K i.;,. \v 1 f????? ,v. . _' -?' r:\ ":^g- iii HI III.I .IIIi.I111,111111111 x J! ife ^^1 Mj k T v* ?mt RAMV i T fw ?? ? m H . "". ?. - A ^ a Mfc fi a ? A ? ^ i t | Iaritaf j f ^ FARMVUXE | Bi?-fc5s ? ? ? ' ~' TASMmLAX ]nnr AWW? ? ,* NEMB8B TWKMTUMHT ??^^H AaiBaiMaHMMMMMMMWHHlMM^MnMMflM;' Also Say Nazi Attack oaff ABB m \ -m- ^ * . ffl ml ??MVM VVMftVtT# f I iiicrrss uapim . -- a m ' Home, Nor. a*.? wdlrinformed f I * SOOtitbSBTX I acaSut^Tuke^^ ??*?T tek? Ifca Batch is only attempting ] tewsgh (tiptewttit activity to keep 1 Tkrter tea sataiim the war on tete of bar tegfcbor, Greece, as tekrmmt said. As evidence, he said, there is no Gsnmn military miusment in the j Balkans.and only a few Nasi troop* are in Romania and none in Bul garia. (Neutral *?*? sources have animated there are 1,250,000 German soldiers in Rumania ) . Although Bulgaria has been ex gmted to join the Rome-Berlin Tokyo alliance, thin source said its adharanca to the pact was oat of igimttnn because Turkey aright con tear each action grounds for - en- 1 taring tile war on the side of Brit mtm C Spain likewise is staying oat af 1 the alliance, this source said, for fear ' of compromising her position. KeanHme, the Italian high com- J maad reported aacceaaos today J against Greak landing forces on the Spires coast and British motorised 1 units in East Africa. 1 " ??* J-?i?J a Greek troops "muea oimuihumki ob tbo Spins coast wore in parti' destroyed and in part captured with 1 their eras," the high command's Ic esaunaiqw said. * M (Spins lies in both southern Al-1' baqia amd Greece. The eommuni-11 que did not specify where the land-j( la East Africa, the communique H said, an attack by British mechanised ? units "in the Sabdarat sons and the Ghixghir valley near Sarohatib was 11 quickly repolmd by oar troops. I' Soma enamy motor vehicles re- J mAirw*d-j-n OUT hands. The high <mmmrtd said Italian j air force* "carried out numerous attacks on the entfra (Greek) xonel of operations in dose cooperation [ with land forcea." (British sources said Greek units! sitieuawl beyond Fhfttstaee, Greece,! near the Athenian hosier, and others landed from ships to saver communi cations bshind the Italian flank. Grsska claimed the ssisart of Konis-j polls, Albania, close to the spot where I the troops ware reported to have] landed.) Fascist fliers "repeatedly" bombed the forts of the IaOmi of Corfu, thai o?h? command said. "vio-i hit ffif explosions." j TV? British please ware reported] ^shot do?m by Italian chasers where they attacked Bsrasao, Albanian 1 'i - ?' m ? II /; The Italians said- saves* build British or Gmdc^^tetss on the In-1 "^mwrhflt! jawUiaisr D Gior nale fltalia said two of three TtnVs" H? QS99 ' vt?"' " AfMf IV^PC T VT^i ? T D 4 vjt i jyiA^Aw^Y TT ^ fefe harm tottami ttmb. Italian troop#? *# njinjpa lUJthUJit irf Bomiltt^ thi ? ^ - v | A IV - A^ LI H*<. 'C** v' I I fnmi_ th? ^?*--- maaMI H i WK> vmvy iuyv/imyij. <^i to the north, Aey ?aid, Greek I ssiik fde8*jm?iT? I UIWIHV VVHVVn S'U U Csfcrtil Emf Santa ClausWiUArrivt I In ffermvSfc dec. 6, At I 17:30 ToOfficiallyOpen I Holiday Season; Bright II lights To Be Torntd | On At That Time. - Colored lights by the hundred? and I ?any huge stare will be interepeaeed 1 ritk festoons of thousands of yards t mountain laurel to deocaate the itreets of the business section bare ind overhang the lighted Christmas rees of the sidewalks in "the "decern- I ive scheme being planned by the ^hrmville Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association in providtag I t gay-setting for the holiday eeason Good now* from the Frosen NortAf dates that Santa Claiia wffl arrive Friday night, December 6, at T:30 /clock ta torn qn the bright lights - uid officially op& the Christmas lesson. Old Santa stated in his mea isge that he was bringing a gift for svery boy and giri of thecormn unity, who would be on hand to greet him, tad promises laughter, fun and a folly good time to all Mayor Davis and the other town iffkiala will be on hand to welcome their old friends and practically every child hi the community is srpected to help them give Santa a glad hand on the occasion of his visit The stores will be decorated and remain open for the i:tmvenhacw of shoppers, and the- merchants extend a cordial invitation to ekerjoas'to visit sad inspect their gift depart ments. Prises for the Christmas decora ttona wfll b. ?nnottnwd j^cr. J Passion Play Film To Be Shown Here Through special arrangement of civic, educational and nUigfcras lead era, "Golgotha," the first and only talking motion picture of the Passion Play, which is now on ppeciatrtenr of tho United States, wifi be -rimwn in Farmville soon. It presents the im mortal-story of the life and crucifix ion of Christ in the aaat eaesDmfc production of its kind arsflaMs to , rtll I fcj. j. ^ A mmmi H ' lMi alnir DlCvQIw WUlBOIBBe Vm Dw every detail. It was filmed la Pake bm wife ? HwMnO I b ^TfTIVlll^ M^nAAl AxmF >* I OvlIUUJ 11 j a ?. If M finnj ? ijjJ I ' '" da A/t^ d^g> *sm< t ^-::^-i";: . *?*e *?*? ?ob - ?.?? ? ?? a-^b-'^.'S Agfla?8aiMft;-'.T ? , . r * ?... -*>??? a ? -v^_? A I t709-VWO ?^r^S2ZZ7ZT??;Z7Z pnrtdm?. ? ? nwrnanUe a?t?forth tfaat, "It is the duty of afl nations to mcknowMge the provfafenc* of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be ?r?MldT?t >!?>?< fill, ?nl hmhfr to tfhft hit protection ?nd ftror." " ~ - : -: '.' " ' . ?". ' S: ' .-v ':': v' ? - ? ? ' i . ^|^^^&MHuftjj&K2|AUlKfllM|HMfe^j^L| ?' -1 I TTmU AlO \fJL JXEEC#El EMJip^ A ? m mmm m ? s. w^. . _. ? ^ *mm wmmmmmmm almost as bad. i "Thsre Is ao txeuse for this ?Wk sal. Wing," he added ? "*?- *? ? 1 duri? ?K^-xi^W'- jy\ Am^ W At J ? t ,.t ^ ^ ^ _ _ ' _ I ? ?r^ EBBJT tiOIEUvJjE* 11 ? ML Mm.. ? J - vs; ? ?^- uA ? *?? ? ? Br "WHO;* MB vQfViQ^NKMIv/ ?;? BATTLESHIP BUILDING. B SSTOH ^BOBum' M&m DETENT PAC^^OKTED. IN V ESTIG^NQ IHBSPIBS. I WATCHING PRItm ? ?&?'? ?V "" 111 ' . 1 W 1? - -- * At - 1 . AAI, ,t ?_ oiny * jMMX ?8tiiDaX6r9 vUft Miffmnip forth Cirolia^;fir*t of -aovoatoon irsodoMightB now, building:or ?OfeK rooted for bp the Navy, will go teto onmiaoktt and fehinU Ihroo umntln Mar *? fWaihiagttm will gdd ite mjgl'? tb| Nav^ Botttbattle mtfas afcekd of Klwdule[<m account ?IIIIB ."'tin ? -*? Line io-Buui sunt, tnree po 9 turret ^JVTTriHWtt. latest wwdto Mtiiom^nt. tiTiolerf iim rmtw grwiq (ui|i>Ju"w.'*fH? - control tiungB for the b<^, | mind and foul -will bo ?Joyd bjrd** ?jeendants cl^KjftraoGf ud Ifcgi, hold tfcairg^***** meet hero todajvfWday, and the two where noaco ia the foramoet hlesafmr V' [a ;} ji"" - +lf I I y*! .' ? -| . lt l^KSEHJKKFTl^Kt:.! I ? ? t . ? ' ton ^ ville Route ?? L GfUgrffle,Her. SG^vimovement per" highway from ?r point on U. a =^ppet^wmwaiiniigton ana j Arthw^-^ , ; v. ?mmm ^ i.L .A. . ? * ? > ?" A*'*?-'**? i - nfl A XaBOriluOIl w Dc EQODLca DV f*lLM rug ?^M fTTT ww ww* offldlfr hrwkich the cfty endorsee * * >,A?n^ . o . , | ,, ?** ' ' JwW' 1 lor reioostinjr U. o. rontvxo4 tnrougn Grwnrffl*. The cott totfcodty hu bin estimated * H6,OOOg;|Sj;:: *ftrett? to ?H.'iMtr?k??i one of tk*'leaden in juift?. mnt?Tw?r|? Dlvision Engineer W< N. Spruill" of the State-HighWir^W ? *Qblir|to?ks Comn^onXints out tut construction ox men a project If contBUpwtipoirpcOTing spprotei or rti'i. " Plvkir_ ->r?^ ,t__. 1^1,1^1 iw ins runiiiT^KQsnR Aconiiiistraiion. since thefund* of nece?*ity h?v? to b^rimg^jRaeral fuz?h^Me| eecurtnr-tN~iw5e^'?M^';? r^TT-LU ^ ^ULull t ? - > ?- . . ? -? ?? ? pus tnrougn raetoras ana conunoe dlreat to a*ntetnorth of the " Tar U! ceaxbt^099r^^ plant property toahfll south of the Water and Light plan$|grhe road ' mn .ot J a i? ? o 11 A fTILf^J ^I JBouia cross tM prosens inxra street disstend- is ^located, proceed Horth ?l the radio tower, eroar' highway >h43 I liifli dty1^**^ ?mooawiI fji' PLu>n<nie ftglf Aedltstto proeeea w- smneuje .^yia'4*u Artnur. Kr ttt.?1,f, .,i in UM. oi ??-?.-*? Wttrnngtoiiy r*ov. rTesiaeni Kooae^ttoday projeltad a nfldgov (rhkh the rsaolar federal budget cSVft. <>?. JT pendltares for rearmament Mid to essential items. OntHntejr the program at his eemi weskly press oonferewee, Mr. Roose velt saidhs would enunciate each a iw>B?* tn tw forthcominr hudast rnd establish a strict rule that all ne Li.n?l J<HdJ.a>nA n^.fAaiA mmm4 a_ -- a^^^ alOH^Ui (UEQDbQ ufQlQ^m uXCUww P9 IT6v OX BXtTBDCOUS COMMWlWliOM. This memos, he said, that the ad ministration wfll shahre many types of programs which hitherto have eral budget. In this category he in cluded acquisition of phMic lands, additions to the national forests, highway construction and rivets and aaroors uaprovemsMs not qeepiwi nsSMWary- to the national defense. " Mseervs Projects Meanwhile, he add, sddminis tration will build op a backlog of pWMBsl pakik projects which will be hdddn swnrrte eoahet any threat af ?* pest war depression. ' This rsserve will not be twnthart, he ssidr-odfl, and whan, the multi- ' I Mffioa*dollar preparedness program tapaes off and hr hopes it wilL The reserve, 'he added, should be able to take up the slacked prevent a new depression, once the defense The President said he hopes the isamwassit program will absorb . many of the 1,900,800 persons now ou rsHef and-the additional 750,000 to 1,000000'wferare drr the WPA wait ing list. ,.? I He did sot aey whether this de volnpaiint. if it oecus, ? will result ation for the next fiscal ye*r, but lreiimM&Iyitfastide^ envisioned in his iser-.economy inocram^.' ? - .He add he believes that next Spring ff**d Summer the xwaMuueut drive will provide work for **reet number of the ?jobless. He added in this connecting that noe^miBtary expenditure# hs*e been absorbing federal funds which he mow-dbsls should he spent on defense. No Other Hints. Mr. Jteseevclt gave no other hint lie to Us budgetary plans, nor were proposals for' increased taxes touch man Robert I* Houghton of the committee, said after a White Howe to fbmnee the nwuiar budget. which hare bedshtthwred for seven,years; * I and proposed, by inference, what re ZTh.w??U dt^t ?tw< the Treasury. He conceded I , WOWWW^f ? ? ?"IT ? l VIIVP IOTH I Itfcat not enoueh-Ws^hould be rain ed to put the defease program on a mwyoa gw basis . ? I ^^.^eeident^'.^wf fend quick favor in the SeWSe tH House-eeon- ?? * 1 ^ - - - - - - -?? ? u ?? ? ??? ? ~" omy bkce which hare drummed in cessanuy ?? *#e memo 01 govern jnental^ttmaiy. Other segments I prohaMy ^be^ snthqstsatfg I - ??? ' ??? ? ? ' l I lo |^|J^jPpjb[p(|ftJrrita i ]) at a Wwt BBKittup to mfcpHlBt 4wuy MfU

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