IS PA1W1MA K.C J . t a MJBL ROW?, Owner 4 Mgr. '??'* CR%*iili^j65hh8^ v'<, 2>F 1 P?Mk^ THS ROUS* PRINTEBY flekeutjll? Price: One YearH.S0 ? Six Mouthe 75e "??' "? 1 > iUWBBTISDW WYES: Display (Mirtnua) Me Per lack Readers Per Line 5c Afl Legal adre. 5c a Km per week Pabiished weekly and entered m Second n?n Metier at tibe IN>etaiCce at Farmville, N. CL, un der act of March 3rd, 1878. AIRPLANE INDUSTRY BOMB The airplane industry in the United States seems te be in line for the greatest expansion possible, with combatant and neutral nations fall-' ing over each other in an effort to contract for American-bailt war planes. -! While the war business will not last always it may be the means of expanding the aircraft industry to the place where the production of planes wiB be cheeper than ever and thus speed the development of the fliwer plane which will make the airplane the rival of the automobile. This may seem a rash prediction but mass production of automobiles has cut the cost to such, a price that the United Statee has enough auto mobiles to carry the entire popula tion at the same time. If mass production of airplanes result in the same reduction in prices there will be a larger market than ever for peace-time airplanes. THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS Some of the people of the United States will celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the twenty-third and others will wait a week later but all will give expression to grateful ap preciation of blessings from a Su preme Being. The people of this great nation have much to be thankful for. Bless ed with immense wealth, as compar ed to other peoples and enjoying the benefits that come from vast nat ural resources, we hav^ every reason to give a day of the year to the sol emn ceremony of returning sincere acknowledgement to God for the bounty that .has been poured out upon the United States of America. The liberty that is enjoyed in this country contrasts strangely with the tyranny that runs rampant in many lands. This great gift to the indi vidual comes to us without much ex ertion on our part and most of us enjoy freedom as a gift from those who have preceded us in the world. Naturally, if one reflects at all, there is bound to be an appreciation of this great boon and a desire to express the feeling in services dedi cated to the giver of all gifts. While the United States end its people have suffered material losses in the last decade oar comeback is assured because of the unbounded resources that nature has made available to us. The utilisation of the fruits of the earth by the pres ent generation is often foolishly ex travagant but, nonetheless, they ex plain the many comforts and conveni ences .that cue ours. - Every individual, who acknowl edges a Supreme Being, must recog nise the blessings that oome to him, or her, in the course of a year. While we humbly worship our Cre ator at all times it is fitting that on Thanksgiving Day we give particu lar expression to this sentiment in a public and official manner. Unfor ftllf ma fervently give iwdEt to I Ivey Smith was a Rocky Mount kfcftor Friday. Mrs. W. A. Marlowe and Mia* IT r. ?i ,rt wm.I AV% ! JUlillsn UOTOw wWB w v WliKra uu I Thursday. Mir. and Mrs. Albert Hinnast spent Sunday with the C 0. Brown's in [ftfettsville. Mr. and Mrs. Bad Roger* and Rev. Je. B. Joynsr of Saratoga were in [town Monday P. M. ' Misses Elizabeth Parker and Alene Bailey, students at E. C. T. C., spent rate week-end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gardner and {Ola Grace were the dinner gutosts of (Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gardner of Sara toga Sunday. --v.} :? y I Regular services will be held at I the Christian Church Sunday morning land evening. Reverend Mr. Bennett (will preach. I Mies IMC**! had as her (week-end guests, Misses Belle Faro jell and Erma Lee Spencer, all sto (dents of A. C. C. I Among those the funer [al of Mr. Taylor on Wednesday were: | Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Herring and |Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jenkins. I Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gay and Mgt G. W. Bailey attended the Free Will [Baptist Conference last Wednesday [at Black Jack in Pitt County. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hicks, Mrs. iLydia Walston, Mrs. Carl Cobb, Mnafl I. J. Rouse and Mrs. Fred Piaiii'lSiB [ attended the Methodist Conference ski Fayetteville last week. L The many friends of Bill Smith* [ son of Mrs. Jessie Smith, will be glad [to learn that he is improving aftera a serious operation at Park VhisrM (Hospital in Body Mount. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Craft, Mrs. Larry Shetton, Miss Helen SheKon, Mrs. Ivey Smith and Mrs. W.. E. Tjwy sttendtd the Christian State Convention at Dunn last Thursday. Mrs. D. D. Fields, Mrs. Bess Mc Cann, Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. J. B. Henson were visitors to the P.-T. A. Convention in Scotland Node last week. Mrs. W. E. Lang had as her Sat urday dinner guests: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Simpson of Washington, IX jC. Mr. and Mra.T. W. Lang of Farm ville, Mine Elizabeth of La Grange, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lang, Cecil Lang of Doke University and Bob Lang of Baleigh. Mrs. Ivey Smith went to Franklin, Va., Tuesday, on account of the death of her cousin,, hpv, Levi Tay lor. Mr. Taylor was a brother of Mrs. Metta Herring and Everett Taylor. Sympathy goes to the be reaved relative*. [ The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian Church are giving their an nual Bssaar Thursday, November 28. Come one and all and enjoy a de licious turkey dinner and help a worthy cause. | Among the various students who were home for the Week-end were: Burton and Ed Tsyfer, Jr., from Carolina; Hattie Mae Whitley, of Wilson" Beauty School; John Boy Whitby of King's in Baleigh, and Cameron West of Carolina. I . TO PfeESENT PLAY "Tantalizing TfflkV a^three-ect mystery drama will be presented by tile Woman's Club . <# Walstonburg at the High School auditorium Tues day, November 21, at 7:30 P. M. This is a Wayne P. Sewell Production and is directed by Miss Willie Zim Black, with Miss Condon aa accompanist. This drama abounds in hnmor, pathos and rural characterisation. Prominent parts in the play are portrayed by Louise Shackleford, Mr. Lewis, Harvey Jones, -Susie Lee Dil and Bev. Soper. 1W are'ably W ^ local B^a(i^i^j^i tii^i ? linn ? ???!I ? Af Aa anllm VAAP vUUCSwOr.Si Srtuli OX vity cIUjiv' Jtaif gave this program in the P.-T. A. meeting, and won the prize offered by the P.-T.^, this month. THE ANSWERS _ 1. Twenty-two. 2. Russia, 170,000,000; Finland, 8,836,000. ^ 8. Union of Soviet Socialist Re publics. 4. 56. 6. first half of 1989: $111,087,000.. 6. Yes, the Pacific Ocean is ex empted from the combat area closed to our vessels. 7. A religions reformer of Bohe mia who was burned at the stake as a heretic. He lived 1869 to 1415. 8. It is generally so regarded since the abrogation of the Piatt AmiwiAw^wt in 1984. '' 9. Ho; in two months the sobs are credited tfth sinking slips to about half the tonnage -that Cheat Britain has constructed. 10. About one-fourth. : VICTIM HER FATHER ? Indianapolis ? While waiting for her father, Richard Foetteritz, 59, to come home, Mrs. Jane Hfllman answered a knock on her door. It was a stranger who wanted to use. her telephone to call an ambulance far i man who had just been killed by his automobile. Mrs. Hillman shewed him the telephone and went outside to look a* the victim. It was her father. , - V. ? . .???-: ?: - NOTICE TO CREDITORS v|| ? TT?..?.II. .. * a ' ? I I, -1 , navmg Quanxieo "? aoioiQisunior deceased, of Pitt County, North I 1 tml] . na TlwilfiPfl 7:30?P. K-Ei^^Worship^ j 1 ;;:k- Pollard, Superintendent. %.. 11:00 A. If. Homing Worship.* v a8jj?gpPlWg?% 730 P. M.-Evening Worahip. 7:30 P. M. ?? Wednesday. Prayer f? Meeting. EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH | *??. J?k R. Bountfe* Rector, . 10.*00 A. M.?Sunday School J. W. Joyner, Superintendent. a:00 A. M?Pirat Sundays - Holy Communion end sermon. 1. ; , y;-s 11:00 A. M.?Third Sundays-Morn iny Prayer and sermon. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rer. D, A. Clarke, Pastor. 10 .*00 A. M.?-Sunday School. Irrln Morgan, Jr., Superintendent, -i 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship : . ? ; 8:80 P. M: ? Youhg Peoples' Group. 7:80 P. M.?Evening- Worship. .? 5-? PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ? Rer. H. M. Wilson, Pastor. , 9:80 A. M.?Junior Choir. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School. J. H. Paylor, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 7:80 P. M. ? Wednesday. Prayer "Meeting. %^ {':\ : ;'y: ; PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rer. J. R Roberts. Pastor. 11:00 A. M.?Second Sundays?Morn ing Worship. ? ?- /* ? '.v.: CATHOUC CHURCH Father McGurk, Pastor Holy Mass 8:80 A. M. ? 1st Sundays. 19:80 A. M. ? 2nd, 8rd and 4th Sun days. .. . . ? . ' JJf ?Tj m M \ f ^ mediate results. It closes the Open ing iix 10 days on the average?re gardless (rf size or location of Rup tore and no matter how hard yon rangements. (No Surgery or Injection Treatments used.) Mr. Meihhkrdi has been coming here for 15 years. Caution: If neglected - Rupture may cause weakness, backache, con stipation, nervousness, stomach pains, etc., or sudden death from strangula tion. Men haying large Ruptures which haw returned after Sui^cal Opera-: tiona or Injection Treatments are also invited. >"When all others fail-see MHNHARDI. He will be pl?i*d to demonstrate to you privately without charge. (Only men invited.) White only. (adv.) NOTICE OF SALE. , , By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain judgment entered at the March Term 1989 of the Pitt County Superior Court, in an action entitled "R. T. Martin, ad ministrator of Mrs. Annie M. Joyner, deceased, against Mrs. Zula Norman and others," the undersigned com missioner," will on Monday, Novem ber 20th, 1989, at 12 o'cock, Noon, in front of the courthouse, in the City of Greenville, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, the following des cribed farm lands, Namely: Situate, lying and being in Pitt County, North Carolina, and being one-laty ^ the tends lying on the North side of Black Swamp, begin ning at a sycamore tree on the run of Black Swamp, and running with George E. Moore and others' line North 80 1-2 E. 120 poles to a stake, on the avenue leading to the Ptoteer ^ plaice; thence with Geo. E. Moore ind 1 others' line to a stake, on Falkland Public Road; thence, with said Road to another stake in W. S. E. Smith's line; thence North 87 West with W. S. E. Smith and Geo. E. Moore's ! line to a stake in the old Turner Bynum line; thence with the old Tur-; ner Bynum line South of some old marked black-gums, on the run of Mffl-pond branch; thence; doWn the ! various courses of the said mttg-l pond branch to a marked sweet gum, a marker corner; thence South 5 34 8-4 W. 18 poles and 12 links to a ???11 pine, a corner; thence South j 28 8-4 W. 88 poles and 10 links to a sweet gum; thence South 88 1-2 E.j 8 poles and 86 linkB to a water oak; j thence South 99 E. 12 poles to a large sweet gum, on the ^jfest 11 of the Falkland Public Road; thence with said Road to the run of Fox Branch; thence i down said , Fox] Branch to theWi of bteck swdmp; down the run of Mack swamp to the beginning. "Containing 220 acres, more or less. Book TJ-9, page '606. ? Said sale will be made subject to a lease that expires in 1946, at ar rent al value of 8360.00 per year. J|g| 1 Said sole will be. made subject to the confirmation- of the court, and ithe last and highest bidder will be ^?2 to d^osit with said com nnssioner 10 ^ cen^ofj^e test Co # A , !%A rinllM Oct. *u?OWKS. - ,ftw ^ IfwnrffP NEXT. VI ^ I Qfjirn MONDAY NOYfiMooi* ^/i j start, pnonc 31Xa6 ?5r Xoim Bar? i ^ - r ~;," -'J WANTED ?t LAOO BUSHELS SOYA Beans, cil Tyson and Carl Bea WE BUY SOYA BEANS AND PAY Top Prices. Lewis A Lang, Bank ,;<* FamsEle Bldg? FarmriB* N. FOR SALE ? , WIIX, OlW FRIDAY. r December 1st,- at ll o'clock, offer for sale at the G J. Harris feme place, one mile from Bel voir, the *"*? gm 1 'imaamoa^as ' ? waooil & roiiowuig pemMi men; vm - In cultivatkm of said fans this "r' year: 4 Mules; 2 Wagons; 1 Disc i Harrow; ^ Mowing ^Machine* and other farming implemt nts. Mrs. ; Mollie Murphy.. t f ? N17Swtep ??'-'t' '' ships on eighfc hoia*! that defensive guns make them wsneraft. ^ PARAMOUNT %?|?EATR?^fa ; FARMVILLE S. C ,7p 5 WEEK OF NOVEMBER 19 SUNDAY & MONDAY James Cagpey - PrisciBa Lane Humphrey Bogart ?. in ? "ROARING TWENTIES" ?? - . , ' ' -??. I] TUESDAY I K. Randolph ?Scott and ' Margaret^ Lindsay "20,000 MEN A YEAR" $225.00 JACKPOT $225.00 wg|iyggPAY Doub^fea^8[:?^| R^r Rvers ^dMary Ifart t:1X1 . v . ? "ARIZONA KID" ? and ? Gleason Family *? In "SHOULD HUSBANDS WORE?" Cary Grant - Kay Francis ? in ? "IN NAME ONLY" SATURDAY Double Feature CtartoBtanett ?in? ?MAN FROM SUNDOWN" Preston Foster and | "CHASING DANGER" I . 11 wyt",' i>J;.t fvu:. iiatv T||a - p A VHIIIlliA CiaiAy 11 I .V ^ ? ? , ? ? ' A Colonial Sauer I Kraut 31g. cans 25c ?*? ~'4 .-') ;*>"? ? '" * , - wv-j&li;** - V 'vl 7*1 -7'1 m Fine Dried I Navy Beans 4 lbs 17c I Baby Blaekeye ? Limas; Peas , ? 3 lbs. 16c 4 lbs. 25c r~^j?rrSii- T&. w-.: ? N. a C. Gtiity Cakes lb. 17c Oumy Soap 3 cakes 19c ' Small Pkg. 9c Chipeo l?r. pkg. 21c Shortening Crisco 3-lb. can 55c Dromedary Ginger Bread Mix pkg. 25c Dromedary Cocoanut pkg. lOc evaporated i ? PRUNES Ms?r isc I evaporated; i Sugar Ripe Pnwijg It-v v Standard Corn : Colonial Catsup pound 10C 21b.pkgs.17c 3 No. 2 cans 20c 214-0z. bot 17c ' I COLONIAL R. S. P. I I CHERRIES ? 9e I Pender's Best FLOIR 47c Southern Manor WAX o- Sfc J I 4 oittm | II GRAPE JUICE ^ 5c ? H : I fl FAMMING I I I BREAD AND DiriTI EC 1C. I I I BUTTER IIIULLIJ Jar ISC I I ? . ?' ii - ? ?. M ' v iiTMiir ? * r ? Mlm 99 ' ^fa| > -*? IO ulalS Hov'A IN pAVQANI I '''} ?? " H? ?>'/?";/^; -'?'-i' 1g:.'?? :v