? ? + Patronize Oar Advertisers, For * t They Are Constantly Inviting J t Yoa To Trade With Them. % -1* I-.'-??-?? ."?. ? v? :?3K&uir* ????'-? -"V -j ? 44 A. - The Farawile Enterprise '?f ..? ,'~ / ' - :?-?-?? ^ ???? ? - ~ ? . . ? ?M??. ? \'- 1 ?-'J"l|'4l1-r 'A1-;"^1',^?^^'^'^^ tl ? ? ?? t if 4 |Lllf ft f ? # ? ? ? # ? ? "f ? 11' i't # ttit ftt ill ft fit 1 riftfiinlliiftAArtAAA'liAAt ~ ~ ~ ~~ FARMVILL* PITT C50UNT*? MWl?-CA?0I^U, FRIDAY, PBCKMBgBW, IW? TH1KIT WW* VOLUME THIRTY " T9 *? Accidental Deaths in U.S. Total 640 During Holidays Auto Accidents Toll Heavy * , ??H ? ? ' "W Illinois Leads List; Last Year 508 Persons Died in Various Kinds of Accidents; Delaware Only State with Clean Record This Year Against Five Last i Violent death struck at the four! corners of the nation over the three- I day Christmas holiday leaving 6401 victims. Traffic accidents accounted for 418 I of the total, the rest resulting from I fire, shootings, stabbings and other! tragedies. This years three day Christmas holiday brought death to at least 553 persons in accidents and other I j forms of sudden death, with automo- I} bile traffic taking 397 lives. 11 Last year 508 persons died in [ j various kinds of accidents and as ( the result of violence in a similiarj three-day period. i Five states?Nebraska, Nevada, { Rhode Island, Vermont and Wyom- j ( ing?kept their death slates clean j last year, but this year Delaware ( was the only one. I j Illinois led the list this year with [ 60 dead?29 of them in traffic, ten , by trains, eight by suicide, seven j by violence of one kind or another j and seven from other causes. j Chicago reported more than 1,400 i traffic accidents over the week-end i and five states reported deaths by freezing or exposure, three of them ( in the south: Tennessee, North Caro- , lina and New Mexico. , There were 12 deaths from coast- , ing in New York state. , The death list by states, included j North Carolina, nine. . _ ^ , State Orthopedic Clinic - I To Be Held January I 5th In Greenville i I We wish to remind oar readers of I the State Orthopedic Clinic to be I held Friday, January 5th, in Green- i I ville from 12:30 to 4 p. m. l I This Clinic takes all types of crip- j I pies, both white and colored, free of J I charge who are unable to afford priv- j ate treatments. It is desired, though I not required, that patients be referred 1 by a phiykUn of the Welfane Offi- j J cer, and that the patient bring such 1 note to the CKnic. J The Clinic is set up to serve espe cially the Counties of Beaufort, Car- I teret, Pamlico, Pitt and Tyrell, though I patients from other Comities who de- 1 sire to come may do so. * J I The C&de is conducted by Dr. Hugh 1 A Thompson, orthopaedist, Raleigh, V I North Carolina. This dime has been I I running for something over three a I years and is 'now serving a large I I nam her of cripples, adults as well as I children, in this area. I The Pitt County Health Depart- I ment Offices are located at the cor- I I ner of Third end Greene Streets, I Greenville, North Carolina. I I LoanJfe Available^ I North CkroHna fanners who had I V their 1939 cotton rinsed by Govern- I Mat daaans through approved cot- I tea imgiwweul assodataons are ? reminded by J. A. Shankha, Extene- I CbJ- I IdhSMI' etii fioa fKa>? (J ? I ewpy: waapejeMy weiMai- ^a^mer wait ? ":!?aiaLi ill 4pea H$r vjonnmiet rliiw i ? I ""v ?" -? ? :i83 To Start Paying Pensions To Mr Workers In 1940 Government's Monthly Retirement Pensions Will Be Put Into Oper ation in January With First of Checks to Reach Beneficiaries by February 1st Washington, Dec. 27.?The federal government puts into operation next nonth its far-reaching plan to pro ride mass security in the form of nonthly retirement pensions for old er workers and their dependents. It will be the beginning of the nonthly pay-off of old-age insur mce benefits under the social se curity law and estimates indicate hat during 1940 more than $100, )00,000 will be distributed to ap iroximately 1,000,000 people. The social security pay-off will lot approach the goals of various proposals advocated by old-age pensions groups. For the most part it may fall short of the $55 i month average security wage paid 5VPA workers. Government statisticians have es mnated that payments for retired single men will average about $26 a nonth for life. Their estimated av erage for a married man who re ceives a supplemental benefit for lis wife will be about $39. The tops in government old-age lenefits is $85 a month but to get it a married man would need to be covered by the social security system for 40 years and be able to show an iverage of $250 a month in earnings throughout the period. The start of payments for January ?for which cheeks will reached bene ficiaries about February 1?will put; nto operation the final phase of the jocial security act approved by Con press in 1935 as one of the key fea tures of the new deal program to provide systematic security. Fap Chief Gets Petition Asking Cabinet Resign Tokyo, Dec. 27.?(AP?Premier jCUCF^il Nofcuyuke Abe received yes- II erday a resolution signed by 260 of be .468 members of the Japanese loose of representatives asking that he cabinet "give serious considera ion to whether it should remain in The resolution, adopted Tuesday it a conference among legislators of ill parties, was sponsored by the younger rfairut and dees not repre lent parliamentary action. The resolution expressed the wish for cabinet consideration of retire nent "in view of the heavy respon sibility attendant to assisting the throne conduct of state." (Circles close to the government predicted December 20 that the cabi net might fall if the United States did not react favorably to the Jap anese proposal for reopening the Yangtse Biver to fbreign trade as far Japan rlnaod the big Chinese wat v "' _>? "C--. -T,-,r 't ? ? T ^ ^ ,- \ *2' .i L- *& - I 94C ? ?' * .v"; - Hundreds Believed Dead in Earthquake; Villages Destroyed J Ankara, Dec. 27.?Hundreds were reported killed and whole villages ' destroyed in an earthquake which ' shook northern Anatolia early Wed- ? nesday. Four shocks were felt in Ankara be tween 2 a. m. and 5 a. m. Wednesday { (between 8 p. m. and 10 p. m. EST, . Tuesday). Accurate information of the dam age caused was not immediately available because communications were disrupted. , Officials of late afternoon said, however, that reports indicated a major catastrophe. ? The quake's center apparently was . along the Black Sea coast of Tur key in Asia. Heavy damage was reported at Or- < du, Samsun, Tokat, Amasia, Sivas, and Yozgad. Thousands were reported to have , abandoned towns for the fields, fear- < ing additional shocks. The government and relief agen- , cies rushed aid to the affected area, which is from 100 to 260 miles east and northeast of Ankara. Anatolia has been struck by earth quakes frequently. On April 19,1938, in this region there, began a series of shocks which lasted for more than a week and took a toll of dead and missing estimated at more than 800. Scores of thousands of homes were razed. ' Federal and State resoorch agen cies are renewing attempts to adapt J sheep types to the region or sections J in which they are being produced so ] as to produce superior animals. J Soviet Agents Admit Charge __________ Fined $2,500 for Violat ing State*Bepart ment Act Washington, Dec. 27.?.Two Rus sian agents and a Soviet corpora tion pleaded guilty today to vio lating the Foreign Agent registra tion act and were Used a total of fgspg, * Boris NOcoleky, president of Boofc niga, Inc., and L A. Hyin, secretary- ; treasurer, admitted a cfcargt of ? withholding material information in , registering ^themselves and '^the ; corporation witfc?Jhe State Depait menb They pleaded guilty before Justice. Jennings Bailey about an hour after indictment by- a federal ? * .v, - f.iyj?' grand jury. f Nikolaky was assessed a flfiM fine and said he would return to Soviet Russia on the next available It was agreed that Booiougs, Inc., wwette?L^am under the gfS ^ chief*at the! [gtopegwdh xency. ?"?; - J,' '. . : V'. Banks of North Carolina Activetu Serving Needs New York, Dec. 27.?That banks in North Carolina are actively serv- , ing the credit needs of their oom- ? muni ties is evidenced by the results t af a survey of bank tafcd&g activity j announced by the American Bankers Association indicating that the com- . mercial banks of the state made j riore than 220,000 new loans total ng $100,000,000 to business firms , nonths of 1989, and. renewed 216,000 md individuals during the first six , >uts tan ding loans totaling $245,000, )00 during the same period. ' ? The survey also reveals that busi- < less firms in the state are using >nly one-half of the "open lines of i :redit" maintained for their use on J he books of the banks. These estimated figures axe based >n reports received from 46 banks n North Carolina, or 20 per cent of he 225 commercial banks in the state, md make allowance for the concen ration of lending activity in Winston- 1 Salem and other large cities. - The 45 banks reported that they 1 made 57,595 new loans totaling $44,- j 309,315 between January 1 and June 30, 1989, and renewed 68,692 out- ( standing loans totaling $109,076,506 ' [n addition, they reported 1,985 new nortgage loans to home owners and 1 ither real estate owners totaling j 669,617. The average number of new loans < per bank was 1,290, and the average * lew loan was for $778. The average number of renewals 8 per bank was 1,415 and the average renswal was for $1,718. I The avezagniMinber tf iNir mort- ' igges per bank was 48, and the av- J irage mortgage was for $1,380. I In addition to making loans on ndividnal applications, the banks of c. ?be larger cities maintain what are ?mown as 'open lines of credit', on iteir books, available at all times to | regular business borrowers. Seven 1 umks reported such open lines of aredit totaling $2,122,376. However, 1 inly $1,061426, or 60. per cent of T bis credit was being used by busi- * mam firms on June 30. . LportofDenteimrk 'j I Being Done In County ' f';"?-*?'; Dr. A. B. Underwood doing dental \ vork in Pitt County, representing c x)th the State Board of Health and i he Comfe Board of Health, has Just i urned in his report covering his work t "rom October 28, 1989 through De-jt :ember. 18; t Chief items in this report are aa t ?oiTtom: Potal number examined 96? i hi" In at II Ml I n- -'Awl ' I ' w-? ? ' - J ? >* '? '>?. ^^uHSMESSRSwe*.; 1 Xl? f -V^:. . . * s , Local Man Charged With Assault On Boy B. Streeter Sheppard was accused by Rev. H. M. Wilson, pastor of the . Presbyterian Church here of inflict- 3 ing serious injury in an assault with , a shot gun on his young son, James j Wilson, in a warrant issued for his , urest early Christinas night, short ly after the alleged assault , The boy with several companions i was engaged in shooting Are crack- < ers, when it is reported Mr. Shep- ] pard, a neighbor of the Wilsons, be- , came annoyed and attacked young , Wilson beating him about the head and shoulders with a gun. ( Mr. Sheppard is out under bond j with a hearing of the case set for j Saturday morning. ? ? ?" ? i Local White Gentleman * lis Santa For Crippled 1 Negro Children Here J . . ] Mr. J. I. Morgan, local industrialist J ind financier, prominent Rotarian '< and member of the school board* ' ;hough pressed with the increased I ? rolume of business that usually I* :omes at the close of the year, found! ame to think about the plight of the !l rippled Negro children of his com- i nunity this year, giving his check * tor a handsome little sum and di- 1 ?ecting how it should be disbursed. } lis directions were followed, to thejl etter, and not only were the chil- 1 ben happy, but the sunshine of hap- 1 jiness shone bright throughout the ? mtbe homes, and all pledged them- 1 telves to a bettor life. c The Christinas drive for the needy, a a whole,, was a success. Seventy !ive dollars and fifteen cents in cash sere realised and probably1 twenty ive dollars of merchandise was given, j rhis was distributed so that every j me in dire need was able to enjoy tho j Christmas season. j The highest single amount was liven by Mr. J. I. Morgan. The next . >y Mr. Will Arnold, colored. He I >rought in a nice contribution and I nade it dear that it was given by rhite friends but for reasons he did iot make the identity known. We wish to thank every .one, to he very highest, who made any form >f contribution to -this worthy cadse ind assure yon that every one bene Itted are equally thankful f A check will show that nine dol are out of every ten were given by irhite friends. This is just one in ddent out of many that are happen ng daily* moat, of which .are -never' > loticed, that go to prove conclusively hat the Southern whites^ar^not un- ; he Negro is to survive and rise in he scale of dvOfeatloh* it must; be ^ lone in the South, where the climate : ?r-r? e TXTTT/t i)?llrm ? ?.:% w nu jxl^i " ?? X ? W -U4, i ||L ;, ^nicnc&s 300-nule ssfcty licit in 1 , ' .? I f vY I jsjHifflhP? ? edj^May Grant Sum Without Fight ? ' * ? Washington, Dec. 27.?Congress will be asked to approve another record-breaking fond for national iefense at the coaxing session and indications today are that it will ac cede without much at a fight. Congressmen with military ideas g?-their own, however, may provoke greater controversy than the outlay rf more than 12,000/100,000 which President Roosevelt has said ha would recommend to ffann*** the army *tiH navy for the year starting July 1. Before the new session is a week lid two House committees will study proposals designed to make the navy .he mightiest armada the world has sver seen. Bq& are likely to pro ride forums for proponents of supisr ; xattleships, possibly twice as big as my now afloat Chairman Vinson (D-Ga.) set ranuary 8th tentatively for the louse Naval Committee to begin inblic hearings on a proposed $1, !00,000,000 expansion of the navy. Phis would provide for 95 new war ships, 81 auxiliary vessels and 2^ ? 195 additional airplanes. L.-Although Mr. Roosevelt was re torted authoritatively to have slabb ed about $700/X)0,000 from the ee imatea of both the army and navy, here were indications that the total vould be a* $800,000,000 and Kxssibly $500,000,000 above the ear* " ent year's peace-time record of ibout $1,800,000,000. Nevertheless, temocrats and republicans have ihown little disposition to- quibble ' >ver money spent for defense. ' * ? I; Goes ro rm& ^ l.V;' ? Rome, Dec. 27.?United States Am >assador William Phillips left for . Pans Wednesday to confer on the European situation with William CJ. lullitt,, American envoy to Prance. pavefti^OTtii Caro-1 lina Government fo*j More Than Six Pre- ? World War Years; Av-, erases Over $2,000,000 ; A Month Raleigh, Dee. 27.?When final fig' rea on gasoline tax collection for 989 are made available on Janua# st they are going to Show that the noney paid by North Carolina motor st* in this form oif levy alone would avaoperated the entire state govern lent for nioro thnii fffT ^ Imee comparable to 1917, the year ir vbieh the United Statwr entered .the Vorld War. FortJhe nwngfr of this tvailable to indicate that it will not 'all WW that marlc fn TWamSer Wtemlll dT ^ktioM:STmade'it JsSg^ Against the Finnish Msirawflhriiiii Line: as this "Verdun" battle went into its fourth weak. iokk4 U was learned here ?pt more :,. than *?>Q0O freah Russian trodj##?-' SS^rtod^mf ? ' the Soviet Union to be thrown into the Finnish war. They wffl eoto* : prise three Siberian divisions front the Arctic rfefent, accustomed to extreme cold, and-12 Caucasian di? visionBeiiiS?>accustomed -!to'ranew ^ and low fatoperetoraa. Owing to MMM^W ' *- 1. I, |.M?W ? - 1 S -. 41*M1? soo9p vrmpt now6V6Ps Deion <tneir full fozeefi can b<t thrown into ac tion. T- v. ? ?; "? ' }. Reliable reports state that at least one regiment <tf Russia's famed Cos sacks already has participated in an fctfiagiFA,,,,! II ???itysiM wfc ? ? - ? BftacKr aismounnn^ near %M iront end advancing oh foot. ? ?%' * P* Soviet casualties rose sharply to day when the Red Army tried a new method of attack. ? The Russians, forced for three nfAabfi .(A ? (? M .1 ?. m t ween to conduct tour campaign along canalized lines because of the chain of interlocking lakes, today took advantage of several days of Mend 15 degrees below aero weath er and sent a man attack against the Finnish left wing- across the tea. But the Kims also had foreman the maneuver. ... ?*. ; ? ' " ? - Their guns a dew field of * fire across the- lakes and their artillery, blasted huge holes in the ice, to dmwh whole grudge of Russians. - mnWm along a one mile stretch ef Lake Suvanto, around which the attack contend,, "Wire reported mounting Into the thoiK sands. ? ?~>,w {? ? ?*-- (? The Russians sought to biMAt ' tthrough on the Finnish left wing and make the Maxmeaheim Line untenable. The Finns, meanwhile,- have oat with skatefc fitted some'of their night patrols Unseen in . their White parinftr; toy glide aflently over the:* fee, hargqqinc -On '?Russians. The yClti" Dish skaters are able to cover great distances at pcphibly the Idgtnat. speed ever reached by "MP sol- J diers. Almost every Knn la ex pert in. the use of: skates* ae they axe wWr skiia, bat few of the Rus sians can use them. The weather last night and today aided the,Finn*. Low eferadt pfer vented Soviet air observation wad b resumption of the intense bomb- I lug activity of the l**t;few bright iaya. Lower temperatures promised mow, for which 4e Finns a** hoping. I EF? tippl ST. <nhf - lI. rtf , ^yi n i-i f irt #ttMTIiffl fJtT Tun "IVf fliwR.'1' -; :y fhfiK?relian Isthmtis ^hdmline on^e KareltaiUUM. have Been thrown drc* w*~ Unulin lrmnrfr * a Finnish f" corps Don ? MVC CIwWU UIlv Sformansk raflw^r;' ixawgnw pSval^lMiiiie"1 near

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