l ;; ? ?' . i ' ' ' ? One YweOo^^ix Montis We -H i' ' ' 1 ^ - ' I ADVERTISING RATES: >i? Display (Minim am) Ste Pir lack All Legal adva. 5e a Kb* per weak ?. . i . i i nuoiHtf VMK17 un eotarea as Second Class **?** ?**??"? U the PostofSce at Fmrraville, N. CI, u* der act of March Ird, 1878. | Re-arnument for self-defense is one thing- ami militarism is another. A born trader keeps up with his kinsmen when baying and forgets them when selling. Now that die United States has most of the world's gold, oar biggest bankers are worried about it Insurance is often carried when not needed and needed when not car ried. Two natons that have gained the respect of the world: China and Greece. ;iV^ It is surprising, bow many excuses some people can find for not con tributing money. There are any number of small boys and girls in Pitt County who are beginning to take an interest in Santa Claus and his health. Everybody is for economy until they need an appropriation or an im provement for a pet project of their own. Individuals who set out to reform the human race will find themselves pretty tired before the work is com pleted. Advertise, brother, and watch your business grow in accordance with its merits, which is all that you should expect. TO "ASTONISH THE WORLD" Godfrey Haggard, British consular official in this country, believes that the peoples of the countries occupied by Germany are building up their strength ami that there will, some day, emerge an armed alliance that will "astonish -the world, including Hitler." We trust the gentleman is correct Certainly, there is no reason why the peoples of the conquered nations should be satisfied with their lot under their German masters. The will to strike a blow for their own liberation undoubtedly exists but just how and where and when is a mys tery to us. Frankly,, we would not advise the people of the British empire to count too heavily upon any armed uprising in the conquered lands. A rebellion against a German army of occupation, just now, would have lit tle chance at success in any nation. If the British are able to inflict a de cisive defeat upon Germany, toe re bellions will flare-up, rapidly enough, on the heels of the retreating Teu tons, whose position will be precari ous. SCIENCE AND THE The rural electrification program ia "i?irfnj vast changes in the habirs _^ , ,ML ,1 a-? a ^T- . M n ^ ? M1 ? ? oi iarmera tnrougnout ute nation* ac cording to the Sunt Electrification Administration* which recently re ported that ingenious tamers have found more than 320 way* of putting electricity to ?-) the diversified uses of electricity in connection with agricultural work but if rural electrification did nothing mora ***** make available to the ieneet that make living more comfort ^bited * ,,t.>u.{An A# alfif inU mr?l I p|i?&> exp-ct t^ogr-sih'o and-^a^j tive agsenftere* m? a ? 1. < 1 ? ? t ? fiuitij f/v TUpntr kAiuja ffwififu 1 lytfitfiy liss o^62i ft rc* i of the are hailed as the hope J < the average fanner can wait upon new diatoreriee foV the solution of v We do not mean to disparage the ; progress - that ha* been made along ] this line The* example of cotton i seed is well known. ; Years ago the 1 disposal of the seiid was a farm prob- J lem. The use of cotton seed oil, now ; widespread, has given great value to I this former farm waste. pnpg ~. - > ? xgva;i ? ? ^ i I WALSTONBURG 1 I SiS NEWS IS I , Rev. E. C. Super of Olney, M I line, according to Sumner Welles, < Under-Secretary of State. SABERS The use of sabers and instruction in their use has been discontinued by the War Department. , PARK VISITORS Uncle Sam's national parks at tracted 16,741,855 visitors during the 1940 travel season. The visitors set a new record, passing the 1938 total by about 500,000. MERCHANT SHIPS After the World War, the United States Government laid up a number of freighters, built for war use, but' not needed in time of peace. Already it is reported that British interests have purchased nineteen of the twen ty-year-old vessels. Tit is said that the United States has more than sixty freighters in its laid-up fleet. The British are also acquiring scores of vessels from individual American owners with the approval of the Mari time Commission. - \ ? CCC PAY PLAN Men in the Civilian Conservation Corps, who receive $30 a month, will have $7 of their pay set aside in a special fund to be paid to them in a lump sum on discharge. The plan, it is hoped, will give the enrollees a fund to help them get started "in a new life" upon discharge. Hereto fore, $22 of the 880 monthly pay went to dependents of the enrollees. After January 1, dependents will de ceive 815. The men will receive $8 a month in cash. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed afr trust executed by L. E. Brewer, to Woodrow Woo ten, Trustee, dated December 4th, 1935, duly recorded in Book 6-21 at page 103 Pitt County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the ; indebtedness therein secured, the undersigned will on Saturday, December 21, 1940, at 12 o'clock Noon, before the court house door in Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina, expose to public sale to the highest bidder for CASH, the following described tract of land;? ' That certain tract or T>arcell of land lying and being situate in Bel voir Township, Pitt County, North Carolina, and beginning at a bridge on the Old GreenviIle*Tarboro Road, and runs thence N. 70 E. 191.4 feet to a bend hi the canal; ihence N. 50 E. 144fi feet to tha canal at an elm; thence S. 19-30 E. 453 feet to a stake, thenee S. 84-80 E. 413 feet to a stake, tiWnCBww?r'E' 361 W. with Brewers i^> ^d^road, ning and containing 48.3 acres more pr less. vh - 9 Also ooo other parcel of O O * . v*1 ? nvvA "XXTI^Vl TV\Q/] W' raws y ff"*yY*tTTTfi ijja., following named ptrsons of . tfichola, Johnnie Ernest Ru&sell, Hep- j ry Hope May, Rlj Louis Jasper WilH^ j Petteway, Richard Albert Bell, R2; Roland Lee Joyner, Benjamin Lewis M Vangan, William D. An Wintice Anderson, R2; Jojm "Turner ?n Rl; Robert Turnage Monk, Joseph Dewey Hinson, R2; Robert Tatterscn Wheless, Willie Raymond Jefferson, Jarvis Joyner, R2; Ernest Gay, James Henry Baker, R2. Voluntary Induction: Lonnie Glenn Matthews, Farmville, N." Farmville?Colored Robert Lee White, Harry Lee Bar rett, R2; William Dixon, Johnnie Ras berry, R2; Jasper Willougbby, R2; Auguster Lee Evans, R2; Henry Bar rett, R2; Prank Speight, Jr., Bert Newton, Robert Joyner, John Buster Newton, Elbert Williams, R2; Join Albert Freeman, R2; Glaster Jordan; R2; Moses Barnes, R2; Andrew Jask son Moye, B2; Maynard Wallace Ola Atkinson; Joseph Jefferson, John Henry Barrett, Ralph Gorfaam, Rl; Aster Tyson, Rl; Jim Jordan, R2; William Mercer, John Jasper Joyner, Richard Stevens, Stephen Tyson, Rfd; James Tytqnj R2. Fountain?White Mark Webb, Rl; Leonard Earl Ward, Willie Battle Smith, Ben Tbig pen, Jr. Rl; Wyley Eagles Yelverton, Herbert Franklin Tugwell, Rl; Will iam Tony Gay, Zell Levis SmithJM; William Edgar Peaden, Rl; Joseph Wilton Gay, Leonard David Peele. Fountain?Colored Roy Dave Barrett, Rl; Luther Gor ham, Rl; James Colondus Sharpe, Rl; James Knight, John Taylor, Rl. * NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR NON-PAY MENT OF TAXES J i State of North Carolina County of Pitt In The. Superior Court PITT COUNTY ? vs ? T. H. Rouse and wife Blanche L. Rouse, and Town of Farmville. Under authority vested in the un dersigned commissioner by virtue of that certain judgment entered in the above entitled cause dated 14ih day of October, 1940, the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale at public auction for caslv&t the court house door in Greenville, N. C., on Monday, 9th day of December, 1940, at twelve o'clock Noon, the herein after described real estate, subject to confirmation by the Court. That certain lot in Town of Farm ville, North Carolina,, being located on Contentnea Street and being the same lot listed fbr taxation by T. H. Rouse. This 7th day of November, 1940. - M. K. BLOUNT, Commissioner. - * ' ? - ~? 1 Save With SING'S HI-TEST GAS Regular First Grade f. 190 Gallon 1st Grade Kerosene lOe Gal. Mot^r Oil 10c Qt and Up> | 300 SOUTH MAIN ST; Farmville Retail iff Lumber Yart^ U ? Phone 302-1 ? Located Nea^Nor^ T?m v r* v n it II And rwdy for occupancy DecemberI I ' T"' . 57x208 tote on Gcorfi Su XxcelMSt II Dv 46M; NigH 2pL # th FOR 3ALE Home ??l 1M, Pirn & C. on Phw St Twe etory, 7 D. L. Tnntage, PImm 2715, Green rtiKN.c. ; *** COm^^lirwr Irttary ern^Anto^Aooclete Store, Fmj _ "Build-Up" bood Newt For Suffering Women ' Much of women*! periodic dis tress may So unneceMary! . . Many who aoffcr from headache, nervousness, eramp-Ift* pain, other symptoms ox pMcttowu aysmtnor rAw due to malnutrition are helped by CABDUL . Main way it helps relieve periodic distress ia by increasing appetite and flow of gndtrie juice. Thus It often aids ogetkn; helps build strength, energy, resistance to disturbances. Others And help for periodic dis comfort this way: Start a few days before and taka CABDUI until -the time** has passed. Womenhave I used GARDUI more titan fO years. Every social organization has for its purpose . ?? - ? ?jj ? > Deep and shallow well models to meet ?11 needs. for operation by electricity, - gasoline engine, windmill or band I ^ power. Ask today k* interesting free I booklet and prices; 1 vT*r The Turaa|e^Co., Inc. ? ? i. . .. - ' ' ? i - ? I WILL BE r '?., - ? IN ? ? ^ * nvn DEC. 6th At 7:30 P. M. '?.' . '* " .!%-.' . ' .. t . ?...' Vr "/**.>*1{t' "yr 'j . ' .' , ? .-T*y ? ;- Y in I ? TL ? 11 ? B B B B A 1K I SB S* 9^?k ^UUflll nA flfl :'-vr4 f'v-V'-,'.':.i ?2 ?3 ?-???. iS^Sfe ?? i? i ci^i v iwin Uv ItliiSllg allu rlin Iflf -??bi jig MH>#J4#444AAAA^^AAAAAAAAA||g^ut.ivAAAAAAAA^^ ' IBB.'V rP." ?.'."'?}*-?% J?' -v :.-'v? ? ~.T-'fTv*7"^.'v I [ ZD ..-'Vr3.j ;-V; ?/- '; J-'; ,-: .rV'-,;; -: ?"' : * ?' ' ? ??>;->; i?""'.' ' "'.* 'V ' ? . ?' /;: J: I