M* I'M HUM ? H H !>>??? ?< ?l*i| j &?tal at# ffecswate f fl' ftf'l-'f'ITfTTTTTTT >-? t . . . . . . , Miss Hazel Monk spent the week end with friends in- Ayden. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner rare Sins ton visitors Sunday. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bundy spent the week-end with relatives in Leg getts. * * ? Jimmie Parker is spending the holi days with relatives at Lake Wacca maw. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Pollard have returned from a motor trip to Greens boro. * * ? Bernice Turnage, student at David son College, has arrived for the holi days. ? mm - Miss Mae Knott, student at Salem College, is at home for the holiday Mason. * ? ? -V'^hck Darden and Douglass Jones, , Undents at State, are at home for the feftBdays. ? ? ? Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt is spending tho holidays with relatives in Colum iH s. c. ?* ? -'-?'Miss Dorothy Smith, teacher in the 'Brtrin schools, is at home for the ?WWays. ? * ? 'Craydon Liles, Wake Forest stu dent, is at home for the holiday Mflaon. * ? ? &'9merson Smith, student at Ran ijKMfcih-Macon Academy is at home for tito holidays. ?-?^Charles Gayle is spending the holi days with his sister, Miss Emily, - Edward Harris, student at Virginia ?$|facopal School, is at home for the J^Jpiay season. and Mrs. C. T. Dixon, of Wil "-'?oft, were guests of Mrs. Louise Har xlft Wednesday. f| 4fr. and Mrs. R. T. Martin will the week-end with relatives in 'JHftckstone, Va. ? ? ? ?v :^|ir. and Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner yftftd son are spending the holidays in H?rehead City. ? ? ? Miss Martha Cobb, teacher in the i Pink Hill School, is at home for the 1 holiday season. ? ? ? - Miss Ruth Hayes Tumage, teacher in the Belhaven school is at home for the holidays. * * * Mrs. S. C. Carroll and son, Vann, of Winterville, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Thomas Lewis. ? ? ? Chester Smith, of Clinton, will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stansill. ? ? * Robert Windham and Elbert Moye, students at A. C. C., Wilson, are at home for the holidays. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. Sugg Askew, of Wilson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner Sunday. ?. * ? Miss Doris Rouse, student at YY^ man's College, U. N. C., is at home for the holiday season. I * * * Mrs. 0. G. Spell, Horner and Miss I Virginia and Haael Spell were Ral I eigh visitors Thursday. ? ? ? r Frances Dnpree, student at Wo man's College University of Georgia, at home for the holidays. ? _ ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham are spending the Christmas holidays with - relatives in West-Virginia. I * * 9 I Miss Agnes Moore, teacher in the |l '?'Menderson schools, arrived I'riday H'tor the Christmas holidays. ? ? ? ? i '?r! Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scott and ^ jjaughfrr, Miss Vivian, are spending ?' Mm week-end in ? Richmond. I ? ? ? ' ? -'*1 Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sykes, Jr., and \:?nall daughter will spend Christmas *. May with relatives in Wendell. ? ? ? I Mr. and Mrs C. Hubert JoyiprJI f Stnd children are>spendiry Christmas j I ?dpajr with relatives in Wilson. -$Jlr. and In.' H. L.-Watson, of II I Hpn, are spending the holidays) %ith Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Monk. I i I Miss Mary Elkn Yelverton, teacher | If the Nashville, schools, is spending] , | the week-end at her home here. . .M " I Mr. snd Mr*. W. II Parker, _pf I Saeford, are spaading the week-end Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Parker. ,? y ? ? ? - ^^ Mise Janie Johnston, erf Atlanta, ] J - }i ? ? , t J I j$Mr. snd Mrs; W. D. Simpson, oaf j I ?-y ? f ,t, _. Bhcrt VMift of Durham, is Miss Natalie Vought, of Raleigh, is spending the holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Vought. ? ? * Mrs. Julia Walter and daughter, Miss Margaret, will spend the holi days with relatives in- Washington. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Walston at tended a bridge dinner given by friends in Nashville Tuesday evening. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Warren and children have arrived to spend the holiday season with Mis. G. E. Moore. * * * Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Foster, of Norfolk, Va., will visit Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams during the week end. ? * * Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson and son, Milton, will leave Christmas Day for" a visit to relatives in Lib erty. ? ? ? T. C. Rollins, Jr., who is attending school in Mt. Airy, Ga., is spending the Christmas holidays with his father. ? ? * Jimmie Lewis, of Washington, D. C., will spend a portion of the holi days with his mother, Mrs. Thomas Lewis. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Williford and family are spending Christmas Day with relatives and friends in Stan tonsburg. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith and daughter, Miss Margaret, will spend ; the week-end with relatives in Peters burg, Va. ? * ? Mrs. La Verne Greene, of Philadel phia, Pa., is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Leslie Smith. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dupree and children, and Mrs. Dupree, Sr., and Mrs. J. C. Corbett spent Friday in Richmond, Va. * * * ? Miss Mary Thome Tyson and Miss Rachel Barrett, students at Woman's College, U. N. C., are at home for the holidays. ? * * ?? Miss Nancy Lewis, teacher in the Ayden schools, and Miss Rachel Lew is, -of- Washington, are at home for the holidays. . * ? ? Mrs. Minnie S. Warren, of the Grantham School, spent the past week-end with her son, Ed Nash and Mrs. .Warren. ? * ? Members of the Farmville graded school faculty left Thursday for their respective homes. School Will reopen January 2. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Julian, Rumley, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schramme, of Golda boro> will, he- quests of Mrs. Pearl Johnston, Sunday. . * ? * . Mr. and Mrs. Pr X. Eure and Mr. tad Mrs. John B. Lewis and son left Thursday for a visit to relatives at Beach Island, S. C. " '?% ? ? y, - Mr. and Mrs. C. I* Armstrong and 0. S. Winfree, of Whitakers, will he quests of Mar; and Mrs, Frank Wil liams during the week-end. ? ? ? -f ./- Misses Louise and. yirgipia Harris, Helen Willis, Frances Bivens Smith and Clarence Welkms, students ' at I^ike^up ja$ hopje Jor.th^ kolidaya. . Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Satterfield, [Miss Frances and .Charles Satterfield, of Richmond Va., are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs; J. D. 1: '?? ^ I ^ _ ?. _ , - . Mrs. J. C. Manning and children, of Williamston, arrived today to spend the week-end with Mrs. Hen* rietta M. Williamson. ? k \ i Rev. and Map. CV B^}Mashburn are expecting to leave '^unaay afternoob to spend Christmas 'D?^ with their daughter in Washington, D. C. ? ? ? | Misses Mary Gavin, of Sanford, Thomasine . Herring, of Kinston, and Louisa Biggs, of, Lumberton, spent the week-end with Miss Martha Ras . v>*- . '.MVWf ] berry. ? ? ? < t r -? ' Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor and children^ of Greenyille, and Mri'and Mrs. W. S. Hartman "and daughter, of Raleigh, will spend Christmas Day with Mrs. Louise Harris. * f %;*? Mrs. Stephen Gardner and daugh ter, Susie, of Pinetops. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Speight and daughter, of Bethel, will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner. T* * * Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wesley Joy ner, of Lincolnton and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. McClees, of Columbia, will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Roe buck during the holiday season. ? ? ? H. S. Butler, of Milledgeville, and i daughter, Miss Nellie Butler of Am ericus, Ga., and Mrs. J71L Poteet, of Griffin, Ga., arrived Wednesday to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John D. Holmes. ' v . ? ? ? Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree, Miss Dora DeGrace and Charles Rountree, Mrs. Frank Capps and daughter, Miss Novella Norton Capps of "Wash ington, D. C., will arrive Saturday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Dora H. Keel. "' ? r - ? V Roy Bowling, manager of Pecan Grove Dairy has returned from Rich mond, Va., where he attended a class of several days duration at Dr. Gra ham's School, having to do with the dairy herd and products. * * * Julian Smith, Horton Rountree, Jimmie Darden, Fred Jottes," Ras Jones, Joseph Joyner, Graydon Liles ? and Bobbie "Davis, University of North Carolina students, have arrived for the holiday season. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Modlin, of Portsmouth, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Modlin of Murfreesboro, Roland Modlin and Miss Mary Willard of Greenville, will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Modlin. ? ? ? 7 Friends will be interested bo learn that James Wheless has- accepted a position with a New York drug firm as a representative with headquarters in York, Pa., and left this week to assume his duties. Mrs. Wheless will joia him after the holidays. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. C. * Corbett and daughter, Patricia, will spend the week-end wi6i relatives in South Mills, after which Mrs. Corbett and Miss Patricia will visit relatives in Norfolk, Va. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Swinson and children, and Harry Moseley, of Richmond, Va., Mr. and Mrs. David Ervin Oglesby, of Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs.. S. W, Sykes and Mrs. J. D. Cooper, of Columbia, will be guests of Mr. and. Mrs.-D. E. Oglesby dur ing the week-end. ' *"v<" - v I SCOUTS GET NEW UNIFORMS" C. L, Ivey reports a trip with the Farmville troop of Boy' Scouts' to Wilson Wednesday, where.they were fitted out with new uniforms. Basr- Walston ? v ? \ piv. v Mr. and Mrs. Levi Edward Walston announce the engagement of their daughter, Effie* Vivian, of HjaccTes field, to Sidney Harold Bass, of Nashville. The wedding will take , place Saturday, December 23 at 5:80 o'clock. REUNION SUNDAY : : One of the homes that will be-fill ed to overflowing this,- Christmas with good cheer and happiness will which will gather the following members of herfamilv: " Mrs. Mattie R. Swain, Mr. and Infra. Jasper R. Swain, and eon Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Swain and daugh Clark, all of Plymouth; Rufus L. Rol ling/Mr. indfaH'Billrti and sons, Robert and Vassar, Mr. and Mrs. R, LeRoy. Rollins and son, poV ert, T. C. Rollins and son, T. C., Jr., Mr. and Mi^ l^ W. RblUns andchfl dren, Connie and Wilbur, of Farm ville, and tyr.-and Mrs. C. G. Rollins and children, Joan and Bruce, of* Ral eigh. : 1 . . ? ?; - ? ? if- ; f ' ' ?/ - ; I FINAL RITES HELD FOR msmam Mn&m JB.ttJBosWell at two o'clock. Inter ment .was' made jh the B^.^sfield The death of lb*. Gfcrdner, who w*a held in high .esteen in this sec tion, occurred in a Wilson hospital, whom she had been regarded as critically ffl for several ^wee^^ ' * * * W ? W 9 9 9 ? * TTW" ?-? -v. ? ? ? <?[-^1 -? - - - - SOCIAL CALENDAR ~ .rr ? ?' '*i Monday, December 25 CHRISTMAS DAY Tuesday, 26th 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M, Junior. Order. Wednesday, 27 th 2:30 P. M.?Damrad Club meets with Miss. Mary Friar Rouse. 2:30 P. M. ? Progressive Bridge Club meets with Miss Tabitha DeVisconti. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. , 8:00 P. M.?Modern Woodmen. Friday, 29 th 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet j with Mrs. B. O. Turnage. 7:00 P. M.?I. O. O. F. i 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. Saturday, 30th. 3:00 P. M.?Garden Club meets at 1 the home of Mrs. J. M. Christ man with Mrs. John T. Thome as joint hostess. r " 11 "? - \ 1 ?. ? - "I Into Festive Occasaimg . ? Christmas Colors And Home Decorations at s SociiBAHalw The favored combinations of the traditional colors o f red and green, and the modern note of blue and pilvir in Vnletide decorations of Christmas trees, wreaths, plants and lights, have been used effectively in liomes by hostesses here during the Week, and refreshment plates have also been seasonal its to'color and content. The December meeting of the Par ent-Teacher Association was held oh TTrarsdajf' <Wgnffijr!h "PtrMriT HM1 with Mrs. C. L. Barrett presiding and Rev. B. B. Fordham conducting i the devotional, the theme of which' t was the Christmas message. 1 < Reports of committees included i that of Mrs. R.'LeRdy 1RoHins,-who c reported 338 members on the rbetib, ? and announced that the. membership prizes of $6, offered by the orgafaiii-1 tion were won by grade 3, Miss Mar garet Lewis, teacher, and Miss Rus sell Ward's room in the high school. r Miss Lewis' room also won the room r roll call prize for the month. I 0 Mrs. R. S. Scott, finance chairman, tl gave a splendid report, and Mnfc-lTj B. Rouse, treasurer, gave as a total sum in the treasury, $192.60. Superintendent J. H. Moore majie brief remarks regarding the dfcfidk- ^ tion exercises of the new gymnasium and agricultural building. ***'? An enjoyable one-act play, "Out g, of the Night", was presented bjr'the Dramatic Club, under the direction of Miss Mary Dorcas Harding' hhd Miss D. Liles, with roles taken:- by Arthur Joyner, Prances Howards-Bill Pollard, Bobby Rouse and Vi&mr c. iftelds. 5 Mrs. John B. Joyner was hostess ;at >c] a delightful meeting of the Liteftfry ^ dubl " Mrs. J. W. Joyner presided g and as her contribution to the^^jifb- j gram read Ethel Wood's poems, :"Ip- . ?: vitition," "Revelation", "One Smaill Candle" and "Consecreation." .. ~ Is Mrs, C. Hubert Joyner, program chairman for the afternoon, presented Mrs. Cherry Easley, guest speaker, - who discussed "Christmas, Its Mean ing and. Legends," telling interest!] g stories regarding the frankinefcm e, pines, holly, the first Christmas' tn e, and of Christmas customs in differ- . ent lands. < Miss Annie Perkins told of Mara- ? vian customs at Salem College, and, i concluded with a story, "Mrs. Goories'i Christmas Tree." '? The delicious refreshments con-: sisted of turkey a la king on' ro-j settes, cheese Wafers, sandwiches in Santa and tree motifs, tea biscuits,! crax, grapefruit and cranberry kalad in star molds, followed by individual - cakes lighted by candles and Served with coffee. Assisting Mrs. 3Vrytter in receiving ahd serving weiU 'iheib small daughter, Videau, Miss Bettie Joyner, Mrs. Daisy H. Smittf.' ^Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson and MTb; A.; B; Moore. ' - J J; j Mrs. Irving Morgan, Jr., was M gracious hostess at a meeting of;the. Lamrad Club, entertaining members and Mrs. Merrette Moore and-Mrs., J, M. Wheless; Jr^ as special Mrs. Moore was winner of tirn'Mgh-j r score prize, a' dainty handkdi&i ef,1 Y and Mrs. Wheless, who leaver!) net } month to make her home in^ft rk, Pa., was remembered with a^ely gift. Delicious refreshments served after play. r-v;i : Mr. and Mrs, M. V. Jones delight fully" entertained the Couple Ofub on Monday evening. W. E. Joyntf flbp ped scores of the men and rewired 'J a handkerchief. Mrs. Lath Moms for high score among the ladl&jfre ceiyed cellophane dish coverki 4nd - Mrs. J. Y. Monk was award?8'&he guest prize. Delicious egg nog pibnd cake .and salted nuts were sertfeki at the cdndtorioh /of the progressions. Special guests were Dr. and Mrs. P!v E. - Jones, Mrs. J. Y. Mohk Wad Miss Elizabeth- Davis. 1 | Bringing thb social events of , the week tbQs delightful close wtt a lovely tea giyten by the Home tic 1 girls and their teacher, Miss Verona Lee Joyner, as a holiday courtesy jto the mothers of the girls, with <3ass 2, their mothers and members of; the faculty as invited guests. Ti Home fee Cottage presented! a beautiful and inviting setting with I forest greens, berries, soft limits:'and mi nature Christmas scenes. Lucille Alldn greeted guests as they arrived : and Agnes Virginia Quinerly introduced them to the re ceiving line, (imposed of Lois Jones, iffancy Gates, Edna Ruth Ivhy fand Dorothy Meltdn. Wilma Stansill directed the why to the'fining-room. Pouring tefc from a beautifully appointed and ffltfcnin ed table were Blanche RodZef and Hazel Mozingo, and serving Christ mas cookies, sandwiches in 'Christ mas motifs and candies and %tdffed dates wfere: Dorothy Seigler; 'fedn nie Belte Baldree, Carley Ann John ' ?"???? " I "FklTH WAff WJRN * .?.y J Faith "Was-born, In a bright shining star, Sei&bywise men H In a countryafar; ...? it;-.: I'l Faith was born, Heavenly angels; sang, , I r 4 * While 'Peace on Earth, ,1 Around the world rang. ? I v"'I '-iV ' *? . . 5 I Faith was born, I did not see I I A babe in a manger, Born to love me. ')v g. a c. ?M >n'i f I ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE j I r '? ^ m?.a . j I Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hobgood an-] lounce the marriage of their daugh-1 ?r, Diliard Rebecca, to Marieh Spikes J >f Maiiry. The marriage toolc place! n Erfiporia, Va., on , Saturday,-rDe+ I ember 1?. The young couple wilt- tie I it home in Maury. BEAUTIFICATION ^ rfUiaJ I Residents of Roanoke Island are! ealiziiig that they-cam-make-this esortf sp6t more attractive, to .visit-! m by0 beautifying" the grounds of I heir homes and biiUdings.""'1 " iL' F aanfe ? 1 - YAMS ' 1 I Yields of 260 to 400 bushels to L he acre ' are being reported by many weet ; potato _ growers- of?Martin I aunty, as harvesting operation* ? ajre j tart^l onTMs Jeart drop."- " ' I KILLED BY OWN" GUN 1 Ki jici OCJ i'i il'U" -u- jai u i I Harvey Cedars, N. J, ~ After J lehhing his v:S8-calibrt pisttl,"Wfl-1 iba^n Becke?; k&; of'Ne^Ybrkl 5ty, reached hp to' pku? it on A loset shfelf. " The whapoii diBcharg i Its stool slipped" fiotif'"Under j eckeria feet. The "bullet alerted te''heart! " ': | l._ s-i. .: ' I . I When the dinner bell rings even izy men stir themselves. - - - - ' , ttipf i xJIBWWAL i jjj] ?IrsJL P. GaynW ; Hasi 4L"M Si f . Dial 272-6 !S ,mi ibti?.i [fSW! I 31 Vr?Aip?v/f^'^ M..*S? j W WEEK dF bECTMBBK^lj -SUNDAY & MONDAY- :?? Wlffiato rowtfTi'Myma ^|y I "ANOTHER^fflN MAN" j lj| %?-?? - - -TUESDAY " " ? 0 ifi Alice Faye - Warner Baxter 11 j L3?yui U~~ WB0NSSDAY 4H M Rorit^^^Sge Haye^ j| Arlene" I ;ffl ^ ^ r- ? Charles Starrett , j j l ' ' ^ ^1 j rivtuAAVlO AirtaEHp i/W* HIM? \ i . ;i. t. ;<.! "f-)x i. -<.i I I .tW***- J . : .? vi v-S?*4s - iL -S?' / ? ? **!*? 7$p W " $1.15 xi'j&iM, CVTTt. ?* 4j.tl.fTV ? >/ The IuiJW|e Co., o>? Pairmville, ^. C: i ^ ?? j.ul un>i*i;iM '" '>tttEA*MENT,*'i;'''*' -r!j ? * % Vv ?i? y< nr*.av v? ?4*y * ' 1 i v ' ?? r,/r. T^T*' : ?? Experiments just concluded at tEe Massachusetts Institute; of Technolo gy ahdw; thai .old fashioned- molasses S about the. best food- known for Testing, nutritional anemia. - 3 rL ;; ??? -...- . ' : ? * . 1 . r, r . i , '?!' Jrtfr rfpipH lot y&Mi Me SMABTMSWEB rib ?r >\v rr? t-Vi )>' /torn DOBBS ' V !co?.3?? ; 2253^*"". ^P3E5255!! ^ TCiWC?. ^ Here's the way to give *" him a personal gift?yet a \ gift that he can select for him <<ulf carefully and leisurely!v i Send him a Dohbt Gift Certifi cate in a cute miniature hat box. Hell be mighty proud to show' oft this gift certificate on Christy mas Day... And prouder still to .outer the becoming hat .it buys' ? him! Come in or telephone soon. JU,S& mm*I mm J. H.HAfiRiS r - - Farmville, N. CT. . "" MAGAZINES .?J va.i r+-.FOR-a:; i CHRISTMAS GIFTS - ? ????'* * '? r-A HIT) '* \ ' ?/ MRS. E . N. WARREN FULLER BRUSHES Jt ?? Make Welcome-? Christmas Gifts !. " J^PbeM Qr.Wrife, . , ' ISAAC J, ROUSE, Dealer 213-ft , . , foripTylje* N. C. ? : ? 1 ? i: Jfcflj CWStOTf ,tJ t's.ehgasii fr>;. itm **i oMlt = ? rrv :-3g | - Jfrmv ^eto ?ear! | B m?H0Jit8 ?? h .-. ?; ? { &? & v - "? & We, the members of the Parmvifle Chamber of Commerdft jR MerchantsAssociation, extend to all of our patrons jn jg^i*-dRainovtiUfe>&ad -thesurroundingcommunity}our sincere 5? ? h%dl?8Wlslflte Wtlds 4wus season..! :uv. ../ju K & In addition, tike members of the Chamber of Commerce k R'at*id?Mei!?hant8'Assoclatkmiappredate the close co-opera- ffe B r^O<Hftv^thert^ the i^eople of Farmville in making onr :j| tttdihf'tenter;- - -- ? ffi B ?? v ..... j. A . , J'- The' present members of the Chamber of Commerce and 5 R- MfifcliaBts^Afieoeiationf bringiAgtheae greetings to you, <1 8 Kft am as AAiM1'' ii.. h-.-j v,.. tCfclfe .-^7 I.: 4ft K BELK-TYLER CO. Ste AtfGr MONifc & CO., lne> idJ m DAVf a SUPsfiLY GO. ?? v, E*??BAiKfrt?FI FARMVILLE .. ? ttHTB I POLLARO AUTO CO. <? 4 (JOHN. R LEWIS SaHDa rmu. a JONES K>i BOflB%M94UteiSTOBE [ ? ?; _ '? '? HOLMES BROS, ft CO., Inc. ,* ,; ? WESTERN AUTO STORES ? zaii.Bf W. B. LEA TOBACCO CO. PARAMOUNT THEATRE 1 "? ? K M PARKER MOTOR CO. ^ J5 PENDERGRQC^ftYCO. _ mmm? wappouse ?:;:5 Rftl^^CLKAfiE^ADYERS ^18 ROEBUCK'S HOME GROCERY ^ : ? S I|4,A IttiTiK QJfj jt ll'KK'l'I tif/imbp ] ? >? ?-,?-* ,% > _?.??* -? I I. __ ?*.?

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