? i ? 1 ' mi ?? 11 1 *! -_ a mk mm m .1 ?fcSaa - fa . - aa |i ? ? ?' i. AT -ma. I IliU If* |5|i|||i M.A lAtfliAysYlMI I Hffv { 11 ? * K^v n^!S " * " ??? ' '? '-?_ ** B ~ . ' I ? '" "'B-': B ' - ;f **^m |^Bt .'??'* -"^m B B ag ^*" BB 3 &Jg J^HUfUBi Bi w 3aRB5B^^^*Bp ' ^ ? * _ ._. I ~ ? Interesting Feature . ?.? Officials of the Pitt and Greene Electric Membership Corporation and the bmtBeea mm id Itanaville are completing arrangements for the 3rd annuel meeting of this group here ,00 Saturday, Jane 7. Members and consumers, number ing 1001, have been notified regard ing the meeting, which will open at 10:00 o'clock Saturday morning, in tiie school gymnasium, with J. Lee TtJgweH presiding. A Marge attend ance is anticipated. Representatives of the SEA office in Washington, will address the group and Mies Marian Weinetl, also of Washington, will give a demonstra tion relating to the use of electric appliances The Farmvilie Chamber of Com merce and Merchants Association have arranged to have ice water and lemonade available and will have ex hibits of electrical appliances on the floor. A male quartet will render selec tions and Bcwen's string band has been secured also for dm entertain ment of those in attendance. R. A. Joyner, operating manager, will tell the corporation of its finan cial condition and note the 80 mile extension of lines during the year, ? * ? ? ? ?t, Jt- ? Jl 'i. _ AC/I ... ?t-_ which orrngs tne qhv to ato mura of high tension Km serving the co operative. The number of consumers baa increased from 686 to 967. The operating manager will also bring observations of improvements in the operation of affairs, including: The numbering of the corporation's 3449 poles for convenience of mem bos and linemen, which enables the operating department to render more speedy and efficient service; . A meter reading card system, which permits the members to read, their own meters by the use of a self-ad dressed, postage-paM meter-reading card. This baa proved to be a great success and the members; have ex- j prosed themselves as pleased with this method and with the opportunity of saaisthig in ? mora economical opotion of the cooperative. ? There was avafoMe, as of January 1st of this year, $25,054.70 to be used receipts for electrical energy deliv ^Irtr'Set?SJ9plL Aetata* cMfrottt ? ATvi (^pcrfttjoiu WAS - r.;. fML. fn*TWStofi/>ri ^tAmkaei wnll.^trfl , TT^ , . y j. .Y, j 1T* alu^Malliiir/ *' ? . I jji montHir - ' ------- -*"-? ? -. :????- . i -- -iTrj'Jh nuLg ^ Jggifl >""? ? /t -rt ?h ' 1 Br y..' ji i /^i i',*f;^, vy?-jgake> <2/ /'rfgr?^T^f1 A j Pender's Store; pair of towels, N." Cannon; $3.00 pair of shoes, J. H. Harris; electric fan, The Turnage Co.; set of minag bowls, Dupree's Dept. Store; $3.00 in trade, BeBc-Tyler Co.; 3 chrome plated electric toasters, S electric hot p?at?, 6 electric irons; compliments YOUR CO-OP; 1 Man ning-Bowman electric beating pad, 2 Manning-Bowman t&Btrie irons, com pliments if Graybar Electric, Rich % XT mond, Va. Tickets for the barbecue dinner may be obtained by membccn "and their families or immediate Mends, at 25c each, at the time of. registra tion. HUPimUM Offnilliins -? " ? State Authority to Meet Today on Question of Defense Area Needs Raleigh, Jane 4.?Federal REA officials announced yesterday that $2,000,000 in government loans at??{loklA a* miwol- alaafyi. WUUiU UV aTOUWMO V? AIU?U fication in North Carolina during the 1941-42 fiscal year, as part of the defense program. W. P. Coppinger, regional loans supervisor for the agency, said he . would meet here this morning with State officials, representatives of BEA cooperatives and others to dis cuss expenditure of tfee funds. The ' State Band Electrification Authority, instructed by Governor Broughton to cooperate in every ' way possible with the federal pro gram, will meet this afternoon. . Coppinger said the Marine corps base and flying headquarters now; being established in tidewater North Carolina were typical of defense projects which the BEA was serv ing. t ? Thirty-four North Carolina bor rowers?30 cooperative^. one muni cipality and three private utilities? \ have received BEA allotments to- . taling $10,864,000 as of March 31. These funds provided far the" con struction of 10,822 miles of rural lines for 41,942 farm families atf$; other rural customers. to the natk^ defense" anaSwJ I sod tiie OPM. '*'?'? 1^5. r? r ? *^w- '?- sISs ?t V^m^opomd bill stated that the] , j , - ..... . ; f I aiul considered ?? an additional grant | F-^PV v'fc * *' ?"', T'.'t ' ' ?*."''--"?>?; ?J' jr* ? ^ Washington, June 4v~riealJwtt Roosevelf,- tomght^yeportedly^ .-?*>1 formed legislative leaders that he "draft property" "law which already the hottest Sffltl BCSB1QT) kind of character" of property for S?eWarfl^^?wt.^^^lrSi It was. understood that the Presi dent passed the word to the Capitol , , , " V' 3 ? ? "r;Vf ; today that he had not ff^tf|T-v>ap<<; proved the bilV thaS ha m caught off guard by the War Department actions, and that he waa agreeable to softening the hanh provisions of the far-reaching measuiaC; ? ' Be waa safi^ to have taken this position informed that the legislation was being condemned by Administration supportenas well as Republicans. The. President was exceedingly vague' about the blfl when- question ed about its scope at his press conference. Be said he had not read the measure* btit indicated that he had approved its terms in principle. He said it was intended to give the government unquestionable authori ty to insure deliveries of defense orders. > He. would not say whether he fait that permanent requisition of prop erty was essential to the success, of ' the rearmament program. &. -^'v^ ;; No Reynolds Comment. ^ ChaiiT^^I^bert R Beynolds, JX, : Hon of his displeasure. Chairman Andrew J. May, D., Ky., of the Hauae Military Affairs Committee introduced it. "by request." t> ? fcftf ' .I i?j; tlAiirt'll i ^Hfniia&i^ ivefiioras peraurantxy naa cnucizeu dwrt"^^ to through fot^ y^ of ^ . - ? ?. ?V-;T- :% Crooiuiboro, M^ftg Wp^y Ftncttcc Caroikis ml Iw1 2ix riome AcoiioiBicfc }ir,..4?cr'i t\jLi 'ii - - ^ ? ?itiv"'^' lAfi lvi? Srt^s^^ySS^J * '">?" ,-"'J **y[vt" ^ 'l^i',?v"! ?-? ? *-' ?? mers'^Kdaot have and have not had :zt?r?5r~-" _' .' .. timeintttor^^?ftrm?l?guariwi UNMfc^rfty pric^? JWt.E?^ A. O'Neill, president the American Farm Borean Federation says that end ?f A twant# that m 1941, the farmers will receive ? Before rignfaiff the 1)111, thePreai jjent pointed out that wbfcn it became iayment, plus arcash bou conserva tor no circumstances the sum I ndj ponsible for the'Loan Law agree ing, in jettict, that the "broad inten sion is that parity payments should ivoid a price above parity when add ed to the load the eoU conserva 1 The 1942 national wheat acreage: iBotment has been set at 55,000,000 ttf,t,000,000::hcteft.ft)m 19?!S? Department of A|Beulture says the reduction la. intended to ai& farmers in meeting the problem of export market losses, and mounting surpfo*. k Ittli W% call attention mwk-. matter tecdttse wo; think Hk'important ibr the^people of the.J^iitifr States, as dete STotherS^^ 00 The acreage allotment is adjusted, each year so thatj*rith the prospec tive carry-over, it .will provide wheat m m,? T i i]r ~?r^ r^wrd to cotton I ;??. *? ,???- ' u '-\. mer. Obviously, with A sup** aj irtAll'.-u' m* a?W -it. , ? kkitll 1 v":Tt^> . ?' : -i '( .? : Ali ? A.' AA # 4 A A ? - ^ir- ? .\ ? 1m i.if* t> -',a-.w ?lili"t i|A ri;^ Afc. l"j| |i ^" j^if| dlaJa vmIi to carry on betwm ijg?lSK M arc^dy to Mriko "mother iKrts ? - w.y 1 v_v { ?- y &1*.'???.IfT. - ^fo5? ?(* ii^, mwIW' WWW' Umvk Off* XOF MSIuvUJKIiB !???'." ?.t-'^S3S' ?>,v ? T^'ts'*1^*-- ? cyfejTffj *t *?? * _ * ? ^'. ? ; i '? :^W ^ v _ . ? ~ . ? ?????????" ?? *Tr * ot* editor, $sk> Gay** often ft for' premier Mussolini In^ViAy.^ef of State Petain called an urgent cat met meeting alert' temifcm ^ ^ fivBt since AMf iptta". conquering legioM |^, fat?.tfel<t trolled Beirut Mo charged that the **.1 ? . '-'?** 1 - . :_?; >,'. '*?~V;e^-- ?u-.: ??*- 'Bk*. *" Authorized Naa q?aR?i itt Ber BUm with- imuHNOl'' siciBficance. said < ^ -?- 1W >_ .1 n- 'i?-1Lf-~*n id a,la-y d li ' . ... _ . - ? mMMM v wttoiiKHWii, g X t> ' ^lA. 'ifci rtt' |i?>J11 iu^ OA11W1Q _ '? J MjPt BOOflCro^i *0000- IJWC6S S&lflfl jnm so omwed.- to the miniiaum . ? " -? ^ . -? * ^ Washington, D. C? Juno S.-Tho ?Gut of the seventh ywr of ti| F<#lfe"Si erai ::rur&^aect?flcatiott ^TOfpeva. finds approximately two million of: ' ccnitnii scsadOfot jSmmc service nc3r~ .?*^ ??, v j ,'yf. ' ? 'i *'-'' .v: iw?-aie oepanwnt 01 Agnetiiur%vfe^ sssistjsaa: tktt Administration on May IS, 1935,r BEA-fmaneed power line* alone jbavd ;;,: A taken *fcriricit? to more than half*;r : ? mflHon farm, Dming'jeMwme period ?-?' jBPBTnyJf-'.' tviqCT.'' 1 'j O V41W jgfi ^.hii ; private utilities, Irjgely stimulated by '> - the REA jjuogram, have connected :. ; 1 about as many additional farm* Harrjf Slattery^ EEA Administra tor, points out that during the past a^arts-Sis-. to Strengthen nationaTdefense. "REA i^to^p^elby, J^Mfppt^ largest Amy j?unp in the United ? ?? . J States, in record an at a sub* r * W*al oaring to the Government," he said, "Other Amy camps have b*eA:torved less dramatically but no ; V ; less beneficially. Electricity has been mads availabfte to hundreds of small :.*V. factories and mines producing essen tial defense materials?ramrods, gun powder, airplane carburetors, and rin aabar?to mention four of more than 100 kind* of industrial estab lishments on REA lines. Meanwha*^.\ by connecting' hundreds of thousands of additional farms-and by advising farmers in the selection and opera tion of -productive electrical equip ment, the REA has helped to insure % v an adequate- supply of food and fiber in the event of. an all-out defense effort which would .draw heavily; on farm manpowerr4i'?s>|^- '? ^C^immediato /.feportnh^r^nil ; cal helpPand inc?Ls<^ eMdencyTn prodiicin^ food' dta which emphasis J hap recently been placed. These foods include poultry and- eggs, milk and ?'?? '-'?v. its products, and 'pox^fHfetric Unas ? . make potiible electrical chick brood milk coolers and electric brooders for the pigs." C r Durfng its six years of operation, . f the MIA has alk>tted^CT^15,12i to ka. These funds provide for the con otter rural consumers. Bjr.XSanb'JJl^v sir wltt 726,065 eomieefed consumers. In this canoectiom, the D<swrtment electrified fMfflghf the^nited^tra on 19a(^wttMted . . m ? T I f j' A. ' ' ' ^ , and schools* .tt Att ?? ~jrt. A f iX, tt - , w y eona red prise -to get out of the red. Yet, to *^0 T**jWyWjWv*| <U vl t'-f Ulj ft UliU uUmU - -".'?' V-V"v ?*^*r ?' balanced by advance payment? total

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