mmm ? I Sebe^^^^A *. ^B ifl ^B-^v ^B ^Im^^l 1^5$ IJKK1bUB slfei '^Bf^ 'jd? J-J M ' ? ' , 1 " '* ? ? \ ' ? 1 ? i- ' ?' FARHVnlE OFFERS BENEFTIS FOUND ONLY IN LARGER CITIES * 1 ? ' Those who really know Farmville , as it really is; realize the many ad vantages obtained through locating here either in business or merely as a residential paradise; who have seen the many efforts put forth by the town and its citizens in order to make it a better place to live and visit; will easily understand the tremendous bound forward which the town has taken within the past few years. To day, Farmville is known throughout the entire State' as an enterprising business center with a leading tobacco market; both cooperating to ever keep the town steadily moving for ward. Through the untiring efforts of city officials, citizens, and the individual business men; Farmville now offers those who live here, buy or sell here, or merely visit here unlimited ad vantages and benefits usually found in only the larger cities. Due to its natural location Farm ville was destined to be a growing town and a leader in the tobacco warehouse field. But there are other reasons for its popularity and de velopment which should be consider ed. Several factors instrumental in its development into a business, center of recognized worth and a tobacco market unsurpassed by any in satis faction and service are: This thriving town is made up of 3,500 friendly and neighborly people; Farmville is located in the very heart of the greatest agricultural section of the State; It has established itself in record and reputation as the leading tobac co market in the entire New Bright Belt; Farmville is unsurpassed as a shopping center. Its merchants are cooperative and making satisfaction a guaranteed part -of ?very trans action; The town is webbed by highways and connections by bus and rail are most satisfactory for transportation anywhere; Farmville boasts of the lowest power rate in the State; Its tax rate is at a low equal to any town in the East; Farmville offers Church and school advantages equalled by ofty a few larger cities; Its excellent climate creates the best health conditions, and establishes a very low death rate;; Its drinking water, coming from a very deep well, is pure and known for many miles as the best in this section; ? Farmville's recreational offerings * ? ? . are envied by many surrounding cities. It offers a swimming pool, play ground with tennis courts, and a splendid golf covrae; Through the facilities of the FaAai ville light plant, the thickly populat ed rural section ir. this section is fast being supplied .electrication; Farmville has one of the lowest fire insurance rates in the State; Farmville has not' been bothered with labor troubles of any land. Business Center Although not the largest, Farmville is one .of the most popular and pro gressive business centers in the East ern pArt of the State. Its merchants and professional men and warehouse men have developed their tremendous partonage through their personal in terest in every thansaction. Each feds personally responsible for mak ing every patron of Farmville, whether that patron be buying or sel ling, glad that he came here. This conscientiousness which enters into their work makes hundreds of new friends for Farmville each year, and gives the regular supporters the sat isfaction of knowing that they are patronizing not only the leading to bacco market in the East, but also a mercantile and banking center where the "extra dollars" go farther. Highway, Bus, and Rail Connections Farmville is not only loeated in the center of a great tobacco belt, but this very location places it in the center of a web of some of the best highways in the South. Night and day, especially through the tobacco selling season, trucks drive in and out of . Farmville loaded with the golden harvest, and leaving behind the highest prices paid on any mar ket in Eastern Carolina in the hands of satisfied growers who patronized "the right market." These highways, connecting Farmville with all points on the map, are also the regular runs of bus companies operating through the city.. Through bus and rail facili ties available here, one may secure the best passage possible to any de sired point." Light and Tax Rate Lowest In State As a result of perfect city man agement, Farmville is faced by very few unpaid debts of any great size. Because of this, the tax rate here is one of the lowest to be found in the entire State. This is one other .rea son why the citizens of the town are always so friendly, probably* They are friendly because they are happy; and happy because they are fortu nate enough to be a citizen of Farm ville. One city possession, of which every citizen young or old is justly proud, is the modern light plant, unsurpass ed in service or edqiiate equipment Managed by a mart who knows exact ly what he fa doing. W. A. McAdanns, this plant gives service which is en vied by larger cities; even large power companies. Not only does Farmville enjoy one of the lowest electric rates in the South, but its citizens possess a pardonable pride in the fact that their plant is mak ing it possible for hundred of rural homes in the surrounding section to be brightened, and home work light ened through electricity furnished by the Farmville Light Plaiit. Farm ville cooperated wholeheartedly with the R. E. A. program started in 1936 and stiU. iiH&feet; and though >it meant" the expense of adding an ex pensive new engine, necessitating the remodeling of the building, it offer ed to do so in order to supply the electricity desired by those "neigh bors." This is merely another ex ample of the willingness of Farm ville to help anyone who calls upon it in any way possible. Along wit); its low tax and-electric rate, Farmvilk; also enjoys the bene fits of very low Are insurance rates; probably another example of the very good business conditions to be found here. Health Conditions the Best i- ?? Farmville's natural location gives it one of the most desirable climates to be found on any section of the globe. Centrally located in a very seasonable climate, Farmvilleites al ways know what to expect of the weather, but always the most pleas ant condditions to be desired. It is said to be the one place which Cali fornians admit they hate to leave, j Farmville's' drinking water, supplied by a deep well, has, in every test, proven to be of the purest and best This, probably, iS-one of the factors which has brought about the splen did record for health and happiness with a very low death rate which is enjoyed by the citizens of this town, i Recreational Offerings of Farmville Another reason for the health so easily seen in those living in Farm ville is the fact that the city offers for its citizens and visitors recrea tional advantages usually found only in much larger cities. In season tehre are base ball, football, and bas ketball. Not only are there school teams in base ball, but during the. summer, several groups organize teams and enjoy regular soft ball games. Farmville's swimming pool and recreational park offer a para dise of sports. Hundreds of people, hardly more than half from Farm ville, may be seen every day enjoy ing a swim and shower at the pool, one of the most modern and celanest to be found anywhere. The water purified by chlorine, drains contin ually, and the entire pool is cleaned out at proper intervals to insure health conditions. I Within two hundred yards of -the pool are the tennis courts. There is only one thing wrong with the game of tennis, and nothing wrong; with Farmville's courts. In the gamej however, only four players can par ticipate in any one game. In Farm ville, the courts are so popular that [these rules should be changed in or der to take care of the "demand". Hardly an hour in the day passes that there are not players on all courts, with others waiting , to play. Just across the highway from the swimming pool and tennis courts is Farmville's pnviable golf course. One. of the best and most beautiful course in the State, this course is not only patronized by the members of the Farmville Country Club, but by play ers from other towns and cities, many leaving courses in their own .town to enjoy the greens and fairways of the Farmville course. Many cities envy Farmville and its marvelous recreational advan tages, but few can match 'it. Of. this fact, Farmville citizens are just ly proud. I ? * * a -rt * a an tat _ fjaoor lrouoies airange 10 r arm vine One of the blessings received by business interests which locate in Farmville, is the fact that the town has never been bothered with labor troubles. An Adequate supply of la bor is available with no organized antagonism continually stirring up trouble and creating dissatisfaction. Church and School Advantages The pastors and entire membership of all six churches in Farmville co operate for the furthering of the cause for which they all stand. There is no undercurrent of petty jealously or rivalry, but complete harmony and happiness existing among all church es. Everyone is always cordially in vited to the regular services. With an enrollment of wound 900, ithe Farmville School, under its able superintendent, Mr. J. < H. Moore, possess. .2 etvery advantage found in jnuch larger schools, including & faculty which could not be improved. The school enjoys the .best tijregtt lar activities; outside pro jects,, and sports. Nothing is left un done in an effort to give every stu dent enrolled every advantage pos: sfbte. Location Agriculturally any map. You will find that it is in llince the d^^onlysixty-six years ? 1 ? ; ? ; around Farmville. This is true in the growth of all other farm pro duets, wh'ether for the home or for market. Climatic conditions, soil conditions, convenience of adequate fanning supplies and needs make the section, of which Farmville is the center, the "garden spot" of profita ble farming. ; ?? Tobacco Market A long time getting to it, weren't we ? Well, the best tilings, dun wait, and, that being the case, we could ; have wanted even longer to mention ' the' Farmville Tobacco Market, be- ! cause there is no doubt (proof; Gov ernment Warehouse Sales Report for 1987-38 Season) _ that Farmville is the best. This market has grown so fast that it has seemed to practically sprihg-up overnight. But, wherever it sprang from, it certainly, sprang with enough force to carry .it a long way, for last year, as you have prob ably heard hinted elsewhere in this edition, Farmville led the entire New Bright Belt in price average. It is the average of prices, hot the num ber of pounds sold that means money in the pockets of the farmers. Last year, with four houses, Farmville sold nearly twenty-four millions pounds of tobacco at an average of $26.17. A record untouched by any other market in Eastern North Carolina. Wise growers are fast realizing that Farmville,has a reputation and record to uphold, and that the mar ket is determined to do so. This de termination might mean headaches for warehousemen and buyers, but it will mean extra money, and plenty of it,, for those who get on the "Farmville Bandwagon" and ride through its greatest season. Farmville, adopting' as its Blogan for this season "The Leading Mar ket in Eastern Carolina," did so as a result of the government sales re ports of last year^which show that Farmville is just" that.1- However, the slogan used last year "The Steadiest Market in the State" would still be adaptable. This market is known for its steadiness; - no great fluctuation in prices- confuse the patrons as to the best selling dates. Every day is a good day on this market, and grow ers, realizing this do. not hesitate to bring their offerings whether it be Monday os Thursday. In expectation of the greatest year in its hiBtory, Farmville is anx ious that its' thousands of patrons take advantage of the service, satis faction, and higher prices to be had through patronizing its sales from the opening day throughout the en tire season. . Co*' >n Bagging Approximately one million bales 0/1 cotton will be marketed this year in a new cotton bagging material. This experiment with cotton as a bale covering has been made possible by the AAA program for the diversion of surplus lint. Don't put up with useless PAIN 4 Get rid of it When functional pains of menstruation are severe, take CARDDL If It doesn't bene fit you, cohsttlt a physician.*; Dont neglect such pains. They depress the tone of the nerves, Augn mki loss of ap petite, wear out your resist ance. 'jciet a bottle of Cardui : ' and see whether it will help*,! ? you, as thousands of wetaen ; have said it helped them. ? Besides easing certain patnb, Oqu } do! aids m building up the whole REFRIGEM ? Don't put up with an inefficient, inadequate refrigerator any longer. Foe like the proverbial white ele phant, its "keep" costs more than its contribution. Yoo can easily own a big, new 1938 General Elec tric-with all its conveniences, fast freezing, better food protection? and save more m more mays! Choose a General Electric for en during economy?it is a product of the combined research, f ngineffing skill and manufacturing experience of the world's largest md oldest electrical manufacturing company. \WWMAl *-f BWtWW^i Q? Cwltoi The original sealed-in-stee! cold making mechanism that revolu tionized refrigeration costs cod has been constantly improved for twelve years/ - >11 I" -m IT kavmuillA ??uiuIum Pa rarmviHt t urfnu rcvo. FARMVILLE, N. C. J[ GRADE ?i .. S ? ? -n _ m? . - . ' ... , . - |* - . 1_ MSI K ' ? , . , . * ? -a \ ?* Q tAV^AOT ~ ^2 ' ^CkS 'flnfc - ' ' 'tB* '."'"Ht'' '-<fljB .wBjpwv7^'' ' "V- "'4 I* USE YOUR HEAD TO GET AHEAD Back To School With .... A NEW PERMANENT, A SHAMPOO, FACIAL, MANICURE, ARClf Phone Us For An Appointment Now. / You May Expect EXPERT COURTEOUS SERVICE ?? ? v At The , Vanitie Boxe Beauty Salon VISIT OUR GIFT SHOP LOVELY NEW THINGS ARRIVING DAILY 1 / shei/a [gasoline] v . v \ u / /. /y ? ?" jl ? I I ? I Turn In At This Sign Washing, Greasing, Waxing and Tire Service Dial 249-1?We'll Call For Your Car ? Service and Return It SHELL SERVICE STATION ? ? HERMAN JOYNER, Operator SIR '^tB I ^' TTQC 'the ?* laundry ser- ; ? UOEi vice that gets your clothes as dean and sanitary as you want them to be*, use ; the kind of laundry service that can be depended upon' to ;; wash your clothes carefully with the most modem equip- J; ment. . y \ ? " i > We maintain these standards because < - < > they are the only means of completely eliminating your wash-day worries. *' OUR DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING ]>? DEPARTMENT Awaits Serving: You. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J ! > FARMVILLE LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS I OUR GARS WILL jCOUJSCT AND DELIVER ?; | Phone 318-1 ^ Farmville, N. C. ^:; . ? jjjt Jr - ? ? ?? ? f" ?*""*.)? JISSWbSBBH^^^^^^^ ? ! ?? ?( t- ^,_j . T - - I lllll II'VImIi/Lj M ? m I ? A ? ?_ ABvHv vBT ' ABBp ? ?39PB? Bjsjxi" - w/s'-T, 4 V'.' ?.' ????, '--. :;-? ' '? r.-i .v'/??". ? - * .r ,-J, %' -fe? . ? ^ dfelivS#* /%##? ^ ? ? ^' r*v--'- ? .V ?,i"-i(i. I- W* ' '< WA?ri ??'/* U/|Of Of I lMk ' A O.' lVH* \/AA*V? ? ..; <..<* * ' "1 ? ?- . - ? , i> * ? - ' ??T Jf *J ^fT VIV TY* ? l /\ ' XT TX ?

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