" ? ;i ?X'JsmnummammMMunm*., an? ,.. _, | PBttaaiat 0? Adrerttatn, For f fPT lj\rL ^ JXT.X^ffl.Q. IT**4* I | Iter At. (tatanUr Intltt* | 1 |0 M-f ,1 ? x ?, Tmm iii wi?? ?-. ? J I Not A Small Town Ajbj More! ? TiiMiiiiiiiujiiiiiiiin'M'T --3*> ? ltitii(ii>Hi?ii?tiiini?tf event,the day after Thanksgiving. THa will mark tk? 20th annual meet ing of the lynv ad reunion of the Tyaonesod^Mays, who joined again in a allianra several years ago upon the 160th wedding anniversary of Mary Tyson and Major Benjamin May, tins group having since develop-1 ed into one of the strongest and most vigorous family organizations in the State. While this is an anticipated occas ion each year^ Jbe various family ; branches will cspae ^together this time in a deepened tytrit of thankfulness, intensified by the present chaotic world conditiQns, which have cansed thg disruption ?if family life and the separation of loved ones by death or crnel circumstance. And the signifi cance of Thanksgiving will oome ; closer than ever before, to the hearts of these descendants of pioneer Amer icana, who, privileged to live in this great land of freedom and plenty, have a justified -.pride in their heri tage. > The Tyson-May reunion will be beld in the iajor^May Chapter House, D. A. R, loceted on what is felt to be 4 sacred ground: by the descendants, v, thi? being th+ homestead of I Major l ?y aad bi* wife. Walter & Shepp^J, prominent Green county lawyer, will BTORhb and address the reunion, and fist; C. B. Mashburn, of the Christian Church, and adopted son, will conduct the devotional and memorial services. Mayor George W. Davis and Mrs. -T. C. Turnaga Chapter regent, will welcome the anmblage, and R A. Joyner will introduce the speaker of the day, Andrew Joyner, Jr., of Greensboro, wMttfei accepted the in . vitation of the if^qnfi a I ion to appear on the program. Mr. Joyner is ex pected to deihmr* timely and com prehensive address. The round table discussion will be led this year by Roland B. Parker, a native of Farmville, and a member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina. Dr. J. Y. Joyner, of La Grange, and Andrew Joyner, of Rocky Mount, father of the speaker, who are always given special honor on . ~ these occasions, will attend and take part on the program. In addition to the president, the other Reunion officers, Dr. Matthew Lee Carr, of LsGrange, first vice president, William R Tyson of Green ville, second vies .president, and Mrs. Joel Moye, sseteftary and treasurer, will speak briefly. The musk will be directed by Mrs. J. W. Joyner, who will accompany Mr. and Mrs John D. Holmes, soloists. Mim Tabitha DeViaeonti, genealog *of ft* ngmd'eli^^willhave^a family trees will be on exhibition. 1 A basket,lunch will be served in the banquet haB of the Chapter House. No invitations have been sent in Fannvffiens SB-descendant* or inter md'sromssful aifOH?**** Aft* ! * %A0 vHL III I VVv w .1"" I ??? H - ? ? # ? ? i i a p iiniiii ? ?vHIlHil IVUUv ? -Z ? v^ ? .: *w.r? . . ?? ? r . V>*{3?SS ? I Bea Boashtoii &ays H- ??.*!' - a . *.? _ ?? ^?V'; ? nLpDfVHHpiURIIId UIBIIWiw ] I ftit '-if''^5*;* 1 ? ? ?:- 'loPl ?W*? v - ? ? Is? I ? < *.? I I dktel *?? w??W be a new ta* Wl| ' -r^l S 2s&- JBmSv J ?'?? ? tiilCiib- } keep the supplies of cotton in li*?| with demand?something they did not ham in 1914," Floyd declared. "As a result of being able to week ee-, operatively in, adjusting production,* fanners learned thwn what happened when cotton was thrown on an over snpplied market In 1914-15 tike war weakened d*-( mand for the large American cotton crop and caused the price to drop from 12 cents to 6? cents. In con trast to this, since the out&neek of the European War in 1989 the fargk price of cotton, supported by loans, has actually increased slightly de spite a large supply." World consumption of American cotton since 1932 has been equal to or well above production in evrngr year except 1987, according to Floyd That year, when ther&waa no adjust ment program in effect, a bumper crop of 19,000,600 bales was produced. This large crop brought, the surplus back to the 1933 levels, nullifying the work of four years of cotton-supply adjustment "Gotten marketing quotas and acreage allotments are the farmers' tools for adjusting the supply of cot ton to be placed on the market," the Triple-T loaddor concludedd. Miss Agnes Moore Is Initiated Into Delta Kappa Gamma Durham.?Miss Agnes Moore, prin cipal of Clarke street school, was initiated into Delta' Kappa Gamma, woman's, national honor fraternity of educational honor fraternity educa tion, at a luncheon meeting held on Saturday in. the men's union of Doha University. Miss Moore's being selected for membership in this fraternity is con sidered.* very high honor, and one of the highest that n*cr} to .a teach* er. Those admitted to membership are women who have achieved die tinctkm in the teaching profeesjoB, whose high .professional ideals hate caused them to be outstanding teach ers. They must be recommended by members already in the fraternity. The purpose of the fraternity is said to- he to aid in elevating- the teaching profession and in danrsfef ing high ideals and pwieeakmal spirit ; among the women; to form scholar shipsrto assist members to puisne advanced eomces of study; to honor those who have aehtamd distinction m toe teacmng proxessaon; to szzonr to ZQb^iIBSlB OQicEZcu 111 illiiwTfint lmftfl w* ft i ' tp si4?i*t ^ui iny better recognition of thewark of women teachers. ***** tt. -^tyCoart" MMn, at 6:30 a. m.,W?dn?laj. 111 some time, it was! b th 'tlxx^je HuUV^UP- wltli *i)Uful ^ wyM o* ? ... -.v. .' >? ? -:"1! .???? '?___ "-v1 ? ?. ; in Berlin last ftjnrnhTW^r^' TO* .. i^"Tt!ffi(%!!!! Stats* frpm an ^^deqJlw*tion of y, mn ^), . 4 jtt ?_?! ? ?? In nriito n nwl ITnATTTfMi /flwimff ill "ouQaP68? laid that-Spat*,-Bumaria-md Bui garia may be next to join the Axis land th>t y?n>^ may fall quickly Autekid JlBlqDntai in Bar* Unhave already indicated that f {fjpntio Axis military operation is intbe- wind?an attempt to"bottle up" the- Jfedi terraneaXc. >jr. aynchroi nimi ?hm>m qp-|jhi flncii in A* and GiknltarJo the west. $3 The entry of Himgaxy into th|i WftWWfrNwt ftg ; rope added 57,680 iquare milsfeand a population of abppt lWKM^OO. A*] my exTMfta bara fitiriM Wmwak I has 500,000 uw under arms- \ With* Xwkey azuoogthe possible targets of a near Axis campaign in I frankly warned. its readers that the iah government prepared black-out I r?ltft*OS. ? ? r| Germany's t Foreign Minister Vc? I Ribbentrop -asserted in Vienna yes terday that -ethsr powers shortly I would join the aHitnce. ' . * ' TtSX so. ? . ? ? " ? ?5? It was announced today at the Health Department that the Exten sion Department of the State Sana torium efll g^Pitt County aTuber culoais Clinlc for oaa week begin ninjr MoodiF. iWttnbcr 2nd* Dr. Ejumtt, local Hefth Officer, announced? "tho g*Q??nfal? as follows: Monday, Town Hall, Fannville; Tues day, Town Hall. Ayden^rWednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Health De? } partmeul Offioet, .Greenville,^; The Clinic hours are $rom 9 a. m, ; ZtiLlSX*"**'**"* trasa. the family i^piidan;^? X?TiS.:to til fcMrriiif jp. 5 * .'8 Kl ??? B B I" i'L* -:^-wL' : (*i ^ ' - ~"ri ? _, . to*t2?' up? selor at the Pans embassy, nil Dot? IfpSp war indicated Hthat the government; ?$&!' desirableto =HSr3? for explaining'.$ the Petain. regime the attitude of the Unitjed-Staiee on. numerous outstEnmn^' cruestionSe. ;. * W ? ^ & Tb*Mi&pxmiom meaawhfle. . 4pr peered to be growtag in ixwenuxient flparters that Petain ^ereonally was offering strung netee to Agie pressure on some points, of vital con cern to the United States, narticu lariy the uaa:&j?ijnc$ naval bases in Africa and gome of the >Hftench fleet Petain's protest over German ex ' ?:??'" ???'* *l.i '-Tfik'iiV '?; '?? -^*, '?'??? pulsion or tne r rencn population from Lorraine was regarded here "as a: sign that theagedf^af ofgtate^ was drawing * line oh the extent of collaboration the Axis. tain dijEtic/quarten there was ffifcf'If^ "ikiWiiV i il l sVeait kw 6ftiW ' fhla tnu? lr pressed tooiiarti DFuieyuaSy Petain might decide to fly to North AMa and ?* up ?*guyarumeat ot resistance there. This, however, was not jr?garded as an^ imminent :?k?U. hood. ? .: m B^J^L vL? n Wm*A *?1A Mjafcan (fcMS ? npienujer, rivjuwu, ""* ^ ^ I lV^* nMJiik *MK tilA 'aha j& effect ? 1J #?16 owiiiTt r* M'v- v^ ~? ? ^ J E^fLi^^^fllioiL b&l68 daring &m4 I in^^^pi f?*m allot-11 Floyd farther pointed oat thetjL ho nlant "w^tWii their allot? j: luotBMW^* ^ ..wj.iv wi^tt pny ' tf*l ? M '~ ' '" . -., J . A_ .11 | ? faros j> ?" ? .. _____ [? mr* ? YlfitfiT 1??1 ? 1 ??????>-A---' t; H'f?/ v-\^* - ?* |^', ' - I*i , rtil ' '? 'IV ??????* '?. r*;f~ ' ' I.'. ' '??V A I .? ?<;k.7"^ji' WV' ?1 %V '' jf v. Iv * -i j I FvmTiUe?Colored Wag** (EWftoWret Indioal, R-2; ? JM? Woreon Coopor, R-l; Joyner; William Davis, R-2; Roland Foreman, R*2^^^Xee . *3?!^ '''TSiS Hduae^pj^Wtfield^toW, Jackson ' fioDkins? '->Beuben Hamlin ? Jwr Bolta* H-2; mm Washington-t Ruby Oddasy White; Blester Williams,. R-l;. Eufus sssste^" Hairvey Sigby Dilda; Ldyd Gold Deaden; Levie Theadore Wooten, R-l; wSbal Thonwi R-if Rola?*%* T ? Ml ml mi ? ? TTi??wi T aft' pa* 4am T> 1 ? [ Clifton Moore; Ado G?y, R-l; Colnptao Moreillo, JM; DnoU Htt, B-l; Rod Bhord, R-l; Chorito J?M8| R-1^^ ^ i^rr Department of A^rend. En^-. C. ^ ; ^Sl^HJgpg taons by our Extension architect, 1 Jantes H. Welch, we axe better ore-1 * (MM. A ??? t' - J I farm neoDle" Prof. Weaver declared, r ; 9 ^1-'. \ ?: w ? * nIAC'. Jkll l> . m ? f i , ,, ' *TjJ iwiiimlii fAa* htnAttvrnta ? lhAnl/i ka I KPHt*0*0 a wwy| 1 ouvwu .. u%i agents of the Extension Service. J . j n ? ? 1 (|i . ^ ^ ^ J . m .41 wlr Ww-I Wi ' t-^*' SwLi???i i^^^r^r^ii^Lr'^5 Central sod South Axnsrics tne sewni JUODwia 01 inquiry, amsuy in Nfrw Y^rir, the ?rT**^T^ said: country were not^^WLwSrS viurd propaganda to-called mlli tary espionage, but also mlect the fact that the German government over a period of yean fcai been en gaged in the far-sighted policy of ' penetrating into the economic struc ture of this country and those of <3en tral and South America. ' "It is true that the evidence before this committee up nntfl-the present time is not a& oenchuto." v.-; quoting xrom many document* which it had seized, the committee de scribed in detail activities which it Attributed to thmJPamfrflrmHi.News Service, a. fiftnnm jipniatlwij'tlw German JUbrary of Information of ??'Mft fUwMm IMliwil Tn |MnmtiOn office ?? New York mad !*he Americas, Fellowship form Thp report also said that the. com mittee had seized in files of the CSwn ica! Marketing Company in New Stoka jto entitled "The 0ipkM tion of ^mMm lnditftry in America After the War." .. thfaL- organi7Btinn, the committee of great de The plan laeka nothinsria,ith effee r- 'SSSwr " r,T*m* L tiveness or imdelail for the contem plated organisation, not merely of irtHiwifv flTui trftdfti hut nropomls to combine theeejspbfgesof activity w^^ajyeat ^banldng^ ties," the report said. fact it also contemplates through cul thrcoopex^on of-the; protpppngl ^ and academic world banded together alSevSS German industrial Me by proriding that activities in thU country .should ft* ftfr estdbU^sd in the German mimetry SoeMwin fighting ?untcr*nttnclpv. W. . ' ? ' * ? ' |Va_ ? fch&bJg^ COIUQl^^S^^^d Ijji-. , , . i J A QJSJXfUHCL OF JTQulfiKDpflDiQvC ^])Q tll6 ?' V- , j ji ?" ' "?'?.' e-guimingand - divo hAirihhur Greek mountain troops &T6 (ijtSA, jijuotf ."our offfintiv action uU!< ^ -? ? ? ? "Other gains wcro f'yiPTKi for 0f thft . nninp^r *' ''** y>i:- i v j II 111. V " -. fllMiOSt