2 ? ? ? ? ? ^ ^*T T^i? 4 ARk A A4 1^ I __ k ^r ? '^9 I^t. , a ^ - ? - .^-T; j^ri.? ^ !^|^^PR^HHMHh^H9 Mn Mabrey Pollard and daughter spaat Friday with friends in Green ville. ? ? Miss Frances Joyner, teacher in the SaWch schools, is at home for the holidays. ? * ? ~r. Botha Bae Joyner, teacher in the Pink HH1 school, ia at home for the holidays. ? m m Mrs. Lacy Burnley, of Goldsboro, spent* Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. Pearl Johnston. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. M. SUnsill and children spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Speed. ?- ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Wil son, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Monk. e ? ? A large number of tobacconists left this week for the Kentucky and Ten nessee tobacco markets. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Whelees, of Raleigh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless this week. ? ? ? ? - Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Joyner, of Chi cago, is spending the week with Mrs. Botha Joyner and family. j ? * ? Miss Margaret Smith, member of ! the Reidsville school faculty, is at home for the holiday season. ? ? * I Mrs. Albert Horton and Mrs. Kath leen Moore are spending the holidays, with relatives in Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sterling Gates and children are spending the week end with relatives at Four Oaks. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., of Greensboro, are spending the week * end with Mrs. J. L. Shackleford. 1 ? ? ? 1 Dr. Tom Thurston, medical student! at Harvard, spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Holmes. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Joyner and fam- | ily, of Morehead City, spent Thaks- 1 giving Day with Mrs. Bertha Joyner. ? ? * Miss Elizabeth Lang, teacher in the j * LaGrange school, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays at her home here. ? m m t Misa Nannie Smith, teacher in the tl Henderson school, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her fam- ? ily here. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Holmes and children, of Hertford, are spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes.' ? ? ? ? Mrs. George Monk, and children, of i > Shanghai, China, arrived Thanksgiv- * ing Day for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. t A. C. Monk. ? ? ? ?. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrell and daughter, Tommie, of Kinston, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner. c ? ? # ^ The Fannville school closed at noon t Wednesday to enable members of the ! t faculty to get to their homes in time f for Thanksgiving. ? ? ? E Mr. and Mrs. R. LeBoy Rollins and son, Robert, and Miss Russell Ward are spending the holidays with rela tive# in Sunbury. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sugg Askew . and small daughter, Betty Dawson, of , Wilson, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Askew. ? ? ? e Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Dale and daught- 0 er, of Snow Hill, and Rev. and Mrs. 0 Chester Pelt, of Wilson, wen guests v of Miss Alice Dale, Sunday. ? ? ? J Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Todd and Mr. ' and Mrs. Lee Mattox, of Wendell, quit Thanksgiving Day with Ifir. and Mrs. Ebert C. Holmes. - S >f y.; ? ? ? ' Miss Matilda EBgtamd and Dorothy Morgan, have ^Bnd to a I Wufcingtnn, D. C., after a Tint to e I , I Friends will be glad to learn that | I E. Y. Beardsley, who hat bean eon* I fined to hie home far tome time end baa been critically ill, i? improving. It I ??? < I Mr. and Mrs. Ffeaak M. Davis, Sr., j S2L"m~ "SuaJTS*wi^i, ??? returned from a motor trip to t ? er e ? I Mrs. Cooper Person and daughters, 1 J5y. ? m ' mm ? ? ' >*? . Word, Sunday, ^ Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. T. C. Turnage is undergoing aeatment at Woodard-Herring bos-1 pital, in Wilson. We are glad to re- { ?rt that Mrs. Turnage is improving, i GOIN-FOWLER Mrs. William Thomas Fowler, of Plymouth, announces the marriage of' ler daughter, Martha Christine, to foseph Harrison Goin, of Walston >urg, on November 23, in Farmville. U home ,Walstonburg. TO GIYE PAGEANT The Woman's Council of the Chris ian Church will present a pageant, 'In Such Times As These," at the Christian Church on Sunday evening it 7:30 o'clock. The community is nvited to attend. 1 < THANKSGIVING SERVICE The annual, union Thanksgiving ervices will be held this year at the j Christian Church, Thursday morning, I November 28, at ten o'clock. Every-, j >ne is invited and urged to attend his service. POLICE ORDER In order that a safeguard may be provided for the children, who will be n the streets to greet Santa Claus i^iday night, December 6, we request hat motorists leave Main street be ween Wilson and Church streets free ram traffic and parked cars from toon until nine o'clock .that evening. L. T. LUCAS, Chief, Police Department" *" SPECIAL MEETING All members of the White Oak .odge 917 W. 0. W. Farmville, are icreby urged to be present Friday tight at our meeting. Supper will te served at 7 o'clock and meeting pens at 7:30. We are planning to rganixe a Basket Ball team. This rill be discnssed at the meeting; also xpecfc new candidates to be Initiated, [his meeting wiQ be worth your time, o be sure to attend. - . ? i - """HgggL ; auc%' creamed potatoes, green peas, tread, picnks, lOe; abbasre salad, biscuit. lOef peaches ^'C^, 5Cp4^^y>%J||l ' ? ' oes, corn bread? 10c; chocolate pie 5c. _'f,-i?mn^"l^iiiOiiiiittjfci' nt I'll 16&HS) Irish potato s&lddj cole sl&w> OIT/VmflOWfTf I SliVV?WM? uL I 1 ?? ?? ? 1 I ___. - ? _? -mJa^i - 1 ?orest Service., ! |SOCIAL CALENDAR] I -> V * ? Monday. December t " ;-M 2:30 P. M.?Spiritual Life Group, Methodist* Woman's Society, meets in the Church. dety meets with Mrs. Lang Davis., V -C * 3:00 P. M.?Circle No. 1, Presby terian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. Frank Dupree, Jr. . - i 3:00 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with Mrs. J. H. Harden. 3:00 P. M.?Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Service meets in the Church. 3:00 P. M.?Woman's Council of the Christian Church meets in the Church. 8:00 P. M.-r-CircIe No. 2, Presby terian Auxiliary,- meets with Mrs. Garry Bergeron. 7:00 P. M.?Bed Men. Tuesday, 3 2:30 P. M.?Ace of dubs meets with Mrs. Lyman Joyner. 3:00 P. M.?Contract Club meets at the home of Mrs. G. M. Holden with Mrs. W. S. Royster . as hotess. N 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 4 3:30 P. M.?Literary Club meets with Airs. P. E. Jones. Thursday, 5 3:00 P. M.?Junior .Woman's Club meets at the home of Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss, with Mrs. Charlie Meyer as joint hostess . - Friday, 6 3:30 P. M.?U. D. C. meets with Mrs. T. W. Lang. 7:00 P. M.?American Legion. 7:30 P. M.?Boy Seouts. 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. : " Miss Hasel Lang Monk, daughter of Mr. andMrs. James Yancey Monk, and Bob Vernon Finer, son of lire. E. W. Gunn, of Adairville, Ky., and the lata J? .fk FSser, were married Saturday - evening, November 28, five o'clock in a formal candlelight ceremcJiy in the First Christian Church. . The Rev. G B. MaBhburn | was the officiating- minister.^ U [ ??? The church was decorated in fens, j which formed a background reaching to the ceiling of; the pulpit, and with. [: baskets of white chrysanthemums and. , myriads of burning tapers ha floor candelabra. The choir' stall, draped in white, was outlined in tapers in terspersed with fern and chrysan themums. The pews were marked with clusters of chrysanthemums tied [with satin ribbon. ; A program of music was rendered by Mrs. M. Y. Jones, which included "To A Evening Star" by Tannhauser, Schubert's "Serenade," "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms," "Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes" and "Cavalier d' Rusti cana." "Liebestraum" by Liszt was softly played during the ceremony. I The traditional wedding marches 1 were used. Mrs. Jones wore a gown J of royal purple velvet with shoulder bouquet of Rome glory roses. Mrs. A. Everette James, of Rober ! sonville, sang, "Until;" Elbert G Holmes sang "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life" and the two rendered a duet, "The Want of You." Mrs. James wore a velvet dress in one of-the dark wine shades with a corsage of Briar ciiffe roses. The bride, a lovely brunette, was , given in marriage "by her father. She was gowned in a Patera model wed | ding drees of ivory ^satin with sweet I heart neck banded with seed pearls, i The dress had long fall sleeves point-. : ed over the hand and the flowing [ skirt aided in a court train. Her tiered veil was of bridal illusion trim [ mod with wide Alecon lace. The veil leas held in place by a tiara of seed pearls caught at the sides with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of bride's roses, lilies of the valley and* bouvardia, tied with satin ribbon and French maline. She wore a single strand of pearls, as her only orna ment. Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Wilson, sis ter of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a rose clover velvet in floor length with short puffed.sleeves and a matching halo velvet turban with a shoulder length veil of bridal illusion. Miss Vernice Lang Jones, the maid of honor, were a similar model dress of French lime velvet with matching turban. The bridesmaids were Mines Eva Mae Tuxnage and Mary Friar Rouse. They wore dresses of velvet, fashion ed like those of the matron of honor and maid of honor, Miss Turaage'a being a linen blue shade and Miss ' Rouse's a nugget gold, with turbans to match. All the attendants carried 1 bouquets of November bronze chry- j santhemums tied with rainbow satin 1 ribbons. 1 The flower girls were Theodora Albritton and Ellen Norris Spencer. 1 They were dressed in blue and yellow 1 dresses mads in identical mode, with short, full skirts and bodices. They J wore nosegays of forgetmenots in { their hair and crosses on gold chains, and carried baskets made of ruffled ' taffeta to match each dress and filled < with yellow roses. ' J. B. Fiser, of Adairville, Ky., was ' his toother's best man, and the ushers were Jamei Y. Monk, Jr., brother of J the bride, Charles C. Baird, of Adair ville, Ky., Richard D. Harris and W. J A. Martin. - " ' ' * Mtb. Hook, mother of the bride, wore a black crepe dregs trimmed with aqua material and jet Her hat i was a small blade model with aqua floralrtrim. Her corsage was of pink Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Iber lsft:ifd| a motor \ trip through Kentucky and Tennessee, ! en route to Fmaklin, Tenn., where the bridegroom will be w- ? Action of Miss Ellen Lyles, present- 1 id the play, "The Swamp's Outlaw" iehich won first place for them in the recent county contest. < The November meeting of the < American Legion Auxiliary was held t rhursday in the Legion Hall with Mrs. E. W. May, Mrs. Joe H. Moore . ind Mrs. J. O. Pollard as hostesses. I Mrs. S. A. Garris presided and in a I iriaf talk stressed the importance of I membership in the Auxiliary, point- I tng out that as the right hand of | he Legion it had the opportunity of I serving America. - The president announced the fol- ] owing committee chairmen for the I ensuing. yearf^^p ?* Mrs. ?. A. Tyson,-mational news; I Mrs. E. A. Roebuck, Jimusicj' ^ Mrs. I Louise D. Harris, child welfare; lbs, I T. H. Bynum, finance;. Mrs. G. Er I Ballew, Fidac; Mrs. J. E. Bynum, I *nism; Mrs. H, H. Benson, history; ] Mrs. W. M. Willis, rehabilitation; I lbs. B. R. Fields, national defense; I 1 V a.I l.wir W* v,?w I I Mrs. E* F. Gaynor, legislative; Mrs. jjV^.Joyner, local employment; Nonie Barrett. Mrs. H. W. Kemp, I ? 1 ? ? ? ? - J ~ M. V. Jones. A l?nw> fltimW of ?M. ana corree. a iarjje Humoer 01 *tw Matrons in the pleasures of the the Garden Oiubj presided over by Mrs. John W. Holmes.' Miss Tabitha discussed conservation in relation to Christmas grsens. Mrs. ES P. Gay nor exhibited Christmal'decorations made from evergreens. ? > v 'M j TSa Club voted at this time to as sist in the decoration of the town for the holidays and chose as a slogan "A Christmas light in every home." The Chib decided to dispense with the December meeting and hold Open House to view decorations with the tbur to end at the home of Mrs. D. R. Morgan. ^ ;? Tipsy cake was served followed f| coffee, candies and cookies, the latter carrying the suggestion of Christmas in motif and colors. The home o? Mrs. Morgan, lit which the meeting waa held, waa attractively decorated with handsome chrysanthemums. Special guests were Mrs. M. Y. Self, Mrs. Nonie Barrett, Miss Verona Itee Joynbr and Miss Edna Robinson.v | T^e Thanksgiving idea waseffec Ittyuy carried in the decorations and in the refreshments served by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner, who were nbsts to the Couple Club on Tuesday evening. Dr. W. M. Willis won the map's prize of' sox, Mrs. M. V. Jones was awarded mixing bowls as the ladies' prise and Mrs. X. E. Walston won the guest prise. Plum pudding, nuts and ooffee were served after the games. Special guests were Mr. and lbs. X E. Walston and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lewis. WlfC/Vr - .. ? ? y ?ora, "you are ready to buy some Christmas Seals to aid the battle igainst tuberculosis. ?, ^-'pf ? ml : . ? I .... fv?.l . -" " ' , ? ? I /. ? , '? 1 ? 1. I Carolina's foremost playwright, Paul I rijttiiJi W4 ni?riA tl.L l*t~ KIWw.,ih. "The' Swam Outlaw" nortra th . A.^ _ ? ? ? ? ? A T%^AA A__ ^ won the recent nit uounty Dramatic the Parmville Ro tary Club Tuesday evening. The visit ?f the district governor is al ways a great event and this meeting was a source of much inspiration to fite membership . From our neighboring city of Tar boro, a good speaker and a fine sing er, Governor made a splendid impres sion on the local Rotarians and do livered a. talk, which brought the fundamentals of Rotary closer to the hearts of his listeners.* The jokes with which he flavored his speech were timely and enjoyable. Irving Morgan, Jr., past district governor, introduced file new gover nor in a brief hut appropriate talk. Governor Carter referred to the meeting of the directors and commit tee "hainnen, called president T. Eli Joyner and held prior to the regu lar meeting hour, and remarked that] the Fannville Club seemed to be pro gressing and the committees func-J timing well. If you had nothing to be thankful about, in 1940, maybe you will have ftradrto be thankful for in 1941. ? PROJECTS All 4-H Clubs id Onslow County have shown more interest in project work this year; and indications are that a larger percentage of projects will be completed ami reported, says Assistant Farm Agent jade Eefley. POPULAR As Forsyth County farmers have realised, the value of terracing,-the demand for work by the county ter racing unit has become so great that all calls cannot be filled, says Assist ant Farm Agent S. R. Mitchiii^, ? ? l Vt Ol^ttt'iy C!An lr/Mi j nave Yisning speaKer j Sev 2L T Pieph^"f Wflliams j ? Cw>IM>~R^d8> ^^^7^ | ^Jb^fSjj^ I for p[rtTpfl Missions An intowitiD^ prftgram Jg yirpiWtftd, mH the public Opens Offices Here . Dr. W. Watson K^er.Chiropractic physician, announced the opening of ntHf-m. here tMn week on the second floor of th^PIt* Comity Insurance Agency building. Dr. Keffe!*, a former resident of CoaneRvOle, Pa., was graduated from Lincoln Chiropractic College of In dianapolis, Indiana, and had two years clinic internship there. Dr. Keffer cornea to Karmville highly recommended as to his training, ex perience and ability in his prof ession. The physidan is associated with his cousin, Dr. William A. Keffer, of Kinaton, in their private Chiropractic Clinic in that city, but has opened offices here and established residence, having moved into the duplex home of Mrs. J. L. Shackleford at 208 W. Church street Mrs. Keffer and their son are expected within thfe next few days. Dr. Keffer has remarked as to his pleasure in finding Famville to be such a clean, beautiful litle'town send at the cordial reception he has receiv ed, and has expressed a desire to ren der a distinctive service to this com munity. , ? Now that'the Presidential election is over, both parties have their eyes on the Congressional elections of 1042. That is what you call unity. PARAMOUNT I THEATRE 1 FABMVILLE, N. G. WEEK OF NOV. 30th SATURDAY (Double Feature) "COLORADO" with Roy Rogers and "CALLING AD HUSBANDS" c Ernest Truex and Lucille Fairbanks Plus Final Chapter "DRUMS OF FU MANCHIT SUNDAY-MONDAY "ESCAPE* . ? with ? Norma Shearer and Robert Taylor Plus Latest News Events. ? TUESDAY "QUARTERRACK" . ? with ? Wayne Morris and Virginia Dale Plus Cartoon atad Special "Cavalcade of Academy- , - Awards" WEDNESDAY "RANGERS of FORTUNE" ? with ? Fred MacMurray ? Patricia Morison Plus another Chapter "JUNIOR G-MEN" ft CARTOON _THURSDAY-FRIDAY KAY KY9ER and His College of Musical Knowledge ? ' ' ' WMf MM & ff J'^^Aal llflfliB^^^^B is f ifeMii'i is t atiWI MatflhZi Orient*! W|S "and ? ? % ' ? ?" 'i J v ? ''- fflifc'' jtiEtkPHfi ?j* * flB ^HpVCT ? jfl