! Social snii personals| + N I ? Miss Agnes Blount is visiting rela tives in Ayden. , ? ? ? Miss Shirley Ann Newton is visit ing relatives in Greenville. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Pollard spent Wednesday in Greensboro. ? ? * Mrs. Mollie Flanagan is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Pollard, Jr., this week. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith spent the week end with relatives in Kins ton. ? ? ? , Robert Q. Roebuck, of Boston, is visiting his uncle, A. Q. Roebuck, this week. * ? ? ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith spent the past week end at Virginia Beach. ? ? ? E. C. Carr and Edward Harris have returned from a trip to Carolina Beach. ? ? ? Mrs. J. D. Owens and Miss Neva Owens were Greenville visitors, Wed nesday. ' i ? ? ? Mrs. S. M. Jones, of Williamston, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Jones. i * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Godwin spent the week end with relatives in Nor folk, Va. ? ? ? Miss Vernice Lang Jones is spend ing the week with friends in Suf folk. Va. ? ? ? Miss Mary Regis, of Washington, D. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. A. Jones. ? ? ? Miss Helen Willis has returned aft er taking a summer course at Duke University. ? ? V Miss Mary an Green, of Washing ton. D. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. S. Ryon. * * ? Mrs. Eli Garner, of Elm City, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. E. Fitzgerald. * ? ? Miss Virginia Newton, of Green ville. spent the week end with Mrs. K. R. Newton. ? ? ? I j Bill Pollard has returned after I completing a summer course at Chapel Hill. v ? * ? Mrs. J. B. Cutchins, has returned to Washington after a visit to Mrs. R. A. Parker. ? ? ? Miss Martha Lewis is spending her vacation with relatives and friends in Norfolk, Va. ? * ? Mrs. R. K. Virnelson, of Charlotte, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rob ert Lee Smith. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mpnk, Jr., and son are spending several days at Morehead City. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Flave Darden and children spent the week end with rela tives in LeGrange. ? * * Mrs. J. Stanley Smith has returned to Virginia Beach after a visit to Mrs. Louise Harris. 9mm Miss Margaret Walter has return ed after completing a summer course at Duke University. ? ? ? Miss Evelyn Brown, of Edenton, spent the past week end as the guest of Mrs. M. V. Horton. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., Rob ert Monk and Fred Jones spent the week end at Morehead City. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Baucom and sons, Frank and Donald, are visiting relatives at Elerby. ? ? ? Mrs. David T. Harris and son, David, are spending this week with relatives in Macclesfield. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schmus have returned to Norfolk, Va., after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. i>. W. Godwin. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., of Greensboro, are spending the week end with Mrs. J. L. Shackleford. ? ? ? ' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hassell and son, Fleetwood, of Stratford, Conn., are guests of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. John Royster have returned to Pittsburgh, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Royster. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Sr., and John B. Lewis have returned from a two weeks stay at Hot Springs, Ark. ??? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thome and daughter, Mmb Mary Leah, are spending several days at Lake Jun aluska. Mrs. a E. L. Wheless, of Warsaw, is the guest of Mm. J. M. Wheless. ? ? ? Mrs. Kathleen Moore and daughter, Janet, have returned from a two weeks vacation trip to Virginia Beach and Ocean View. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Lamm and daughter, Jean, of Wilson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Belcher, Sunday. - a ? a Mrs. Maynard Darley and Mrs. W. N. Banton, of Lynchburg, Va., have returned after a visit to Mrs. W. S. Royster. * ? ? ? David T. Harris, superintendent of the REA lines, is spending this week in Washington attending an REA Conference. ? ? ? Mrs. Frank Cappe, of Washington, D. C., arrived Wednesday for a stay of several days with her mother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel. ? ? ? Mrs. J. M. Wheless and house guest Mrs. R. E. L. Wheless, of Warsaw, spent Wednesday and Thursday with relatives in Raleigh. ? ? ? R. D. Rouse and James Monk left during the week end for Nashville, Ga., where they will be located during the tobacco selling season. ? * V Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Joyner and son, Eli Joyner, Jr., attended the Furni ture Show at High Point, Tuesday and Wednesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham, Miss Mary Friar Rouse and Richard Har ris spent the past week end at Caro lina Beach and Myrtle Beach. ? * ? Mrs. W. L. Hawkins and Mrs. Herbert Sutton, of Trenton, and Mrs. Sam Heath, of Grimesland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Lovick, Sunday. * ? ? Mrs. George Bowden, of New Bern, and Mrs. A. R. Turner, of Kinston, have returned to their homes after a visit to their sister, Mrs. Haywood Lovick, who is ill. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tripp and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Tripp, of Greenville, have returned from a motor trip to Western North Carolina, Virginia, and Washington, D. C. ? * ? Paul A. Wilson has returned from Newark, Ohio, where he visited his mother, who has been critically ill. We are glad to report that the mother of Mr. Wilson is improving. ? ? ? Mrs. Virginia Spencer, of Greens boro, Mrs. S. S. Farabow and daugh ter, Miss Betty Lou of Oxford, and Lieut. W. P. Spencer, of Paris Island, were guests of .Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Jones during the past week end. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Jrviiv Morgan, Jr., and daughter, Ann, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., at their Morehead City cottage this week, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan will also attend the .Rotary assembly while there. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lang and house guests, Dr. and Mrs. Augustus Rog ers, of Lake Alfred, Fla., are spend ing the week end at Morehead City .with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr. . ? ? ? Mrs. S. H. Bundy and daughter, Miss Polly, are spending the week end with friends in Richmond, Va. Mas ter Craige Harris, who has been visit ing relatives there will return with his grandmother, Mrs. Bundy, on Monday. * * * Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck, Miss Geraldine Gardner and Mrs. George W. Davis left W ednesday from Norfolk for a cruise to Boston and a sightseeing trip to historical points in that sec tion. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Martin Lucas Parker, attractive son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Parker, celebrated his fourth birthday Tues day with a lovely party, which was attended by twenty-four of his little friends. Games were played on the lawn. The breakfast room had been beau tifully arranged for the serving of refreshments, with decorations carry ing a oolor note of pink and green. Ices, the birthday cake and candies were served and hats and horns were - given as favors. MISS TYER WINNER _____ 1 Friends here . are congratulating Miaq. Annie Lee Tyer on having been declared a winner of an Electrolux refrigerator in a recent Proctor and Gambol contest. The announcement came over radio on July 10, on the Guiding Light program, and while Tyer was at work and did not happen to be tistemng in, a number of friends heard her name announced. About five years ago Miss Tydr who is libralian of the City Library won a 6 tube B. C. A. Victor radio in a Camay soap contest, conducted by the same firm. In an interview Miss Tyer was un able to say which one of the three slogans submitted was accepted as the prise wishing one, as com pany makes it a rule not to reveal S^OBUatfeJL Bridge Affairs Honor Out Of Town Visitors ' l .11 Mil I st 111 I ? ? ? M Mmm ; *** : Featuring the social calendar this week were a number of lovely parties extended out of town friends, visiting here, as courtesies. Mrs. R. A. Parker entertained friends for four tables of bridge in compliment to her house guest, Mrs., J. B. Cutchins, of Washington, and Mrs. T. T. Grimes, of Miami, Fla., who is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. A. Roebuck. Artistic floral decorations were observed throughout the home, j The high score prize, towels, were won by Mrs. R. O. Lang, and the^ honoree, together with lire. Augus tus Rogers, of Lake Alfred, Fla./ house guest of her sister, Mrs. R. 0.' Lang, were presented with guest towels. Mrs. Grimes alsp received consolation prize, a piece of pottery. lA variety of sandwiches, cookies and a refreshing beverage were served after play. Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson was hostess at bridge, honoring Mrs. J. Stanley Smith, of Virginia Beach. Pleasing flower arrangements were used throughout the home. Mrs. J. L. Shackleford, compiling high score, received bath towels and Mrs. Smith was presented with hose by the hos tess. Peach ice cream and black chocolate cake were served after play. - / Mrs. P. E. Jones honored Mrs. T. T. Grimes at a lovely bridge party, at which Mrs. Frank M. Davis, Jr., made high score and won a novel shaped tray, Mrs. Claude L. Barrett receiv ing the consolation, and the honoree and other out of town guest, Mrs. Augustus Rogers were recipients of attractive gifts. Refreshing pine : apple ice, wafers and salted nuts were served. The Jones home on North Main street was beautifully decorated with summer flowers. Mrs. D. R. Morgan entertained at bridge for Mrs. Grimes at the Coun try Club Monday morning, Mrs. S. A. Roebuck winning the high score award, and the honoree receiving pot tery as a gift from the hostess. De licious refreshments were served. Mrs. Roebuck and her sister, Mrs. Grimes, were luncheon guests of Mrs. Neilie James, of Greenville, 6n Tues day. One of the loveliest of the many delightful summer bridge parties be ing given in compliment to visitors here, was that of Wednesday after noon, when Mrs. W. Leslie Smith en MVo T T r.rlmpQ ICI UI111CU} lIVilui 111^ Mt4a> a* *t vt??t*??M; of Miami, Fla. The colors of yellow, green and white ivere artistically car ried in the floral decorations of glad ioli, marigolds, lupin and daisies, the table arrangement in the dining room being particularly lovely. Here guests were served a fruit drink and ? dainty sandwiches as they arrived by Mrs. James H. Smith, daughter-in law of the hostess, and received their tallies.. Five tables were arranged for the games in which Mrs. J. L. Shackle ford won the high score prize, a lemonade set, and Mrs. W. M. Willis received the consolation, bath bub bles. Mrs.' T. T. Grimes, honoree, was presented bath powder by the hostess, who remembered with lovely gifts of linen other out of town guests, Mrs. Augustus Rogers, of Lake Alfred, Fla., and Mrs. J. F. Has sell, of Stratford, Conn., house guest of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. The chosen color note was again emphasized in the refreshment ap pointments for the tables, and in the ices and decorated cakes. Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner was a grac ious hostess on Thursday morning, en^prtaffling at bridge in compliment to Mrs. J. F. Hassell and Mrs. T. T. Grimes. Mrs. W. E. Joyner scored high and was awarded an ice bucket, and Mrs. R. A. Parker was winner of the second prize, coasters, with Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner receiving the con solation, vases. The hostess present ed the honor guests with embroider ed guest towels. Sandwiches in card motif, cookies and a refreshing bev erage were served. Lovely garden flowers were in pleasing arrange ments. Mrs. John B. Joyner entertained at a barbecue dinner at Respass' in Greenville, honoring Mrs. Grimes, on Thursday, and Mrs. S. A. Roebuck and Mrs. L. T. Pierce were joint hos tessts at a large and lovely party in her honor Thursday, evening, en tertaining at the Country Club. Mrs. W. M. Willis entertained the Couple Club on Monday evening, hav ing as special guests, Mrs. S. A. Roe buck and house guest, Mrs. Grimes. Lovely garden flovters were used in pleasing arrangements. Mrs. C. Hu bert Joyner won the ladies' prize, a Madeira guest towel, and Lath Mor riss, the men's award, handkerchiefs. Mrs. Grimes received a lovely gift from the hostess. A delicious lee course was served. "* Miss Martha 'Lewis and Mrs. Bp1 bert. Benson were gracious hostesses this week at the home of the former, entertaining at a surprise birthday party in compliment to Miss Mary Barbae. Bridge was played at five tables with Miss Geraldine Gardner winning the high score award, a powder jar, and table prizes of novel flower containers, being won by Miss Mary Friar Rouse,. Miss Eva M*e Turnage, Miss Mary Barbee, Mr*. H, T. Smith and Mrs. Curtis Flanagan. The honoree received a shower of lovely gifts including lingerie from the hostesses. The birthday cake was cut by Miss Barbee and served ' with peach ice cmm. A group of friends entertained at a birthday party for Miss Mary Bar bee at the apartment of Mrs. Dora H. Keel on 'Saturday evening. After several progressions of bridge, peach ice bream was served and the birth day cake was cut and served by the honor guest, who received a number of lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Barbee and son, B. C., Jr., of Wilson, parents and brother of Miss Barbee were special guests. Birth Announcement -Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarence Edwards of Jacksonville, Fla., announce the birth, of a son on Monday, July 22nd. Mrs. Edwards was formerly Miss Mary Wheless, of Farmville. GINN-SKINNER ? t Coming as a surprise to their many friends in this section, was the mar riage on Sunday evening, of Miss Annie Laurie Skinner, daughter of Roy Skinner and the latevMra. Mary Gold Skinner, to Mr. Ed Malcolm Ginn, of Snow Hill, son of Mia Ed Ginn and the late Mr^Ginn, of Snow Hill. The marriage took place in Emporia, Va. v The bride wore a blue shark skin dress with a white hat and accesso ries. The young couple are making their home in Snow Hill, where Mr. Ginn holds a position with Quinn Miller Furniture Co. PASSES 68th MILESTONE Friends of Dr. C. C. Joyner, were congratulating him oh Saturday, the 20th, the occasion being his 68th birthday. Born July 20, 1872, on Sat urday morning, and as he laughingly remarked, an hour before sunrise, Dr. Joyner has led a useful life and ren dered a distictive service to this ro mm unity. - A veteran physician, in whom the Country Doctor is so well typified, his practice of 88 years has been wide and varied, and he is one of the best known snd highly esteemed men in this section of the State. Dr. Joyner retains the dignified bearing, rapid stride and keen eye of his youthful days, and the edge of his wit hasn't been dulled one whit by the hand of Time. Amazingly energetic, his mind is even more ac tive, and he is generally conceded to be one of the best read men in East ern North Carolina. An individualist, who' thinks for himself and dares to live hiB convic tions, the physician has merited the high regard which he receives from this community, and through his humanitarian efforts has thoroughout the years exemplified a rare nobility of mind and soul. ? . Save With SING'S HI-TEST GAS Regular First Grade 19? Gallon 1st Grade Kerosene 10c Gal. Motor Oil 10c Qt. and Up 300 SOUTH MAIN ST. v I PARAMOUNT 1 THEATRE I FABMYILLEL N. C. Week of July 28 SUNDAY?MONDAY "TiH We Meet Again" ? with ? George Brent?Fat O'Brien News and Cartoon TUESDAY?WEDNESDAY GENE AUTRY "Carolina Moon" Cartoon, Sports and Serial I THURSDAY & FRIDAY "Brother Orchid" ?? with ? I Edward G. Robinson I News and Cartoon SATURDAY I Doable Feature I j "Covered Wagon I Days" I I ? with ? THREE MESQUITEERS I ? and ? 'Millionaire Play Boy* -wtth ; JOE PENNEB i ? n??d ? I Chapter of "Conquering The UniTerse" | . ? a - COMING ^ "Four Sons" Ai^eche | (? . 11 i j What you buy on credit, you pay 1 for several times. TOR'SALB-Oord Wood for Maw Curing?good Ming place. R.F. Tugwell, FarmviHe, N, C. ?p ? i i ?T?? i i I FOR RENT AUGUST 1: Apartment, S oooms and both, furnished or unfurnished. Private entranced Immediate rental desired. Apply Mrs. J. L Shaekleford.. FOB SALB-751 Barrels of Corn, in shocks, and one Davis Su perior Oil Carer, only cared 2 bans of tobacco. This carer is in first'daps condition. J. T. Bandy, Famvill* C. 6-6-13-p FOR RENT: Two Room Furnished Apartment. Water and Lights Farniahed. Mm. J. L BAKER. . COME TO SEE US for yoor battery and Bicycle Repair Work. Prompt Service. Reasonable Charges. West ern Auto Associate Store, Farm ville, N. C. tfc FOR RENT?UPSTAIRS APART ment, with bath, wired for electric stove. Apply S02 E. Pine SL? Phone 274-1 tfc FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Pot Plants, Cot Flowers, Corsages and Funeral Designs. Say It" with Fiewam. - Fsrmville Flower Shop; Phone 497-1. 0 A question of value; one battleship at 2100,000,000 or 4,000 pursuit planea at 225,000,000 apiece. ; ? ; W.RAY SMITH Civil Engineer?Surveyor OFFICE Old Citizens Bank Building TeL 483-6 KIDNEY STAGNATION IS WORSE THAN CONSTIPATION! Bmwm Wt Treat Constioatlon at The Onsat, Whfle We Neglect Our Khtatyi Indefinitely No - other organ in toot body la of more Importance than your kidney*. For in your kidney* there' are nine million - tube* which muit work day and night to filter the fluid* and keep the eyitem free from wastes, acid*, poisons which. If per. xnitted to remain, may cause aerioua kidney and bladder troubles. t It ia no wonder then that Nature often* call* for help to clean out the kidney*. So if you are troubled with Gettlng-Up-NIghta, Leg Palp*, Backache, Nervous Headache. Dixalne* or Loss of Energy, due to functional kidney disorders, try KIDANS. the famoua kidney remedy, which aids Nature to flush out the kid neys, to filter all waatea, to prevent kid. say stagnation. . , KIDANS is Safe and Reliable. Thou sands report entire satisfaction. Taken according to directions. KIDAN8 will give splendid results. Try KIDANS, Buy it at our Special Price Offer on two boxes. Use one box. If not satisfied, return unopened box and GET TOUR MONET BACK. Leading Druggists Everywhere WHELESS DRUG COMPANY FARMVILLE, N. C. I- ? DON7 FRET WITH DEBT j; TUmMoney i l/EEP a cool, door head and do not got into "deep . |V water" by wanting to get rick too quick and biting - off too much. A good credit is often BAD for yog. Stay dose to shore with your feet on the bottom, financial worries kfll joy. START SAVING REGULARLY ROW We Welcome Your Banking Business SAFETY of our Deposits Is INSURED !I by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $6,000 < > , for Each Depositor. j j fx'' f J; HAVE MONEY I <? rhe Bank of Farmville Farmville, N. C. x ' J;-- . ? ? ' w ? a v . intrau i I? Mil l| X k-M HAVB MONIYI ' i ) ? m jj Member Federal Deposit insurance uorporation. | " r. . , ' - V . PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION t State of North Carolina, Department of State. To all .to whom these presents may come?Greeting: Whereas, it appears .to my satis faction,, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Knott's Warehouse, Incorporated, a corpora tion. of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. West Wilson Street, in the City of Farm ville,. County of Pitt, State of North Carolina (R. H. Knott being the" agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), ?has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporation", preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I, Thad Eure, Sec retary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 10th day of July, 1940, Ale in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders, thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on Ale in my said office as provided by law. i In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed my of ficial seal at Raleigh, this 10th day of July, A. D. 1940. THAD EURE, (SEAL) Secretary of State. DR. V. H. MEWBORN C ? OPTOMETRIST ? NEXT VISIT Farnville?Office at Fields' Jewelry Store, MONDAY, JULY 29ih. Eyes Examined ? Glasses Fitted ?Tarboro Every Saturday? 1 ? ^B|^r ^V V ? ? IflfSMSUiei General Electric's New 1940 Refrigerator is built as strong as a towering skyscraper. Its all steel cabinet is sturdy, long-lasting. There's not a splinter of wood anywhere to warp, crack, rot... to ab BAult A^AM n.P'fi Bfimv.v Pfi AB1III1 3 S? ? - 3339II ""?? ~r~ iH-~- Jl I wLs ffitl II ? | || || I^P'^H'^I || ^P^P P ^B^n^^KHSC' V'V P H H H I ? Dill ^ -IkII. ,? ' -''^ *? :lmBI BWI V I Bm !? k 9 U|1|V| 9 v^l |9 > Biff s^y M :t| I ? .-" ? . ;??' .' ? '? . . "" .'.- j. > ? ? II. ? ? - ? ~ ? ? II iVif#/ y#/ *AHKlS^v^S K ->4 11 I BlMBAflHtfNMdWHMh^flMMWil ; .. ?.-"~v" ? J ? j . ? i -. ?9PwW9^^^^BI^B^Mn9W9BB^BB9IWl^MBWB9B^MlHI^HWWM^W^^^BIB?^BTlBI^B199nBnwWliiBnffn'H^TnrUTiTrilwfTnU wl Rflt-Srf.wJJH... ? ' - * ?'??'?. ? , ? r - '??*.;? .?^'r" '? 'v **?#? '"""^V.-'v-'"-*' ?'*? - * *''""'" -?'! V **"?'?-' *,%" ' ? ??- ??' ?? - "'y'" ' ? T .' . "^v" ' ?v?7.?v." " ''??'? ? ? '.

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