' ^ >"> M>??????? ?'?? P ^B*- M L ?.. >-- ? ? - ft i* y PAPlMiJl l l mA __ - - I - 1 TOttTMB THJBTY Hundred; Marlok??^ pected to Go "Qtpp Tile Thirty Million Mark ? * \ The Farmville tobacco market has ] broken all previooa record ai t* 1 pound* sold for the same number of < dtps The market for this week has . soM 1,492,544 pounds for $256,275.72 at; an svrage of $17.16. And for the 1 season- to data die market has sold 1 27*151,646 pounds for $4,439,789.49 at J an average of 316.11. ] The records continue to., disclose that-the Farmville market stays on 1 top in price averages, and in view of this fact it is now believed that we 1 wiB exceed thirty million by the first - of December. Farmers are urged to 3 bring the remainder of their tobacco 1 to this market where they will have every reason to feel that each pile j of their tobacco wfll bring that ex- ' pected- top price. The warehousemen < on the Farmville market are now prepared to give you a sale every 1 day. Two Holidays ; Baleigh, Not. 16,?President Boose- , veifs advance of Thanksgiving by a week and Governor doe/a failure to ^ foBow suit will mean two Thanks giving holidays for Works Progress ^ Administration and Farm Security ( Administration employes in North j Carolina. ( C. C. MeGinnis, State WPA Admin- , istrator, pointed out that the State holiday on November 30 and the doe- ^ injr of business establishments would prevent the proper performance of j WPA duties. Hence, the holiday. Since November 23 is the national j Thanksgiving holiday, federal work era mast abide by the President's j proclamation. All WPA projects will ( be.so scheduled as to give both days oft Assistant Postmaster Joel C. , Thompson said the poatoffice would i observe the national holiday and re main open on November 30. ( FOUNTAIN" 1W5W3 'II, (Bj MRS. M. D. YBLYERTON) I 'U 1 i Mrs. John, Fountain visited tela- , tivse in Lamberton this week. Mn C. L. Owens, and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Copelaad, of . Durham, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brace Eagles. Rank Owens, a student of Duke University, was at home for the Mrs. G. W. Jefferson and dangh w . ? ' . _ . n . T ? ass* rwiwsin ipsa - sttnnsjr B P-frf** ? ? ? Ifiss Kerns Lee Owens, a teacher of Pattella, was at home with he* mother daring the week-end. Miss Maade Emily Smith, a stu dent of E. C. T. C, was at home Smith for the J. A. Gay, Gibbs Johnson, Sari Treyathan and Misses Marjorie Smith m BR inspections, venereal disease clinics, j maternal and infant wetfWftwork, j community sanitation, cafe, dairy and j meat market inspections. The contagious, disease situation 4 for October is very unsatisfactory as | regards diphtheria and scarlet fever j but there was no typhoid fever, no j measles, and no whooping cough re ported. , The school work showed an inspec- i tion of *081 pupils. t now compiled hy the State Board of , Health Tabulating Department and r for October are not available to us ^ at this time. The new Venereal Disease Nurse, j Mrs. Orla Joyner, is preving^of great a assistance in the conduct of these v :linics. f The maternal and istiuat welfare c vork is growing. The attendance in t inly was 81, August 126, September r 143, and October 161. Much credit 8 is doe the clinicians for the growth yf this work and the Health Officer f wishes to thank them for their fine t service. The County Sanitary Inspector has ? pushed the community sanitation pro- ( jram with the result that 47 privies rere installed during the month of c Dctober. We regret to say. that we j iave just learned that WPA has 'i dosed this project in Pitt County. No e notice was given to the Health De- ^ partment but we shall dnour utmost y ? have the project restored. The cafe, dairy, and meat market c nspections have claimed much of the j Sanitary Inspectors' time. In the j natter of grading cafes and eating places in Pitt County, in October,, here wdre 15 A's, 18 Bis, and 13 Cp. e 3ur inspectors are strenuously en- | ieavoring to increase toe A's. t All recognized dairies and the pas teurization plant in Greenville coo- , lanue as Grade A establishments. < 1 Much time has been given by the fepartmtent in an .effort to secure an sxtension of sewer and water linspf \ in several of the towns in the County . through WPA greats. Aa the sit?- ^ stum now stands, a measure of sue- | cess seems more than probable, vci ( Respectfully submitted, ? N. THOMAS ENNETT, M. D, ' I I A Wautiful ?ttiii^ for the tttrt^ J| H>f * i HI^BI I il&MJa ' A# V -in unnfVin 1 I I' 3^ E. IIMi. S ^KjP * ^ ww jw pip ^T^wiJr?2*70)k Ilii^ijjlSl ?*t jjf Farmvillfe's Bed Cross quota of ?9P:w** ??e4 io * Hugn put on by Eli Joyner, Jr., and lis efficient irroup^of co-woriun on Pueeday apd Wednesday of thk wfc, in^ when * few mqro pledged memt mmre enrolled, 4he local,qoram&r ?Or,?Wpct? to have ttemnno* $5170 n hand. ? J, Nat Harrison, county chairman if tha Bed Cross and J. H. Moore, ocal member of the county executive ommittee, have extended congratala ions to chairman Joyner and Hs rorkers, and to citizens of this com rmnity, many-of whom, while unable o provide adequately for their own aadlies, newfaiLto*respond to the tad Cross in the annual i?B call and dwajW;do their bit to carry on this rork of-mercy. ? The local Red Cross committee is <*: Eli Joyner, Jr., chafed aqn; Mr*,-; ? Sj Scott, Tic* chair^ nan; John B. Lewis, Stanley Garris M Ed. Nash: Warn. I farming the committees of active rorkers participating in the roll cat his week were: I feoup 1-r-Mts. R. S. Scott, chair nan; Mrs. H. Meal. Howard, Mrs. Jherry Eapley, and Mrs. M. V. Jones. Group 2-?-Mrs. LeBoy Parker, hairman; Mrs. E. C. Holmes,.: Mrs. ohn B. Lewis, Mrs. L. T. Pierce. Group 3?Mr*. James Whaless, Jr., hairman; Mrs. J. L. Wfflifonfc Mrs. V. H. Moore, Jr., Mrs. Mac-Carra my, Mrs. Ed-Sykas. Group 4?Mrs. Irving' Morgan, Jr., hairman; Mrs. George Moore, Jr., fi*. A. C. Monk, Jr., and Mrs. W. L Allen. H. ,B. Sugg, principal of the color id school, served as chairman in the olored section, which showed much nterest and did its bit in an admir ible manner. Dog Tried; Convicted And Then Executed ; Greenville, Nov. 15.?A_ large white Urijdog belonging to Jack Jenkins pss put to Tiji^vfc by nxteni~ ?er8 of the sheriff's department after flinty Judge Dink James imposed ? jpath sentence for murder.^^e dog tUegedy attacked Oscar Williams, a (fogro, on October 21. Simultaneously,Jenkina was asses-, ted. with court coats for allowing a n the rojp of his dog's attorney, lis dog was not videos. His efforts were in vain. Williams waasaid to have been tttadwd' by the. dog p<mm* Handahan md injured so badly he was ? reach inedical aid. He lay by rail wad tracks fcS night and was taken dm following day to a Kinston hos pital according to evidence. Injuries rod exposure resulted in the death "MPS ??. ; A , ui).;Svl..V.'..i";L' M'. bavi-beea negotiated? ^. Whi^ is^ rel^ive population 8. Ia Cuba independent ? 9* rimy to6 suoni&nn6 cdmp&i?Q tnm i:i ' Xv?. wflW ,vPigrwPii>8fcB OI THv " C8i" I hq|jimiin7 niHIHSrl ? 1 hi m r* ? -" " fffc ' jg ?' | r ? I T1 i * ' ? *? ' tAf ? I ? ^ i ji ? j ? ? ? >_*_ - '? - ? j <? ] , 1/ w . *' *\' * n.jr ? ?? Urf lii \jt l/Cili a3 iTicUIl meeting of the executive board, corn el^ wier G a^p^dT>5 &Ti* SepJSi ??!? ?-x e*-24V_ IVa. , ? ,lf| -x i jgpnti me^rwitn tw wwa w ihib l life meeting will be. held in '?$*. *25 Thanksgiving1,- itfcfchfalls on:%J#* cembari this year. Featuring the program wiH 0m Phiios^,;*nd..witini^^p;a A* ored figure of speech at any gather Providing, cdditional interest in the program, which will: be- varied, thin $th. JB?mb; awwded. the-winners. I m particnlnri will be givw% * in. these columns next week, when deta& have been completed >y committees. Which pre now bqjfljr engaged, in Benjamin May C^wr, D. A. R.v, was pflWonea and^^Loaise Dixon _ _ _ Sh^ppttd| . ' t. HI TS .Tff L, _. l? ?w - *?-_- - Dims ? x/6yjL0Conu? uocaiittu* -.vy^v - ^>.jp i ' was ^xtcftdetl Fwpi)ttj, of R^Igi^^ and, * *vj Qbiess of BW?^1 .w^5S donticQk rtjfe- Encouraging* > reports were hfi^n y y CJt* 1?T li Jfr ? if 'iff i? !?? ' ! PrnKWhi nnrl PaIiVImi w |;-v' ., ? . ' ^ N " lotion was adopted that all iflSre; win SHrBBEis ber ^ tfie, ^ bring the crowd* to town, j Watcli this paper for the date of Santa Glaus' fort Vint, as the.com-j arrival, from a beautiful tea table by James Wcealey, Mrs. James Win stead, Mi^ Ha^^^ripp,lfc? A. S^wt*^Mi^W.^ Ryan, Mrs. els. fadttinjr basrs and small hand tajrs w^re nown th iraeste/ 1 ^^STsoma' said that she bad taken up weaving first to interest her college stodeota in'tfciaancieiit craft and also as a hobby for herself. | Mt*.1 Knott Proctor, accompanied, by ^ Mrs. Haynes, sang two songs, "A the program. Mr^Moore thea;iivte ed &e guwrtsL to ;?> down, tp thei?W - lb J. 1 I'Ajg KA#L ilUf ftlHlNlni r' ? WUwvi/ 1 ' > I lb^ 'V(fclt . flfc ?*'M\? ?? *f>?? ' '? J """ *2*- ~ ml A A^j ? riivif^'lMBCr Tn8t oxi Ai 1, ?? YMf'n oper, I9w) pi Totdl tO:DEtC) fyi ??-????*??*-**. . _ |H tj^?* ' November 16>-Higltway I . Kaieign, ??>????"? ,, "> ,.< ? | tja2u!'in ' Nfirth ? Carolina Unfl fc*jpp*?K? m decrease in October, iwo, . 1,..lf1jna ? I Division reported' vy^.- ? j .C^flt .yft JjJJJg; ?:. ? J AU "" I I lmfc ed by 8w?w-^ | I ... ' : ' ~~! !f9~ - ? . whQti/wQffcifc Means' ??L-^f '^?g? ..t.^ *itivir*-'-* ' j^' tilL '"ui-LLl-' war oq^ orrcain, coinciaea wrtn an- . of gripping and enured one prixe "(Jerman submarines are showing theBritg war With Germany," the high com wAnH asserted. ?*<**:?> ii -.?" '. ??*. Padded significance ' given to I yU French passenger and- merchant ships are subject to sinking by U boata because they are knows to be The official D. N, & agency told of the results of Monday's bombing at tacks on the Rhfttlaml Islands off the northern tip of Sedtiand and referred fo Churchill's Sunday ni At radio TmL-iL^^af Ijj t?m7i#fc ' Germans for failure to mol** the British n??y or strike at theMeginot "They (the Germane)- .have abt . chosen to molestthe British fleet, "I which haa awaited their attack in the Krth <* Forth daring the Jaet; wes^ and' they recril from the steel Xrtat ; of the French army akmg th* hCa^- ; not Line-", Churchill said, Today's comment, answering Chut* chiH) ^ r<? ! ^>It Is to be jntffeifated tha Ger- 1 man attacks will take place frequently *". I at: times and places 'jot foreseen in Kwg^n/T fa this |llll 111 tllfr jjjj ' I Churchill's affirmation was character- "; iftic because German tong-disiance* taineclthat moat of the^n/cs of the British fleet already had left the -Jfirthr of Forth." In reference to the bombing attack on the^Shttlahd Itoifa (whedi IBs 1 British (faded ^that any nari* J ErrJ??f:l ''German air soouta discovered two cruisem, several smaller units, nine, air filters decided etf -ths^ cruiser and flying boats as objectives. teriee and* ships, the- German fliers tfivedfrom thecloud* ht thrfr pS u . -? ??.??> r -yl bitter verbil & which preced* , ? ^ . ?<<_ . > 1-_." ]af,.i " " ? omIHr TTrritpd States for Helsinki ? Finnish deelgvtioc re ' ' 'f,J_ ? .1' JjuJiLlI TTI JLILlYllL ? tlAffYV* ftMlthlin-" ' -? r ijonaon ^ ruur pn^? /1 I ? ?

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