.1 Oettinger's in Wilson Have Moved to a New Location Nex <? When you go to Wilson this Fall you'll find on Nash Street, next door to the Wilson Theatre, the NEW OETTINGER'S, one of North Caro lina's most-beautiful stores. It is <a new store with beautiful show windows, mahogany fixtures trimmed with Wisconsin Birch, mo dern and ample lighting, and a ven tilating system that make this one of the most pleasant shopping cen ters in Wilson. You will like this new store when you visit Wilson; you will find here many of your old friends, an intelli gent sales force, amply posted on the newest style trends, and trained to give correct and competent advice to all shoppers. The writer was in this new store; today, and wr.j impressed not only with the unusual beauty and comfort of the store, but more especially with the reports' he received about busi ness conditions from Mr. Oettinger. Said Mr. Oettinger, "Our moving to this new location was one of the smartest things we have ever done. We have brought our entire stocks of dresses and coats to our first floor in this store, and the results have [ been amazing. In the two months' we have" been in our new store our; f ???IWI.II -? dress and coat sales have shown re markable increases. In fact, our early Fall "Business has been so un usually good that Mrs. Fanner and I are going back to New York next week for additional merchandise. This is the first year in my recollec tion that we have had to go back to New York in September, after having just been there the middle of August for Fall ready-to-wear." "Usually it is the style element in Women's wearing apparel that makes a season either bad or good. This Fall the style element continues to play an important part in,every gar ment shown at Oettlnger's, but more important than style are the present values in price. FUR COATS are a fair example of what I mean by the present values in price, and dresses and cloth coats are following the same value lines." "We feature this year a super-sea Ime dyed coney coat, lustrous black, deep pyle?exactly the same quality which we sold last year at $85.00 and $98.50; but this year's price is only $69.50. Another example of real values is a rich dark brown natural Muskrat Coat featured this year at $119.00. Last year our lowest priced * Muskrat Coat was $150.00,lind I 4p not think it was the equal in quality, appearance or wear of this year's coat at $119.00.", The writer here interrupted and asked, "Mr. Oettinger do many wo men know enough about furs to real ly buy a fur coat?" "The best answer to your ques tion," said Mr. Oattinger, "is found in a slogan which hangs over the door in the salesroom of New York City's finest furriers ? (the firm from whom our fur coats are pur chased). This slogan reads: 'Know Your Furs or Know Your Furriers'." "That is the answer to your ques tion. Few people know much about furs. I have studied furs intensely for many years, and honestly be lieve that I am better posted to give advice on fur coats than most mer chants in this section. "Much money is wasted annually on fur coats that look good and wear badly. Exper ience has taught many women that 'It Pays to Deal at OettingerV where fur coats are sold with a guarantee of dependable quality." When in Wilson visit the New Oet tinger's, next door to the Wilson j Theatre on Nash Street. Beautiful & Durable Production of the Fur niture Makers Shown By R. E. Quinn & Co. Wilson's Leading Furniture Store. Located at 201 South Goldsboro Street, With Phone 2585. Here, conveniently located for the people of this and surrounding ter ritory, is the place to furnish your home, at a real saving. Their stock contains^ everything that the modern home should hay?, from living room to kitchen. Before you furnish your home let R. E. Quinn and Co. show you these - home outfits. You will be delighted i at the variety and beauty, as well as with the price. This modern and well conducted establishment is a store of the peo ple and for the people?a store built on the plan that aims to give mutual pleasure, satisfaction and benefit, for it is the aim of the management ' to make happy, satisfied customers by supplying at reasonable prices the necessities, comforts, conveniences and the luxuries. The various articles have been se lected with a view to perfection in three things: comfort, beauty and durability, and embrace as a whole 1 the most beautiful and durable pro ' ductions of the furniture makers' art. Keeping in close touch with the fur niture centers, they are able to buy when the market is right at prices that enable them to pass on to their i customers real money saving values. J R. E. Quinn and Co.'s store now has in stock many new designs, and the manager invites people from this section to make the store headquart ers when in town shopping. There is however, no obligation to buy, of course, and the many models dis played will prove very interesting. When one goes to their attractive and complete store, they know in ad-1 vance they will get value received for their money. R. F. Bealand Plumbing & Heating Render Best of Service at Reasonable Prices - ( Conveniently Located In Wilson at 119 North Goldsboro Street, With Phone 3927. Mr. R. F. Bedland is a man of wide experience in the plumbing and heating business. He and his es tablishment have greatly aided in the up-building of this part of the state. They have, made a study of modem plumbing and heating contracting that is especially suitable to the climate and installs all work accord ing to the most modem methods. They have built their business upon quality and say "The best is the cheapest." - Customers are * ^'ways satisfied with their work and their business has grown from year to year. The scope of R. F. Bealand Plumb ing and Heating work includes heat ing and plumbing in all the various phases and thus are very comprehen sive. They will aid in making of your plans, give you an estimate and com plete the work so that every thing will be satisfactory. R. F. Bealand is always glad to give estimates and will go any place and look over the Seating problems in question and give a complete es timate of the work completed. He is in a position to offer the best of ser vice in installation and all people employed by him are careful <!an<? ar tistic in all work. They do not dis figure property in placing heating systems in. old buildings, but will < manage the work so that everything will look fine when finished. In the employ of R. F. Bealand are expert men who thoroughly un-1 derstand the details of the work to the best advantage. The service is rapid and satisfactory, the work careful and tasteful. These crafts-1 men will go on your job and will as-1 tonish you at the results that can be produced. If you want to modernize your. place just stop in and see R. F. Bea-; land Plumbing and Heating at lid j North Goldsboro St. They will aid ? you in your plans. Thomas-Yelver ton Funeral Home | Is Sections Leading Mortician; 3 ' 1 Conveniently Located At 309 East ->sh Street With Phone 3121. Am bulance Service Day and Night. Rfendere A Service of Distinction. 2 " To live in the hearts we leave be hind us is not to die. This beautiful token to those who have passed on ward is the creed upon which this masterful mortician has established his business. With successful experience com bined with the most comprehensive fund of knowledge of * the proper maijper of conducting an interment serv|ce, funerals which Thomas-Yel verton Funeral Home conduct convey that lasting feeling of dignity that has i caused the people of this entire section to think of him during their r - ? ? - ? ????-??7?? Ia - 1 - ? time of grief. Their ability to conform their ac tions to each individual situation, the home-lilce^atmoBphere that provides at all times to help lessen the an guish and sorrow of those who mourn the beloved departed ones, and the' deeper understanding which is the most necessary requisite of one en gaged in this ciass of endeavor W deeply apparent at every ""funeral which they direct. Prom the minute they are called until the final duties axe performed not one single minute detail is over looked, nor the least semblance of confusion, but a systematic, smooth running service is tfendeped that be speak of the deep thought and in terest in the work of this professional concern. Their entire equipment is | the bes^ that money can buy and on-1 ly the latest and most advanced -methods are used. The staff of Thomas-Yelverton t Funeral Home are welt trained men. who have been licensed for years,1 that have the welfare of the commu nity and the people at heart in their thoughts uppermost. This is borne out in their endeavor, both in busi ness and in community affairs. | In this annual business-profes sional and commercial review of our onward progress we take this oppor tunity to refer these masterful mor-! ticians to all of our readers and to advise you to call on them on any. occasion you might have regarding need for any services of this type. ? 1 . ? 1 Urn Feed aid Seed Cenpany The Beiti. Feed ES 1 Aid Seed; Finieb Baity Cash Market lor tail "" ? _ Factoring A. Ceaplete Line of Feeds and Seeds For Every Purpose. Lo cated at 106 West Barnes Street, With Phone 2472. ? 9 vSBftfer; -J Featuring seed and grain, they bay from fanners, paying the highest tbejfinished products at fair prices. When this popular concern started: thgjg eateijpgiae they determined to pliw of business that would benefit "'?;*|y^hluc^P' th ? " ' ? ? Throughout this entire section of the State, this well known establish ment is known as a popular head quarters for feeds of all kind. I& charge is a management which has made a scientific study of the feed business and has had a wide exper the selection of their stock of* feeds. Kascoe Feed and Seed Store provide those feeds which have been tested They have, a complete line of stock l^as* laced* at j | that is far superior to the average. J Stock feeds for every purpose will i be found here in complete array. .They know the feed business from A to Z and not only have provided a complete stock, but are always wil ling to give you advice or suggestions you may wish. This service is en tirely free and entails no obligation fo^you to buy. \ ?; . In making this review of the pro gress of the community and in out lining the more prominent firms who give valued' service to the public we wish to direct the special attention " iii. >? n i ii n r, i ii i Clark Hardwire & Provision Co. ?:?' * i? i ? * ... . _ '? y ? ? This prominent concern is located in Wilson at 117 South GoJjtoboro Street, with Phone 21511 and is ser ving the public with the beet in hard ware and building materials. It is without doubt necessary that an immense stock of-goods be car ried by the hardware dealer who wishes to be successful and keep pace with the demands of his customers. In this present day of hurry and rush the patron demands that his call for a nail or a screw be given the. same careful-/attenion as though he were buying a .bill of hardware; One of the features of "this service is the fact that the salesmen are au thorities on painting and understand the harmonious combination of col ors. They will be ab3e to tell you just how much paint, etc., you need to paint the house, barn, or interior and will assist you in picking out the colors that will make it a place of charm and beauty. Clark Hardware and Provision Co. have been responsible for much of the improvements in the appearance of real estate in this part of the coun try. Clark Hardware and Provision Co. have furnished the contractors and users with their products for many of the fine residences and large buildings for exterior and interior work and thus their business activi ties have aided in the onward develop ment of this part of the Valley. McClellan's Store Popular 5 and 10 Admirably located in Wilson on E. Nash Street, this, store, with its large stock and late styles in hew quality merchandise, is one of the leading retail establishment in this section. McClellan's Store is now being re modeled and a basement floor added, this is just one of the things that proves why this store is the leading concern in its line in Wilson. The store is also being AIR-CONDITION ED for the comfort of the patrons. This popular 5 and 10c store has I continuously merited the position this store has acquired as being one of the fading mercantile establishments I of this part of the state. A progres sive firm under able management, meriting the liberal support of the people of this section. To be merely rendering an average service in an average establishment is all well and good, but to be able to give service that, is just a little in advance of others is an establishment 'that has become a feature to the mercantile life of the community; that is indeed something wel$ worthwhile and that is one of the reasons for the large patronage of this outstanding con cern. The management invites you to make this store your headquarters when in. Wilson. AAA Offices Prepare Cotton Market Cards pf Cotton .marketing cards will be is sued North Carolina growers by county AAA offices as soon as pos sible after it has -.been determined whether they have complied with their cotton acreage allotments, E. Y. Floyd, AAA executive officer at State College, has announced. Growers who have kept within their allotted acreage will be given r I white cards that will enable them to I sell tax free all the cotton they grow this year, plus whatever <cotton they may have on hand from previous [crops. Those who have overplanted their acreage will be given red cards. With the red cards, they can sell tax free all the cotton covered by their mar keting quotas, but will have to pay two cents a pound tax on all cotton sold in excess of their quotas. Growers who plant more than their allotted cotton acreage will alfeo be subject to deductions from their ag-j ricultural conservation program pay-1 ments at the rate of five cents ai pound on the established normal yield i of the excess acreage. j Growers who have excess acreage j may secure white marketing cards, t Floyd added, if (1) their total pro-! duction won't exceed .1,000 pounds, (2) their total production does not exceed their normal production, (3) they put up cash or bonds to cover ( the estimated amount of the penalty jj involved for excess marketings. Floyd also stated that ginners are required to keep a record of all cot ton ginned this year,' tfith reports being sent to the county AAA office 1 at regular intervals. 11 Buyers are warned not tQ purchase. i cotton from any grower who cannot ] identify it with a marketing card lest they be subject to a fine of not more than $600. ' t . . i SUBSCRIBE to THE ENTERPRISE f WILSON VENEER COMPANY ? PROMINENT INDUSTRIAL CONCERN ?w i ? a??? Employing AH Local Labor This Concern Is Termed A Valued As set. Located on Ralfcoad Street, Phone 3086. * . ? ' ?g??? The Wilson Veneer Co., whose main office and factory is located in Wil son, is a Twentieth Century industry under the able direction of men who have always had a heart at the best interests of the communities in which this valuable enterprise is located and one of the firms that keeps the wheels of progress tunring in this section. This is one of the most valuable industries and is worthy of more than passing notic4 at our hands./ for not only, is it one of the leading con cerns engaged in the manufacture of all kinds ot veneer products, have gained * reputation for general ex cellence among the trade throughout the country. We could write many volumna and then not be able to tell you of all the good that this modern enterprise has done for this section. It has become so much a part of the everyday life of the community that many have come to regard it as a "Matter of Course!" It is well to pause occas ionally an4 consider just what they mean to us. It is a model establish ment and in ideal place to work. - In making this annual business, professional and industrial review of ouT onward progress, the \jriter takes pleasure in complimenting them upon the.interest they have for the welfare of this section and to remind you that they are deserving of your support ' ' , - AGNEW & BARNES TIN SHOP SERVE SEC u HON WITHBESTIN SHJ3ET MBTAIi WORK All Kinds of Sheet Metal and Rowing Work Located at 225 S. Goldsboro Street In Wilson With Phone 2871. . ? .v^trV'w- *?vil:?? ' StoH One of the features of their service is metal roofing, or any kind of roof the customer may want. Agnew A Barnes are considered an authority on this work and it will be worth your to consult them, before deciding what kind of roof to put on your building. Qr if you have a leaky and save you money. AH fcli 1) h " b? til trsd nflT.Qll at work PTltniStfid to f.nAHl ifl ' iL I ti6n and we. can recommend tnem to all of our. readers who may be in need of anything in their line. ? At t^is up-to-date and thoroughly equipped establishment you wiH find appliances and fixtures that are of the latest design and scientifically ac curate, and a stock that is full and complete. The work embraces, all phases of sheet metal contracting, I fijcludingtin, ventilators and cornices. The sheet stockroom commands at tention, it embraces a complete j- ^ WW pUX^WScB. ^ j -rtr.'? ?~m'l i am Jfr"'"'' V'' ?? " i-v. J ??'/ >" . * ? ? "* ' ' ? . " ? ? ' '? ? . With Freshest "Mothers" Bread and Cakes oi * , *? With Sanitary Plant "Located at 110 Sonth Lodge Street In Wilaon. Phon 262L Success and happiness depends on health and health depends upon the quality of food we eat. God bread is essential td" every man, woman and child in America. Today the respon sibility of making good bread has been placed on the baker. Recognizing this responsibility the Eastern Carolina Baking Co. has re-' solved to give this and surrounding territory an even better bread, and are always striving to attain perfec ion and to give the people the most delicious and distinctive loaf. Moth ers Bread is a bread to meet and i? v ' ?" . satisfy the taste of the most dis criminating, a bread that wity sat isfy the most hungry -appetite. - Baked under the most wholesome and sanitary conditions and the very best ingredients used. Ail goods are sold in the freshiest condition. This unequaled and superior service has1 brought to them much commendation. Nothing is used4n the process but j the very best grade of flour, pure . milk, sugar, salt, shortening and [other ingredients, mixed and baked ! by means of scientific, clean, sanitary conditions-by thoroughly experienced [ and skilled workmen. The first J requisite in the making of good' bread is to equip the plant with the latest %nd most approved labor sav-j tag machinery. This firm has i no time nor expense in tatt complete and. sanitary equipmei the economical production of staff of life). v In fact it is just the kind plant you would want your made in. . By means of automatically rating machines the bread is bc touched by human hands durin entire process. See that in your next gro there is included a loaf or t^ Mothers Bread. It contains a| heavy percentage of nutritive!, ments and is the best food iEj world for kiddies between mealJT of course, at meal time. ^ Farris Dept. Store-Wilson's Lead-1 ing & Most Complete Dept. Stoj * ? 1 Conveniently Located For the People of the Surrounding Territory at 111 S. Tarboro Street, With Phone 2649. T fl*. # \ ' V " ' The Farris Department Store re veals the American business system at its best as it offers under one * roof, commodities from every known land at prices that would be impos sible, except for the ingenuity of the system practiced at this store by its directing heads. Whenever any- business house is able to inaugurate a merchandising establishment where the public is able to obtain t;he very necessary articles : I- 11 ? I ? at lower prices than they are usually sold, the public always profits. Far ris Department Store is just such an establishment and here the people of the community are ab^e to save much on their purchases and thus many people who would have had to forego many of the necessities or luxuries of dress on account of the high prices of the times are now^en abled on account of the reasonable prices of this store to secure them I and enjoy life more, as they are as I well fixed as their neighbors. ? The fact that Farris Department ! Store, buy their stock in large quan tities, and are discriminating buyers, enables them to offer these wcr>r ful values to the people. This jfr them a large trade and they difr try to make all the profits onj1 sale but count on small profit^ a large volume of business. We are glad to give commerA mention to Farris Department and refer it to all our readers panaea. for the merchandising of the day. And in this Busi Professional and Industrial R of our onward progress we are to point to this outstanding d? ment store and to advise our reader to make this store your quarters when in Wilson shoppi Branch Banking & Trust Company Great Can- I mercial and Financial Asset to Entire Sect) Member of the Federal Deposit In , suranee Corporation; All Deposits Insured up to $5,000. Located in Wilson at 124 Nash St., With Phone 2105. ??? < This is a financial pillar of unsur passed strength in this section of the state. Its methods are up-tordate and efficient. As a factor in the upbuilding of this section, this hank has played a prominent and honorable part. It is known as a hank of superlative in tegrity and one that can be counted on to carry its share of the load in apy forward-looking and progressive movement The policy of the Branch Banking and Trust Co., is one of accommoda tions and convenience to its custo mers. Liberal without being hide bound. The policy has drawn to this institution a large clientele, friend to all whom it serves. This bank, of course, conducts a general banking business. Its ser vice and advice are sought by the largest corporations as welt as by the humblest individual, and in every instance the same courteous treat ment is extended and the same care ful attention given to the problems ?presented. Open or checking ac counter are carried as a part o bank's regular business... It is under the control of and ject to inspection and regulatio the United States government. Its soundness has never questioned. Its officers are m< highest standing in their conua and of irreproachable character unassailable repute. Branch Bai and Trust Co. has always adl to the soundest principles of bai and are well deserving of the nificient patronage that has beei tended to their ably managed i tution. ? Bright Egg Outlool Continued improvement in the ind winter outlook for egg prodi has been reported by C. P. P?i extension poultryman at Statp ege/ : ? ? q By The Piece ! With the development of 4 freezing of drawn poultry .and packaging of parts of the bird, number of store, outlets for dre poultry has been fncrased. . 1 . The United States could get ri iome of its surplus wheat, by ds ing a hundred million bushels to starving Chinese. LUCILE DRESS SHOP ? WILSON'S MOST POPULAR LADIES' SH< - ^ - - - I I I ? I '? m -< Conveniently Located At 219 East Nash Street In Wilson. This popular ladies' shop is con sidered one of the foremost places in North Carolina to secure the most fashionable of ladies' wefr at con sistently low prices. For anyone to assume the fashion responsibility of the community is rather a large undertaking; but Lu cille Dress Shop, through its desire to present the finest and best has as sembled a selection of garments which are fashion's leaders >nd has completely covered the fashion field. Here are dresses in all the newest modes of fashion, which have such popular demand in the style centers of the East Jaunty suits and eoats, the latest offerings of the designer's , art, at prices that are right Lucile Dress Shop is now featuring a new line of Formats and Street " i ? Dresses in all the shades and co that are the very thing for fall winter wear. They also have a c plete line of millinery that is the word in fall and winter styles materials. Their sheer hosiery surpassed by none and many woi of our section have found it to ! pass all others. '< A special feature we call your tention to is the complete line small women, as they fully unt stand the great difference in mei small-sizedclothing and that cloth which is designed to fit women small site, also the large and women. The many customers in i community think of their needs this shop at the same time. The Lucile Dress Shop should complimented upon their well knc policy of maintaining inviolate nr chandise quality and authenticity style. "V ? i .1 i , - i i Z. P. GRAFT & CO. PAINT AND WALLPAPE1 /' STORE SERVE SECTION WITH THE BBS I ; "*? < v 1 .J. a. ": T Iiocated At ISS Gokbboro Sfc. With Phone 2351 Saying The Beet > ; I The Cheapest. " 1 I ?? .1 Here you not only savp j? the prices ot your paipts and wa&pa- , per but have a stock to seta* from that ;cMiT?otba eqtt^,anyjwh??~ , of ? t ^ paint store at metropolitan sta ard. No store could carry a wj rejection of wall paper and pal ?ifl found here. In a compa short time you can select r patterns of ws? paper to iecorate your entire house: - If you are like most of us, < irtistid 'j taste is not after develop !fou cant just trust your own ju< ^t^towhat iyo he Frtjeetf |USw WuHv pOiv OI uvvUie^aUllS a

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