J ;r;, I laav . ' ? w?'Bj ? ? Jm. -'.M^B ? ? H ?i????i ii I I ? ?mmm? . rnmmmmmmm | PMrate Ctar' Adwrttoera, ftr; ;? |j | Yob It Trade With Them. * "wbtr* i-:'2?rr' ' ? | A. _? * * ? f 9 ^^^^9 Vjl * ?. H '9J;^K# bh ? H? ^r, flF ..? 1 Jjjij^ JK^iLjL'' ^ MLB ?BL JBeh!^? JL JL Jit' ?B* &hjr^^ ? * "?1???mmrnm^mmmmmmrnrnmtmm ?2 ? ? , ^^?'iiyfjJl " ? ' -* ;? *Jl' . ? ? '?".*?'.ut!fl!.* '" fl'rfi r.w ^ 1 I ' i ???? ? ^\ Demurrer Filed By De feme Counsel Sustain* ed; Appeal Notice By Plaintiffs. Greenville, Aug. 24. ? Judge J Paul Frixselle, in Superior court here this afternoon, signed m judgment sustaining a demurrer filed by de fendant in an action brought to force the county commissioners to reim burse the county coffers for the ser vices of A. S. Batson as head of the National Bureau of Investigation. The action also sought to recover certain per diem and mileage fees allegedly overpaid members of the board. Counsel for the plaintiffs object ed and excepted to the judgment and gave motion o appeal to the Su preme court. The suit was brought by L. R. Whichard, C. L. Forbes, Elijah Mills. L. T. Pierce, Jesse Mills, Blount Ed wards, R. E. Belcher, C. D. Langston, in behalf of themaelvea and any other citizen and elector of Pitt County who may desire to join in the pro ceedings. Named defendants were B. M. Lewis, D. T. House, Jr., and F. M. Kilpatrick. L. W. Cherry, Roy T. Cox, individually and as county com missioners for Pitt county; and C. 0. H. Home, A. R. Harvey and C. A. Tyson, comprising the ABC "board for Pitt County. S. 0. Worthington represented the group bringing the action, while Jes se Junes of Kington, J. H. H&rrell of Grooavill and John B. Lewis of Farra ~ viUe appeared in behalf .of the county j commissioners. > ; The case grew out of the famous Sheriff Whitehurot case, which re* suited in the ousting of the officer, who also relinquished the office of nominee. ' * ?;* -Vv Correspondence between opposing counsl in the case heard today indi cated that criminal charges might be pushed against the former sheriff, but no steps in this direction have been taken. 5 ? ? Heavy demands from fanners have left the Anson County terracing unit with more work than it can do this fall, winter, and spring. . ? ?r ? . .? -? " . I Japaese Press I M tolanko* I Reinforced Armies Re I ' ported Making Pro gress in Their Big Of I ? fensive. ''' ??? " ? I Changhai, Aug. 25. ? Japanese forces had fought their way into po sition today for a two-way drive I against Hankow,-Chinese provisional Reports from the Central China I fronts placed one Japanese force at I overbad 140 miles against the Peip-1 ? ing-Hankow railway. l Jntchang In lts p?oKi up the south l I bank of the Yangtze River on Han I hew. 100 air miles to the northwest t<- _ I Twnlmii I|Ui TaftVi^kiffl footkldlhl M ' ' -? - ? i/ r Wn- - I wreiy^ djfc JhdymiMy. ? I ? W Ali^KWWBs.lf 'TwjpVHPOf - j. SHM. H ?!? *^3kw^' <~V^^^^I^^R:'''-" "?*"rft ?III Hm j A| . H. ^9U HI. Liquor Stores ? Raleigh, Aug. 23. ? Figures for July reveal that North Carolinians consumed legally $481,767.70 alcohol ically, a good hot season baainese in which Wake and Durham stood out like a naughty deed In a good world. One year ago when Wake voted for ABC stores, Chairman Cutlar Moore of the North Carolina Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control pro- ? phesied that the two counties, Dur ham and Wake, would sett "more than one fifth of all the legally soldi liquor in the state." Durham dis pensed $60,520,80 for July and Wake ] $63,070.80. This was the first time " in the 13 months of selling that Wake had led Durham. - Though more populous than Dnr- -j ham, Wake's competition is much keener. Johnston, Nash and Frank ling all touch Wake, as dbeg Durham in a big way. Then Vance is just a j few miles across Franklin. But Dur- j ham has much better dry territoyl patronage'and 12 of these months j the domain of Butt has bested Wake i handily.- The two counties sold-bet- / ter than 25 per cent of the liquor for ! July. < Reports for August are coming in " piecemeal and it has bees announced from the Raleigh ABC storee that < they enjoyed no pickup, whatsoever as the result of the General Assem- ' bly's week here. If anything, there was a mild drop. The assembly came to the capital in very fiance weather, but past experience has shown that. 1 heat is no bar to alcoholic consump- < tion. The general explanation is that liquor has been made so easy to get ?, that the legislators found no fascina tion in it. . / Besides, it is off second that once upon a time, it was in 1937, there was a big church convention in Ra leigh and somebody played a joke on that religious body by running up the liquor sales. Suffered By 65 |_ ?._a. ?i ? Is ArayiWair AH Bat Three Or Four Expected To Be jMfr | missed From^ Marine Hospital at Mobile To day; Suffered ?tta<* Enroute Home From Gulf Coast Maneuvers, ^ '1 ' ^\ u ' I regulation, tobacco farmers who have! newspaper men that there will be! ?vn leaf difficulty attending the eleetionnext year. ' there IkIizmelection called by the I growers, who in thfe instance happen j io he cotton and ?ofca??:: farmers. [ There may and then may Mot bw such election next year, as the basis ?, of it will be the November 15 report I which will show whether theTe is tddn titan five per centof tito*'nme- L mal supply on hand. It so, the sec-1 - retary of agriculture makes his cali and there is another vote. The summer and fall developments! have been quibbontrary to the earlier I ? perdictions. It Was said that the big , fellow gets all the breaks and the] little fellow gets all the lujuuai^p|^ surveys show that the farmers nowj most vocative against the control actjj are found among the time merchants j and the absentee growers. This was j ( not expected. There wen manifest j, hardships upon the small: grower. But after, the first year under con- , trol he seems to be .toss dtosaiisfig|pa than he was at the beginning. [ ?i The season's worked wed with the 1,1 controllers who found iijijjpqU all h over the world of a stimulated to- ] ( bacco growth. The weather mowed ( down many a stalk and reduced titt< poundage on'many an acre. withtsanding which," the growers H count their crop pretty good ant ! prospect for good money far better h than it was three months ago. I Agricultural leaders in Eastern!) North Carolina declare that there j < isn't the slightest chance, for this i half of the state. They are convin- < ced that it is a necessity. , of* AgrUrit ture^had agreed^cooprate in Jto ' partiiient would arrange for the j schools, and the Bureau of Agricul-; . Aral Economics would provide ai- I sistance in the instruction. W; *?. Hedriek,;^tobacro;^^ing specialist wiA^ the ^ thehiiddle, ^11^1 and1'~ t^u^^ey* filpits ss< "wM? J.liiaelim wvt iiayQM J*. ''IL., - jvd^' ?H *?* .," ' ' ~~, ? ' - . I - - ' -.w't.^ y v * ? -v^ of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace to '?' ?* '? -J .... I... - |f '|1|. 'If.. . I 1L.X A.tL.L ^ i.f ? I rngut stressed toe fact tna$uie est. tens determine if. the statement often of "My God, we have returned to 1982," had any basis of fact Mr. Wallace found that there were no^ajts^o is conceivable that to could have a' I 1932, but we have not yet approach ed that condition." I the present relative prosperity m I compared to 1932, the same condition 9 WKtal fcrm -fccome is expected to be $7^600,000,000 this year, 9 which is 18 per cent below the all- I iime peak of 1937, but is still, far ahead of the 1932 figure of $4,82&> WX>?00. S^etory Wallace said^t^t iollar had nothifcg to do with die wraparfson, *Xs farmers: Were never 9 oaid with gold He said fl .purefciMiiWVN^-^^ 1 ^er buys was 107 id 1982 and has gipMeii;to 126. He also pointed out that wdge ret mrns to .labor have dropped 83 per :ent since 1937% instead of 13.per cent irop for the farmer. H;4' yy.l^ ? -.. ". '-A -"x 'V- ?*; K3j j H I ?' - "3t-, H win ir ? y??w .w?a from one oif * winfBAinjj^ ' ? . ?. I ?" ; 1.^ ^ pes ^ ^ e^shs lit?1 ^ r ^Woote^th^fes^? after U? inrfiwr was forced down in tip Pearl River near Canton, k'.,,; n?wfliiW'Wi . 13 of' the 17 Chinesepaawngers were Japanese dl^to^w itdo^m. ? ^ He said, however, that they swoop ed lovr W loosed eonoent]|tM ma li||ifftn fire on the passengers af to Uj.pkoo.^wj tt?r wore trying to reach shore, T^stiiirr^ He w^^qiUnjnred^but wm suffering ^ode said he picked up the Japa nese naval plane* soon after leaving Ew*#ong -iarijL-**stt&ty *Bd at tempted t^o?t-^y ^Wap^ chine gun fire ami struck down pas fcnn were held at his home near jp ' ylH TPu sda afternoon j^y ^he 11 4' LImm Lnpi \y% hp liQh [ f antnria "Mm M Wild?T80n Blid | Dnvid 'Nany who *wefe fishing from I ? Braxton a daughter ] m* >bS where he had BeenjeriticiUly ill for mmBus dty, followed by ipterinent at mother, Mntind' Mrs. William ^DarJen waa . oative of Soot uit practiced law tajirKavilla for received hitWunpr tbfi practice law |n j^ort tin^ involved in the World War, he gave , .? '. .->. a ?? ? lH ?? jkgkgk.'-' H Ajfi H;LjF fjT'"r^C {? I WIP?.*??? ? QKyB^1|Kffi?ral.W I .; ' r- -i-t,' # > r . .^V jagB^ I* ; ^;5MEBfP ? -. ? ? I BatiiHAl ?HWIkiIIIil 1 RliuB?' nwpf"MOA gd. PtC8^ ' j f| Wiioietiinv odivo - " ? ? mfn rto k^ccrC"!! ?ft^TYe " ??- I r:"yr; ??-?<-"?- - II i mrrting bf thfl PwP'l ' . -.' ? n hWi (\t Trficio WAS 1 ppfr*1* lT ?^iii?day 11 Fjy wbokiLftdr. ^ teM^foweat and 88e' the price paid In the, lint hear rf. Aa;^- . * 1 opening sale. Two billa, picked c?a- >2? : from loot Beoooofwith the gemnl T ufftfti ?1 f | 1? j '? ????&' 8? ': '/-A '.v _ ' tSi r, A.. /? **>. f r AtaM LJ>L.'\^ltS^n'ilClfli^ ? ? a* a' * ',t> '4? t ' ? i 1 ijji|fcM_fL Ji ? H W n >j ? * 4-'I"' B:. - ttroiccta IOf noaf ?nn ygfgy -jy.'-' - ? " /;y. ? ? ^"U |p* . . ' J i I , VJ. i?? .. ? , . ,. ??? , ? ? , completed it will .do* d$ n$c6CiAfy to idoio'tb (come ; 4S"s' ? i'