- ?? I ???? ' ;?' - - ^-"V. ., % ? ." . ? ' -?*T"? ~>-r*L?'' i .*! ' ""?-?* Takes His Own Life; ' ? Nazis Say 'Duty Done* ?? ? ' " "1 Capt Hans Langsdorff Shoots Self in Buenos Aires in Grim Finis to War's Biggest Sea Bat tle; Intimates Declare He Preferred Finish Fight at Sea Buenos Aires, Dee. 20.?Standing on dry land miles away from his charred battle station on the scuttled German raider Admiral Graf Spee, Capt Hans Langsdorff took the way of hib ship yesterday?suicide. ' He put a revolver to his right temple and killed himself in a little room at the Hotel de Immigrantes, and by so doing kept a tardy rendez vous with the code of the sea that says a captain and his ship must per ish together. Disappointed by Order. His death came two days after he * ? ??? /t m e% A. ww ! nao run toe orai opee out u mi? tevido harbor and blown her to bits rather than suffer internment by Uruguayan authorities. Friends said he would have preferred to have risk ed battle with British warships out side Montevideo, bet his orders came from Adolf Hitler personally Langsdorff obeyed without question. He left a letter addressed to the German ambassador, until it is made public the precise motive for the suicide will remain uncertain. But those who knew him best are confi dent that the letter will indicate that he complied with the code of the sea. In the lerier, according to rumors circulating in Buenos Aires, Langs dorff expressed strong disagreement with Hitler for the Fuehrer's refusal to permit the Graf Spee to fight its way through the British cordon. The rumors, however, could not be con firmed inasmuch as the contents of the letter were closely guarded. Langsdorff also was reported au thoritatively to have left two other letters, one for his wife and the other for his parents in Germany. The letters were in possession of the embassy which intends to trans mit them to the Reich unopened. It was also said the embassy would not reveal the contents of LangsdorfTs letter to Ambassador Baron Edmund von Therm ann beyond the disclosure that it was written. Grim Secret It was Langsdorffis own grim sec ret, for he has been amiable and smil ing ever since he and a thousand members of his crew were brought here to be interned. He did every thing possible to assure the comfort and safety of the young Germans un der his command and he seemed so calm that no one guessed that fee Had made the decision that would num-1 ber his life in hours. He asked for a farewell word with his men, it was revealed yesterday, and they formed a hollow square around him on the grounds of the Hotel de Immigrantes. What he said to them is known only to members of the crew, but apparently they thought it was merely a little "till we meet again" speech, for the German sailors laughed at first reports that their captain had taken his life. It took some time to eosrnte aven after the German embassy issued this statement: "The commander of the glorious cruiser Graf Spee, Captain Langs dorff, sacrificed his life last night for the Fatherland by his life voluntarily. According to the letter he wrote to the German Ambassador, he derided from the first momeat to share the fate of his beautiful vesseL "Only by powerful self-resistance and considering the responsibility which fe& on him for the safe dis embarkation of his crew, composed of man than 1,000 juuag men, was he able to postpone carrying out Ms d?> dafon until he had complied with Ms <h*yaad reported completely to Us This ?hainn was completed last ngfct The destiny of a brave sailor I Gennan rVnn of T .awiivi/1 aw)no P L..,1 the fceriv tfcia iitjMHtiLjj -nn,... a. EUROPEAN 1 SUMMARY - Buenos Aires ? Captain Hans Langsdorff of destroyed German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee commits suicide. Funeral held Thurs day. London ? French - British naval leaders map secret strategy against German air attacks en fishing boats. Helsinki ? Russians drive bard against Finns on Karelian Isthmus; bomb many Finnish cities from air. Bucharest ? Germany wins agree ment doubling Rumanian oil ship ments to Reich. Berlin ? Nazi government pre pares to protest Argentine intern ment of Graf Spee officers and crew. New York ? Crew of scuttled German liner Columbus brought to port by U. S. Cruiser Tuscaloosa. WALSTONBURG I NEWS I Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Gay and Mrs. I W. E. were Wilson visitors on Monday. Among the College students who are spending the Christmas holidays at their respective homes are Ruby Marlowe of Meredith, Allene Bailey I and Elisabeth Parker of E. C. T. C.,| TTowni Mcteel of A. C. C., Harold Bailey, Ed Taylor, Jr., Benton Tay lor, Cameron West, J. B. Hinson, Jr., of Chapel Hill; James Albert Red dick, Warner Burch, and Marshall Hinson of N. C. State, and Cecil Lang of Duke University. j Mr. and Mrs. Albert West of Semi nole, Oklahoma, are spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray West, Sr. Mrs. W. A. Marlowe and Miss Lil lian Corbett were Raleigh visitors on Wednesday. Mrs. W. V. Reddick, James Albert Reddick, Juantta Reddick, Emogene Roddick and Harold Bailey were Wil son visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craft were Farmville visitors Monday. | Mrs. C. T. Hicks, Mrs. Estellei Bailey, Mrs. Jason Shirley and Mrs. Lee Jones were Farmville visitors on J Monday. Mis. C. T. Beaman and Mrs. W. p. v-ilin of Wilson, visited friends in Greenville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Beaman visited f Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wheeler in Wash ington Friday. | Mrs. Jack Allen, Mrs. Mary Rus-| sell and Mrs. Jim Bundy of Farm ville attended the funeral of May nard Shackleford Monday. I Mr. W. L Bennett of Edward and Mr. a a Ware of Wilson, were din ner gueet of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.J Gardner Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Wheeler an nounce the birth of a daughter on December 19 at the Woodard-Herring Hospital in Wilson. MAYNARD SHACKLEFORD Funeral Services for Maynard Shackleford, 85, who died at his home Sunday at one o'clock after a long mness were held at the residence on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. J Bev. a B. Mashburn, pastor j>f| the Christian Church of FtamvDle,l by Bev. Edgar Soper, Pastor j of the local Methodist Church, con-| ducting the services and interment] was made in. the Waltaonburg eeme-l terv I He is survived by his mother, Mrs. ! W. L Shaddeford, one brother,] Richard Shackleford of two sister., Mrs. W. P. Ellls^afWiL] son, and Mrs. Floyd Sutton of Fam- : ville. ?. : ? {[ "CCRISTItAS in? ' AiUtf iM ? - Vsfi Wtft jr., Ww ? 1 v* u*-- 1 t - - ? ? ? ? fc. I I ? n " 'I HMOO.FQ?M^TO ni I .? Fierce Fighting Occurs Along Karelian Isth mus as Finns Resist yf -jV"' ' D"** ? Helsinki, Dee. 20.?Fierce fighting surged across the Karelian Isthmus in sub-zero temperatures today as Russians loosed hundreds of tanks in savage drives and directed 200 Red air force planes in widespread bomb# ing attacks on tire rest of Finland. The roar of artillery could be heard from one side of the 56-mile-wide Isthmus to the other. Finnish aviation rose to meet Redj army aviators in fierce dog-fights and battled in the WinterTsky. Red Armies Stalled '-.VV, The Russian drive was stalled in tire far north by blizzards and tem peratures 26 degrees below zero. The Finns said they had withdrawn to Kornettijjarvi, but mentioned noj fighting. A little farther south, just aoove the Arctic Circle, Finnish forces were reported in an official commu nique to have stopped a Soviet thrust to cot tiie country in two and to be advancing toward Sail a, capturing "much booty" en route, including 3 tanks, 80 army trucks, numerous ma-1 chine guns and considerable ammuni tion. While battles raged along Fin land's eastern and southeastern fron tiers, the nation moved to strengthen its defenses by calling to the colon all able-bodied men 40 yean of age. All reservists under 40 already hadj been summoned. (The call adds an estimated 15,000 men to the Finnish army, estimated by authoritative sources at 400,000 at tite start of the war. Estimates have pot the Russian forces attacking Fin land as high as 1,500,000). Report XI Casualties. ; I For the second successive day air raid alarms sounded in many Finnish cities, including Helsinki, _ Turku (Abo), Romma, Porvoo, Salo, Kasel ka, Vartsila, Laakria, Sortavala and JanisjokL A morning alarm in the capital lasted 11 minutes. Another tonight continued for more than 40 minutes. Sixteen casualties were reported at Laskela and if at Janisjoki. The Finns reported a Russian air attack on the xisQroad at Kosjka, 60 miles north of Hanko on the south coast, had failed. Workmen at one Koska factory fled to the woods when Russian bombers appeared ov erhead. On the Isthmus frost, the Finnish communique indicated the Russians were following tactics employed yes terday when they loosed hundreds of tanks of all sizes. The Finnish communique said the Red troops were beaten back after a amies of savage assaults which had prolonged artillery preparation, but that the attacks were continuing. The communique indicated the heaviest fighting on this front was between Kaukjarvi and Muolajarvi, although strong Russian forces were reported attacking simultaneously at other points along the line. The Finns said the positions re-: mained unchanged, and asserted that the Russians had lost "heavily in men and frnkw. Suffering Woj?Cll ... ' j Welcome "Build-Up" I ^ i - _ ' V ' ^ ^ " *: ' ^ ?'.? * **^1 : A method is saving many ?mum much pal" and discomfort 1 : If: is based on the knowledge that women'a headaches, nervousness, and cramp-like pain often are- symp toms of functional" dysmenorrhea due to a imfe run-down, under ' nourished condition. That no many f ? llLlfJuf f?1\ . , iii 'mfli ^ women una reiiei irom tnese pain ful aymptoma through the CABDUI * "build-ujP is easy to explain. By ^improving the appetite^ -assisting ?^a.^rrtnttfirvnj CARDtJI helps ^reairtance Hitler Retires to Mouit pdn Retreat with if Thoughts ?iat Serious Reuses . ? A pre - Christm&s week studded with disaster for Nasi Germany, and with ominous portent for her out lawed partner, Sovfet Russia, throws its heavy shadow over the man upon whom the tragic events turn as a pivot. Fuehrer Adolf Hitler. He has gone, ' Berlin reports, to take his Yuletide holiday at his mountain-top retreat, Berchtesgaden. Yet thfrjmrharigeahle events of the wsek on the sea fron$$ftRI keep him grim company in his holiday-making-. By his order, a hundred thousand tons or more of Gorman shipping, in cluding- the powerful pocket battle ship Admiral Graf Spee and the Nasi luxury liner Columbus, once the boast of the German merchant marine, have bom scuttled by German nanas to save than from enemy seizure or the rusting idleness of internment in neu tral ports. To cap that, comes word that Captain Langsdorff of the Spiee has ended his own life in Buenos Aires, as he ended that of his ship by Hitler's command. Turn of Tide? The tide sterns to have turned heavily against Germany. Nazi raid ers like the Spee? Nazi submarines, Nazi mines and Nazi aircraft have for 16 weeks taken heavy toll of Fran co-British and neutral shipping; yet London "reports British import and export totals rising. From France comes an official recapitulation that half a hundred Nazi U-boats have been sunk in. the war. British sub marines report they have scored heavily against Nazi surface craft i D Finland, Germany's doubtful "friend", Soviet Russia, is meeting bitter resistance from her midget foe. World opinion has branded Russia an outlaw for that incursion, spawned of the German-French British conflict. The ponderous ma chinery of Franco-British power is moving to give such aid and succor as is possible to doughty Finland, THE ANSWERS 1. Only once since 1866; in 1888.. 2. Thurmond W. Arnold, assistant attorney general . J': . r'' 8. No; the Indian population is in creasing. ' 4. Field Marshal August von Mac 6. In 1906. 6. Theodore Roosevelt, at 42. 7. In 1988. / ; ' 8. Norman H. Davis. 9. Seven. $ff 10. In 1937; 46 per cent in value; 97 per cent in volume. -MAKE GLAD WITH CHRISTMAS JOY Messages of good will are being flashed and written, the grand old carols are being sung?the great uni verse jubilates, and as the genial warmth of this joy is suffused 1m the hearts of the people may they m moved at this season, above all others, to make., glad with Christmas joy, the hearts of those whom God has plaeed along their way. Trade at home is a good motto for every individual to adopt This national debt problem has the checker players all over the country I worried. ' * *??i5V - I I t l ||?> ? ?|| U'l M ? ? |> j li > > t ? I CHRISTMAS I GREETING from your BOY SCOUTS I mtmimn 11 1 1 " i BEST WISHES for I A MERRY CHRISTMAS ' ' ' " 1 and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ? * " 1 ! C. L. IVEY Make your Home Secure with Home Security Policies P -j'- ?-*' '"V^ - .L i J Soap Specials! pa^lotlve ^ giant size i palmolive beads : 5 Cakes for - 19c a 6 for 25c 1 2 for 18c SUPER SUDS, RED BOX 3 for 25c OCTAGON FLAKES 3 for 25c I I Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for 14c j I SAVE THE COUPONS ! S They Are Redeemable In Valuable Prizes. I The Turnage Co., Inc. | .11- ! '?' ??; I t : 4 1 1 | __ ^ ^ ^ ? ] \it^v w^IJw I I />/?/!/? f j WO oOllil L/Uf LtOClQS ? 1 | ~T -1 I ' T- . .: - 14?j#yg%T#lftFt ? |lrl flri Jl ' ; Pa Mj?j for" TMi ?' ? 1 " -- ? " * ' :;?* 5 ?: v . - ,? A agSB^Sf^ ? To The Farmers Of Eastern Carolina ? -WE EXTEND ^hristn|sirftint AND 366 DAYS OF HAPPINESS IN THE NEW YEAR! Don't Fail to See Our 1940 Master Air-Con I ditioned Tobacco Curer with its Many Im l provements and End Your Tobacco-Curing | Worries with? [ "THE WORLD'S BEST TOBACCO CURER" I FLORENCE-MAYO NiWAY CO. I MAURY, N. c. :TC| WW -^WfW ^ , Store Open Late Nights Until Christmas! ? . 1 J 3L I w 0 M WM m U ? w -^m.^r I ?v J J M [M M M ? .1 I . Special Values?For A Very Special ATLANTIC MAID Mince Meat ? 21( DROMEDARY OR OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry sauce 2 23* SOUTHERN MANOR OLD VIRGINIA Fruit Cake ? 89* 1-lb. size ...... Aty 4-lb. tin ....$1.75 U* ?* ? n ? t . '? . I '' ? *4 " - ? ' " '? ? .'vv\ ??oK l ? ? " y /(?' .-v., >. ?. j . *.v- v i ? " A HONEY NUT I OLEO l^b^SC Double Fresh Uolden mena COFFEE 4A* 21ha MWV 1U9? ^ ~ Triple Fresh Our Pride BREAD O* ' 15-oz. lo>t. WW SOUTHERN MANOR Fruit Cocktail Z^ZSc SOUTHERN MANOR SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES 2c,*,i9c Georgia Cored SAMS 23c | Assorted I CHOCOLATES 41* I ; 1-lb. box ??? IV | A Triangle Tube or Hell I Butter "?? 32e I AA lb. cubes 34^ lb. SALAD TREAT Mayonnaise ^ 17c COLONIAL BRAND Tomato Juice 429c ? Pender's Flyer I WAfiONS $4.75. Southern Manor Sweet PEAS IfU N^Jcan.. ?JwC Full Assortment Nuts, Raisins, Christmas Candies, etc.. " i ? ? ? MARKET SPECIALS! Live Hens lb. 18c We Springers lb. X5e U? Pork Chops lb. 19c Tender Round Stmt III 24c All* CUTS OF NATIVE PORK AND ~ - WESTERN REEF. VEAL AND LAMB hdfcw r-? ANRRRRTF*. H lj?. ".lOfi KK-PaSH LjyAli uJCtfUVlJuc* X TRA LARGE f*11I /KKY ?"" i , ? . nnnv linr nrr ? ^ flSrfKwc 9 IK 25C 1 jjjC/1/r ft ~ dm RlUOf*" ???? fresh krisp f OC 'T Md LJ aq#g oflB* ? lriPi | 1. \ i 111.J 1 JUviHf ? ~ ?w - .. * ? ~ ? *? ? SWEET JUICY aaji 1^. "/L ' *f ?% T Jkfl ?" =" "?"': ' -'v" jsM^EW \^EV?TLL^I\jf?40 ' lv uuoi--* ^

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