mi 11 mi iiii i miii ^Scrs*on^i5 * Mrs. Dor* H. Keel was a Green ville visitor, Wednesday. ??? Mm a H. Melton spsct Thursdaj with friends in GrixneshuML ? ? * Mrs. J. M. Christmsa spant Thurs day with friends in Washington. ??? Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beaman were Snow HiH visitors, Wednesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lynch, of Erwin, spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. W. G. Sheppord, of Snow Hill, was a visitor here Tuesday, a a a Mrs. C. B. Mashburn returned Mon day from a visit to relatives in Ashe ville. a a ? Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mewborn, of Griftan, spent Sunday with Mrs. Abe Joyner. ? a ? Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morriss and son, Wilbur, were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. a a a Mx; and Mrs. W. T. Bick, of Wil son, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Ballew. a a a Mrs. J. D. Owens and daughter, Miss Neva, visited relatives in Falk land, Sunday. a a a a Mrs. E. L. Gaynor, Mrs. Bay Smith and Mrs. Ed finch were Greenville visitors, Tuesday. a a a Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Turnage have returned after spending several days in Washington, D. C. a a a Mrs. H. lu Watson and Miss Vernice Lang Jones were Baleigb visitors, Wednesday. a a a Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Will Pollard, Jr.,' is ill at her borne on Belcher street. a a a Mrs. F. 6. Dupree Sr., is leaving Saturday to spend several weeks with relatives in Atlanta, 6a. ? ? ? Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., Mrs. Agnes Blomxt and Mrs. L. E. Walston spent Wednesday in Greenville. ? ? ? John Hill Paylor, addressed the Woodmen of the World at Shelmer dine, Wednesday night. ? ? ? Julian Smith, student at the Uni versity of North Carolina, spent the week end at his home here. ? ? ? Miss Bettie Lou Turnage arrived Thursday for a visit to her grand mother, Mrs. W. J. Turnage. ? ? e - Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Booth, of Hopewell, Va., were guests of rela tives here during the week end. ? ? ? Mrs. Herbert Potter, Jr.. of Snow Hill, spent Wednesday with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lang. ? ? ? ? ? Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Wilson, spent this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Monk. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finch, of Phila delphia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E, L. G&ynor and other relatives here. ? * ? Miss Margaret Walter of the Wash ington school faculty spent the week end with her mother, lbs. Julia Wal ter. e ? ? Miss Minnie Overstreet leaves Sat urday for Takelmd, Fla., after a visit to her sister, Mrs. F. G. Dupree, Sr. ? ? e ? ??? Mr. and Mrs. W. Leslie Smith, Mrs. L. E. Walston and Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., were Bocky Mount visitors, Mon day. I * Mm. Nanie Barrett, Eli Joyner, Jr., sad Mm. D. S. Morrill were Drafcam I aad Duke hoepatal viaitors, Tfenre ? day. ? mm* I I Mr. and -Mrs. P. G. Smith, Mr. and I Mrs. J. H. Byunm and children, Joe I ^Margaret, spent Itaday in Mm. Joe Raffberry, Mm. tola Bra, I ton, end Mrs. fiardy Loftin, of Rine w?*?fcy. cyv \ 9-9 9 - j.v, _? ^. ? Miss Mary Ellen Yefrerton, mem ber of the Snow Hill faculty spent the week end at her home near Parmville. ? ? ? Bey. C. B. Mashbum returned Mon day from Sumter, S. Cn where he held a series of meetings in the First Christian Church. >? m m,9 \ Mr. and Mrs. J: B. Fiser and Charles C. Baird, of Adairville, Ky., arrived Thursday for the Fiser-Monk wedding and prenuptial events. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Dr. D. S. Morrill is expected to re turn home today from Duke hospital where he has been receiving treat ment. ? ? ? Mrs. Pearl Johnston, Mrs. Lucy Burnley, of Goldsboro, Cecil Johnston and Miss Homoselle Twyman spent Sunday in Durham with relatives and friends. ? Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Shearin and son, Carl, Miss Both Thomas Shearin and J. T. Sessoms, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. J. R. Shearin. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. R. H. Knott has returned from Duke Hospital, where she has been receiving treatment, and is recuper ating rapidly. / / ? ? ? B. O. Taylor, John Hill Paylor, Bob Paylor and Jack Paylor, were among the number from Farnmlle attending the Duke-Carolina game in Chapel Hill, Saturday. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Captain T. C. Turnage, Jr., who is receiving treatment at the Naval Base Hospital in Washington, D. C., is recuperating ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Shytle and daughter Barbara Ann, of Washing ton, D. C, arrived Thursday for a vis it of se/erai days to Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Maahbura. ? ? * Friends will be glad to learn that Miss Paulyne Stroud, of Kiniton, member of the musical xnatrueifihi staff in the Fsrmville school, is im proving after a recent illness. ? ? ? F. B. Reynolds, who has served in the government grading services here during the tobacco sea inn, and Mrs. Reynolds, left Wednesday to be on the nmrket in Blackjtane, Vs. ' a. :: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis have returned after a visit to their daughter, Miss Helen Willis, student at Duke. University, they were among the many Fsrmville football fans at the Carolina-Duke game Sat |t l The " ? nwWi TKyHragivrng ? VIJTau rrs si ? service wni oe aeto xms |Hn ?i w I ltevwb?r<^S^?t ten o'dock."^' I kr ittrohred in cruel war surely it be I jfadi for en observance of the day .. ,i j ? wAimin . l/Lvff ly/ff gg {? I ? ?! n ? ' : ~fl ? ? ***'' 1 i* s ' ? L.. Vtr ' *' ' I'.' ' ' , SOCIAL CALENDAR 3:00 ^ t the home of Mrs. J. L Morgan with Mrs. T. E. Joyner as joint hostess. 7:00 P. M.?Bed Men. ' 5:00 P. M.?Couple dub meet* with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner. Tuesday, 26 3:30 P. M.?Marry Matrons meet with Mrs. W. Leslie Smith. 6:30 P. M?Botary dub. 8.-00 P. M?Junior Order* Wednesday, 27 2:30 P. M?New Deal dub meets with Mrs. Henrietta M. William son. - 3.-00 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs* A. C. Monk, Jr. Thorsdey, 28 THANKSGIVING DAY Friday, 28 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of die (| World. ? . - _ / ... " .. 11'?' ^ ' i '''"^5? '" I i\,bout> i#0Ci^ CkiGCii fjjfi* HazeTLang Monk I During Uli5eek Social activities of the week Inn CrOntfayW' to cwntor r^p(ffoo 0^20] will takcT place in the Chriatian Church *t 5:00 > o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon. Among the lovely prenuptial af fair. of the weekwaa the bridge party given in compliment to Mint Honk by Miss Mary Ellen Yelvertom The tables ware arranged, each, with a rtflactor-center bearing mini ature corsages of pastel flowers audi ribbons hi shower affect, with the bride elect's table marked by a larger corsage, and a brie a brae souvenir in wedding ring design. The room was illuminated by and a miniature wedding scene added a charming note to the decorations. After the goeets had arrived plum pudding topped with eream and grmn cherries coffee end salted nuts were served and later in the evening iced fruit juice was passed. Ia the progressive games of con tract, Mrs. George Moore, Jr., scored high and was awarded a bridge cov er; Mrs. J. Y. Monk retained the floating prise of novel ash trays, and Mrs. Bex Hodges received a potted plant as consolation. The presented Miss Monk with china in her ffcf* pattern. Mrs. Ted L. Albritton and lbs. James R. *trfTiTni at a beautifully appointed buffet luncheon, complimentary to Mias Monk, with members of the bridal party and other friends numbering twenty. The table bore a lace cover and waa centered with an arrangement of I white and pink chrysanthemums. The ; hostesses, seated at either end of I the table, served, chicken loaf and tomato aspic. Potatoes an gratin, | rolls, assorted pickles, macaroon tor* jtoni and coffee were served from the I buffet -Cranberry juice cocktail was i served at the individual tables, where'I mint cups bore tiny corsages and also indicated the places of guests. Mrs. H. L. Watson, sister of the bride elect and Mrs. Plato Monk, both of Wilson, ware out of town guests. Mrs. A. Everette James entertained Miss Monk and the bridal party at a charming breakfast. Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. G. M. Holden. The bride elect*s table bore a centerpriece i of yellow chrysanthemums and the ! auxiliary tables were centered with I similar arrangements. The bride elect was remembered with a silver compote. A number of friends, entertained Mr. Fiser at a stag supper in Green-1 ville Wednesday evening. Mr. and lbs. A C. Monk, Sr., and 1 Mr. and Mrs. A C. Monk, Jr., will be I hosts at a dinner party honoring the I popular young oouple tonight Thurs day. Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Jones and Miss Venice Lang Jones willv entertain following the rehearsal on Friday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Wil son, will be hosts at a luncheon for the bridal -party and out of town Bests at the Country Cljjb on Satur day. I Members of the Contact Club and Additional guests, Miss Haael Lang Monk, bride elect her mother, Mrs. I J. T. Monk, and sister, Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Wflsoa, Mrs. Billy Burke, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. P. E. Jones I and Mrs. H. H. Bradham enjoyed an afternoon of bridge with lbs. Lath Morriss as hostess. A color note of yellow ud white was carried in the floral decorations of handsome chS? santbamum# and the Thanksgiving I season was emphasized la the tallies and* table appointments. ' I Mrs. W. E. Jcyner, winning high score for dub members, was awarded, a crystal hostess plate and lbs. W. j IS WiIH? imJ- I. lit I li - * - I ^'^ived* flk^?^lwwL ltoe^Mnk I nffnsl llitetMiskJilif 1 fha Uavma IVUwtt UUVUKUUUt vflft MWMw? I ' ww ? V J*. _ w ' j xl. m m m m a P R. ' aw<j . Ly v?M ? ? iff. ? ,?j_ XTrmy QAiU TWfmi JTftlltl luus bo? Fhr^vvvlTlft Tobacco p *Hfiftth ^t ft ^TWelve tables were placed in rooms made colorful with fall flowers, and Thanksgiving season. After the games, priia* were awarded as fol lows: ~ lira, C. H. Womack received high score prise for local guests, with Mrs. Walls compiling high among out of town guests. The consolation went to libs. B. H. Oonley.andthe A ft yyM n'J ?-.... V Aiu. ,- ? If - TTAjiXlftf#. prize offered memners 01 Mrs. xieatn s bridge club was won by Mrs. Dur wood Hart The hostess presented the honoree with a gift of costume A delicious sakd course, cake and ooffee were served after the games. Farmville friends in attendance were: Mm Wells, Mm R. T. Wil liams, Mm Rex Hodges, Mm J. T. Windham, Mm D. R. Morgan, Mm L. E. Pickett, Mm M. V. Jones, Mm R. L. Smith, Mm Wed Oates, Mm A. C. Monk, Jr., Mm Tonimie Ryon, Mm John E. King, Miss Mary Friar Rouse, Mm John M. Mewborn, Mm R. C. Copenhaver and lbs. Pat Ruf fin. __ ?? . PRIDG EN-JOHNSON Friends hen and throughout the State have received the following an nouncement this week: "Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Willie Lee Johnson, to Archie Howard Pridgen, on Thursday, the fourteenth of November, nineteen hundred and forty, Wilson, North Carolina." was assisted by. Mi's. Florence Thome |' in the entertaining program, which I consisted of story telling, games and L contests. James Thome won the tor- j, just where a turkey's, head should be. \ J After opening his gifts, the small host invited his guests to gather about the table center** with the 1 huge birthday oake, and as they sang "Happy 'Btrthday^fiie candles were lighted. The cake was served with whistler^ g^aa dwria. %'g I BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT - ? - ?? i " ; : '? I Born to Mr. and Mr*. Jobs S. Hol laman of Marshall, a daughter, Donna Elizabeth, at Mission Hospital, Ashe ville, November 18. The baby was named for its mother, maiectal grandmother, maternal great grand mother, paternal great grandmother, and several aunts. Mrs. was formerly Miss Myra Elisabeth Westbrook, of Baleigh, and-the father is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holla man of Farmville. ?? . ;? Hitler seems to find the island entr < pire hard to take ' ! < Never go on a bond unless you are j ready to pay the costs. ' , ?- ? : The Greeks had a word for it and J the Italians haven't figured it out J ? < After some exhibitions we are in- j dined to advocate "trousers for ! women" week. J __ - - < The search for .truth is so difficult < that even preachers are unable to \ agree upon its .exposition. ? I' lL: ? \\ 11/ yon want to gain the good \ opinion of an individual, give lim an J order for what ha has to aelL ? ? ?! - >?! - '? . IMlvtJl?Ul2Kf* wWUlw Ui VUVul CllvvlWUXl vra n&rfonV' a# fW fnnd -Vi j*.,;, appeared to have enjoyed the eve ilng. We are especially thankful Mm. <3. McArthur. $|| ===== Ifr.W. Watson Eeffer $icHntoPBAcnc ;5 v I PHYSICIAN I H'. V,v/ -.-?"I-.-. ? '???/-:' VsKy; 3 i Announces the Opening *<*??"? I [ Pitt County Ins. Agericy Bldg. 2nd Floor MONDAY, NOV. 25, 1940 I Thanksgiving Turkey - CALL or SEE W. A. Pollard, ? Phone 342-1 M. B. PoEud,?Rone 221-1 Farmvile, N. C. papilte DR. yu HiaigWROEN ? O PTOfcJSlitlflT ? NEXT TWIT ; Pamvflle?Office at fMfc* Jewelry S*ei% MONDAY, NOV. SStk. Syce Examined ? Glacaee Fitted ?Tirbwt Every Sttordiy? Save With SING'S HT-TBST GAS Refniar First Grade 19* Gallon lit Grade Kerosene 10c Gal. Motor 00 10c Qt and U? 300 SOimi MAIN ST. MiMnMaMHHeeeiMHnHnnnntoaMk!1 ????,, __? WILLIAMS 6ICSERY "&" MARKET Thanksgiving Special I Dressed Turkeys & Hens j \ ??MILK FED?* I Free Delivery Dial 234-1 i: MMHMiMiMr ? .? . 1 :?'-1 ' Invite... j I your guests with the as- ? surance that your home is | prepared for hospitality, I a home you can be proud | I of in every way. | _ | <iVISIT OUR... I I Jubilee Sale! j All Prices Reduced! f = One trade receipt with = each cash dollar pur- | chase or paid on account | may get you the... | ?I nhkirir I w - Hudson Car ] I or One of the ? || gOTHER PRIZES t ] - jgF*m ??;-?? ? vvA' M - ?*..-?? -:. -I'", ? '? ?' ? '- ??? . ^ _ -W-???'. V 9 . ?' ?*? . :|^ jb?^B S ijEPtfc M fin fi[ j? EB 0v A^ft j/^ ^0%M ' iff ffet . ,_ ? ? I '?wiiii5yfi/iiiu uinner I

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