Mm Jpb L is&Sti Mb A^B- B^A f V B B# flB B ^ B Js ??_ P^^^dBi sSBtamff *?* ? ?*? "'""""* Mi -* 1mb A Jb ? b MbbMB?-* ' ? - , ' ', ? 1 ? 111 . ? . - -? ? - - ?' '? "'. - " 'i. ? " """ """" T;. m*mm????^w?f??< # 'A rf. fcA^fa iiA A ? I I^Jm 1 f i _ JI^p AM^*r ' JB?* ^BPBw?^ 4BBwBBw^fc ? ^w - : c ? -JJfb'-; h kit Km <1 Ik foe ?UM.b^*ur Opening of Market is a Powerful Stimulant to All Activities Here t, * V s ? '??>' ? ' ' . The soldiers are in training camps; administration heads are busy with the problems of a nationwide defence program; the civilian population is striving to contribvte the greatest support to both forces by production! and more production; the marriage I bureaus continue to work overtime; [ interest is keen in world and national affairs; buying and selling charts are | upcurving fast; all of which is news jj ... news, good and bad, which is pre-j sented to the people daily by tbalj press and the radio, but the berti^ news to people of this community at J this time is that "The Farmville To-1 bacco Market Will Open Tuesday, j August 26th, and PRICES ARE GOOD." A native weed to Carolina, tobacco | has been cultivated in the State since [" the earliest colonial days and has I -been accorded a high place in its J economic life and definitely estab-r lished as the best money crop of this! section, which owes it growth and de velopment to this important industry L that adds pleasure to the lives of! millions. j Signs point to a banner season and] all predictions are that this will be one of the most prosperous In years.! This will be due in part to the good crop in this section of the State, and J to the reduced yield forecast, but f ? r, principally to the guarantee of gov- j eminent price stabilisation, which I will result from the AAA three yenrj control referendum of lest year. Sol farmers, tobacconists and business men of Farmville will await the I dawn on Tuesday with uplifted faces! and high hopes. The opening of the market acts as] a powerful stimulant to all activities! in Farmville.' Something of this mul tiplex activity is rejected in the pages of this issue, which has been dedicated to the Farmville Tobacco Market by the business men of the town. Farmers generally are hopeful, for statistics the first of July proved that the farm income for the United States is higher that last year, aad that proepedts of demand for farm products will continue to be heavy for sometime. Prices for livestock, poultry and dairy products have been stimulated by the Food-For-mdene* program, which has bees designed to keep the army moving on its stomach, and cotton and other commodities, assume as iwjortaat role in the pre I United States a breadbasket and eom ??>?- "n^fr ," , *" "*Ml ? '"Onpb g*plfls I to n*"1"* mxI Am trek <rf the a holiday,-wia be a wrfcaase change waed writ A? a. , , ? |_u ? ! a. ? . it . ? L a P?a*A* ^Wl W4 ? *'? ""***.'"Tvf'? ? ^ GEORGE B. DAVIS Mayor of The Town of Farmville and head of other business organizations FuD Speed Ahead Order Is Heeded By Citizens Here ? Defense Program Met With Enthusiasm and Given Hearty Support r Not only in these tobacco belts axe people preparing for a new season, hut in all America citizens are pre p%?r v. paring for a season of grim defense as events in the history of this change ing world cast their shadow. America prepares to send its chil dren back to school, its men audi women back to work, and renews its \ business pace at high gear, with the arrival of fall. But behind this casual ' "life as usual" front there is great concern over the defense program that has swept the nation in one am certed move towards the protection! ?f American ideals by mobilization of aU this nation's mental, physical and I spiritual energies. There is an aware-1 nest of the importance of being, liv ing, beting, thinking and performing duties as Americans, Defense seems to be the keynote individual, organization and business jjLjTftilcon has & valued P?t to plajr in supporting nation as it goes" "FULL SPEED AHEADP -4 | in recent months by. the Bed Crete under the leadership od^Mw^R. & I tees in'reStuMfun^a^ln 'mating hich ^tfed -j campaign was <rf Ihe ^wtofriwind type, ? | bttojf put over, most* wcccttCilly oy j j J.W.Joyner, and his i Aft-r ?'+ ?vh_ * ?. .. jT'-- *? -~ Ts :'. >'? > _ ?? jjft* fc.' 9 '. rift. - r. . ? .- _?j f. gQJuj /v^nfw'Knfrnw W?-u.jJjlx Katm o England of an amfrola&ce jjliutf Savings Tini6 ivaa I tion^laneeTshi?mmMyZd I effoij^iere mart mntu ? S" common purpose, a dream of a bet And America haa that vision before I MMV vi*iir tmp?wm w*v*v I 1 I Ti1^1 l*? tiki* I 8W iiftxwi ill - uftXMl # ? uniteu m wis j QoitKvoT" IhfMjy bu^aeM ^ttd ? j \\*S s.r '?.v?j? ? v I [fa ^JV u| hand Pf thiS j ^ ,. \ ? v i I if 1WW alA-1 has been built a great democracy?] 'I vtttr VA 14K? yl'. liUriS XII UUo lUaVr j August 21. 1941 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Faraer: _ The Town of Farmville, through the columns of this splendid issue, -extends you a cordial invitation to sell your to bacco and oat ton en the Fhrmville Harkets, to deposi^youfi money in one of Eastern Carolina's foremost financial in-' stitutions and buy with confidence from Farmville merchants. With four mammoth warehouses^ modern in every jwpeot, this ; f splendid market offers you the very best in facilities and friendly and courteous service from a trained personnel. Satisfaction for the patron is the goal of every warehouse man here, who assures you that highest possible prices will . -v v- be obtained for every pound sold this season. Faimville's merchants,-who are among the most progressive and dependable you can find in the State, are stocking new and quality goods for the fall and winter seasons, and will welcome a visit from you, ? .' ? ?: . '* ? The Bank of Farmville and our.civic institutions and agen cies will take pride in serving your every heed. Read their individual messages in this issue and give them an oppor tunity to redeem their pledge to make this season .the most profitably and pleasant of any you have experienced^ HAKE THE FARMWILLE MARKET YOUR MARKET THIS SEASON. Cordially yours, GEORGE-W. DAVIS, . MaVOF '*? Jr , Aide men: Dr. W. M. Willis J. W. Joyner # R. LeRoy Rollins J. M. Stansill R. 0. Lang * . ? . ?-. v' r-.*%;? ->?<r. s - '' ? ? . ? < c . y i [ i in" ? jf??i f : y ITVf y f-p THREE MORE DATS ] I I - I ? 4":. ,.. Three more days before the opening of the Bright Uof Belt! , ' "Bring your tobacco to the Farm- ' ville market, where the highest, prices prevail, and bay farm and qnireawnta fewap'"-' Farmville merchants. - ^.^ooarjffliutp^M|id,l^rrch anta are; . .ntttUMtrwO i# tt? i M k t A tivities Wcl ration ilS'SfeiiM Ill ftereta.. TDu?o tiooed .he. tie ??riy .day. of ft* maricet and has wccetefi^cooir^ SS^glJiSia?o? W{!a 01 the market ana the con le>? ^.attaatioa again tik ??*m. *? * ? - '.J. Ifttcs iDErkct find its functions 'vi^^tt*IUVUA30 j ? "' . jsJJs ? v - Pk &?&?& *.rfi'SE ? ? " ? -;-i^l- 3 ..; .; ', '"*1 f '^?//?r.^j' '*"? rv/' - .;? : TKa l.I?li wraoirnel of its btlVOTB I ^1' *" ? '*f/i' ; ? * ? I 1 J 1 ? pA|riMMKi| Ktf t ; I If JOHN & LEWIS Executive Secretarjrof The Farraville Chamber of Presenting Farm ville As A Town :?i? While its reputation for dependa bility and "tops" fc prices, has been ? widespread and .its marketing ad ? vantages have -brought thousands of f - "O " . iiu?t ???? people to JFarmvOle each season; iaj* afcwlday expanding; patronage, the | town realize that having the?u remain era of the business establishments, 1 " ^tn^anee of courtesy, hos nized men alike, and they vie with each other in jmwidiB* theee eaeentiato and in employing asaietfmta, whose friendly mteiert awT efficient service in the future. Business men learned the lessons of the forwfljjhj^orfe^conflict -veil. Then VWwm the l?y word, now it to ^W1 O^the mer buyew for sthe storealundUng food jawitllog feedstuffsi furniture, ? im ole tftndl^stidk iQftkcc &nd dcsltrs in - iUi** * , . _ # . A o ? - j. ? ^c68 .APfl ? &w?utup? their opportunity Partners in Effort ,fc? ^}tnm8 2?"FF The Farmvflle Market Your Market" '.?? ? - The fall of 1941 marks the 57th anniversary of the founding of the Farmville Tobacco market, ' which is Farmvilie's most important enter prise and the town and community's pride ac?1 joy. The story of the prog ress of the market is one of extra ordinary happenings. From the year of its birth, there has been a growing demand for larger warehouse space, the employment of more men and the supplying of more of the varied facil ities ^equate to care for an increas ed volume of aales^ Realising that a superior quality of tobacco was being raised in this im Wiftdlate section that, it was being grown in greater quantities each year, a group of enterprising and energetic business men beld a meeting in top ; spring of 1904 and discussed the pos sibilities of a tobacco sales market for Fannville. The idea was broadcast and grew in favor by leaps and bounds until a few weeks later a for the masterful undertaking, the contract for two wooden structures whs let and the ring of the hammer was soon heard on the opposite corn ers of Wilson Mid Field streets, the sites of the first warehouses. This market has Bteadily grown only a few thousand pound*, the modern tobacco town of Fannville is now a model of compactness, conven- * . ience and efficiency, brought into a real existence about twenty three years ago, when'the present group ?of .gigantic brick buildings rose out m of the ashes of the old wooden houses used during the years following its leaf sales houses have replaced the cradles that rocked the .infant man* . ket, andeaijh one of the thirty ?m* Stepping rtone to a. new record of achievement, bringing a justified pride to the warehousemen and citi zens I it the attention <rf theLtobac^worfd. ? The tobacco sales season in Farm ville is starting with a great show of virility this year for the market baa # been gregtfy strengthened by the' merging of the firm of Fountain's warehouse with that of Knott's. This aeb^.alt^i]the/ gewuai pattert/.i(ife^ . H the market in that there will, be <a^^f ? ? the: two tobacco leaf m&k firms, v. Monk's Warehouse, composed ofJ. Y. Monk Jr., Robert D. Rouso and men with t*e houses, | No. .1 and Under the manage- Sfej wa? sdbpted for a two fold ptn^^ofle.

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