will use about half the nutrients In her feed to maintain her own bodyweight. The rest she converts Into milk and butterfat When her rations are cut down, her milk production falls off, she loses weight, and she goes drier sooner than normal. A cow will often give mOk when she really needs to use the full amount of a scant feed supply to sup ply bar own body. In the course of a year, an average size farm cow needs 18 bushels of earn, 18 bushels at oats, 600 pounds of cottonseed meal, two tons of hay, and one to two acres of good pasture. The hay should b^f good quality, and the pastutage should he a good growth at grasses or legumes. Win tar pastures of 1 rye and crimson clover or of wheat, barley, oats, and crimson clover are good for supple menting the dry feed. Three or more different feeds, say 600 pounds of corn meal, 800 pounds ci??gtt#nseed meal, and 200 pounds of grothd oats at wheat tarn will make a good grain ration. Give a cow all the roughage she will eat and allow three quarts of grain par d*F for each gallon of milk she gives. 11 J " Although - SamMon county tob&cco i is leaf is Halifax county f&nncrs BflkiBy JStt^n'wicora Between 700 800 delate, from the 4-Hclubs of North Carolina ore expected to ?**?4 the gnm^l short course at State College,' : July 26 to 2W| The annual Farm and Home Week exerdaes will be held at State Col , 8 By terracing hie land and begin- H ning a system- of crop rotation, Lao-II CHURCHES : If SUNDAY, JULY 141'J BAPTIST CHURCH Frank R. Moore, Supply Pastor. H 9:46 A. M.?Sunday School G. W. . Dovig, Superiuteufept. fe ll ?0 A. M.?Morning Worship. 6:30 P. M.?Baptist Training Union. ! 8 .-00 P. M?Evening Worship.-' ? 8:00 P. M.? Wednesday ? Prayer Mooting. .. i CHRISTIAN CHURCH O. ! Pollard, Superintendent. 11 KM) A, M.?Morning Worship. 6:30 P. M.?Junior and Senior En- : dftvor 8:00 P. M^?Evening Worship. j agMMi./' - i EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bev. Jock R. Rountree, Rector. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School J. W. Joyner, Superintendent. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH \ Rot. R A. Chute, Pastor. 10:00 A. M?Sunday School J. T. Thorne, 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 7:16 P. M. ? Young Peoples* Group. ? 8:00 P. M.?Evening Worship. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. WOsoa, Pastor. 1 9:80 A. M.?Junior Choir. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday SchooL J. H. Paylor, Superintendent. 8:00 P. M. ? Wednesday, Prayer Meeting. CATHOLIC CHURCH Esther Hugh Delaa, Pastor. 10:80 A. M.?Holy Mass. Miss Arnette Br^an of E C T. C., risited friends here Sunday. - j Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shirley spent Sunday with relatives near Wilson. Miss Bessie Harrell of Ahoslrie, spent the week end with Mrs. W. E. Lang. $ JJKh* 1' Mrs. W. A. Marlowe end family are spending, this week at Carolina ; Beach. I Miss Bruee Edwards of Snow Hill, spent the week end with Miss Mary Beaman. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Dixon of Rocky Mount, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. D. S. Dixon Saturday. Mr. had Mrs. Hob Creech of Ra leigh, 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jenkins. ' Miss Alice Talley has returned af ter a two weeks vacation with rela tives in Siler City. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gay announce the birth of a son, Malcolm Gardner, Saturday, July 16, Carolina General Hospital, Wilson. - ? \gm . ?? % Mrs. W. V. Keddlck, Juanita ana Emma Jean, Miss Virginia Dildy, Mr. Paul Galloway and Mr. Willie Dildy, visited Mr. W. V. Reddick in Sanatorium Sunday. Miss Mary Taylor, Miss Hilda Tay lor, Miss Elizabeth Taylor, Messrs Douglas, Hyatt, Kennedy, Ed, Jr., and Bruten Taylor, Bryant Gay, Jr., and James A. Rediek spent Sunday at Carolina Beach. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Church met with Mrs. Fred Beaman Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. V. Nixon led the devotional. Af ter the regular business session the hostess served angel food cake and Ice cream. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Marlowe enter tained a number of their friends at a barbecut supper Thursday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Horace Eagles of Phila delphia. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Revelle of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eagles of Foun tain, Mrs. J. R. Eagles, Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Smith, Miss Lillian Corbett and Mr. C. S. McKeel, Mrs. W. E. Lang, Mr. W. Earl Lang, Mr. William Ea gles, Miss Mattie Lee Eagles, Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Owens, and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Speight of Walston burg. ' Ashe County farmers, pooled 2,549 pounds of wool the other day and sold it for $619,89. Clear wool brought 65 cents a pound and reject wool 20 ?*nt?v ; : .1 Wood home, whtre he is in self-im posed exile, the charter hook of the 1 Royal Society, a scientific society of which he has been a member since1 1986, was taken to his house/or his i record of its membsai; had been rs moyed:from the organisation's head BiOWSSBLF.NP.ECES Santa Rosa, Calif. ? Although de nying his guilt, Newton B. Finley, 67, blew himself to pieces with a dyna mite.blast, after hsiving been arrest ed on charges of immoral conduct with a 18-year old gfrl. He had beat arraigned but was out of jail on $1, AUMimSTKAWKS flUllW 1U CREDITORS . W ' ~ :-:f!?:.'? :J:-7: J of the estate of David S. Barrett, de ceased, late of Pitt Ctyunty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of deceased, to exhahit to the un dersigned administrator, at Farmville, Having qualified as administrator North .Carolina, on or before the 7th day of June, 1989, or this notice will be pleaded in bar a? their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment.' 77 ?? This the 6th day of June, 1988.; T. E. Joyner, Administrator David S. Barrett, Estate. Kwka. . Poorly Nourished Wo**-* They Just Cant Hold CJ Are you getting proper nourishment from your tood, - and restful sleep? A poorly nourished Body Just cant hold up. And as for that run-down feeling; that nervous fatigue,?dont neg lect Iti Cardui. for lack of aonetlte. poor digestion and nervous fettgue, has been rtecam- ; ters?women to wmnen~for over fifty years. :41 Ttf it I Tfrxmad* of womMi : testily Cardui helped theo. Of course, if It does not benefit TOCT,' consult a rhyiH*w a - ; At the bond election held on July 6, 1988 in the Farmville School Dis trict of Pitt County, the following votes were cast for and against the question of issuing $45,000 bonds for the purpose (greeting and equipping a new school building and purchasing a site therefor and altering and tax for the payment of said bonds on all taxable properj}|within said dis* laOs"";'?; 300 votes were cast for the issu ance of said bonds and the levying of a sufficient tax fpr payment thereof; ] arid v*|f^ ] 10 votes were cast against the ^ 1 suance of said bonds and the levy ing of a suffident tax for the pay ment ihemof. '?'* ? The number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said election was 437. A majority of- the qualified voters of said "Farmville School District of Pitt County voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds and the levy ing of such tax. By order of the Board of Commis sioners for Pitt County. B. M. LEWIS, Chairman. Attest: J. C. GASKJNS, Clerk of Board of Commissioners. I ? TO THE TAX PAYERS AND CITI ZENS OF FARMYILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PITT COUNTY: ? No right of action or defense found ed upon the invalididty of the election mentioned In the foregoing statement or the invalidity of any proceedings or steps taken in the creation of said Farmville School District of Pitt County shall be assarted, nor shall the validity of said election or the validity of the creation of said dis trict, or the right or duty to levy a sufficient tax on all taxable property within said district for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, be . open to question in any court upon any ground whatever, ex cept in an action or proceeding com menced within thirty days after the publication of the foregoing state ment. ; , ? The Farmville School District of Pitt Comity was created by order of the County Board of Education of Pitt County on May 23, 1938, and comprises the following territory in Pitt County: "Beginning at the Greene County line at the junction of Winterville f '-viVtiHUEbtiiiV" *' h- -? >. Township and the Greene County line - at the junction of Little Contentnea v. Creek and Middle Swamp; from thence a northerly course along Con tentnea Creek and Old Woman's Branch to the junction of the Falk land and Beaver Dam Township line to the junction of the Fountain and Falkland district lines; from thence southeast with Fountain District line to Toddy's Station; thence West with the Public road to the Greene County line; thence South with the Greene County line to the plank road; thence southeast along Greene County line to Contentnea Creek and the beginning." J. C. GASKINS, Clerk ot v Bog,,! of Commissioners. 2 CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents May Come?Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that The Davis Supply Company, Inc., a corporation of this. State, whose principal office it situated at No. 110 W. Wilson Street, in the town of Fannville, County of Pitt, State of North Caro lina, (F. M Davis, Jr., ^ being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements, of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I, Thad Sure, Sec retary of State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corpora tion did, on the 30th day of May, 1938, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dis solution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the procedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my offi cial seal at Raleigh, this 80th day of_ May, A. D. 1938. THAD EURE, Secretary of State. WIVES COST New York. ? Wives are cheap in the Belgian Congo. They can be bought for as little as $4.50 and even then paid for on the installment plait, according to Miss Myrtle L. Wilson, missionary of the African Inland Mis sion. She says the Zande husbands are good managers, providing each of their many wives with private huts and a specific assignment of work, ^ ^ % I ibscribe for 5,10,20, 30 or More Share? of Stock In Our J .; A-^Ia - '' .:<??? ^5 JEf lv.,;:- ~:*' > i''' .V:.' '? a?: A |v ; ? . ; ? ?? . ,?? -1'. ?. . ? ? ? ? r< ?? ??-? .??.*.?? t ??',>?" ? '-'?* >*. ? ?" ?'-" .>'?"? ~ . - I hich Opened Saturday, July 2nd, and BUILD UP a ? tie reserve before you actually plan to build. . . . e more you save in advance, the less interest you have to pay and the ner you get rid of a big obligation. Everybody should *ve a little, I there is no better way than the building and Loan Way. ? ^1 4 PER CENT PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES

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