Farmville Enterprise FASMVILLEs N. C. ' ?_VV- . ' . ? G. ALEX BOUSE, Owner A Mgr. Era Hortoo Shackleford Associate Editor Published by TEE BOUSE PRINTERY Subscription Price: One Year ?L60 ? Six Months 75c ADVERTISING RATES: Display (Minimus) Ste Per Inch Readers Per Line?5c All Legal adra. 5c a fine per week Published weekly and entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Postoffice at Farmville, N. C., un der act of March 3rd, 1878. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Two little words?they've been said over and over again for genera tions?bat they still express the spirit of the season! "Merry Christmas" to you and yours. Even if you don't believe in exchanging costly presents ?dont miss the joy of exchanging those friendly words, and the trifling remembrances which make them come true. And so we say, "Merry Christmas to you." RARE GIFTS Who can fail to be filled with awe at remembrance of the little Nazar ene, and the Wise Men who found His birthplace. Nineteen hundred and thirty-nine years have been recorded since, yet His remains this world's most blessed birth. The gifts the Wise Men brought to the blessed Babe ? wonderful though they were?could not compare to the gifts He gave to mankind. Jewels of spiritual goodness: rare love and unselfishness?these are the treasures beyond price, which He bequeathed to those who know the meaning of His word. LETS BE OLD-FASHIONED THIS CHRISTMAS FOR ONE DAY?Christmas Day? leave your streamlined auto safely in its heated garage; and hire a horse and buggy to travel 'round the countryside, driving through the snow or sun as the case may be. It will be a world of fun?and you'll recapture the spirit of those first Christmases in America! Get out and have fun this Christ mas! Tell your friends to meet you and go about singing Christmas Car ols together! Old fashioned. Sure it is?but this is an old-fashioned Christmas you have chosen, and youll enjoy it more if you get right into the spirit of it?with a song! Make this a really old fashioned Christmas?make the frosty air tin gle with the element of surprise? Wrap your things-to-give more fes tively than you've ever attempted before! Scatter cheer wherever you go, visiting your friends, writing gay greetings, calling out across the street, and saying over the telephone ?"Merry Christmas! An old-fash ioned Merry Christmas to you all!" $200,000,000 FOR TOYS Toy manufacturers estimate that the people of the United States will spend more than $200,000,000 on toys this Christmas. This is a lot of money but it is well spent Of course, some children receive too many toys and other chil dren receive too few but, in the main, the joy and happiness that many children get is worth the price of the toys. .. . >. :? in this connection it may not pa too -eaxiy to aoggeat that cltiaaiM of Farmvilla wi? an financially able to do 10 ahoold take advantage of the ^. ^>ppoxiUiuijr wis* unrigiiMM presents SLEEP, little one, and Mother shall tell yon a story so wonderful, that your smile will be as peaceful, as if an angel's wing brushed by! SLEEP, little one, and you shall know of the infant Jesus and how He grew to manhood ? Teacher of love and tolerance, faith and truth. SLEEP, little one, and when you awaken, think what this world into which you have been born, needs more than ever, children who wiD learn His teachings well! ' 11 1 11 t By HUGO S. SIMS , (Washington Correspondent) i NO WAR DANGER NOW . i 1940 CAMPAIGN BEGINS I PARTISANS ARE ACTIVE J TEXAS TAX IS UPHELD I PEACE NOT IN SIGHT t t Nothing has happened so far in ^ the warfare being waged in Europe . i to indicate that the United States will become involved. Not only the senti- I ment of the people of this country t but practically every responsible of-/ a ficial is against participating in the c struggle. Laying aside the question t of entering into the war, the discus- t sion centers upon the effect of war * upon democratic institutions in this I country. Unless a witch-hunt de- c velope against all foreigners, there is s no reason to suspect that any funda- I mental liberties of the American peo- t pie will be affected by the struggle going on in Europe. If this country later becomes involved, any surrender t of democracy will be temporary for i the period of war. i c It might as well be said that the < presidential campaign of 1940 is al- i ready underway, regardless of what ( the Parties do about the date of the 1 conventions. Hopeful Republican as- j pirmnts are taking advantage of op- i portunities to address "the people "in i various sections of the country. The t Democrats are waiting for the Presi- i dent to make known his intentions, i The issues are already being formed. i They include: farm relief, the bud- ] getary deficit, and the attitude of the Administration toward business. Gov ^Op ft* o the opinion of the Supreme Court ipholding the right of the State of Texas to extend its taxing power be rond its borders and other states vhere no similar tax is in force may >e expected to follow the Texas ex imple. The Texas law requires a jorporation to pay a tax upon its to al capital in the ratio that gross ?eetipts from its business in Texas >ears to the company's revenue from ill sources. The levy is called a ranchise tax, a payment for the irivilege of carrying on business in Texas. The case arose when the ?ord Motor Company paid under pro est a tax of $7,529, which it con ended was more than seven times vhat it should pay. % The opinion, written by Justice teed, says there is no question but hat the State has the power to make . charge against domestic or foreign orporations for the opportunity to ransact intrastate business. This he Court upholds and says that vhen the charge is based upon the troportion of the capital employed, al culated by the percentage of | tales which are within the State, no ?revision of the Federal Constitu ion is violated. Every now and then rumors spread hroughout the United States of an mpending peace in Europe. So far, tone of them seems to have any basis ft fact. State Department officials lo not believe that there has been mything to them except a desire in Jerman quarters to spread abroad a lint that Germany might join in the ioint front against Russia. Every Seder of war news should under hand that dispatches from Europe ire strictly censored and that little tews gets out of these countries af fecting the war, unless the nation in volved is willing for the story to be jrinted abroad. I1 ' ?: f "X - _?' * ?- ' Camels burn ? j i tl X. M X X*/ 1/ ? II I j 0*JL#mv/ ? Tr "jC#* J\ 'I "1" " FARMYILLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N. Extends Cordial GREETINGS and Reminds You of The i . 58TH SERIES # Opening January 1 1940 Wishing: for You Everything Good at This Holiday Season FARMYILLE SEA FOOD MARKET AND MILL * ECIAL ' Our Stores will In: open during: regular f Sunday Hours December 24tfa. i I We will be closed all day on Monday December 25th YOUR DRUGGISTS 1 KHELESS DUG COMPANY 1 { CITY NIG COMPART a FARMYILLE, N. C. FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE -v ? x' '% .. ' ?' ? - ' ...' . . *. Firms Combine In Extending Cordial Greetings aad Good Wishes j At This Glad Season ? \ ? ' v ; "'?'??? ,.,.** ' A. I MAY THIS SEASON BRING I CHEER AND HAPPINESS I TO YOU AND YOURS I Rollins' Cleaners and Dyers I FARMVILLE, N. C. I May Your Christmas Be A | I :: Merry One! I I And Your New Year Happy | I Throughout! | I PECAN GROYE DAIRY ? I :: CONVEYING OUR GREETINGS | I AND $ I BEST WISHES I I K. CANNON I I FARMVILLE, N. C. f I :: YULETIDE CHEER | I All Through The Year | I KEMP'S BARBER SHOP I FARMVILLE, N. C. | T + < * ' May Your Christmas Be Joyful ? ? I I And The New Year Happy t v." . ;; I JAKE'S PLACE |, FARMVILLE, N. C. 4. A I . miTriwnr YT 0 ^ L axil L . r-^1 II i * 'i ^wKliillj I I |\|? -jr Jk J 4 ? | FROM COSMALLY " ' TO THANK YOU FOR YOURGOOD WILL ; AND PATRONAGE TO WISH YOU HAPPINESS AND 1 PROSPERITY EACH DAY OF ;; THE NEW YEAR :; knott's warehouses |; j. m. hobgood ra knott :: WW*******************************4! assuring tou of our ji best wishes i at this joyous season i city barber shop | ? farmvuxe, n. c. i Mil . I ? I ? ? t ? *| EXTiBNDING OUR | heartiest wishes | AT THIS GLAD SEASON X wheless drug company | FARMVILLE, N. C. I ?4fl1111M V? I I II?1v111111111'11**? a merry christmas to all | and a happy new year | shell service station j FARMVILLE, n. c. f .........I i ??H'l ? 'I'T' I'TTl'tT ? ? greetings? from morris. & williford j| Groceries, Meats, Fish, lee DELIVERY SERVICE 11 m?I 111 n" May Hie Season's Spirit of Good Cheer and Joy Unbounding Be Yours! 4TVWT . briley's oil